Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] Houfu Sizi (12) (how to quickly defeat the slag ...)

Although Ji Changze got a lot of pile, there is a matter of fact, his medical skill is really good.

After all, it is an old fritter. It is a medical skill, he learns how much it is, and he will hear a small number of people in the age of 100.

When I returned to the duo, I went to the Mrs. Zhou again, I'm very embarrassed to show my shame on my face.

"Auntie is more ceremonial, you don't blame me, it is not easy to learn."

"Where is this is learning, and a hundred-year-old buse, we don't know how many doctors say that there is no way, you are only treated once."

Mrs. Zhou is really prone to the long-term service.

On the one hand, the gratitude to him is also because of his real material.

No matter what he is learning, there is no reputation, it is a hundred years old.

It is so boastful, and the general young people may have been happy, but it is sorry to be in the face of the longevity.

"Pour, it is not a good treatment once ..."

Mrs. Zhou is surprised, isn't it all?

But think about it, it's good to have a sudden treatment, maybe there is a follow-up treatment.

She was smiling, took out, took out a piece of jade, I plan to give Ji Changze as Xie Li, and I plan to ask about what to do, I listened to Ji Changze and said:

"The disease of the centenary younger brother, the buse can be a good time, but the sky is the symptom of the sky, but the treatment of fine water can be completely cured."


The jade in the hands of Mrs. Zhou fell directly on the ground.

But at this moment, she can't take care of this jade.

After a few seconds, she immediately grabbed the hand of the long-term, and it was simply called a rescue of a rescue of straw, and I would like to ask: "Changze, you, what you mean, 100 years old Tianyu Can you cure??? "

"It can be cured, but I haven't been able to shorten the treatment time, but I have no problem in the year. If I believe in me, will I do a million younger brother?"

After the answer of Ji Changze, Mrs. Zhou tangled and endured, still did not hold back, tears suddenly filled.

"Well, good, good, my brother's letter, my aunt is handed over to you, Changze, as long as you can cure hundreds of years old, the aunt will promise you, you will be grateful to you, our whole family thank you."

Mon Ji Mo's excited station is unstable. She is unstable: "The nephew, I'm crying, this is a happy thing, how can I cry?"

"Yes, yes, I shouldn't cry, I have scared two children."

Mrs. Zhou rushed to wipe the tears, and the long-term roads and Zhou Yizhou said: "You are tired, go to play."

She has to pack up her mood, I want to think about how to repay Changze.

Looking at the two children left, Mrs. Zhou did not suppress tears, turned to the hand of the little augster, and the crying of the crying.

After crying, it is a good gratitude.

"I really don't know how to thank you, really, the nephew owes you a big man, if you can really do it, just call me now to die."

"What do you say is, it is a family, Changze is raised in my knee, and I am also taking you and my brother is aunt. He cures 100 years old, it is to govern your own cousin, it should."

Wrong people listened: "Yes, yes, we are all family, I have never felt that you are stupid, raising someone else, so you can come out, you are a good child, long derived This is good, and Changze is also good. "

She then said: "You, Long Yu Xiao Jing you, love your brother, Changze also honor you, for my brother to pay for the doctor, you know, the hundred years old disease self-portrait, we will take him through famous doctors, It's not good to say, but Changze is cure, I see, Chang Yan is not an income. "

How do you know how to know.

It can be cured in Tianyu, and Chang Yan is the symptom of the next day. It is reasonable to be better to cure.

The nephew also said that she had a child. When she was raised, she was raised, and now Changze will return him, for her pro, my son go to learn medical treatment.

Listening to the mind is also warm.

She has been in the middle of life, she is worry-free when she is ten years old. She is like a tiger nest after marrying, but the only thing does not regret is to raise these two children.

Mrs. Zhou also remembered Ji Master, and took two sentences: "It is cheaper. The two children are clearly educated. He has not intercepted, and he has two good children."

When I mentioned the master, the Mono Mono is faint: "What is he doing, the long derivative and Changze are called him, but it is just a feeling of feelings."

