Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [fast] I don't want to return to the country. (10) (they lo

Ji Changze This wave has had to say a dog.

He spent the K country's money to do its own results, and finally didn't just send the experimental results back Huazhong, and successfully made himself a victim.

The victim of the victim is refused to go to work at home.

Anyway, in a word: You don't find a leaking person, I don't go back!

Although the attitude towards him is very annoyed, who makes this Chinese have real things.

People who have no ability to make a lot of trouble, K countries have given people.

But Ji Changze, don't say him, don't give him a ancestor, you have to make trouble.

Key, people are also quite auctions.

Imagine that he is indeed mentioned first.

Experimental information, he is also shared with the K National Institute.

This can be said to have given the research institute's greatest trust.

Even if it is a national person, it is not necessarily possible to publicly publicly absenteeism like Ji Changze.

The result is leaking, the results have been issued in advance in a country, and the first one of the first proposed people did not get anything.

He is not angry.

The listening group did not hear the throwing of the people who left the people in the study in the study.

Elisa was afraid of the long-awaiting, and I went to care for a few times a few times.

"Mr., you said that you have to drink, I have to drink, do you want to drink?"

"Freshly squeezed juice, Mr. You didn't say you want to drink yesterday?"

"Before you said that chopsticks are not good, people have made a pair."

No matter how you knock on the door, Ji Changze is not open.

Do not open the door, no sound.

Elisa can only knock on the door again and again, and strive to advise all kinds under the premise of not exposing the identity.

It's so bad in the state of the Changze, nothing to get angry.

Her mouth said to do it, and I didn't see a two sentences.

There is no way, she can't really don't matter.

I can only drink the water, then the small voice said: "Sir, there are anything we come out, you don't worry about the body."

I was saying, the door opened from the inside.

The young Chinese is coming out and walks straight towards the bedroom.

Elisa has not responded, and it is time to pull the clothes directly open the wardrobe to take out the suitcase and start the face to be angry.

"Mr. !! What is this!"

"Is this not very obvious ?!"

The Changze lost his upper clothes and started to lose his trousers. Every time they lost, they were very energetic.

"I want to return to China."

"The K country did not take me as myself, even my research results did not protect, can I still expect to be?"

This time it is obviously the same as a few times before.

Because of how Alissa persuaded that Chinese employers have firmly put their clothes and valuables in the suitcase, and then open the door downstairs.

"Mr., Mr., you don't impress, maybe this misunderstanding."

"You think about your high salary, think about it, think about the salary vacation, if you really leave the K country, these are not."

Ji Changze opened Elisa placed his hand on his suitcase.

"Eliza, I returned to Hua Guo, still can have these."

"No! Mr.! Hua Guo is so poor, how can you get the treatment in K?"

Chinese shakes his head: "You don't understand, it is because there is not so much Chinese talent. It is like this to get a good treatment. On the contrary, the people of K countries are too much.

I am mixed with it, I don't get any attention, they don't even protect my research results, they don't care, don't say it, I am going to leave now. "

"I know that you have five children to raise, don't take you together."

Said, the Chinese took out the pocket, took out ten dollars to hand it to the front: "These money is my heart, take it to buy some food to buy some, I hope you can meet next time. I am such a good employer. "

After giving the money, he took the box and took the anger that had not retired.

Elisa, who holds ten money, is, "..."

She didn't have to come and thought she was going to sigh the Chinese as ever. I still have to stay with people, Ji Changze ran more than the rabbit, quickly arrived downstairs.

When she hurriedly chased it, the guy had already called a car to the airport direction.

Elisa: "..."

She panicked a batch, and the hand was running to the phone booth called: "Fast! Fast! He went to the airport! Think about it!"

The monitors are also messy over there.

Ji Changze said that there was no one when he would go, after all, the young Chinese had to say something to Hua Guo.

I have a good meal.

The bed is not comfortable to go back.

It's too cold to go back at night.

I have a few people who have to go to work at the study say that I will go back in the morning.

It is really a good job, and they are slowly awkward, and they are not so angry about this sentence.

As a result, Ji Changze is actually true.

Chasing must be chasing people back.

But the problem is how to chase it.

