Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] Houfu (13) (how to quickly defeat the slag (two in one ..

How did the lady have a good look?

Ji Master is sitting in the house, I can't think of it.

He clearly remembers that the lady is just flat, it is okay, it is very gentle. At that time he also loved a period of time.

But when there is a woman who is playing in Wenyu, and the Mrs. Ji is always all kinds of people, drinking too much, to take it, don't fight in the umbrella, going out, playing for a long time, Also always seeing the lady, usually, it is not safe so late.

Also always do all kinds of soups, he drink, Ji Master, a bunch, still lack of soup?

He quickly bothered, gradually no longer going to the discipline, one of the sake of the door, although the lady just started seemingly uncomfortable, but soon, I will play a spirit to help him hold these.

Ji Master never has to worry about the backyard, because the lady has been helping him.

Until the

The two are obviously couples, but they are like a stranger in a house.

Ji Master is spent outside, and the Mono people do the mother in the government, and no one is disturbing each other.

But how did she become so good?

Ji Master has recently been done in his hand, the girl's girl does not receive him, and the outer room has just been with him.

Now I saw such a beautiful example, he immediately tried, take a shower and changed her clothes, I went to the garden to turn a circle, picking a flower, sorting the hair, heading Just went to the courtyard.

After a long time, I have never been exposed to the close range of Ji, and I have quarreled recently, but I still remember that the Mono people are very good.

When he was just married, he was in the army, and the Mon said that he would be angry. At that time, he as long as the sweet words came, and the Mono people would forgive him.

As for why the relationship between the two has dropped to the ice point, then it is not because he didn't go to her.

Now, as long as he, the lady is sure to be as before.

Think about it, Ji Master even a little fine self-sacrifice, he all the way to meditate on the various sweet words and prepare it.

Just let him see the face of the lady, ensure that the lady will come back.

Holding such an idea, Ji Lan is full of confidence.

Then I was stopped at the Sadman's class.

Shantou carefully, the tone is plain: "Master, the lady is already sleeping, it is not convenient to see you."

Ji Master looked at the big sun hanging in the air: "This point ?? Sleep ???"

The girl does not change color: "Yes, the lady is somewhat uncomfortable, sleeping."

It's too early.

Ji Master is full. Love is realized to fight a clean: "Then I went in and didn't have noisy, you let me go in."

Shantou is still not going to step: "The master, the lady is in charge before going to bed, no one is gone."

"I don't see her, I just put this flower in the house."

Seeing that I didn't speak, I was a wrinkle, I put on my heart: "Houfu's master is me or lady, you will not let you sell, I will sell you."

The gimmick is not threatened, still in the words: "The soldiers of the slaves are in the hands of the lady, if the lord wants to sell slaves, wait for the lady to wake up and she said that it is, the slaves have no complaints."

Ji Master: "..."

He simply intended to play without rogue, and he just pushed the little girl. Several people didn't know where to get out of the small and smashed, and they were dead and dead. Ji Master.

Ji Master: "..."

"Where are you from ?? I don't know if I have a little longer than the sixteen, can you enter the backyard?"

A few tendon meat, the height of at least one mean of Xiaosheng station is stable.

"Small fourteen years old."

"Small fifteen years old."

The last one is the most strong, watching a face, there is a four-year-old, the rush, "Small thirteen years old."

Ji Master: "..."

What is the thirteen? ? Thirty years old is young.

"You don't want to give me, how can I have never seen you in Houfu?"

The voice of Ji-Zen said behind him: "The father didn't see it. These small sons were bought outside, they were also pitiful, selling the funeral, the son lonely lonely, so. .

Ji Master was shocked by his voice, turned around, and was scared by Judican Zhu Zhu's ascending.

"Long, long, how do you drop?"

The long-faced diffraction is still a little pale, but it is better than before, it is being held slowly by your brother.

When he heard his father, he smiled slightly: "What is the father said, his son is not locked, how can you not come out?"

Ji Master is in front of this big son, and it is almost written on the face from the heart.

"It is not this for the father, just say, you are not sick? Why don't you raise your house, look at your father, still distressed."

"Thank you, my father is careful, my son is not a big problem, the disease is also different."

When I heard the illness of the minister, the gods on the face of Ji Lan were stiff.

"You, you, have you???"

How is it? ? ?

Is he not dead? ? ?

Ji Chang Yan did not see the unbelievable and gray gods on the face of Ji Lao, still laughed with a very mild answer: "Yes, it is also the credit of Changze, he learned medical skills, cured a few times, son The body is actually almost the same. "

Ji Changze followed: "No, the big brother now is still almost a period of time, and the father is happy. If you see you happy, you can't say it."

Ji Master: "..."

He barely squeezed a smirk: "Happy, happy, father is happy."

He is happy to hate a slap in his face.

In the heart of effort, it was necessary to adjust it for a few seconds. Ji Master was reluctant to sneer. He wanted to express loving, but unfortunately, it was a bit a little failure, and it was not like crying.

"Changze, how did you have never heard of you still spend medical skills, actually can treat your big brother's disease, you are really ... amazing."

It is almost biting to teeth.

