Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

378. He who snatches the orphan’s sword in the last days (9)

At first, when he realized something was wrong, he wanted to run away, but he was a person who loved to join in the fun, and it was his own fun.

Team Zhou caught him right away. Before he could fully recover from his internal injuries due to anger, Team Zhou beat him up and dragged him to the front before he could even run away.

Ji Changze had already walked in the direction of Zhou Ran.

When she realized that he was already being beaten, she walked back silently.

He just watched coldly as the pretender was being beaten and begging for mercy.

"Don't fight. How can we get along so well? After many days, there are always feelings."

"How could you be so cold-blooded after months of relationship?"

"Hey! Hey! I told you not to fight!"

The other captains were confused at first, but when they realized what the truth was, their faces darkened.

"The person who has been with us these past few months has always been a fake? No wonder..."

No wonder there are always some tiny things that are wrong.

But because they believed in their companions, no one pursued that small loophole.

"Team Zhou, lock them up first, it's important to save An Run."

The eyes of several people looking at Zhou Ran were suddenly cold and frightening, but no one knew Anrun's current situation. Compared with a pretender and Anrun, of course Anrun was more important.

Ji Changze looked at Anrun.

When they first discovered that the tree was hollow, they couldn't be more careful. Anrun inside was not injured at all and was lifted up with all hands.

It's just that there are some strange lines connected to his body, most of them are green, sticking to various parts of his body, like an infusion tube, and then flowing to various parts of the tree.

Others don't know what those lines are? They don't dare to move rashly for fear of affecting Anrun, so they are careful when lifting them down.

He was now lying on a cotton quilt that a captain had hurriedly brought out, with a pale face and eyes closed, breathing almost inaudibly. As he breathed, the green silk threads on his body swayed slightly as if he could breathe.

It looked like he had fallen into a deep coma, and he didn't open his eyes despite the noise around him.

Ji Changze watched quietly for a while. After sizing up the green silk thread, he stepped forward with his slender legs and reached out to touch the green silk thread.

Strong wood-type abilities.

Hu Xiaohu was completely stunned. He knelt down next to Anrun and wanted to cry. He had been like this just after touching Anrun and taking a breath.

Seeing Ji Changze’s actions

Only then did he regain his mind a little and asked: "Boss, what is this??"

Ji Changze touched the silk thread and found that the thickest and strongest one was connected to the back of Anrun's head.

At first glance, these threads seemed to be glued on, but when he gently pulled at the back of his head, he discovered that the threads seemed to have grown out of his body.

The boy in black frowned slightly; "Absorb the things from his powers."


Hu Xiaohu immediately looked at the thread as if looking at an enemy: "Then do we want to take it down?"

Ji Changze didn't know either.

He has never seen this thing before. Although he can roughly guess what it does and how to operate it, he doesn't know if it will cause any harm to the body when taking it off.

Seeing Ji Changze frowning, Hu Xiaohu didn't dare to act rashly: "Boss, there's nothing you can do?"


After the young man finished speaking, he raised his feet and walked towards Detour Ranna who was suppressed by Captain Zhou.

He pulled out the scabbard. In an instant, the scabbard was covered with long flames, which extended all the way and turned into a fire whip.

Ji Changze did not forget to remind Team Zhou: "Get out of the way."

Team Zhou still believed in his ability and immediately let go of his hand and walked around.

Zhuanxu Ran looked at the boy opposite him with a pale face as he got closer and closer, his lips trembling.

"You, you, you, don't mess around, me, me, me, I didn't actually do anything?, what?, I..."

--Snapped! !


A whip made of flames fell on his body, causing Ran to scream in pain.

Ji Changze, however, remained expressionless, indifferent to his miserable screams: "Say."

Ran was in so much pain from walking around that he couldn't hear clearly and raised his head blankly: "What?"

--Snapped! !


The young man had no intention of talking nonsense to him, so he whipped him one whip after another. After each whip, he asked: "Are you going to tell me?"

He has precise control over his supernatural powers, enough to make the opponent miserable and unable to die with just one whip.

