Time goes back half a minute.

In the abandoned town, in the Heiyin community in the core area, Lin Tian's four people are here.

It can be seen that the four of them are not walking fast and walking very carefully.

Lin Tian and Xia Qingyou walked in the front, Xiang Ling Jie was at the back, Shen Qiqi was in the middle, and the four of them walked forward step by step.

Speaking of this black yin community, this was originally the most populous and prosperous place in the entire abandoned town, but now, it has become a gathering place for high-level exotic beasts!

As the most dangerous and powerful beast in this year's college entrance examination, the steel storm bear is in this black yin community.

It is also because the steel storm bear is here, so this black yin community is a place that other candidates will definitely not choose to come.

But Lin Tian is different, he is special, in order to kill the steel violent bear, he resolutely chose to enter this black yin community.

There is a strong smell of blood in the air here, and you can see a lot of ruined buildings, plus the reason for the dark, which makes people indescribably depressed and afraid.

In order to prevent a foreign beast from suddenly rushing out to attack, Lin Tian did not relax his vigilance in the slightest, and the power of the electric element and the power of the ice element were condensed in his two hands, obviously ready to fight at any time.

Suddenly, Lin Tian noticed something and stopped.

Seeing this, Xia Qingyou and Shen Qiqi also stopped, raising their vigilance and looking around.

At this moment, an arrow shot from the shadows into the drone flying above their heads, destroying it.

"Lie down, who is it!?"

"Come out quickly, don't scare your fat master!!" Xiang

Ling Jie was startled, his body stood up with cold hair, and the giant shield in his hand almost fell to the ground without holding it.

"Such a weird place, it's not a foreign beast.... Shouldn't it be some kind of ghost!?" "

What the hell, I've seen too many ghost movies, fat man."

Lin Tian was speechless, his gaze fell on a grass in front of him, "It's a person, secretly and deliberately destroyed the drone, it seems to be the enemy." "

Come out!" Xia

Qingyou took out her dagger, her eyes locked coldly on the grass in front of her, "No matter who you are, dare to attack other candidates during the college entrance examination."


, there are regulations on this, and candidates are not allowed to attack each other during the college entrance examination.

Once discovered, after the investigation is completed, the party that takes the lead in provoking the attack will be permanently disqualified from the college entrance examination.

It's just that even if he knows that he has been discovered, the person hiding in the grass has no intention of coming out at all.

On the contrary, in the next second, several arrows shot out from the grass and flew towards the position of Lin Tian's four.

"Hey, fatty, don't stand silly, I'll leave it to you.

Lin Tian said and pushed Ling Jie with his hand.

"Eh!" Xiang

Ling Jie couldn't help but be surprised, and after standing firm, he quickly set up a giant shield and blocked the several arrows that were shot.

After seeing that he blocked it, he was also relieved and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Fortunately, there is a giant shield, or it will become a living target itself.

"Not bad, good, well done. At

this time, someone came out of the grass with applause.

Five people walked out directly in a row.

The person in the lead was none other than Zhang Ze, who had formed a hatred with Lin Tian before.

In addition to Li Dayan, there were three more men following him, all of whom were unfamiliar faces.

"Zhang Ze!?" After

seeing that it was him, except for Lin Tian, there was no reaction, and the rest of Xia Qingyou and the three were a little surprised.

Of course, they naturally knew that with Zhang Ze's character, he would definitely look for something in the future.

But what they didn't expect was that Zhang Ze actually dared to look for trouble in this college entrance examination!

After all, the regulations were there, and candidates who attacked each other would permanently lose their qualifications.

Even if his family has money and some power, once he loses the qualification for the exam, this cannot be remedied in any way.

"It's really a good chance that I actually met you here."

Zhang Ze put his hands around his chest, and the corners of his mouth raised a malicious evil smile.

"You fart, we have a hammer with you!"

Xiang Lingjie didn't have a good face for Zhang Ze, and directly opened his mouth and stunned back.

"yes. Shen Qiqi stepped forward, "It's still during the

college entrance examination, what do you want to do?" "Do you want to permanently lose

your college entrance examination qualification?" "Lose your college entrance examination qualification? Hahaha

!" Zhang Ze looked at Shen Qiqi and couldn't help laughing, "What a big joke! See for yourself, the drone that followed you has been destroyed by us!" "

Come!" Zhang

Ze turned his head to look at the boy with glasses behind him, Tell them how long it will take for the new drone to arrive.

