Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [I will wear] I don't want to return to the country. (7) (t

As everyone knows, even if Hua Guo is still very poor now, the number of people is absolutely on the top of the world.

Especially Hua Guo's big masterbo, at present, if the northerners meet in the southerners, they are absolutely not understood by the other party.

Therefore, when this investigator said that this paper conveys a dialect in encryption, dialect information is still "saved me", many people feel a bit unlikely.

After all, the owner of this papers can be Ji Changze.

He is the only one in the first batch of public students who choose to stay in the K country and is effective for K country.

Ironically, his family is poor, from primary school, every time I enroll, I have enjoyed national policies, and I have not spent money until the University.

Even if you study abroad, it is also a public study abroad, all costs from the state.

As a result, this can be said to be a talent that has been cultivated by the country, but after the academic generation, I choose to stay in the United States after school, and I haven't returned to the country.

When I blinked, I was still in K King for so long.

For such a long time, he is not only in the newspaper, and the K country has been praised.

His family is excluded by the same village.

His teacher saw someone because he has no face.

The principal of the president was deeply tired.

He is in K, and a call has not been played at home, and a letter has never been written.

At the beginning, the Chinese who had studying in the same period did not believe that he would do this decision, personally on the door, but was shamed by Ji Changze directly.

Coupled with Ji Changze has always been praised by the public, stepping on a one, K people may not be happy because of his touting, but the Chinese people will definitely stepping on the Chinese people because he is a Chinese man Foot is full of anger.

It is also good nationwide, but in the hometown of Ji-Zen, his name is almost all hooks.

In addition, after coming to the K country, the news is a Jubi Chunfeng, and not only entered a very important K, a great treatment.

The impression has been deeply rooted. Suddenly they believe that this should have a chic and pleasant, actually saving people with Huazhong dialect, really a little magical.

"In addition to this sentence, can you group other words?"

If there is only two words, it is the possibility of coincidence.

The investigator who recognized this dialect took a closer look at it.

"Nothing, only this sentence."

"Will it be a coincidence? Ji Changze is not a research institute, is it very good? And I remember that you are not the same towns."

"Yes, but this is true that the dialect of my hometown is correct, put all the letters, is pinyin, but because it is a dialect, it seems to be the pinyin like Hua Guo."

This investigator is also unpractored. He spelled this dialect using the pinyin:

"You see, spelling can't use pinyin, but use the Chinese to miss the meaning, the most important thing is the last sentence.

This is a word, when we read these two words, it will not consciously take this tone word, but it is not written. "

He said, in order to demonstrate, read it with a dialect.

Others always feel that this may be a simple coincidence, but if the Chinese want to save domestic, it is indeed paying attention.

Moreover, this time is too cold.

They are to investigate which Chinese is the K country who is caught. The result is just that the "Ji Changze may be rescued".

The two things are uncomfortable, it is really not thinking more.

But you can't find it out, you will have to report to China.

"In this way, we found the processes sent by Ji Changze, and then take a closer look."

It is still very simple to find this paper that is in public, and buy K countries to buy back.

This old newspaper is still very good. After buying back, they live in Chinese streets, carefully screen the above information.

I finally found all the information about the public's speech on Ji Changze, finally in a paper in the past half a year, I found a sentence, and the same sentence is the same, the same "save me".

However, this "save me" is more like coincidence, it is not the first letter, but must be obliquely read on the newspaper on the newspaper, in order to spell out a dialect version of the pinyin "save me."

If you don't have this class, this can be said to be hard.

However, this time, this time, "Save me" this information, maybe Ji Changze In order to make people get a quick crack, give up the first edition more difficult decryption method, not only simply and rude directly choose to put information in the first line .

In order to attract attention, these words are very hard.

Similarly, the first sentence is "Today's weather is not very good".

He is hard to exchange the order, write "the weather is very good, today".

It's hard to have a hard time, they are smooth with the first edition, how to see a coincidence, and then look at this version, I think this is the owner of the papers.

"If this is true ... In the past half a year ago, if I didn't remember the wrong, I was almost what he found at that time?"

As a rebellion of the rebellion of the motherland, the rebel native of the K country was left, and there was a self-hearing in Hua Guo. It mainly stated his first half of his life. He cleared him to bring Huazhong confidential information to the K country.

Inside, he has publicly expressed his comment on the students who disdain to Huawang.

"Wait, I will see this newspaper accurate time."

The best group of memories picks up the newspaper and looks at the various things and time of the above record.

