Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

Everyone knows that I am a good man [I will wear] I don't want to return to the country. (12) (

For this fighter plan, the Institute specializes in a venue.

The long-awaiting of the salted fish began to be late, and later, he couldn't sleep at this side.

Perhaps because the last technique leaked, the Chinese people have shadows. He refused to share his own information, others, but anyone involved the core problem, who asked him whose eyes.

Ks of Kigi did not say anything, but it was placed around the back.

The value of Ji Changze has exceeded their expectations at this moment, and as they know, he has been applying for disabling.

This is not a good news.

If it is replaced with other non-national people, it will definitely come to a set, but the situation is very different.

First of all, his temper is not good.

In addition, he is only easy to impuls away. It is not emptied to the K country. The K country is difficult to do carefully, worry that this "biased K countries" is stimulated, directly let him have disgusted the K country.

No one dares to stimulate the length of the past.

The money is spent, and there is still a place to run, if you ran away, then this responsibility is no longer borne.

So the requirements of Jindu proposed, K country is also as satisfied.

Perhaps because I have done it for a while, I still don't have a big line, and the young Chinese makes an assistant.

Not too wonderful, he is named to be called Jona. This researcher.

Undoubtedly, Joa is excellent, even the same thing is a bit similar. It is also a sparkling genius. A few years ago, studying in K Kang, and also joined the Institute after graduation.

The most similar point is that Jona is not a K, and I want to go back to my hometown.

His motherland is not so conspicuous in so many countries in the world, there are not many people, the map is not big, and the technology is not enough but it is absolutely not in the K country, and the national strength is neutralized.

And K country, must be more than it.

The K country is not only staring at Hua Guo, Joa is in the unfortunately left K country, and it is also banned from going to the country, because he tried to escape several times, the treatment is greatly reduced.

Two years ago, I was dismissed by the Institute and went to a more closed place "work".

Although Joea sales in these two years, the genius is not unwrouting. Although he has not compared with Ji Changze, it is absolutely not bad.

Compared to the same, it is not a k, but the temper is broken. Other time is the Jojie of "Azuro Guide", Jojon lets the K country are not so relieved.

However, Ji Changze is named to him, but also pointed out that Qiaoa has helped him in all kinds of genius, and I have opened a meeting. I took into consideration, or I promised it.

Ji Changze saw the needle: "I have no work in the work in the past seven days. Since I have given these ideas, can I let me go back to the country?"

Specially came over with him, he told him that he can mention the claim: "..."

Don't expect.

The more money, the more we can't let you go.

He is euphemistic to express the long-term Zhuzhu, which is the main person in charge, is unlikely to go out before this project is not completed.

In other words, it is hive.

Of course, he used more modified words to show that during this period, the Changze wanted something would be sent, and it would not make the other party feel boring.

Ji Changze did not get his own reasonable vacation and did not say, and he also got the bad news.

The naked eye is not cool, see who is the nose is not a nose, and the eyes are not eye.

When Qiaoa came, it was a meal.

He is also a caucasian, the skeleton is very large, the one is very high, but people are too too thin, because long-term hanging and depressed, the face is very embarrassed.

Suddenly brought, I also heard that I have to give an assistant than myself than myself, and Joa is naturally good.

But this is not allowed.

His face is a little uncertain, and "Assistant" with him is immediately threatened: "Mr., please pay attention to your facial expression."

Jona took a sigh of breath.

He is also a arrogant nature, but it has been pressed for more than a few years, and the proud sex is amazing.

After all, when you escape, when you caught it back, you have a gun in your head, you dare not pride.

He was sitting for five hours, Jona didn't eat in the morning, and the stomach was uncomfortable.

After two steps, press and hold the stomach and weak to your face.

"Assistant" attitude is very poor: "Don't play the pattern, go."

Jona's bent waist, whispered: "I hung hung hung hung, please help me get some eating."

"How is it so trouble!"

Because Jona has been stressed to be down, "Assistant" has always attached to him. Anyway, Joa doesn't want to die, naturally cooperate with them.

I don't want to stay in the K country in a bone, now just a useful toolman.

As for the tool, will not be used, who cares.

He didn't want to run, pushing a Joa: "Go away, play the tricks, don't want to eat."

Joa has no way, only to endure the pain.

He knows that he is a "backup example", which is used to warn those who are non-national people, and I have to leave the K country.

It is not the worst by the forced buckle being forced. If you don't want to stay, they don't want you to leave, if you leave, you are not good for you.

After entering, people have not seen it yet, I will first smell the scent of food.

Qiaoan used the pharyngeal water.

He looked up and was looking at the Asian people sitting alone on the table.

Is it not a K?

Jona was surprised.

He has a longer time in K, and it is more comparable to K people, they have never look for Asians.

Many important projects, even if the Asian born in the K country is full of strength, it will lose the opportunity because of the yellow skin.

In this important thing, K country will actually be handed over to an Asian.

It's really unexpected.

This sentence is flashing in Jona brain in a two-year biennium, soon not in his concerns.

He is now full of cuisine.


Ji Changze is eating a crab. When I lifted this high-thin, thin caucasian people came in, put down the chopsticks, greeted:

"You are Joa, have you eaten? Do you want to eat together?"