"My father has known, and my son did not expect his son. There were some talents in learning medical treatment. Have you been looking for your mother, but what is it?"

Seeing that the line of sight of the long-standing line is in his hand, Ji Master silently put the flower behind the back.

"Nothing, just come and see your mother."

The minister of the skin is not laughing: "The mother is not suitable for the mother, and the eyes are not good. I have no father, my father is still don't come to find my mother."

Ji Master responded that there were ten seconds to realize that Ji Changze seems to be .

He suddenly became a big eyes: "You this!"

"Big Brother!"

Just after the speech, the little boy was immediately hid, and only half face: "You see the big brother, when you are sick, my father is so fierce, he also took the stick to our yard. To hit me, if not, if you are not a grandfather's timely, I am afraid that it is going to be killed. "

Ji Master: "..."

He is stiff and looking at the line of sight, and his cold sight is over.

Ji Master: "... The thing is not what you think."

Judi did not listen to him explained, but only a light road: "Since the father and mother are separated for many years, you still don't want to bother your mother better than you."

As for this. "

He is still a little weak, but the pace is very stable after landing, and the Ji Lian, who is going to the next, goes out of the two steps, and won the flower in his hand.

Throw it on the ground, faint: "Father did not send flowers to the mother's habits, and did not send it later. The mother saw it, I was afraid that it would be more annoying."

Ji Master looked at the flower that was thrown on the ground.

Small acoustic argument: "When you are small, I am also sent to your mother."

Judging is not moving, and even if you don't even look at the cublice, you will walk through him.

Ji Changze is a thorn: "The big brother is a child, my father is hurting, now?"

"Big Brother, Waiting for me, I have something to ask you."

Houfu's nine young masters ran quickly, and I didn't know if it was interested, and I was on that flower.

The flower is turned on, and it looks at the wolf.

Ji Master strenuous standing in the same place, only slowly squatting, picking up the flower.

In fact, he is really looking forward to being born with long.

After all, it was the first child. At that time, he would sleep in a pregnant monk in the evening. When the child moved in her stomach, he would be gently listened to her belly.

Later, the lady became a child, he also worked anxious to look at the girl outside the house, and the top ten, and pray for the old man to bless their mother and son.

When did you start, he gradually thinks that his lady is boring.

It feels that the long derivation is not like a child, and even let him feel afraid.

But at the beginning, this is obviously what he is looking forward to.

Ji Master holding flowers, looking at the broken petals, a drop of liquid drops above.

Ji Master: "..."

He looked at the liquid on the petals, and took a hand to touch it, he didn't touch it, and found it to reach out.

"Is there a handkerchief? I wiped my nose."

Shantou: "..."

Her heart is full of dislike, and there is no expression in the face to pick up his hand, and I have to give her a strict condition in the other party.

"Don't have, the master take it, the slaves have other Pats."

Who wants to touch his nose, vomiting.

Ji Master didn't realize that the opponent's disappointment, but bowed down to this little girl's good face.

Hey, this girl is watching him.

Hand Pass is given to him.

Hey, unfortunately, the people around the wife, since the death of the elderly mother, the lady is not allowed to touch the people around her.

I'm sorry, but I can't touch him not to be a flower. I haven't forgotten to the gimmick before I went to the gimmick. "I can't help but you, I can only say it. "

Shantou: "..."

Seeing that Ji Master wiped his nose. I haven't forgotten the flower before I walked. She disappeared sneezes, walking into the house, just seeing the Mrs. Ji. Before looking at the background.

Shantou heart is tight.

The lady will not really be soft.


The Mo carried out her voice and slowly returned: "You look at him, it seems to be very affectionate to me."

She has always been gentle. At this moment, she is full of cold chills, and if they say it, it seems to bring cold.

"It's really disgusting."


Ji Changze is also comment on the behavior of Ji Master.

"It is to find that he doesn't care about him, so I finally discovered that my mother was best for him, don't pay attention to him, then I was refused to be aimed."

"That sentence is saying, late is more than grass."

The end of the minister is right, heard this, lifting this: "Who said this sentence, how did I have never heard?"

"I don't know where to hear, anyway, I have heard it, but I think this sentence is still not right, what is wrong with the grass, how can I be more than people? At least the grass will not Danger's disgusting thing as the father. "

The head of Dao Jing quietly looked at the brother who had a roast string, and his eyes did not pay attention to his own sight. He had to eat more, he had to remind:

"Changze, I am still in the ill, I can't eat this."

Ji Changze finished a lamb skewers and threw the sign aside: "I know, so I am not eating it only."

Judgment: "I can't eat, you are eating in my face, is it not too much."

After that, he saw his bad younger brother and suddenly realized, then he had to continue, and he contained it and contained the confused integrity. The general came: "This is not a lot of big brother."

The director of the minister sighed and continued to ask: "What do you say if something is going to ask me, what is it?"

"In fact, there is no big thing, just want to say, Houfu seems to have no money."

Ji Changze three two times, the rest of the grilled string, took out the hand, wiped the mouth, and turned around "small problems, no things".

