Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] Houfu, kiss (8) (how to quickly defeat the slag ...)

The classmates in the college found that the long-term tremendous change. When they were in class, they did not listen carefully, and they didn't seem to be gloomy in the past, and the whole person seems to be loose.

Sometimes, when I went home, I met at the door. I used to be calm with the feelings as if I can't see their Jiubi Master. I took the initiative to smile and greeted them.

This college is a place to go to school in Beijing, and the Mon Ji is also a great effort to send the little son.

The original palace in the college is very bad, and the classmates don't like him. The reason is to think that the original Lord is always a look, everyone is a boy who is almost born, most of the sex, the outside, if you meet It will be greedy and greetings.

The result of the original Lord? People greeted him, he is when people are air, the three-year-old child who is perfunctory is seen.

So, the same window gradually unwillingly played with the original, thinking that his eyes were higher than top, and he couldn't see them.

These days, the long-term, even a good mood of the spring breeze, and they are both awkward, and I feel that there is anything.

Doesn't he always see them?

Why are you suddenly enthusiasm, as if they are very familiar.

Ji Changze looked in the life of the Chinese. After a few days, I wrapped around, the gentleman who willed him reluctantly gave him, he took the book, walking, looking back, see it on the road Two teenagers who made a squat, shouted with them.

"Zhi Zhi, volunteer, have you still gone home?"

It is precisely called two caps that are so enthusiastic to say, "..."

People smiley, they are not so embarrassed to be as cold as usual, can only be smiled at the squeezing of dry Barba: "Yes, are you going back?"

"Yes, it's so smart, it's better to go, I remember that we are very good."

When I heard this, I heard this, and my eyes were on, and I walked in the past.

Cooperation: "..."

We have not promised.

Why don't you ask us to ask us to agree?

We are not familiar!

As if I didn't see the face of two of them, I didn't see them in two steps, and I was confused and turned: "What happened?"

Two people: "..."

They looked at each other, and they still pulled their faces. They could only drag slowly. They didn't want to follow them. At the time of time, they should listen to the front of the coming in front: "You are really Slow, it seems that the martial arts class did not learn well. "

No, you are clear, we are slow, don't want to walk well with you.

But fortunately, everyone is sitting at the chair, and I can spread it.

Then, at the entrance of the college, they were facing the long-proof of the carriage to pick up, caught in silence.

Ji Changze is still cool and smiling: "What is it, go."

Wang Zhi: "Is your carriage?"

When he finished, the smile in front of the young boy's face suddenly dared, and there was a little embarrassment in a pair.

Ji Changze is slightly down, whispered: "Father fined me, don't allow me to take the car in the house, only allow me to go to the college."

Of course, the facts and he said, it is a little bit.

Ji Master was not allowed to use the Hou Youth, and the carriage naturally included it, so every time I went out to play, I have to take myself.

He was looking for time. When the Master went out, he was sitting in the horse. He deliberately revealed the expression. The other party suddenly got off the bus, when the people at the gate of Houfu were princed for a long time.

Then, Ji Changze will "obey the father's life", no longer take a carriage.

The two are full of surprise: "Walking? Houfu is not close to the book."

For young masters who have sent them from small to most, they will go back and down to go back to the sky.


Ji Changze is still a fashion, but it is very happy to come out on his face: "But this is worth it."

worth it?

What is it worth?

Ji Changze: "Although I have to go to school, I can learn peace in the future, I'm not bad."

It's really worth it.

But the problem is.

Can you learn from your horse? ?

They were forced, and they went to the long and smile, and they took a shot of the shoulders, and the face smiled as a sunny eye, and the face was happy: "And you can go with you, take some roads. Not worthless. "

After that, he waved: "Then you have a car back, I will go back, I will see tomorrow."

After finishing, he turned and left.

There are only two more, the more you listen to the other window, the face is looking at the long face.

"Rao, do you understand what he said?"

Zhou Rao Lingzheng shook his head: "What about you?"

Wang Zhi also shook his head.

"If he said, I understand every word, I don't understand how to make it together?"

What is the value of what they don't sit?

The meaning of this is not to say, can't you talk to them?

It is the title of Qi Yixian, which is hard to do.

The two can't do it.

But you can be confident.

"Is it that Chang Zen did not call us before, because someone didn't let him do so?"

Wang Zizhi stunned.

"Isn't he can't see us?"

Zhou Raun made a soul question: "Why do he look down on us? Although he is Houfu, but it is just a prostitute, we are a scorpion, heard a few people in the Houfu, we are more than him. "

In the past, the pair of pairs were obsessed with the long-term, and they were still so unwilling to feel close to them.

This is really a king's aristocrat.

But the Houfu is no longer more than that year, Ji Changze is not a prostitute, it is not very strong, and the mother is not a official.

Why don't he see them?

Once anger is not flat, it has become evidence.

"Yeah, he didn't make sense before, we can get too much more than him."

and so……

Ji Changze has never been with them, is it really forced?

But even the prostitute, that is also the prostitute of Houfu, who can force him?

When the two people gave a clue guess, Ji Changze was going back and went back in the book.

The original Lord did not see the same windows in the book, he couldn't see the same window because he had more excellent, but he wanted to do with a better person.

It is also a grade, and those who have the ability to have the doorway, but they are in the country.

As Ji Chang Yan, as a grandchildren in Houfu, it is an enrollment in the country, he is gentle, has paid a lot of friends, and those friends have not yet entered the DPRK, but they can be unfoy.

The original owner is very eye-catching, looking forward to the moon, I want to follow the moon, and if the Nations Register is only one, the elder brother goes, he can't do it.