"How to chase? Of course, driving chasing! Hurry up !!"

Who does not know this, but the problem is: "What reason we want to prevent him from returning to Hua Guo? If he knows us to ban him, it is necessary to make trouble."

No, not 80%, it is 100%.

Ji Changze did not eat chicken soup to be a few days. If he was banned by the K country, he would not explode.

"Report the upper level, let the above decision, first chase people back and say!"

The death, because Ji Changze has always been a walk to work, responsible for monitoring his agents without a car.

Now I want to catch up with people and find the nearest car.

This is anxious, the long-term long-lasting is a leisurely.

Looking down at the watch, ask the driver: "Is there a few today?"

The driver replied: "Mr. No. 23."

Well, time is just right.

Students who have gone in schools, and students who return to China will generally choose today.

Ji Changze took out twenty dollars to hand it to the driver: "Please come, I am hurry."

No matter which country, money is always a good thing.

The driver saw this money, a step of stepping on the throttle, the speed is not a little bit.

The airport is coming soon.

Although let the driver accelerate, but the long is not very anxious.

He is in a hurry, it is limited to the country.

The young Chinese tightly took a tight windbreaker, slowly swayed, left, look at it, quickly captured several Chinese faces in the crowd.

Also in about twenty, wear glasses, it is a student.

The suitcase is very hard, there is absolutely a lot of books.

Although it does not meet, Ji Changze has a unique judgment that these two students are not patriotic youth.

He shook his two students before.

I don't talk, just a look that I have just passed, as if I have unintentionally, I hit a relatively small student.


That student can't prevent it, and it shouted.

Ji Changze immediately apologized: "Sorry, I don't deliberately."

When the students looked down at their clothes, there was no dirty, and there was no time to return. "It doesn't matter."

After finishing, he didn't put this episode in your heart, lifting his eyes, and there was no idea of ​​a long time.

This glimpion, the look of my face is immediately.

Then, the fundus quickly exposed a disgust and exclusion.

Although I didn't say anything, but silently pulled my companion to avoid the long-term, I went to the other side.

Liu Hu did not pay attention to what had just happened, and there was a little doubtful asked companion when he was pulled to one side: "Xinghua, what happened?"

Zhou Xinghua looked back at the side of the suitcase and stood in the same place as if it was looking for a long, and it was difficult to cover up.

"It is Ji Changze."

Liu Hui, heard this voice, there is still no response: "Who?"

"The one of the treason, Ji Changze."

Zhou Xinghua also looked at the future generations, and the eyes were exclusive: "It's really a feeling, I just hit by him."

Liu Hu knows his nature, seeing his face is an angry and god, hurriedly grasped his arm: "Don't make trouble, this is not in the country, if you have trouble, how do you go back to New Year this year."

"I know."

Although Zhou Xinghua is young, it is impulsive, but it is not true.

Here is the K country, he must be beaten for each other because of hatred long, it must be to enter prison, maybe it will affect the school, the ghost knows that the K people caught this handle will not do something.

"Don't worry, I didn't plan to do anything, just take you away."

It is said that he still can't help but look at the longzet.

The guy looked around, as if I saw the ticket office, my eyes looked at the feet.

The result has not been taken out, and the sound came in front.

Yesterday, the university housing price, today's international students from all over the country are ready to return to China, plus this moment is a tourist season, there are a lot of people in the airport.

The row is passing, but because there are many people, people who have ever have ever have been squeezed.

Zhou Xinghua and Liu Hu came to K, it was experienced, and they were willing to go onlookers in Hua Guo, but they came to the K country who came to take guns ...

In K, watching is likely to be sent.

Liu Hu is tightly grasping Zhou Xinghua's arms and puts out the scene of ready to run.

"Would you like we go to the ticket office to hide?"

Who knows that there are people who have a gun, if they are hitting them, then they are more.

Zhou Xinghua has been paying attention to Xi Changze.

He found that after the noisy voice there, he was under the footsteps of Ji-Zen.

The Chinese people who look at a table talents seem to be sighed and searched around, and then, they quickly compared with Zhou Xinghua.

After the end of the context, Zhou Xinghua's first reaction was hate to turn his head.