Jona , rush, can't stand it, the bottom of this Asian good feelings will rise directly to 300%.

Seeing him agreed, Ji Changze immediately started to commanders: "You, move a stool."

"You, take tableware."

"You you, don't stop, continue to give me a crab, there is also the shrimp, big lobster, and then peel it."

Specialists who are responsible for monitoring the long-proximity of Zempera are often commanded to be transferred.

Clear Joa, who saw the emblem of the agents.

I looked back and saw the emblem on my own "Assistant": "..."

"Come, eat, this crab is good."

Ji Changze is very friendly for this future colleague, directly putting a big crab in Jona, refers to the people behind him asked: "This is your assistant?"

Jona quickly replied: "Yes, this is my assistant."

Ji Changze got a sure answer, and the dislikething "Assistant":

"What are you stupid, don't hurry to give him a housing.

After the "assistant", he also said to Joa: "Your assistant response is too slow, even the active peeling crabs will not, do you not consider change an assistant?"

Jona was shocked by his attitude of this "assistant should take care of people".

What surprised him is that his "assistant" actually really unwilling to start the housing.

In this way, Ji Changze also suspected that the opponent moved slowly.

"Heaven, they actually send such a person who works with a grinding to take care of you. Can you take care of it? Will you work because of his grinding?"

I have answered Qiaoa, and he is full of monitors next to the question:

"What do you mean? Give me a helper to arrange such a stupid assistant, he even a crab is stripped, how can I take care of my assistant, how can Joa help me play a fighter plan?"

His attitude is called high toe.

However, those specialists who have disdain in front of Jona have rushed to: "Yes, this is our mistake, will not be next time."

"You will of course make mistakes, after all, even the fresh milk that I have to drink every day, you can do anything.

Take care, I don't say anything that I can get anything I want, I can get anything you want, I can get anything you want. "

Seeing that Ji Changze is more and more angry, I am afraid that he will have a mist to the K country because of this matter.

"Mr., your fresh milk is already on the way, just wait 30 minutes, you will be able to send it to your hand."

"It's better to take a shower first."

I am talking, another special worker pushes in, and I am carefully wing, and I sent a pot of pine soup to the front of the long: "Mr., this is your home bathing soup, just from the home, I haven't broken it all the way. The temperature is just right, you drink it. "

"I have no appetite now."

Ji Changze pines pigeon soup to Joa: "Joa, do you want to drink? While our nanny is stupid, the crafts of stewed soup are quite good."

Jona has already stayed.

He has never seen an Asian can get such a treatment.

This is simply amazing.

Is there anything powerful to the other person?

Or him is actually a bit yellow, which is actually a local soil-colored K people?

Because these agents are still, Joa did not dare to ask exports, hungry stomach urged him to drink a pigeon soup, warm soup into the stomach, so that he finally had a feeling of living.

He hasn't eaten so delicious food for a long time.

Although Jona is a Caucasian, his motherland diet is very different from the K country, but it is a bit similar to Hua Guo, a good relationship.

After coming to the K country, he can't eat the food here. When you study abroad, you can do it yourself, wait until you have left a "work", all food and clothing are all going on in the surveillance, it is impossible to do food. Can't do it.

But to "Assistant", you will only get ridicule and indifference.

Jona was a few mouthfuls, and the filling of the stomach allowed him to fever.

Who can think of it, he once is also a proud of a day. Now, it is now a point where you want to give a K.

Although I have a little sour, he has already exercised strong, but didn't show it, after the Meimei eating this meal, I asked Ji Changze:

"Sir, what is the work we have to do?"

"Work? Now that day is dark, we all have worked hard."

Ji Changze refused to work overtime, and invited Jona to go with him.

Hua Guo Bubble Bucket, Hua Guo Bubble Pharmacy, and the Warguo Bubble Fee Water.

A pair of feet and a comfortable Ji-Zen showed his eyes.

Of course, he is so comfortable to have a special agent behind him, and there is a special agent to give him juice. There are two special industries in front of you to come to the "fighting performance" to see the cause of the lively.

Jordan asked: "Ji, your name is a bit like Hua Guo name."

Ji Changze took a drunk juice. After drinking the trick, the agent was taken away, and the juice took the juice. He replied unhappy: "Yes, I am the Chinese."

Jona: "???"

"Are you Chinese?"

"No, I am a Chinese, Hua Guo nationality."

Jona: "??"

How can it be, how can Hu Guoai receive such a good treatment in the K country.

Seeing that Ji Changze has to eat some of the melons to eat, while eating a fighting performance of the Tianjin.

He tried to ask: "Then you ... you just said that you can't leave the state means ...?"

"They didn't tell you?"

Ji Changze sucks a fresh milk that just sent it up, and his head stretched forward and gave him hand to wipe itself with milk.

To Joa next to: "Is this not very obvious? I was hungry."

Jona: "???"

Jona: "..."

He is also hurting him, caught in the spiritual embarrassment.

Ji Changze also drank pitched milk, "I didn't see it? I thought you know that we are not the same."

Jona: "..."

He was silent for a minute, and he was tough from the eyes of the throat:

"To see it ... there is such a little difficulty."

This is the same, the difference is too big.

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