After half a loud, I looked up, and the goddess: "Yes, that time."

Everyone faces each other.

In other words, at that time point, Ji Changze will openly expressed his remarks that he had to stay in K countries, while in the newspaper, in the newspaper, it communicates information.

Obviously, he is not a very precise.

"That is to say, he was saved at that time."

"Mom, if it is true, this thing is too horrible."

"What did Ji Changze encountered anything, let him use this way to save."

The most experienced team leader first interrupted the various conjectures of the team: "Don't guess it first. Since we only found these two newspapers to hide the help information, then take a closer look, these two In addition to rescue information, there is any other common point in the newspaper. "

"If this is really rescued, he issued a rescue message, always confirmed that there is any information we have received? Determine the way the information may be in these two papers."

It is always impossible to only send a message without the connector.

Everyone thinks too, and study it seriously.

"Yes! First Edition, he used the park opposite him to the park, saying that when he looked at the park there, he always saw the park sculpture, the second edition also had this park sculpture."

It has been separated for half a year, but it has written a park sculpture so that it is now a coincidence, they don't believe it.

"Take a few times about the sculpture of the park, and the Changze is definitely hidden inside."

Several people are almost written by words:

"The first version said that he can see this park sculpture in the book window, and he will open the window every morning, and breathe the fresh air of the K country, look at this sculpture."

"The second edition also said that it will push the window to the fresh air of the K country in the morning, but the flowers under the sculpture of the sculpture are very beautiful, and the end is said, beautiful like the stars."

The team leader is getting more and more serious.

He fixed two newspapers a few minutes, and finally put the newspaper down.

"If you guess it is right, this Ji-Zen is not what we are looking for. The Huandi who arrested by K is absolutely being controlled by K, can only be saved to us by this concealment."

"Even half a year ago, he has already sent a rescue signal."

I have encountered anything, in order to let Ji Changze open to the K country as the big Zhangqi drum, the K country, while using such a miling to almost not seeing.

"He may have no traitor at all, but the speech is controlled by the K country, we all know that he never writes or calls family, before he publicly speech, we think he is cold.

It can now be seen that if he really has been delivering the information, it is likely that it is monitored, otherwise it will not be saved in such a way, no matter what the situation, let's go, if we agree, we immediately and him Join. "

Ji Changze still didn't know that Huazhi has seen the information he put out.

He is appreciating the various old newspapers that Elisa running break legs, because Chinese employers said that they didn't remember which newspapers were published in their own papers, which journal, Elisa had to pick it out.

Then, a face is numb, sitting in the chair, it is invisible to put a pair of big legs on the table, holding a newspaper, various boasts:

"Oh! I am really a genius, Elisa, help me contact someone, I want to put my paper on the newspaper, so that every friend who came to my family, all Can fully appreciate my talent. "

Elisa: "..."

You can get it, how can you have a friend?

"Hey, I have written this paper. When the feast is still colored, I can't do it. I still need to learn more than those who are famous, I still need to learn, Alisa, what are you? "

Elisa quickly returned to Shen and: "Yes, you are right."

However, she was so happy that she was still in the face of the Chinese employer's face of the Chinese people who had just been happy.

He picked up his mouth, and he became cold: "Is it? Do you think so? I don't think I am still not enough to compare with those celebrities?"

Elisa: "..."

Wipe, forgetting sometimes I can't think about what she should do.

She is returning to the quarter, hurry to change the mouth: "I don't have no sorrow, I mean, you have indeed collapsed, as for Mr. God, you can't compare with the celebrities, how can you have such an idea.

You are so genius, of course, you can pay the same as they take! ! "

"Oh! Elisa, you are always exaggerated, how can I compare with a celebrity." Xi Changze said, but the smile on his face did not go.

Seeing people, I Lisa peasant, in the heart of the heart, "Next this dead Chinese said where to say where she is not good, he will not be able to bear it, he is just that [of course is not a gentleman, you Special good] ".

Then, he has to come back to two "Elisa, there are too few people who have seen, I am actually not so good" and so on.

Chinese employers call this behavior to humility.

God! See the humility of ghosts.

Eliza's bottom spit, Ji Changze is looking for a coincidence that can be calculated from the context from the original paper from the original text.

Before he found a newspaper in the study, he found a newspaper in the past half a year, and barely used the dialect of Hu Guizhi to spell out a "save me".

Thanks to the original university roommate, the bridge from L City usually likes to say dialects, although the original Lord has not listened, but it is also enough for Ji Changze.

After that, it is a smooth entry, plus this sentence in the latest published papers.