As a result, Ji Changze actually walked over him.

Not only came over, I also said.

"Hua Guozheng students? Return to China today?"

Zhou Xinghua found this, this is a little bit like his teacher, with a mild manner with a school.

"Well, how?"

His attitude is very hanging, lifting the statue of the chin.

Eye people look out, he doesn't welcome this to talk to himself.

However, Ji Changze is not to pay attention to what expression is. Directly open the windbreaker, tear open a layer of cloth, plug in a folder inside to him.

Zhou Xinghua: "???"

Liu Hu: "???"

Obviously, the secret thing is the secret, the results of the long face, slowly facing the two eyes:

"Hide it is hidden, go to the toilet to open it into your book, and someone will contact you in the Chinese."

Zhou Xinghua: "???"

Liu Hu: "???"

The two faces.

I still don't wait for what I'm asking this, I'm still re-drawing the windbreaker, and I walked to the front of the suitcase and continued to look at the flight information if anything else.

"No, he, this?"

Zhou Xinghua is inexplicably stuffed with a folder, turned to see Liu Hu.

"What do he do?"

Liu Hu is also very important.

Today's Huanda TV drama has not so many tricks, from small to big special specialties, two students who have learned are still can't make up the full story in the end of a few seconds.

But the subconscious, tell them, don't find the long and ask for a clear.

I don't have a minute, and I have already squeezed a bunch of people.

Ji Changze is clearly seen, but it is pretended to see it, still staring at the flight information.

On the other side, I saw that the Changze people were still there, and the agents were relieved.

Although I know that he is banned from going to the plane, in case.

It is not the hardest to find Xi Changze.

The hardest thing is how to persuade him back.

Said, Alissa has said a lot, this time is not used.

, according to his dog, I am afraid that I can ignite the house.

The specialists face each other, and it is still a way.

Directly with the people, I took out the documents to see the Changze.

"Mr. Ji is?"

Suddenly be surrounded by a group of people, the young Chinese face showed the rightness, left and right, wrinkled: "It is me."

The agent of the agent is a section:

"You are suspected of fraud cases, and you need to wait for the trial of the case. You are banned from the country before you don't have a trial."

No, you can't say it.

This reason is quite good. After he applies, he will definitely take a batch.

Naturally, they will not give Ji Changze any sin.

But they need an excuse to leave people in the K country.

"I? Fraud?"

The Chinese first glance first, then angry: "What is your eyes, I am like the kind of fraud, I don't miss the money!"

He showed his expected reaction to let the agent boss tone.

"It's just suspicion, your identity information is registered inside, there is no more in-depth evidence, so you only need to go back and wait for the suspected."

Also don't say, he is still very like a model.

There is a good reason to leave people, and it means that the problem is not big.

This Chinese should no longer question again.

Ji Changze: "Fay! Why do I have anything to do, I have to be banned !!"

Agent Boss: "..."

"I am now going to the airport. You don't let me go? Your K country is too bullying, is it just looking at my yellow skin to treat me as a soft persimmon, don't think I don't know! At the end of the year, you Host the performance! Just take me to the top bag is! "

Specialists: "..."

Agent Boss: "... we know in the New Year."

Ji Changze was blocked by him, then quickly reacted: "You have been Christmas!"

"I don't care, I am going back to China today."

He put on the ground that did not cooperate. The agent was just frowning. Thinking about what to do, he saw that the Chinese saw him to see a big knife and waving, shocked.

"Do you still plan to force me ?!"

Agent Boss: "..."

He really wanted to take this person to the anti-walking.

But he can't.

Out of the name of Ze.

I didn't have anything to him. He could make a rainbow.

If you really do what he did, he will not toss people.

"Mr., we just say that you are now banned, you can't leave K countries for the time being."

He swearing that he didn't use such a gentle tone in this life.

Ji Changze is still angry: "This is the mistake you work! You will give me the died of the dead!"

"Sorry Mr., you have no complaint, we can't release it."

Ji Changze: "Then I will appeal now."

The agent is boss and tone.

"The appeal needs to go to the police. The subject, you can go now, fast, you can go through the process in a month." A fart.