If the old Hou Ye or Ji Master thinks that the law is not able to find a magazine to send him in, but the Master is a lot, and even if he is raised in the knee, it is not so big to be two people. Going to pave the way.

So, the original main heart has many unsuccessful.

He is not willing to interact with these "do not enter the stream", consciously do not count anything, after all, whether it is where, it is the eldest son, and these students who have been sent to the college are not a long.

Otherwise, there will be no country in the body.

For a long time, he became the one who was the most never taken here.

Everyone is the young master of Jin Zun Yugui at home, who is willing to go to the face. Shares.

I remembered the expression of the two people who had just proud of the prince. Judi is estimated that it is not three days. He does not communicate with the same window, it can spread throughout the college.

After all, this two people, but the famous gossip king in the college.

Sure enough, when I was the second day, I had a lot of students in the mortuary, and some people showed a triumph and greeted him. After he was enthusiastic, the face was first revealing the ghost, then A pair of "It turns out what they say is true".

In the morning, students who came to talk to Ji-you said at least ten.

Di Changze is very close to them. It seems that he is in front of him.

Even the most outrageous is that the test is finished, and the long-term is actually the top of the list.

To know that he is barely.

These with the same window are also a face, no one go directly to say that they are suspected of the long-winning cheating, but the testing of the past to ask about the contents of the test, the results of the long-term Zemp are not to say, and they also caught the opponent's foot. .

The poor student listened to the dizziness. When I came back, I was not good, and I was too long to say: "He is absolutely not cheating, just with what I said to be more difficult than before."

"Strange, is he not to learn?"

"This is nothing. He didn't go to the list before, suddenly fell, mainly to understand, why did he change this big, before he laughed from me, I almost thought I didn't wake up."

"What happened? I heard that he was threatened, not letting us, so I avoided us before."

"At the foot of the sky, who is so mad, even the students of our college dare to manage."

Wang Zizhi squeezed into the students discussed, and no one watched the side (in fact, it was secretly sneaked), lowered the sound, and said to them with a "I have a big gossip".

"I heard from the Yuezhi, the mother of my three aunt's mother-in-law, I heard that every time I was a lot, his father had to find an excuse to reprimand him. He has long, and the Changze is slow [bad] "

This is an out of the game.

The teenagers who have been listening to the same are not equipped, and they have squeezed: "Really fake? Why do he do your father do this? Ji Changze is a good thing, it is also a light on his face."

"Maybe it is for the sake of the sake?

Wang Zhi's face "You are too late" expression: "Where is the sake of scorpion, I am often reprimanded."

"Where did you hear it from Zhi, can you be unreliable? How do I listen to this mystery this?"

Prince Chi joke: "I don't believe it? It is what the people who have served in the inner courtyard of the Houfu, or if I have a wide relationship, this seven turns abducted, I can't hear it."

"And before the previous Ji-Zen said that his father did not let him take the car, if it is really sad, how can such weather not letting it."

Everyone is a face.

When I went back, I looked at the discourse-friendly look of serious reading.

Is it really what they misunderstood?

Ji Changze is not a poor understanding of people, but is forced to be such as filial piety?

But ... why?

The Chang Ze is listening, pretending to have a group of people around him, doing students, copying notes.

When I went back, I had a good student who had my own test results to go back to the invitation. It is not good to be sneaked to hide and try to put it. I haven't happened.

Zhou Rurai is buried in the head, and the eye angle suddenly found that Ji Changze is actually being hidden.

He is the top!

"Ji Changze, don't you bring these back to the family?"

After that, I saw the expression on the small young face next to it panicked. Some smiled: "No, I take back, but people feel like showing off."

how could be?

Who didn't know that the long brother of Ji Changze is a famous talent in the country, and the brothers, but all the results enrolled, how can people feel show off.

Zhou Raorang asked his own question.

The smile on the face of the long face is, it seems that it is very lost, and the small voice said: "My father ... I am not very good when I enrolled. If he saw it, he is afraid that it is not good."

Zhou Huiling: "..."

Look at the long and left, whispered to the big mouth, Zhou Zhi, pleading: "You don't know this, your father is the most face."

Zhou Huiling: "..."

He squeezed out the sound from the eyes of the scorpion: "So before ... is also your father, don't let you exchange with us?"

Ji Chang Zai sighed: "When he entered his school ... The relationship with the same window is not very good."

"The front of the grandfather knows this matter, I can get tones, but it is still not too high."

Zhou Huiling: "..."

No wonder.

No wonder.

The father is still not refuted?

Everything is unreasonable, so a father on the stall is reasonable.

Ji Changze saw Zhou Rurang's looks changed, whispered: "In short, don't tell others, after all, is my father, I am not good to say what he is."

Zhou Rurang immediately looked up, and it contained wireless sympathy and . ..

He patted poorly, actually to be smashed by the endless father, full face, full of sympathy: "Do not worry, ensure that the mouth is like a bottle, this is the secret between our two."

When I was grateful, I was grateful, and he became more sympathy.

I didn't find that I was so pitiful.

"Brothers, there will be what you talk in the future."

Ji Changze nodded, once again: "You don't tell others, I don't want them to sympathize with me."

"Reassured." Zhou Zhengli patted his mouth: "The little secrets between us will never tell others."

A lot of ........

At this moment, Zhou Rurai is really sincere to keep secrets for this poor.

But in a fragrant, he couldn't help.

"Zhi, I told you something, don't tell others."

Zhou Zhengli lick your mouth.

Zhi surname king, no name, no one.

Doesn't he be destroyed?

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