Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] Houfu (9) (how to quickly defeat the slag (one more) ...)

Ji Changze is in knowing that the old brother of his sickness is a role.

Since there is a more easy and simple and simple way, you can walk, what he has to suffer, haha.

After spreading the rumors, I bought a bunch of medical books on the way back to the road. I went back to a person to turn over the house, and I put it under the bed.

When I was lying in bed, I went to bed, and he was taking a moment of Ji.

According to the combat power of Zhou Rao, it is estimated to spread throughout the capital.

I really look forward to it.


I don't know why, Ji Lao recently always felt that his eyes were weird.

Today, there is even a more familiar colleague that is more familiar with each other. "It's a good time to test, if you want to test, I have a lot of books. you."

It is always a low score to floating and whatever. "... Don't have to be, I am not interested in the rankings of the age."

The colleague looked at his eyes and complicated a bit: "Something, then."

After that, all the colleagues turned around.

I don't know if I am the illusion of Ji Master, he always feels that the other party seems to see him.

How can it be, he is a Houfu, in the future, to inherit the title, the year test results are good, will not hinder him.

Ji Master quickly threw the abnormality of the colleague, in case this time I have to go to the flower floor.

The old man thought he didn't give him money, he would manage him, think of beauty, his friends a lot, even if you don't pay, there is a big man willing to pay for him.

Holding such an idea, Ji Master swayed to the flowers, his fox dog friends did drinking alcohol.

Ji Lao's face raised laughter, I have never been able to say hello, seeing "Friends" saw him, the face changed.

"Yuan Law, are you coming to the flower building?"

Ji Master is somewhat awkward, sitting around them under their stiff line: "I will find you, what is there today?"

I immediately stood up with his recent friends: "I suddenly remembered something in the family, first left."

As soon as he said, the rest of the people also got a doctor, and a master of the unauthorless masculine is like a flood beast.

Ji Master is a face: "No, wait, don't go."

People are gone, who will check out for him? ?

He quickly locked a single movement slightly slow, and only came out and stood up and did not successfully ran out.

"What happened? How did you look at it like you don't want to deal with me?"

The friend looks awkward: "You didn't listen to the rumors outside?"

Ji Master: "?"

He didn't hear normal, who would pass the rumor to the front lead.

"The outside is saying, saying that your own mediocrity is born, your son, but if there is something, it will be reprimanded. You are a long talent, but the body is weak, but he is throwing medicine, harming him seriously ill Field, now you have a stinky street outside. "

"We don't care about this, but if you know that our people know that we are with you, you must be, you can don't blame us, you also understand, come out, everyone is better, I'm gathered, I'm, don't Chasing me. "

"Friends" is the same as being chased by the dog, and the scorpion is called a fast.

Ji Master's blood is as if it is solidified, and stiff stations have never returned to God.

How can it be?

How do they know?

He clearly did not tell.

Yes, Ji Master is indeed a jealousy.

Of course, it is not a long-term long.

He jealous, accurately, even a little afraid of the long.

It is not obvious before the age of five, just like the peas, it is delicious to eat, practice, and back.

Later, he cared for the teacher of minister, and a big quarrel with the audience, noisy, a slap in the opposite face.

At that time, he was lying on the bed, he saw everything.

Since then, Ji Chang Yan has changed his eyes, it is no longer a child's confrontation to his father, and there is no child's innocent.

It is only a child, but inexplicable, Ji Master is a bit.

Later, the long-term dramal slowly grew up, and he was booming the talent. He went to the country to supervise, and the year was taken, and he did not be selected, but he didn't start, he Because of the illness syncope, you can only give up.

Everyone knows that if it is not a physical reason, it has to be returned home, and the head is derived from the DPRK. He will definitely play a world.

At that time, there was a bidding of the Di-Chang Lani to be the trend of the owner.

After that, he couldn't afford it. It was a sponge for a sponge to be like a warm voice like a patient. When the father said, it was awkward.

Slowly, I found that the long derived Buddha can't get better. Ji Master did not have a jealous of the heart, gradually shaking, and even dared to break into the scientific density.

I have to say, I looked at that year, it was always calmly in front of him. It was unrestrained when he was in bed, and even the brightener was unimported.

How do you excel, how to be blue is more than blue?

Not ultimately to fall in this way.

But these ideas have always been the deepest secret in his heart, and the father is jealous. If you come out, there is any face to be a person, and you can't say anyone.

What can you?

Why did you have this rumor once?

How did they know? ?

Ji Master will panic, I feel cold again, he is almost immediately locking down.

This son is too smart, must be him, he is returning to his farce.

His brain is hot, gloomy face, and the way is in the past, and go straight to the long-term derivative.

It is also in the same way as the elderly.

The people in the house were in a quiet thing. When he saw him, his face immediately exposed alert look, a pair of afraid that he would play people.

Ji Lao Mathers can't pay these, directly ignored the long-term forefront, cold face and asked the eldest son:

"Ji Chang Yan, the rumors outside are not you!"

The long-faced face is pale, and it is weak. It is lifted to the father's appearance. The eyes flavored, then I think about it, slowly reveal a laugh.

"I thought it was the people outside, but now I see my father's appearance, I really have something really."

"Be a father, actually will jealous of your son, it is true to talk about it."

Ji Changze followed the nod: "Yeah, my father is so big, how is it so unimble."

Ji Master is a little scruple to the eldest son, but the prostitute who has not paid to this is not the same.

At a glance, I saw the embarrassment of the long face, and I immediately recalled it before this guy was a white lotus.

The new hatred hated together, Ji Master pointed to the long-term long: "I talk to your brother, what kind of mouth you plugged!"