It is impossible to go through the process.

As long as Ji Changze believes this statement, his next remaining life will be prohibited from being out of the country because it is to go through the process.

"It's trouble ..."

Chinese mutter complained, but it should be accepted.

The agent is old and heavy.


It is finally told people.

He can go now.

I have heard that I have been uncomfortable, after I see himself, he has to admit that it is still a bit too cautious.

I think I can successfully complete the task, I can't help but show my heart on my face.

"Since you have already understood, then go to the police now."

Don't worry, you will not appeal in this life.

Ji Changze nodded: "Well, do you drive, do you have eaten on the car? My stomach is a bit hungry, oh, is there a water? I want to drink water, give me a spoonful sugar, squeeze two drops of lemon juice. "

Agent Boss: "..."

Other agents: "..."

Special workers: "... Sorry, what do you say?"

Ji Ze frowned: "Don't you send me to the police. Is the subject?"

They sent him to the police. ? ?

What do you want! !

Do he take himself a ancestor? ! !

Special workers: "Let's of course not ..."

Ji Changze cut his words: "You don't send me to the police. The subject, so many people come to Central Wu Central to block me? Just in order to pass a sentence? Then you don't call it directly."

Agent Boss: "..."

He swallowed the rest of his words.

The face is exposed to the standard smile: "Yes, yes, we are going to take you to the police."

Ji Changze nodded: "Well, take the road in front, police. Do you meal? I want to eat lemon chicken."

"... Sorry, we should have no chicken."

"Don't tighten, I have chickens, let our home babysitter come over, you only use a lemon."

"Your car is not cheap goods? I am not good, I can't sit the cheap car, sitting in a hurry, there is too much car in the car, except for my up to two, the driver position, the latching seat Don't sit again, I don't like and crowded. "

"And you talk to me, how is this suspect? You are inexplicably for a month, don't you give me a loss, I think it is not less than one hundred, this loss you don't give me I am very losing for it. "

Specialists: "..."

I can't make Alissada.

This Chinese people are really too difficult.

Because Ji Changze has been in full swing, plus he is "impulsive and left", they are not very vigilant, only to check the list of passengers in case, the passengers are all expected in the K..

In case of preventing, everyone is still surrounded by a circle, and it is surrounded by the Changze.

They have a gun, one looks like a temperament is very bad, but here is the airport, the Kan people are not so afraid of guns, they have not avoided.

So it is a toss.

It is also empty complaint that is good in the most inside. "You are far away, don't step on my shoes, this is new, step on, you have to pay."

Specialists: "..."

Where did they come out to block people?

This Chinese simply uses them as a bodyguard.

The patrophards of the Wushang Du Central.

Although I don't know what happened, I don't want to die, I have to die, I don't dare to breathe.

Ok, they did not cause attention to others.

They are far away, can only see that the long-term surroundings suddenly have a lot of black men, and then take two sentences to take people away.

How do you see it is nothing ...

Zhou Xinghua is now careful: "You said ... this folder is something, it will not be black. Hand. What murdere of the party ..."

Liu Hu: "... shouldn't it be, is the Changze not engaged in research? And black. Help will not adjust."

Finally, Zhou Xinghua has asked a close-time passerby.

The passerby understands quite a lot: "FBI, that is very like, with a gun, and a certificate."

He is also an example: "My neighbors have killed another neighbor, and the people who catch him will be temperament."

"My three aunt. Poison, it is almost the time when I was caught."

"Oh, yes, there is a big brother, he robbed, and the people who grabbed him were also the same as that group."

If you don't wait, the passers-by judge himself, "" They didn't speak, I only heard the restrictions.

That Asian definitely made things, then I wanted to run, and the result was limited to the country. Well, my ex-wife was restricted to the country in C. I can't come back, we won the marriage. "

Zhou Xinghua: "..."

Liu Hu: "..."

Thanks to this experienced passers-by, they came with their sash into the toilet, trembled to open the folder, and every paper inside is full of words ...

But they don't understand what is written.

Two students have been distinguished for half a day, and they identify this seemingly information.

Ji Changze Because these materials are limited, this is certainly important.