"My father as long as I like something, I have to buy it. I haven't worry about him. He has no heart, he will be a strong moving room. Now Houfu looks like it is okay. I actually gone how much money, I will I want to ask the big brother, how to deal with this matter. "

Judging of the head: "Do you want to say what to make money?"

"If you make money, the big brother is naturally able to earn, but this Houfu is still a father, waiting until the big brother doesn't know how many years."

If the father, the person is nausea, but it has never arrived in the part of his hand.

Ji Di knows the potential meaning of your brother, and the eyebrows look at him: "What is the meaning of you, what is better?"

The long look is smirk, not, just laughing.

Let's go to the ears of the big brother, whispering a few words.

The look of Ji Chang Yan has gradually changed, waiting for Ji Changze to sit back, it is a little surprised to see him.

"Is it true?"

Seeing his first reaction is not this definite, but how to do it, Ji Changze praised it in his heart.

The sexy and talent of the long, if it is not ill, I am afraid that I have already sat high.

"The big brother is rest assured, since I mentioned it, I have a grasp."

I got Ji-Zen, and I didn't hesitate to learn, and I picked up.

"If it is really possible, it is also a good time to give your mother."

When the two brothers made a lot of plans, Ji Master had given up the court of discipline, but chose a wait.

This is a child, I don't know if I am the illusion. He always feel that the other party seems to be very willing to wait for himself.

No, it must be an illusion.

How can I have a waiter under the day?

I. Night past, Ji Master swayed, and wait for her, immediately hiding in the house, crying, and serving the gimmick, looked at the master, the small voice comforted: "Yu Niang is alive, if it is Calling my brother, I have to be distressed. "

It's a little bit of crying, but it is full of sorrow: "How can I not cry, he treats me what, I will give him a son, if he gave him a son, if he is true I gave me people, I hanged, so I hanged, so I won't be tired of my baby. "

"Yanyiang is almost crying, the lord didn't say to give you people? Maybe he won't agree."

"How will he give it to each other soon? Although they are a flower floor, they have been innocent, but he is a sweet words to redempt them, and the old beads are doing an object. Send it to others, if they know this, it is better to ride thousands of people in the flower floor. "

I am so young when you are in the flower floor, you can save your savings.

Waiting until the old flower floor will not deduct people, as long as the money can be separated, when you take the money, it is not good.

Now it is good, married to the Ji Master, do not say it for the slave, but also to be transferred to others.

They are ours, but they don't think about doing a few people.

I thought that my family gave her to her, saying that there was a big man listened to the long saying a few words, I wanted to come over, this is already notaving, now the adult is in her family to listen to her. Is there any sister's sister, I want a sister to wait.

It is necessary to put it in someone else, and it is not necessarily a letter.

But who makes Ji Master have an inner department.

He is this person, I like new and old, and once I have a new happiness, I have become an eye, and I will give it.

There was a boy before, it was because I was a big mouth, and I wedger out of the dog. I had a bed with the bed, and I had a heart to ask him. He actually really wants give.

If the matter is not a lady to know, it is afraid that it is that the waiter is not despised by his daughter, can only hang it.

This can stop being a little bit of hardship, but the lady is tough.

His own son daughter a lot, more, not very care, anyway, the child is so big, he has not intercepted, the days are good, he doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, I am more embarrassed, "I really have been sent out, what should I do if I have to do it?"

The girl comforted a few words, suddenly thought of, a hand of the sea: "Yu Niang, let's go to the lady."

"Mrs. Ren is willing, there will be no matter whether it will be."

This is small, usually, I don't dare to join my wife, I have hesitated this, and I have some hesitation: "Is the lady really tuned?"

"The meeting, certain will, the lady can be the family, the most is the right party, even if it is for the fourteen brothers, it will retain the mother."

"You look at the nine brothers, but the mother is waiting for a few years while the mother is, they will be treated by Jin Zun Yuxi as a child. The lady is so good, the fourteenth brother is also called Mrs. Mother, she will definitely Help the mother. "

I listen to the waiter, the bottom of the heart is really hope.

Everyone knows in the backyard, the grandfather is a non-spectrum. If the lady is taking tube, they have long said that it is a place.

She made her body to help her life.

In the yard, he listened to Xiao, saying that the Mono people want to be with the Ji Master and.

It's a sunny day, not outside.

Didn't have a lady asylum, they still have any good days.

It's alright, I'm dizzy.

The news came back to the backyard, and fainted a bunch of faints, but the darkness of the crying, a moment of the whole backyard was in heavy.

At this time, a woman who served around the long-term is because one of them is a little relative, and I have a good idea to this.

On this day, the Mo-DV person took a long time to buy a child. When I bought a curtain, I just got a yard, and more than a dozen have been rushing out, I'm going to kneel on the foot of the audience, crying Liver intensity:

"Lady! If you leave, what should we do !!"

"You don't dare to stop with your master and from slavery, but you can't take us away !!"

The monk is in the case, just see a few crying, poor white beauty, a weak, hugging her thigh, smoking, crying:

"I beg you to take us, don't make anything else, you only take us as a kitten puppy, when a woman is aunt!"

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