The boy pushed his glasses, clicked on the tablet in his hand, the corners of his mouth raised, and said with a smug smile: "Ten minutes, ten minutes to get here."

"This time is enough for us to kill that Lin Tian, which I calculated based on the data." "

His profession is an auxiliary profession, data engineer.

Many things can be calculated from data, and some high-level data scientists can even predict such incredible things.

"Data engineer..."

Xia Qingyou frowned slightly, one of her cousins turned into this profession.

Basically, everything she calculates from the data is accurate.

So since the boy said ten minutes, the new drone should arrive in ten minutes.

No wonder they dared to come out so boldly, they originally wanted to use the ten minutes that the drone was not there to kill Lin Tian.

It's just that his skills as a data engineer don't seem to be very powerful.

He's really sure.... These five of them can kill, Lin Tian...

"Hahaha, if you hear no, a new drone will fly over in ten minutes!" Perhaps

feeling that he was about to successfully kill Lin Tian, Zhang Ze suddenly laughed maniacally.

His gaze fell on Lin Tian, and he looked a little crazy: "I tell you, these three people were found by me at a great price, just to kill you, Lin Tian!" "

Although you can reach the top of the rankings, this surprises me.

"But don't worry, soon you will disappear from the first place! It won't take ten minutes

!" "Give it to me!!" With

an order, he collected the money to do things, and except for the data master, the other two summoned their weapons.

Through the precise eye, Zhang Ze could see the rank and occupation of the two of them.

The left weapon is a high-level class, Fierce Fist Warrior, level 19.

The weapon staff on the right is a high-level class, ice attribute magician, level 18.

Zhang Deji.

Zhang Deshou. "

The two of them reported their names, and the data master behind them also reported their names," Zhang Dewan said. "

Yes, the three of them are triplets, three brothers.

And hearing their names, Xiang Ling Jie's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't help shouting: "Lying groove, you just collect money three times!?"

"No, it's not an acquaintance, it's just that I've heard of it. Xiang

Ling Jie smiled and scratched his head, "Yuyang No. 2 Middle School, the main thing is to collect money and do things."

"As long as the money is given, the money is in place, and the three of them are willing to do anything, so they are called the three evils who collect money."

"This way. Lin Tian and the three understood now.

Here, when Zhang Deqian and the three heard what Xiang Ling Jie said, the corners of their mouths rose wildly, and they were very proud.

I really can't imagine that my reputation is already so great!"

"Well, since you know that collecting money and doing things is the only rule for the three of us, let's prepare to die." Zhang

Dejian, as the eldest brother, took the lead in rushing towards Lin Tian as soon as his words fell.

According to Zhang Ze, their target is Lin Tian alone, and they only need to beat him to a half-crippled person, and finally leave it to Zhang Ze to kill.

"These guys came at me.

"So don't make a move, I'll take care of it all."

Lin Tian's gaze suddenly became dangerous, revealing a killing intent.

He said last time that the next time he met Zhang Zezuo to die, it would not be as simple as a slap.

Xiang Lingjie and the three also listened to him, and no one would make a move.

After all, the college entrance examination began to see all the time, and now, the three of them were the ones who knew best how strong Lin Tian's strength really was.

Even if ten more people are given to Zhang Ze, fifteen people together will not be Lin Tian's opponent!"

Zhang Dechou waved the magic staff in his hand and read out the incomprehensible incantation.

Several short ice thorns condensed in the air, and in the next second, they stabbed towards Lin Tian's body.

And Zhang Deqing's fist suddenly ignited flames and hit Lin Tian's head.

In the face of these two different attacks, Lin Tian's face was full of disdain, and he did not put it in his eyes at all.

With a gentle wave of his hand, several blue rays shot out into the air along his fingertips.

In an instant, the power of the ice element formed several ice spears up to two meters long, flying towards those ice thorns.

At the same time, extremely hot flames erupted from his hand, not looking elsewhere, and hitting the Tekyu fist.

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