Mrs. Zhou: "They are doing your mother to you."

The Mo people laughed.


Long derivation and Changze are in her.

What is the man, her two children are all uncomfortable.

This is enough.

Ji Changze took a hundred years old and joked in the Di-Danctuary. The other party is sleeping, there is no way, and there is more ill, I started letting sleep.

He took the opportunity to give the minister, and he was almost the same as him.

It is necessary to put down the hand of the long, but listen to the cold and not secret next to: "Learn medicine?"

Ji Changze did not preparation, but not to eat, looked up with a thick face: "I have learned it early, just learn, this is not, come to the big brother to see."

"It seems that you are here."

Di-headly gave a lot of this younger brother, as if you are asking your body, you ask: "Let you take your hand, how old can I live?"

Ji Changze chest. Guarantee: "One hundred years old, no problem!"

Judging to see him.

Half sound, smiled at once.

Laughing and smiling, redness:

"Well, the big brother is 100 years old, give your mother and you."

After a friendly communication with big brothers in BOSS, Ji Changze began his own unlicensed doctor.

I will govern the hundred years old, and I will also control a few skin care Fangzi to grasp the monk.

Monologist recently looked at the big son than a day, good mood, good mood, plus Ji Changze gave her a pulse, according to symptoms, do not give her a good money.

In no half a month, she is a new state.

Ji Changze is a standard happyism. It has been worn by the old lady for more than 30 years old, pulling her to bought a lot of cloth, and taking them a few brightened new clothes.

Those who compare the young color Ji did not feel able to do it, but when she looked at the mirror, she as if she returned to the twenty, she was a general young face, she ordered her son, changed some of the brighter clothes. .

The intimate little son also accompanied her to the gold and silver building to buy jewelry, and seriously ask her what kind of jewelry that young girls will like.

After he asked him, he took the private house to secretly touching it in the sleeve. The Mono people only felt that their mood became a lot.

This look is to buy a fiancee, the little son respects this thing, let the monks have been facing the sad husband after the marriage, there is a lot of mood, quite a kind of "this world is not composed of Slag men, but only me I have encountered a slag male ".

When the two returned, they did that they saw Ji Master at the door.

Recently, the master is more miserable, and no one is willing to play with him, and the house is not given to him, he will have a lot of time before him, and now it is still good.

I can't sit in the door.

Ji Master was originally thinking about looking for the outside room, who knew it, and the moisturizing of his money before listening to him, his face immediately Change, all kinds of crying.

Although it is easy to say when this person encounters "true love", it is very no brain, but he is not a fool.

At first glance, I didn't want to give money. Ji Master immediately turned his face, pointed to the other side, and did not expect this guy. It is also a role. Open the door and cry.

Only when a man came to find some weak women, he also placed the place where the departments were just the alley of ordinary people, and the neighbors of the streets heard it almost fingered, but they did not recognize it. He is a man of Houfu.

But this is also enough to lose his face, and the face is ashamed, just arrived at the door, I saw the Mo caring who was on the stool.

During this time, the agent has been drinking medicated diet. The loss of the original body is made back, every day, every day, I have a good morning to get better early, sleep until the big dawn, occasionally, the mains will also adjust the mask mud to make a masculine Face on the face.

Yesterday, the mood is in a good mood, even hiding in the house.

She seems to have returned to the second year of China. At that time, she was pair with her pesticides, playing the piano, playing, and when I danced, I looked at the bronze mirror to gradually restore the red face, but also Happy is full.

This kind of happiness has continued to go today, even if I saw the bad husband who came back all the way, I didn't erase.

The monk looked at the master of the Ji Master, and said unfamed: "Master is back."

Then I went back to the government, I didn't see the Poly.

When I dtroke, I didn't return to my memory for too long.

Lady ... Is it so beautiful?

He looked at the gods, completely forgotten that he was a mud point on him.

I didn't even pay attention to Changze, I have turned over, and I have stepped on him.

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