Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [I will wear] I don't want to return to the country. (8) (t

Ji Changze is standing on the window, looking at the small paper plane being taken away.

Although I don't know the opponent's face, it is an Asian.

His mood has a lot, and a piece of paper will continue to write painting.

When I Lisa came back, I saw this grandfather finally was willing to work, and I was relieved: "Sir, are you working?"

"Yes, I have a new idea."

The Chinese employer looks good, this time is not written half of the time before that, and throws it.

Instead, I have been in the table, and then put it on the table, I am full of face: "Elisa, I am really a genius."

Elisa is working hard to have an excitement.

She followed for so many days around Juru, it was a bit aware, as long as the Chinese contributed to K state, then she was completed.

"Yes, you are of course a genius."

She asked: "Do you want to give these places to you? Maybe they will give you a reward."

"Of course, although I don't like the environment in the institute, this idea requires improvement and truly experiment."

After the long remorse, I sighed.

He looked at the scenery downstairs, as if it was brought to homesickness.

"Elisa, I miss Hua Guo, in my hometown, today is winter, should eat dumplings."

Elisa: "..."

Her feelings have a hunch.

Sure enough, Ji Changze turned to her: "I want to eat pork leek stuffing dumplings, I want to eat Hua Guo's pork, Hua Guo's leeks, not Hua Guo, I don't eat."

Elisa: "..."


She tested the long-term smile: "Mr., Hua Guo's pork ... I may be difficult to buy in K."

"Alright alright."

I have always been very good today, but I didn't have it because Irieda didn't agree, but I was full of blushing on the window, I hope to go out of the sky.

Seeing him is not angry, Elisa is even more than before.

I have been tossing for a long time, I always feel that Ji Changze will not promise it.

He won't it be a big trick?

Elisa tried to be pleased: "Mr., or I will give you a chicken stuffing? The dumplings of chicken stuffing is also very good."

Ji Changze is still full of face: "I never had a dumpling of chicken stuffing."

Elisa said: "You can try it today, I will shave all my bones, you only use meat."

"No, I don't like to eat what I have never eaten."

The young Chinese refused very simply: "Moreover, pork green onions, pork leeks, pork cabbage is the most delicious dumpling, what is the chicken flavor is good, eat dumplings still have to eat pork flavor."

"Ah, since you will make chicken flavor dumplings, you will be more packaged, give it to the downhorn cat, the poor wild cat, I can understand their wandering mood, after all, I am like this."

Elisa: "..."

So why she wants to ask a lot.

She is depressed and her dumplings.

Downstairs, as if it is just a hules of Huazhong, the country, work hard, and looks at it.

After reading clear, use Chinese and companions to communicate: "Is it the long-term forefront of the window?"

Another vision is better, looks up, and determines the nod.

"Yes, it is Ji Changze."

"He is really imprisoned."

The people who talk about the Dragon of the Dragon Painting.

As long as I think that the international students in the Huawang are not only forced, the K country is still leaving a variety of proclaims, and the whole Chinese is regarded as the enemy. When it is a betrayal, they are full of angry. .

"He has been watching the sky."

The long appearance of Ji Changze is good. When he looks at Sswen's reading people, when he sits on the window, look at the sky when he is in the sky, look at the perspective of the Huazhong Group of Huazhong, is a poor Chinese. Just imprisoned birds in the cage, eager to freedom.

"If Ji Changze really has been controlling the speech, then he is too miserable."

"First, I have to check it carefully, and this picture."

A more stable group member bowed to the drawings in his hand: "What information will there be,"

Before retreating, both people couldn't help but looked up and finally looked at it.

The Chinese people sitting in the window are white. When I look at it, I don't have any solar, I can see it in the weekdays, full of face is depressed, and the sight is always looking to the sky.

It's too awful.

Too pitiful.

Which Hua Guo saw this scene is not difficult for him?

The K country has always been overbearing, and it has always been high at high gestures when contacting Huazhong.

Since Ji Changze is being imprisoned, it can be seen that it is valuable in the mind of K, and it can't be a lot of respect here.

Maybe, I have to endure the words of the K people in the K people.