On the face of Ji Changze, I suddenly showed a bit of fear, and I rely on the elderly: "Big Brother ..."

The long degradation of the pale to the blood vessels and visible hands, and the patted younger brother, lifted the eyes and disappointment to the Ji Master: "Why do the father be more than a child."


Ji Master is not angry.

It is pointed to the hands of the long-term trembling: "What kiots he counts?

Even the grandfather is already a look of hate, and the long is still still indifferent:

"He said the truth."

"You this reverse !!!"

Ji Master wants to do his hand, one raise his hand, see the cold and faint look of the face, and inexplicably.

In the mind, he had a self-hearing that he had a self-supporting waist, pushed his wife, and he almost let her fall down the stairs.

If it is not the servant of the audience, his pad is in front, so high stairs, Monoadic people fall to death.

At that time, although I felt that I was not like, but he was petting the other party, and the Monoison did not hurt, and I wanted to make a little lesson.

As a result, it was not seriously ill, and it took people to bring people into the courtyard, pressed on the center of the yard, sitting next to him, looked at the people to play her board.

When I got the news, I had been blurred by the sage, and the people who were being hitted, and the old man called the Yun Gongzi, but I was holding the book in front of it. It seems that I didn't see it. Wine perspective.

Seeing him, Ji Changzhi put his book, holding his hand, regardless of his fear trembling, forcibly letting his palms are on the back of the blood, smile and say:

"Father, you like, if you like, if you go to the flesh, the white bones that are exposed are not very good."

The picture became a long-lasting nightmare of Ji Master, until the ministerial demonstrated disease, he slowly shaked it.

Now, look at the long-lasting, and the old man is straight.

As if, the nightmare is back.

It is impossible, and it is dead.

He won't get better again.

Although this comforted himself, the fear of Ji Master is still not reduced.

He is stiff and putting his hand down, and he also wants to find an excuse: "You are weak, I don't care with you."

The long is a laughter, as if the father is laughing:

"I know, Changze is soft, it is soft, my father feels that he is so good, but he is in the mother, the father also looks at the mother's face, do not bully this child again."

Ji Master just slowed the god. When he heard this: "I bully him ?? Is his design to degrade me!"

Ji Chang Yan smiled and obviously did not believe.

"Father's jealousy, Great Tianshui, has spread throughout the entire capital, at this moment, don't put it again in the face of your son."

Ji Master: "..."

"I ?? Those rumors say that I am jealous of this child?"

He is unbelievable to rely on the scorpion of the eldest son.

The Chang Ze seems to be very afraid, retreat, whispered: "Father, son did not say, yes, they are guess ..."

Ji Master: "???"

Ji Master: "..."

"I don't have, I really don't, how can I get a waste of such a thing?"

The sound of the long-term sound: "Do you have anything wrong with your father?"

Ji Master: "..."

He can't refute it.

However, he is obsessed with a minority.

Is the TUII Changzhitun? ? ?

Xi Changze is so waste, the others will actually believe? ?

An inner heart of Ji Ji is unsecured, looks into a circle, but I saw a sight of the room with a disabled look at him.

As a father, , is also impossible for this.

This is simply the most incredible bossard.

Ji Master: "..."

"I don't have a long-awaiting, you will not trust this ghost?"

He also looked at Xi Chang: "Long Dean, Chang Di, you also believe in ?? Do you believe him?"

The head is derived, touched the head of the younger brother, moderately: "Changzhi is simple, is pure, it is better than your father's credit, but why can't I believe him?"

Ji Changze also nodded: "Thank you for the long-standing of Changze."

Ji Master: "..."

Ji Chang Yan: "Okay, I'm doing something, the lord is drunk, and the lord is pleased."

The people who served next to the people had told them, immediately pressing the Polypan: "Master, you are careful."

Ji Master is indeed very careful, because the people underwent him directly, his pace can only be hung in half, struggling to struggle.

Waiting for them, deliberately equipping the mood of the mysterium, the face of the mystery is immediately falling down, turning a smile.

"Father must be very angry."

The minister's face did not change color: "Let him feel angry, so many years he fill it on his mother, always let him taste it, it is fair."

He hoped because of his father smiled and brother her brother, the heart brushed a regret.

If it is possible, he even wants to be an old tree that has a rain that is rain for the mother, protects them in the world.

Not like this, I can only look at the thirteenth year old young brother faded. It is so popular that he is in the same year, forced himself to grow.

Mother has two children.

In your own heart, the Changzhi still wants to make Changze care worry and grow up slowly.

It is considered a mother, it is, it is, it is flat, there is no childhood regret.

Unfortunately, he has no time, and it can only be sorry for this younger brother.

Outside the hospital, Ji Master is still shouting.

The people took the busy to grabbed him out: "The master, you are drunk, the big brother is weak, you don't make trouble in his room."

"Do you not like to go to Hu Mu Niang recently? Do you take you?"

"Fast, go to the soup."

Hold by a person, Ji Master is still struggling. The silence of being silently embarrassed, there is no ability to have no ability to have no ability to be angry.

It is a pity that the double box is difficult to hold, and they are held two times. It is simply a salted fish to be a salted fish.

Hu Yu Niang heard the movement and saw this scene: "What is the master?"

One of the people who are serving themselves, there is no meaning of the Lord to leave the face at all:

"Xu, listened to the Chinese people, knowing that the heart is This is a penalty, drink more."

The grace of salted fish lying in the corpse heard this suddenly swindled the corpse.

The misery of screaming and angry and angry is in Houfu, and a few innocent birds:

"I am not !! I am really no !!!!!"

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