They are now unclear now, and they can only follow the words of the information on one page in the book, and disguise is a learning material.

Suddenly a little inexplicable blood boiling is going on.

Then, I was considered to let FBI forced walking, sitting on the car, the calf covered a blanket, and asked the special service of the car: "Doesn't there? I want to drink water."

Agent silently passed a bottle of water without opening.

The Chang Zhu was boy, and some disappeared, got up and saw the card: "This water is too cheap, I like to drink two dollars a bottle of a bottle."

So, did not have a while, stopped in front of a store.

I bought a bottle of noble water, I'm satisfied with it, I didn't pick it up.

I thought it was a police. The subject is okay, I didn't expect the place. This Chinese is more difficult.

If you want to eat, you have to eat, you have to watch TV, and he actually tries to take a while to sleep for a while.

Waiting until "process" is finished.

The specialists are simply sent to the ancestors.

Elisa has been waiting downstairs, and I saw Ji Changze and hurried up. The young Chinese were angry, and she complained: "The death, I am restricted!"

"A must-have crime can limit my exit, they are finished in the soft persimmoma!"

Elisa is afraid that the long-term seda will feel that it is unfair to be unfair in the K country.

"Yes, complaints appealed."

Ji Changze snorted: "It is said that it can get it in a month, just caught up with the New Year, then I will return to China after a month."

Seeing that he was temporarily calm, Elisa made tone.

How can people get people in a month?

On this way of the top floor, Elisa did not have time to juggle, and he listened to the Changze complained.

"Those people can be rude, suddenly appear in the airport to surround me, scared me."

"The seat of the seat is also uncomfortable, the sky is the sky, it is next Ma Wei, it must be lower Ma Wei."

"They don't even give me lemonade, Elisa, you know, now buy a lemons, I don't have more difficulties. I make you send you a chicken, let them give me lemon, and they immediately said that I can go now. "

"And I will not take the initiative to send me home, or I will send themselves to send it, it is not humanized."

Chinese employer looked at the weak and weak, the mouth, it is really a non-stop.

I have been chatting at home, I have been chatting with myself. I have suffered unfair treatment. However, he is not mood, otherwise it must report the long five three thickness, watching it is the group of people who scare their own.

It's hard to send the ancestors to the agents of the monitors: "..."

unfair treatment?


They all made this Chinese as a ancestor. ?

Unfortunately, they are destined to have no mouth, so they can only take the mood that is about to be mad, listening to Ji Changze complained half a night.

Because he is "great crime", Elisa is more attentively.

Eat and drink, I can't wait to send the employer's mouth, and put his bed is the loose soft soft soft, and the Chinese who have eaten and suffer "can comfortably sleep.

Ji Changze is really satisfied with the big bedding.

But if he wants to praise the Alissa, it is wrong.

He tried it in bed first, then came: "So you are lazy? Are you lazy? You can clear my bed like a cloud, what is going on?"

Alissa, still praised, etc.: "..."

God, take her away.

Ji Changze is ready to sleep here, and the two students who have been used as a manual express will not be the same.

Since aware that he seems to have been involved in the incident, the two are tense.

Before you arrive, they didn't dare to come out, even sitting on the plane, I didn't let them be relieved. I was afraid that the plane opened, and suddenly came out of several people holding a gun. Prairing them.

It's hard to get it, because I still remember the words of the long, the stupid, etc., I have not been able to wait for more than an hour.

No, this is different from the imagination.

Someone will contact them?

This is the long-term long, he said that he said to the Hua State someone contact, but if you don't say that the plane is contacted.

Contact, it also takes time.

He is always impossible every day to send a papers every day, and it has sent a papers to write the words in a concealed manner.

I didn't know how much I was abolished before the research results were passed.

This time I took the opportunity, and the results of the previous accumulation made the international students brought to Hua Guo.

Yes, that a big pile is also studying in the K National Institute and studied with their money.

Also really said that the K country is really money.

He is so burn, and the research institute actually has no bankruptcy.

It's a strong will.

The next day, Ji Changze issued a paper.

I wrote that he was blocked from abroad, don't be tight, he gave the information to two international students who had to return to China, and then wrote the appearance of these two students, and finished.