And he does not only have such a situation in K state. In China, it is also necessary to be shouted, and he is not understood by the relatives and elders.

The two are firmly looking down, and they will continue to check the last time after the end of the bottom.

Ji Changze, really suffered too much.

The Leaving of the Hua State Group member does not know.

He is still staring at the sky.

Blue sky, white clouds.

"Elisa !!"

"I want to eat marshmallows! You will buy it! To be the most sweet, don't eat!"

Elisa, who is busy in the kitchen: "... Good gentleman, you will wait."

I was abused, she actually didn't have because I thought I thought I was an angry. I even took a kind of dumplings, I didn't eat pork stuffing dumplings, now just want to eat a cotton candy, I have to hurry Give him the idea to go downstairs.

I am a little bit of a small festival when going downstairs.

Xi Changze is so good, the result is actually so good today, as long as a cotton candy can be angry.

The result is hard, go out to engage in marshmallows, and being stopped by colleagues downstairs.

"Ji Ji just called the Institute, I want to resign to China, the reason is that today's winter, he wants to eat the pork leeks of Hua Guo."

Elisa: "..."

She knows! ! !

She took a deep breath: "I understand, when is the pork with leeks?"

"The flight is not easy, I can only use private aircraft, according to the fastest speed, you should bring these ingredients from Hua Guo today, the Chinese people pay attention to the winter solstice, so you have to prepare in advance, let him be twelve in the evening. I have to eat before. "

But I don't want to know that even if pork is not expensive, but start a private airplane flight, the number of spending is not a small number.

Not to mention, in accordance with Xi Changze, you will have the sex of the world, you will definitely be a child every day.

They also have to buy a group of pigs from Hua Guo, raise in K, ready to stand.

After the colleague finished, I also criticized Elisa.

"Next, what do you want to refuse, I have been less stable, I have to go to the Spring Festival of the Chinese, I have to go to the Spring Festival of China, and the Huasay people pay attention to the Spring Festival. If he wants something to eat, Meet, will definitely be more troublesome to return to Hua Guo. "

He went to say: "The Ji has already said his idea, and the news from the study is that the news there is always to stabilize him.

Once this idea is made, it is mostly the research value that is doing now. This time does not say that Ji wants to want pork. If he wants gold pork, we must also satisfy him. "

Elisa took a deep breath: "Yes, I understand, I will notify the superior next time."

She took a heavy footsteps.

Going up, I saw Ji Changze Zhengli's legs reading a book on the sofa.

When I saw Elisa, I immediately started complaining.

"Elisa, you don't know how many troubles we have studied, I just want to resign, actually say anything I didn't finish, I can't go."

"I don't want to leave, I want to go back to Hua Guo. Anyway, I am going back to the country, and the research institute is not happy to give me a fake."

Elisa immediately filed a vigilance, thinking about the bottom of the heart to confirm that the Changze is not on the list of outbound, while trying to squeeze the smile on the face:

"Sir, you don't want to be unhappy. When I just went downstairs to buy marshmallows, I found it or I can buy Hua Guo pork and Hua Guo, tonight, I will give you pork leek dumplings."

"Oh! Elisa, you are really universal!" The young Chinese who wanted the interhehood strongly praised his nanny.

"Although you are stupid, not careful, nothing is good, there is no talent in the kitchen, and do things very worn, you are busy every day, you don't know what you are busy with, but you can always get what I want to eat. food.

Fortunately, I didn't have a good babysitter because you didn't do things too slow. "

Obviously, Elisa, who is accustomed to the way of talking, also thinks that this is praised her, her eyes show a little self: "Mr., I have said, you will not lose money."

Behind she has the entire agent even the entire K country is supporting.

Even if the Chinese requirements are, she can do it.

Ji Changze: "Yes, yes, I think so now."

God, this Chinese people actually praise her.

Elisa must float.

However, she has not been happy, and I heard that the long-winning question: "Do you know that Hua Guo's built milk brand?"

Elisa: "?"

Seeing her, I don't understand, the long explanation is very good: "It is a kind of milk brand. It is a famous brand of Hua Guo. They will put the milk in the glass bottle, and people who booked milk every morning can receive milk. I started drinking every day in high school. "

He branched: "I haven't had this business in a child. After I am in high school, the school will give the grades before ten milk. At that time, I also booked myself, and someone will send milk to their home every morning. The next day recovered empty bottle. "

Elisa suddenly has a bad sense.

