Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [I will wear] I don't want to return to the country (11) (t

The motherland was bombed with a big thunder, and quickly told the K country's news.

As a result, the wind is calm, and there is no way to see if there is anything wrong.

Even people around Juru family are not as much as he just "escape".

Although I said less, I don't want to go.

However, the number of monitors can reduce prove, at least in K, the long-term still is still nothing.

But the problem is, he said he wants to return to China.

What's going back? Do you want to pick up? Is it unreliable?

These Ji-Zen did not say it.

The reason why didn't say it is not to be confidential.

Mainly, he is still planning to implement it yet.

Of course, even if it is not implemented, Ji Changze also has 99.9.99.

If you want to return to China, he is clear that Hua Guo is difficult to operate.

If the K country grabs the handle, I don't know how to bite the Chinese meat.

Of course, the key is that Ji Changze is not intended to go back to the country.

He wondered, he was going, then he went bigger.

And before the running road, you have to get out of equipment from K.

Ji Changze is still very straightforward.

This is not that he caught the K country bullying.

He gave the K country so many opportunities, and the results wanted to return to China in countless times, numerous times were blocked.

Even if it is the long-term, I have never seen it like a K country, I rushed to the "good people" to send the information to actively put the box.

So, in the days to wait for the "going to the process", Chinese employers have taken birth to lunch from the bed at 12 o'clock at noon.

Although he is a bed at noon, it is a self-conscious of the young people who have a weak need to be healthy, and the Changze is still holding breakfast every morning.

So he had eaten Elisa's end to the bed in the bed, and then he continued to sleep back, or the nest was read in bed. When arrived at noon, he dragged himself from the bed.

This time lunch is a pigeon soup.

Elisa's nearest pendulum technology is increasingly refined, white and tender. The tender unlucky pigeons are frightened by her, and they have to fly.

Ji Changze drunk two soup, and the pigeons under the bottom will be revealed.

He suddenly moved, staring at the pigeon.

Aliance next to Eliza: "..."

It's over, this Chinese have to pick up.

However, Ji Changze really didn't pick up this time.

He was silent to push the whole bowl to his hand and stared at the pigeons inside.

Elisa waited for his criticism to criticize the pigeons too old / pigeon meat too little / color is not good / water, the result is the long-term Trinity:

"You take the pigeon."

Elisa: "A?"

Ji Changze is a rare command: "Two hands hold two wings of this pigeon, let it face it on me."

Elisa: "???"

She is very impressed, but still according to the instructions.

One hand pinching the pigeon wings, let this unlucky, died, and the pigeons that are already displayed are for discipline.

The Chinese employer touched the Pakistan, staring at this pigeon, a few minutes.


Elisa: "Yes, what?"

Ji Changze: "There is inspiration!"

He took a table and rushed to Elisa while running on the book: "Don't move this posture, don't move."

"I finally know how to improve the weapon on the plane, I want to pass !! Elisa! Don't move! Don't move !! This is about the results of the new weapon! You don't have to move!"

I was still just a look, I would like to ask for a clear, I heard the footsteps, maintaining the posture of the pigeon, and I have never stood that there is no such thing as a rocking.

The body is not moving.

He is excited in your heart.

Even if she is not understanding of scientific research, she also understands the meaning of Ji Changze.

Not only is that she is excited, the monitors are also excited.

They all know how en enfealthy, which is that this Chinese is too difficult to wait for it. Doing things, I always fight for two days, write an idea always hooked, and I will not write it directly.

It's hard to seriously, I'm finishing a lot, and the money spent a lot. He is also very cooperated. The result is disclosed, and his research results are leaked.

They don't just get out of results, but also to .

Finally, several researchers who have been privornically ethnic discrimination have not allowed to return the Chinese in this angry to the Institute.

The result is now eating a meal, he actually thought of the weapon equipment on the plane through a pigeon? ?

A monitors can't help but feel: "This may be genius."

It is the highest treatment for this Chinese without himself.

The other party finally started to show his value.

They breathe, refused to let any move over there, and the long-term removal is always quiet, and they have not died with Elisa, should be written in the book.

Time is over one minute, from noon, to the dark.

Ji Changze finally came out from the study.

Elisa is still there, and the sideline of the death of the death is not forgotten. Let her stand, but did not come to see her, while I am afraid to delay the inspiration of Ji Changze, then she will definitely Punish.

When I saw Ji Changze, she immediately adjusted the look, revealing the standard smile on her face: "Mr., you came out."

"Yes, I am going to the study."

Ji Changze is in a hurry, and I didn't see Elisa.

Elisa: "..."

Sure enough, this Chinese will forget her.

The dead, wait until he didn't use the value, she must ... and so on.

She suddenly remembered that the long appearance is like a demon, it should have been using the value, so I can only give up a strong idea.