After Hua Guo received a message, he immediately started investigating.

Sure enough, I saw two returns of international students on that day, and the characteristics of the appearance did not say, they were always in the police. The subject is swayed around.

Police. The uncle's uncle is not yet, they are rumped by them, I want to ask them to ask what they go, they immediately run like a cat.

This is also a loss of two people, and when you look at it is a student, plus long is also Ss Wenwen, it is a local person, otherwise, this sample is really easy to make people think about it.

No matter what others think.

Zhou Xinghua and Liu Tiger are quite a thief.

They estimate that this information contains a very important thing, and the plane did not wait until the first reaction was to find the police. Uncle, but it is afraid that if there is a confidentiality.

If they leak the wind, who knows what will be.

And Judo, Zezo, two strangers sent materials to return to China, and they were helpless, they concluded several times, they all felt that this person was not like the newspaper's treason, the treason of the K country.

If you really have a heart to the K country, how can I pass the information back to the country?

Moreover, he seems to be suffering from stress.

So many people catch him, but also ban him from going out, the K Congress treats a person who is full of eyes?

The two are "seeking police. Let's observe", "Don't make trouble", "If you still look for a police." "But this kind of thing is not confidential".

Hesitating hesitation, Comrade Public Security came to knocking.

I heard that they are people who come to receive information, and the two grow out.

It is good to give the country.

Zhou Xinghua is going to take information, Liu Hu is long, stop him, first let Comrade of Public Security come to the documents to prove their identity.

Coincidentally, just asked to sign the confidential agreement, the public security comrades surely put the two students to the government building. Looking at the two young students, they will seriously relax the temper and relax, and shoot them shoulders:

"Yes, you are stronger than I am young, I can't resentment, I will choose Comrade You to send information."

The two did not think about the only two Chinese, and they were excited to do things for the country. It is also what is going on.

"That rebellion ... No, it is the long-term, what is his situation? Do you not say that the K country is very good to him? How do we see it, he is banned, and it is so many people. "

Comrade Public Security is serious and looks: "Comrade Ji is caught?"

They confiscated news.

"It's not being caught, it was taken."

Although they didn't see it, but so many people came to blocked Changze alone, and I don't know if I am not coming to him.

Comrade Public Security was reliably sighed.

"Comrade Xiji is really stressful in foreign countries."

These two students are also an insister. He briefly said that the Changze is not a treason, but the speech is controlled, people have also been monitored, can't say the heart really think, listen to the two young people.

"That, then he is too miserable, we are in the country, but many people are being yelling."

"No wonder, he is banned, this is too much, he is excellent, K country is in force, and it is still destroyed his reputation."

For a Huashi people, it is contaminated with treason, how much humiliation is.

Comrade Public Security is also full of angry and sorrow: "We will saving Comrade, clarify him."

No matter how difficult, how hard is.

They must bring their citizens back.

After the information was found, the big men who have already been anxiously waiting, and after reading it, they are excited: "Good! Too good!"

"These are invaluable treasures !!"

Others have also agree that the second leadership is serious: "No, it is really invaluable to comrade Ji Ze."

He because he wants to pass the information back to the country, it has been crazy, and I don't know how the K is treated him. He has to have torture, we must have to save people soon. "

Hua Guo began to secretly manufacturing a careful plan, ready to rescue Huazawa far in his hometown.

This is undoubtedly a big problem.

The current strength of the K country is really stronger than that of Hua Guo.

Moreover, the people around Ze also have many people who monitor him, and they can visit all the abroad tools to be controlled by the K country.

It is definitely not to come back, and they will let Xi Changze "voluntarily" stay in the K country there, if the torn face is open, the K country is not inevitable.

Don't you have a similar thing?

It's not in the way, it's hard to be difficult, you can think about how big it is, but it is difficult to save.

Everyone is excluding from the difficult to prepare for the rescue plan, and the Changze passed back the news:

[I can't stand the K country, immediately run, there is a percent of the possibility of being successfully returned to China, Europe! It's not surprising that it is not surprising? !

Mother mother:? ? ?

Do not! and many more? !

We haven't saved yet, are you back? ?

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