Sure enough, Ji Changze said: "I Lisa is so powerful, Hua Guo's chicken and Hua Guo pork can buy it, you can also buy milk."

The young Chinese is enjoyed: "I really want to be like a high school, I can receive fresh milk every morning."

Elisa: "..."

She is hard to squeeze out a smile: "Mr., can K? Milk? I can buy the most fresh milk for you every morning."

"No, I just want to build milk this brand of milk."

He reiterated: "It is the fresh milk that will be issued every day, and there is a date on each glass bottle. This kind of milk is best to drink."

Elisa: "..."

This is a K country.

How do we make you drink fresh milk in the K country a day.

Do you want to buy a cow back? ?

Ji Changze: "If you want to say that you can buy a cow back to yourself, even if you drink, I don't drink milk, is it a feeling, do you understand?"

Elisa: ... The feelings of the damn.

But because of the previous lesson, she didn't look back, but she took a deep breath, squeezed into the line of Xi Changze looking forward: "I will find ways, do you want to wait?"

"Oh Aisa! You are great! If I can drink milk from Hua Guo every day, my brain will be more awake, my work will be more smooth, my work is going well, your work will also It is as smooth as before. "

Elisa: "..."

Do not……

She felt that she had never been able to come by the long and surrounded by the long.

I found an excuse to go downstairs and she started calling.

The people who listen on the audience also shocked.

"What does he mean? Will it be what we think??"

Elisa sad way: "It is what you think, he wants to drink fresh milk sent by Hua Guo every day."

other people:"……"

Then they are not to send people to Hua Guo to buy milk every day, and then fly back quickly to the long hand.

"Don't get this brand of glass bottles, install other milk to lie to him, say this is Hua Guo Milk?"

Elisa is very heartbreaking, but it still veto this proposal.

"No, his mouth is particularly pick, maybe we can't drink it, but he can drink this milk right."

She exemplified: "The last time I gave him a hen who was not full of two-year-old, he was eaten, not only angry, and refused to pay chicken money.

He is angry, will not work, absolutely can't make him angry. "

other people:"……"

Even if I have listened to so long, I know what kind of turtle, but I have to drink fresh milk in other countries every day ...

"We will explain this thing ..."

Ji Changze has just handed a complete idea. At this moment, it is careful by everyone, I hope he can quickly complete this idea.

Don't say he wants to drink fresh milk every day.

Even if he wants fresh cows every day.

Thus, a special agent of the Industry Bureau received a task.

Every night, I will go to Hua Guo. I first sent this brand. The first time is 6 o'clock in the morning. After getting milk, in order to avoid measuring, I have to use ice.

After arriving at the K country, all the way to fire with lightning, with the fastest speed to put the milk to Elisa.

During the period, it must be guaranteed that every minute cannot be wasted, and the ice is good for preservation, even if people can change the milk.

Moreover, the date on the glass bottle is absolutely can't get rid, because Ji Changze believes this is a feeling.

Even with the fastest speed, the fresh milk of Ji-Zen is also delivered at night.

Fortunately, the young Chinese did not pick this, but used a very large tone to Elisa:

"It doesn't matter, I can forgive this little,, although some regrets, but I am not a person who is not allowed to sand, oh! Of course, this is also seen in my side of my nanny has a time. "

Elisa: "..."

I thank you!

Ji Changze is not only a great place, he is also very generous:

"You can rest assured that I Lisa, I am not the kind of people who don't give money, I remember a bottle of milk that built milk is eight cents, I will give you according to two dollars."

Elisa: "..."

Chinese employers see her have no reactions, dissatisfaction: "Don't you thank me? To know, I am looking at your money on your five children, there is a two in full every day. This is more expensive than this bottle of milk itself. "

A two ...

It is enough to buy a box of milk.

However, in the face of the dissatisfaction with her reaction, Elisa has to work hard: "Yes, thank you for your generosity, I am surprised to say no words."

"You know, you know, not anyone can luck so good, encounter me to talk to employers like this."