Many of his more things before, only Hua State, K country, in order to give him, and must go to Hua Guo's "in stock".

Plus the previous "bedside sleep guidance K people think he escapes", make this or easier, just make the window open, then calculate the angle from the door to see the entire bedroom, plus the time from time to time I want to return to Hua Guo.

Elisa's thick feet are not a professional nanny spy will be immediately first, think he wants to escape.

And a Chinese who didn't have a friend in the K country, there is no familiar person who fled, and all the places where the K country left K country, can you hide?

Of course, the same residence is the same as the Chinese, especially the same public students like the long-term

Can be used as a public students to come to the K country, can be stupid to go, Hua Guo is poor, it is behind, but the absolute protection of Huawang, once they perceived that the K country is arrested Chinese, it will definitely want to think The message is passed back.

The K country "in stock" will cause Hua State to pay attention, the K country arrested the Chinese people's presence will lead the short-term Hua State to find out.

Because the people of Ji-Zen want to go to the family, and the conflict with Er, the K countries will only be more eager to leave him.

I don't want to think about it.

Let him abandon him from the motherland, and if you want to return home, you can only choose the K country as relying.

Ji Changze only needs to wait for the media to interview, and will have an early preparing the paper.

Once the people of the motherland come to the K country, the K country will become the best link to handle the information to the Warrior in order to force Hua Guo to completely give up the long-awaited report.

This version of the dialect is just a test. If the Hu Guoai who came to the K country confiscated information, or if he didn't understand the dialect at all ...

It doesn't matter, this is just a plan 1. Plan 2 and plan 3 is still behind.

If possible, 456789 and other plans can also be spare.

Elisa glanced at the long-standing shakes, just took a white paper, start writing paintings on it.

The Changzhu paint is very fast, of course, the fast price is that this pain is really simple to understand.

Elisa: "Mr., is this this is a snake?"

Chinese employer glanced at his own stupid nanny: "Elisa, you really need more learning, how can I have such a culture, this is a dragon! Dragon, don't you know ?!"

Elisa looked at the twisted strip of the paper: "..."

She is what the dragon grows like Hua Guo, but this ... this is more like a cockroach, she just said that the snake is still in order to please other directions.

"Yes, you are right, I am too university, you can't recognize it, I can't recognize it."

"Don't be discouraged, I Lisa, I can clearly know that I am stupid, I don't know if I don't know."

Elisa: "..."

fuck! fuck! ! fuck! ! !

When I saw that I was going to put down, she worked hard to take a breath, reminded:

"Mr., you forgot to give this dragon."

Chinese employer waved, very dislike:

"Oh Aisa, you don't know how to talk, this is called dragon, meaning, because I painted too well, so if I got my eyes, it would turn into a real dragon."

Elisa: ... You are quite confident.

"Okay, when I breathe fresh air, I Lisa opened my window."

Eliza's heart is embarrassed, and the face is very distinguished and pushed the window.

Ji Changze stood up and looked at the scenery outside the window.

In the park where you are not far away, he can clearly see a sculpture.

At this moment, in the lawn in front of the sculpture, it is quietly lying on a small red star.

Ji Changze suddenly laughed.

He returned to the desk, re-pushed the pen, on the dragon's eyes.

After the painting, he said to Elisa: "This is a perfect painting, I don't have it for so long."

Elisa looks at the Chinese employer's [eyes]: "... Mr., your eyes, it's quite ... Chic."

"You don't understand, painting this kind of eye is called Long."

After that, Ji Changze stacked the paper into a paper plane, blowing the forefront, throwing away from the window:

"You see, our dragon is getting up."

Elisa looked at the small paper plane and fell to the floor downstairs: "..."

Who is with you.

"Mr., I went downstairs to buy food."

She is afraid that she will stay with this Chinese again, and the brain will follow the incompatibility.

After the next building, Elisa came to call and complained a lot: "Do you hear it? God! This Chinese simply neuropathy, you didn't see the dragon, he painted simple three years old The child is not as good.

And he actually throws the dragon folding plane, oh! Oh, God! He said that this is a painted dragon, what is the eyes of his painting, I have been so big, I have never seen an animal that grows like that. "

When Elisa kept complaining, a pair of shoes stopped in front of paper planes.

When the group members from Hua Guo got a few steps after the paper plane, they had a few steps, and they were pretended to unintentionally disassemble.

The paper is open, and it is a dragon in the taking off.

The eyes of the eye draw a pair of small pentagonal stars.

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