She also knows that the other party has a multi-turtle, she didn't dare to relax himself, but asked for a sentence:

"Mr., do I still use it?"

"No." Ji Ze handed a few information, opened the door one hand, smeared: "Just let you not move, I am afraid that you bother me, this kind of inspiration is the most excused."

Elisa: "..."

You are afraid that I bother you, tell me directly?

She is standing for an afternoon!

Whole afternoon! !

This is more than the forgotten to the dog!

"Good Alisa, I have to go to the research, you can continue your work."

Ji Changze is also very good to remind Elisa, because she is standing in the afternoon, the work should be done in the afternoon.

So she didn't just stand in a afternoon, and I have to work overtime.

Elisa: ... fuck! ! !

Ji Changze This is a lot of sparks to the research institute. He even told this trip very important to this matter.

The institute also received the news, and the excitement of the secret is awaiting the arrival of the long.

As a result, the Chinese came to the root of the front, and a paper was lost directly.

"I want all the information above."

It is rare to be pushed out, but can't wait to see what I can let the Buddha's Xi Zen so excited. What is it, take the initiative to receive the other party's face.

He took the paper, looks down, the first line: XXXX fighter.

John: "????"

He looked at the longze of "you gave me", and then look at the words on the paper.

Silence for a few seconds, the opening: "I will ask you in case, do you know how much it does a fighter need?"

The fighter, the burnout of the name.

Not only the aircraft itself burns, it is more powerful, it is a special oil, where is oil, it is gold.

Some countries have no fighters at all, on the one hand, it is not affordable, and there is an aspect of it.

K country self-sufficient country, naturally there is a fighter.

It is precisely because of it, so it is more clear that this is more expensive.

Ji Changze: "I don't know how much it is, but it can make it more worthless."

He slammed another paper.

John took up, didn't look at it, and breathed it.

"This ... can you really do?"

Joins of the Jershen: "You can have money."

John: "..."

He looks at the content on the paper, and also look at another anti-eye-catching [fighter].

Biting the teeth: "I tried my best to apply."

Although it is quite difficult, if it is really possible to reach the information of Ji-Zen to him, the fighter should also apply for it ...?

Ji Changze nodded, but did not have a surprise that he had promised and was shocked, but lifted the chin, indicating that John was watching: "There is also a bottom / face."

John looks directly, his face is directly distorted.

Where is this special money, it's a thing.

It seems to be expected to say what he will say, and the Changze will open the first: "Do not do these materials."

John that is blocked yet, it is not exported. "..."

Just as the long-term expectations, the K country finally bought this project.

A only one hundred hours of flying, can be called a new fighter being sent.

With this fighter, there is also a variety of materials that make people want to vomit blood.

The young Chinese that has been salty fish finally had the enthusiasm of some researchers, and the experts who specialize in listening to his meeting (bragging) blow:

"Invisible function! Flying to the air can't be detected, even I can also pass people as a person-oriented, as long as the distance is a little, the naked eyes can not see!"

Experts listen like listening to novels.

When you are addicted to your place, Ji Changze urge them:

"Awesome! You are not so powerful! No, I am so powerful, I don't hurry to applaud !!"


They applauded with complexity.

The Changze is then said: "There is also a more powerful, fighting weapon! It will use the thinnest and most resistant materials to be plated according to the angle, as long as takeoff, even if the weapon on the ground is enough, it is not bad it!"

"It's even more flying to the air! It doesn't light a defense system, and there is a super attack system, plus the invisible function, as long as it is in the air, it is absolute aerial ghost!"

Said, he drank water, dissatisfied, and lifted: "You are applauding."


They hurry. Hey.

"Ji, still there, then say."

"Also, it is the length of flight, you know, a little cumbersome, more weapons, or the flexible fighter flying long-distance can only support up to five hours to replenish the feedstock.

But it is different, I replaced the track, the core will not show you, only let you see this ..., as long as you create reasonable, I can extend the flight to twelve hours, enough from K Guofei Go to Hua Guo. "

He is very proud of the lower BA Yang: "Is it good ?!"

Others are nodded by the face: "It's amazing, amazing!"

However, after turning over the mind, I just said that I just said.

Why is this Chinese to take the K Guofei Hua Guo?

This is a fighter.

Hua Guo is his mother country.

Some people pay attention to ask questions: "Ji, you will not think about the distance of the K Guofei Hua, in accordance with the distance between the K Guofei Huada."

The long history nodded quickly: "Yeah, I will follow the two countries."

other people:"……"

At the end of the meeting, many people shook their heads when they were abnormal in the case of Xi Changze.

"I haven't seen it, my heart is quite."

They concluded: "Ji definitely stays at the K country."

He is assumed that the fighter has fly from K King to his motherland.

Affirmation is deeply deep.

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