Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] refuse to return to the country (9) (they see that I am g

Hua Guo is now in the K kneho, but the K country is how it is horizontal, some of the plans are leaking, and it is natural to master the initiative.

After verifying some information, the archives of Ji-Zen immediately listed as the highest secret.

At the same time, it also issued a command that "did not hesitate to save the Huawang Citizen".

It can be imagined that in such a difficult situation, we must work hard to pass the good news to the motherland back, and the long-term waste is abundant and the heart.

He is even still survived.

Every day. Action two points, not going to the research institute, just go home.

This makes it more convinced, and the long-term foreigners are in hot in the water.

It is considered that the long-term long-term long-term Water is trying to verify their own ideas.

Mr. John, who is responsible for this Chinese is going to collapse.

This idea is very perfect.

If you can verify success, you can definitely help the K country improve the strength.

But the problem is.

This project is too burned! ! !

Imagine is really right, but why every material that needs to be used is so expensive.

The young Chinese that has always been self-satisfied this time is full of enthusiasm, and the laboratory every day.

He is working hard to work.

But John received the billing information every day.

Note that it is a huge bill, daily!

This is to do projects, this is simply eating money.

This imagination of Ai, Ji-Zen is that individuals can see huge value in which hidden.

Originally, John thought that this project burned money, Ji Changze should be able to give him a good attitude towards him, please do it?

As a result, he does not need to urge the money.

Other researchers, a day of materials have not been anxious to get angry, I can't wait to knock down the door of John every day.

What about Changze?

Is the material did not arrive? Is money not enough? Oh, then, then I do something else.

Not at all!

Not anxious at all!

Even if there is a kind of "then I am not a big lazy" darkness.

As for the idea to do to half, can it be done?

Then, don't do it. Anyway, he doesn't do it without deducting money. This is the problem that there is no money in the research, it doesn't matter.

John: "..."

He bite his teeth and trying to let others do this.

Don't ask for anything else, save some money, and save a little bit, take the big hand of the long, what is going on, you have to waste the sexy, and ten institutes can't afford him.

As a result, others are not as good as Ji Changze.

Good gourmet remained, there was a little fruit, and those people spent a lot, and even a fart did not make it.

John es Equipped to persuade the Huandi who was difficult to serve and teach others, or how to do it next.

As a result, the Hu Gu is wronged and wanted to resign.

He told him: "They simply don't convince me, deliberately find , then simple things should also be installed, gentleman, this is too bullying, I can't stand it!"

John: "..."

He has a bad feelings.

Sure enough, the other subordinates came, they were also grieved.

"Who knows what the things that the comment says, he doesn't know why they feel very simple, God, where is it simple, I said I don't know, he will be angry."

John: "...", you hear, they really don't know. "

Ji Changze more wronged:

"So simple things, they still don't know, how did they enter the institute, gentleman, they are bullied me, because my new year is light, you still have to teach them these seniors, so they deliberately ridicule me. "

"I have already said, I don't want to teach, each of them is better than me, who will really listen to what I said, you don't let me try.

You have seen it now, we have no way to communicate, like ¥ %%, such a simple question, they are deliberately said, don't know, don't use @! Is it good to ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥? ! ! "

John: "..."

He can't understand it at all.

What is the Chinese people say? ?

It has been communicated separately with Jie Zen. He finally understood a little, the long-term, this damn genius himself is a genius, and I feel that others will be like him.

The way he teaches people is like a mystery.

For example, Ji Changze is a teacher. How much does it cost to build a bridge in teaching students?

His teaching method is: "You see, this bridge needs to be built in the A city XX river, so you need XXX so much money."

The students asked: "Wait for teachers, how can we directly calculate money, how do we think, what is wrong, there is a bridge data?"

Then the teacher of Ji-Zen is anger the table, anger questioning:

"Are you insulting me !! It is necessary to see how much it does it takes directly to see a look at it?"

Then he was angry, while driving away the students, he didn't forget to give the classroom.

John hired him: "..."

He is more fierce that he is not a lot of hair.

No way, who makes this project only to do it, he has to say good words to the Huawei, and use it like a tone of the baby to say:

"You don't want to be angry, they are not deliberate, this time is indeed my mistake, I can't do it, don't worry, don't work, don't you work?"

Ji Changze is very good, and immediately agreed to can't worry about the "intentional stupid" colleague to delay how much time.

But he wants to lose money.

And maybe it is too angry. Ji Changze actually puts forward directly from John, and everyone starts this project together.

He is still very disdainful, raising the chin is a proud mode:

"I am not the kind of person who makes it, I don't want to do anything, I'm doing, Cole, is you, isn't it a small idea? Tibetan not let me see, oh, yes Can the genius can't help?

Although I don't have you, I will share, I will be inclusive, not as you, the small gas is, , don't have me. "

John: "..."

Undoubtedly, this idea of ​​Ji Changze is a unsatisfactory inventory of all people in the Institute.

Even if I want to be mentioned, if I personally verify it, I can definitely harvest the name and profit.

It is also because of this, many researchers, such as Cole, will not share their own ideas, avoiding people in their hands with people.

As a result, Ji Changze actually publicly opened his ideas, and did not mind sharing all the information.

Even if you were Diss, you can't stop it.

Everyone is excited.

Only John.

He only saw the money that did not stop the money.

A Ji Changze is enough to spend money.

If you add the entire study ...

God ...

Even if they have the entire K country, these money is also a hurt of the cutting meat.