After the Chinese employer said very confident, I yawn: "Okay, I want to sleep, Elisa, come to sing more sleep, you don't be like a lazy to sing at the door, I have to stand. Sing, if you sit, I will feel that the sound is passed from the bed, that is too scary. "

Elisa: "..."

This night, the Changze is comfortable to lying in bed, listening to his spy nanny, standing on the door, sing hypnotcape.

And far-away, there is a group of people who are dignified.

"It has been determined, the latest news, the picture of Ji Changze, only cut the dragon, put it on the new paper he published yesterday, according to the curve of the dragon body, each of the letters on that curve point Is pinyin. "

"The same is the dialect, and the content is found to find Fanghe, the first book."

Some people put several data on the table to disappear.

"Fanghe is the enlightenment teacher of Ji Changze. The Changze is always taught before high school. The first book means that it has not been solved, maybe Fanghe will know."

Others open the information in their hands, which is the various information of Fanghe.

"The village born in Ji Changze is Xiao Liu Village, and Fang He has always been in Xiao Liu Village. After the news of the recruitment of the revocation of the Shu Shu, Fanghe is hit from the school, and then returned to his hometown and became a primary school. teacher."

Some people say: "Let's find a crane, what is the meaning of the first book."

The door rings from the outside, and everyone stops the topic: "Come in."

A soldier came in: "The K country's thirteen groups came again."

Someone asked: "How? Can you close to Comrade Ji Zen?"

"They detected that there were many K countries around the building of Comrade Xi Changze, at least more than ten, and Comrade Xi Changze is also the same. The research of his work is guarded, and outsiders can't enter."

"In the small building, the monitoring instrument was detected. According to judgment, the listening instrument in the building was not in five, but because they did not dare to be near, they could not know more information."

"However, we got a list of prohibited exit, and Comrade Xi Changze did ban outbound."

Specifications, monitors, prohibiting outbound, and rescue.

These things are combined together, and the long-standing Ze is alive to be able to say that it is absolutely truth.

Everyone is ugly, there is a temper and violent direct shooting table: "His mother !! K country is addicted to people ?? He can't go with a student? He revenue for our Hua Guo national citizen !! ! "

"This is not the first time, there is no young comrade that is forced by the K country? At that time, it was so good to return to China safely."

"Does the K country have no one?" Conscience is eaten by the dog? Open the Chinese citizen, but also to release the news he left in the outside, if he wants to pass the letter, I am afraid that it is a lifetime. It's a traitor !! "

If you have anger to hate, you can't wait to go to the K country, and there is also calm thinking:

"You are calm, there is a strange thing, although Comrade Ji Changze has been very outstanding in our country, but it should have not yet let the K nationality are so big, not in the cold, but also control his remarks, Is he betrayed a copy of Hua State?

He is in the K country, it seems that there is no very outstanding thing. "

"I am afraid that even if it is done, it will be pressed by K St., and the Comrade Xi Changze will be willing to the country, how might be willing to help K countries."

"We must save people back, I don't know how he has suffered from outside."

Everyone discussed non-stop.

Finally, still sitting in the first leader knocked knocking the table:

"This matter is our mistake. Comrade Ji Changze, the foreign students sent out of our Hua Guo, he was threatened, was hung, controlled by the speech, but we didn't know anything, and even let him carry the traitor. infamy."

"Now, first, you will find Fanghe, and understand what the first book is what the first book is said, and what he is now."

Others have no objection.

They must have to find ways to come back.

It is a voluntary, then they don't say anything.

But K countries do not do personnel, who knows that Ji Changze is prison, and I don't know what threat he has suffered, I have to cooperate with K countries, and make a look that I am a one-hearted K country.

This matter is listed as confidential. The less the people you know at this moment, otherwise in the event of a message, what can I do in the Tiger Wolf.

The person who was sent to find a crane was specially wearing it, and said to the school gatekeeper. He is a friend of Fanghe classmate, and is sent to the square.

The guards did not doubt. After determining the people they have to find, they took two casual clothes to the door of the classroom.

When they arrived, Fanghe was in class, the guard shouted: "Teacher Fang, some people find it."