But if you don't let others do it, you have already got the "generous permission" of the Changze, will it be willing?

John's eyes were dark, as if I have seen the miserable future of burning money * N.

It is still a shoulder of his shoulders, and you can see it, you see it, I am very hard to integrate, I am very hard to integrate. "

John: "..."

God, why do you want to leave this devil in me! !

Rao is John does not want to promise, but it has not been shared.

Everyone will soon be happy, I am happy, I have done this boss.

Ji Changze is mixed.

Touch the fish every day, the water, the dark, completely, and immediately destroyed.

Then start complaining about John: "Mr., my money is not enough."

John: "..."

There is no hair in his head.

But off.

He still wants to apply for funds for those who burn money.

Otherwise, I can't do half, the result is halfway, what is the money before?

Ji Changze is still touching fish every day.

Send some messages from time to time to domestic.

[I want to eat beef, but I will see that my babysitter I have to eat beef and give me a face.]

- The main reason may be because he wants to eat Hua Guo beef, but also must be the kind of killing before you, that is, K country has to transport a live cattle.

[Today, I still haven't slept, I have to be called to work in black.]

- He sleeps late, sleep until half of the afternoon, the sun is getting slowly.

[The people in the Institute crowded me, I can't afford me, avoid me as a plague]

- No one dares to provoke him, hiding him far away.

[I can't eat it, I don't have enough every day]

- It is mainly to picky.

[I want to eat leeks and fried eggs]

[Iron pot stewed aliest]

[Red burnt meat]

[Sweet potato]

It is no more than a bite to teeth.

K country is really not a person, forced to deduct their talents, and actually don't give me a meal.

Of course, I will really only send some people who don't hurt.

He directly used the details of "Hua Guo's top and down five thousand years" after completion of the imagination.

And said: You can share it with other countries, I have to remember the sullen hair.

After passing, continue to appear in the picture of salty fish.

Studies have studied research, and there are new technologies announced.

It is what he proposed.

The entire study is all.

As the first person who proposed this idea, the entire people of Jie Ze are in an airy state.

Directly rushed to the boss office violent table:

"I believe you!! I believe the research institute! I believe that the power of the K country will share all the information content to you !! What about you ?!!! You actually leaked !!!"

"This is my idea !!! is my research results! How do you fear that I am also a participant!"

A dry boss is a bit panic, and the face of the long eyes, the face is not breathing. A pair can be mad at the scene, and quickly appease: "Ji, you will calm, we will find it."

The young Chinese is getting angry, and the popularity of speaking is being trembled:

"Don't you come to the public, how do you plan ?!! This is not my idea, I am the staff of the Institute, this is also the study! How can you not be in your heart!"

"I left my country, I came to K, not to let you steal me to study results !! I want to return to China! I am going back to China now! You are just bullying. I am not a K, just join us!" ! "

Seeing him, a few people rushed to him.

"No, Ji, we will definitely not do what you think by yourself."

"Ji, we value you very much, you are calm, this matter we must give you a result, your losses we will make up."

They simply broke their mouths, and they were reluctant to persuade Ji Changze.

Just Ji Changze may not be trustworthy to trust the environment of the research institute, and the cold voice says that I want to go back to rest for a few days, wait until I caught the discrete person.

Others look at each other, and I don't dare to stimulate the scorpion of the residual results. I can only be careful to send people to the car.

All monitors were all plentiful and hanging, and the Chang Ze was surrounded by a water. I was afraid that the Huandu who was not wronged will run back to China.

Although he also runs back, but always be guarded first.

Old people seem to have a great hit, and I got the news that I Lisa immediately greeted:

"God! Mr., how do you look so lost? What happened? I just sent a bowl of chicken soup to your study, or I didn't drink two mouths?"

"Oh Aisa."

When the Chinese saw his nanny, the grievances on the face heavier: "Someone, some people steal my results, that is my idea, my."

He said this, as if it is no longer able to tell the complaint, cover his face, and it is hard to go straight to the book, and the door is closed.

Elisa hurriedly chased the knockout: "Mr., you are nothing."

The Chinese employer has a weak voice came in the house: "I have nothing to do, I just, just very angry."

"Do you know how much I work for this result? I even sleep every 9 o'clock every night, I will go to work at 9:00 in the morning, but now, I haven't, nothing, that has become the results of others, I know research What happened in the end, I didn't say it like me.

Oh! I am so sad, Elisa, I have never been so sad now. "

Elisa panicked, for fear of the Chinese will lose confidence in the K country because of this matter, "Mr., you don't have it, this matter will be a result."

"No, I just want to know if the leaked person is."

Ji Changze is slowly smoked in the house, and she cuts the hand nail.

"... who is, this is shameless to steal my results, sell the research institute, let me catch it, I must see him !!"

Elisa was shocked by hatred in the Chinese tone.

Also, who is stolen and will not be happy.

She comforted: "Mr., you can rest assured, the research institute even for you, you will also catch out the people."

It is so powerful that it is so powerful.

If you don't give him an explanation, it is afraid that he really wants to return to Hua Guo.

damn it!

Who is it!

If the leaks are eliminated, it is the hardest secret of the most difficult thinking.

This Chinese will not be willing to eat this loss.

She firmly said: "They will definitely catch the leils and send it to you !!"

"Oh Aisa, you are really intimate."

"I hope that as you said, I caught the disgusting trace."

The dried person * alone, and smoked the chicken soup.

"I am now really angry, very angry."

I still don't drink chicken soup, he will laugh.

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