Sitting Middle-aged man writing on a blackboard heard this, looked at these two strangers, put down the chalk, said to the little soybeans under the bottom:

"You first review the content you have just said."

Two casual clothes habitually got the other party.

Fang Crane is very beautiful, wearing glasses, face is somewhat pale, the corner is fine lines, but it does not look old, but let him have more affinity.

What makes them surprised is that Fanghe is less than forty years old this year, and it has been full of gray.

"Fang teacher, then you talk, I will go back first."

The guard took the house to the next place.

Fanghe was looked at the two strangers in front of him, and I was very sure that I didn't know them at all.

"Have you, what is it?"

After he politely inquired, the two casual clothes saw four weeks, and then told the documents after confirming the security: "Comrade Fanghe, some things need your cooperation, can you talk to us?"

Fanghe saw the document, slightly frowned, Zhang Wang want to ask, but still did not ask, just nodded: "Well, the two is slight, I invite the colleague to take a get out of class."

He invited the fake, and then found the teacher's agent, he followed two casual clothes.

When I arrived at the car: "Comrade Public Security, what is needed to work, you said,"

Two casual clothes are eye-catching: "I still have to say it again, trouble you."

I heard them answered, Fang He was nodded, did not say anything.

He didn't have a calm in his heart.

After all, his interpersonal relationship is simple. It has been as a teacher. I haven't encountered any strange things recently. The government came to him, only one reason.

Ji Changze.

He used to be the most proud of the students, he regards people of half the child.

Recently, the domestic news did not mention him, and many of his speech he published in the K country, it is simply ... Wolf is a dog lung.

The colleagues in the office don't know that he knows the long-term, every time I look at the new newspaper, I have to be a traitor, shamelessly, and don't want to please K countries.

Fang Chee has come in every time, he is more powerful than they, and even some teachers will feel that he is too excited.

Can a scriptures still embark each time.

He is undoubtedly a deep feelings of this student. He taught him to recognize words, teach him to read the book, send him to college, although he is a good college, but there is no more talent, the only thing can do, only Cultivate talents in the country.

As a result, he cultivated a traitor.

For Fanghe, this hit is too big.

His middle-aged white hair.

Part of the reason is that in the early years, there is a hard work, it is because the students who know that they can be taught in the K country, plus the heart, I have been there, I have been there.

When the Ju Jindu stayed in the K country, when the news sent back, Fanghe was just anger. After the classmate of Ji Changze, the classmates who were recruited will be recruited, and they heard the contempt and disdain of the motherland, and the K country After the yearning, Fanghe is the decadence of the whole.

He closed a pack of smoking and closed himself in the room. After three months of foot, after three months, the hair has become a gray white.

How did that happen?

This once rely on a bloody blood to the hill village, and strive to give yourself a tutor to the children's teachers even if you succeed for three months.

Yes, our Hua Guo has not yet developed.

But this is our home.

Everyone is working hard, the country is working hard.

Is we doing a little better?

At the beginning, how much effort has been made to become everything today.

Hua Guo is still not perfect enough.

But she is already doing their best to give the Warrior.

Hua Guo is working hard to cultivate talents, in order to let students learn better knowledge, pay a lot of resources to exchange these young students.

I was afraid that they were bullied in exotic hometown. The embassy repeatedly didn't know how many times, they must find the embassy.

When Fanghe did that student was going abroad, it was so worried that he was bullied abroad.

There is his classmate in the embassy, ​​and the other person smiled and assured him: Don't worry, we are, who wants to bully our Hua Guo citizens, you have to step on us.

Then, his student refused to become a Chinese citizen.

Fang Chan wants to think, but I don't want to pass.

His favorite student, as a child like a biological child, that talent is extremely high, people who enjoy various kinds of welfare, how can they choose to abandon the country, but also step on a foot?

Clear ...

Hua Guo is better than before.

Just wait, try again.

If Ji Changze is just not willing to return to China, Fanghe is not so desperate.

He personally taught the students, while giving up the motherland, while in order to please K countries, the country that was trampled, humiliated to Hua Guo, where did Huaro did not have good, and where the K country is better.

Whenever you see such a speech, Fanghe is angry and did not dare to go out.

He is ashamed to see people, such people, actually taught him.

Because I remember the past, Fanghe coughed a few times, and I wanted to take out the smoke to smoke, but I remembered this is on the car, so I put it again.

When he arrived, his treatment was good, a young public security gave him a cup of hot water, asked him not to have a cold medicine.

"No, old fat, coughing in this kind of weather."

Fanghe Wenhe refused, drink a sip of water, water is hot, but his heart has been cold because of those past things, cold.

He asked directly: "Are you looking for me because of Ji Changze?"

"I will answer any questions, but please don't call me for his teacher, I don't have such a student."

The public security in the house opposite his eyes.

"Comrade Fang, we are indeed because of comrades of the long, but about this matter, we have to clarify one thing."

Fanghe looks at them, then he heard them say:

"Comrade Xi Changze He is not voluntarily stayed in K."

The teacher who has already entered the middle age.

He holds the hand tremor of the cup.

"You, what do you say? He is not a voluntary? He doesn't mean that he doesn't return to China again? He didn't stay in the K country for K people?"

The voice of Fanghe is trembled. This moment is hard to describe what he feels. It seems that there is a snoring voice in the ear, flashing a picture in his mind, and finally set up in front of the public security face.

He stood up and grabbed the arm: "Comrade, comrades, what is going on? My student has no treason! He has no treason! He didn't have a rebel country! Comrade you told me, is it?"

"Yes, yes, you are calm, let's sit down, let's talk slowly."

Fang He was too excited.

A long-lasting emotion broke out, his eyes were red, including hope.

I've treated the child's rebel country, this news gave him too much pressure and embarrassment.

The public security had to appease him first, and then tell him about the recent thing.

"At present, there is a special industry around Comrade Xi Changze. He is now true that we still don't know, but it can be sure, he is always in the surveillance state, can only be saved by this way.

Comrade Fang, do you know what the first book does it mean? "

"First book ..."

Fang Crane is like a dream, floating, and is full of illusory.

Excited, distressed, embarrassing, stunned, these emotions are combined, let him not think about it.

In the end, he forced himself calm down: "The first book ... The first book ..."

Finally, what he thought, suddenly looked up:

"There is this book, the name is" Hua Guo's top five thousand years ", the book is given to me, Changze home is poor, I have no money to buy a book, I saw him like my book, I gave him. "

"That is the first book he has, and I gave him the first book, I can only think of this."

After passing this information, the public security gave a glass of water.

"Comrade, still have to trouble, wait, we have to verify that Comrade Ji Changze wants to say this book."

Fanghe rushed to nod.

At this moment, even the public security comrades want to send him back to school, he doesn't want to go back.

He is really a confirmation, his student is really no traitor.

The investigators who got the news also immediately found "Hua Guo's top five thousand years".

According to the number in the discipline of the discipline, I started to find out what he wants to express.

This way of communication is not very fresh, through numbers to find the word in the "password book".

"15th, four lines, seventh words and twelfth words."

"28 pages, 16 lines, 32nd."


After all the numbers are all right, people who are responsible for writing information have changed their faces, and they have been handed over to leaders.

"This, this is like the K country's deployment plan for my country ..."

The leadership will also change their faces and go out.

The K country is certainly impossible to tell the Changze's deployment plan.

But the project he participated is against Hua Guo.

I want to confirm the time and some information, I don't have any problems against Ji Changze.

Many people in Hua Guo have been busy this day because of the news sent back, and Fanghe also waited for the answer.

"Comrade You guess is right, it is the book."

Fang Helong touched, hurriedly asked: "Then, I am busy? Changze does he also doing a good thing for the country? Is he safe? He, determine that he has no rebellion?"

Comrade Public Security is certainly sure.

"He is currently safe. We will try our best to pick up the country. At present, these news is still confidential, so you still have to sign a confidential agreement and cannot disclose this matter to anyone."

"And, although I can't tell you, Comrade Ji Changze is indeed a very useful information, thank you for your help ..."

In the back, Fanghe has not heard it.

He is only sitting in the same place, half rang, only crying and laughing down tears.

"Great, great ..."

"It can help it, it is so good."

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