The audience could only hear the sound of flames hitting people, the screams of Zhou Ran, and Ji Changze's cold questions over and over again.

"Say or not?"

"Say or not?"

"Say or not?"

Zhuo Zhouran was beaten to the ground and tried to resist. Before the earth power could be activated, he was firmly surrounded by flames.

Everyone at the Yinghe base watched in silence, and one team member burst into tears.

"Captain, he was beaten like this and didn't say anything, what should I do..."

"you you……"

Zhuo Xuanran heard this sentence,

The dying man raised his head, vomiting blood, and used all his strength to scream at Ji Changze: "What do you want me to say??!!"

"You asked!!!"

"You didn't even ask me!!"

The young man was about to continue waving the fire whip in his hand.

Everyone at the Yinghe Base was also stunned because they were still unwilling to say what the line was because of the beating that Detour Ran had.


The boss didn't seem to ask any questions.

Everyone looked stiff, wiping tears and coughing.

Ji Changze was still the one with the dullest reaction.

When the flames subsided, he put the scabbard back on as if nothing had happened.

He said in a calm tone as if he just forgot to eat breakfast:


Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He wants to strangle him to death! !

But he can't.

Not only couldn't he, but he had to try hard to put on a flattering smile and ask: "So what do you want to ask?? What do you want to know? What? Ask me. If I know, I will definitely tell you."

His attitude was so cooperative, which made people wary.

Hu Xiaohu, for example, glared at Zhuo Zhuanran on the ground with hatred: "Will you be so cooperative?"

What can you do if you don't cooperate? Do you really want to be whipped to death?

Zhuanxu ran a flattering smile at Hu Xiaohu:

"Being a prisoner, living under someone else's roof, I don't dare not cooperate. Everyone's life has not been easy in the past ten years. Where can we still have? What? What? A tough guy, the kind of idiot who would rather be broken into pieces than to be ruined has long been dead. It’s over, what’s left is stretchable and retractable.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the fire whip reappeared, and Ji Changze swung the whip and struck him seven or eight times in one breath.


Zhuan Xuanran could scream in agony at first, but later he couldn't scream anymore. He vomited blood and endured the pumping, then he collapsed and reluctantly raised his head:

"Why? Hit me again!!!"

Ji Changze put the sword back into its scabbard and said coldly, "Brother, you are stupid."

Zhuanxu Ran: "??? What? When did I mention Jirong?? I didn't even mention him!!!"

The young man looked at him condescendingly, with no emotion at all on his fair face: "Brother, a tough guy."


Hu Xiaohu also reacted: "Our brother Rong is such a tough guy, what are you doing? You are greedy for life and afraid of death, and you want to step on our brother Rong? Do you want to die?!"

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

Neuropathy! ! !

They are all crazy! ! !

Hu Xiaohu: "Speak quickly, Anrun

What's going on with those threads on my body? What is that? Something? How to take it off? ? "

Zhuo Xuanran answered very quickly this time, fearing that he would be a little late, and that beast Ji Changze would seize the time to slap him again.

"The threads on his body are from eating bird eggs. The bird eggs will scatter the superpowers in his body and cause the person to fall into a coma. At this time, as long as he finds a carrier, he will be able to continuously provide superpowers while he is alive. "

"If the egg cannot be taken out, he will remain in a coma. The egg is in his body and you cannot take it out at all. If you want to know how to safely take out the egg, let me go and wait until I confirm that it is safe. I’ll give you the method.”

Although Zhou Ran was not a qualified undercover agent, he should be a qualified prisoner.

At least at this moment, he would seize the time and opportunity and try to fight for himself a chance to be free.


Seeing Hu Xiaohu's angry look, he closed his eyes and acted like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Either? You just let me go and I can rescue Anrun, or? You kill me. At worst, before you die, grab a supporter and Anrun, one of the five captains of the Yinghe base, die with me. I’m not at a loss either.”

He made it clear that he planned to use Anrun's life as a pledge.

Hu Xiaohu wanted to crush him to ashes, but he didn't dare to act rashly for An Run. After hesitation, he looked at Ji Changze: "Boss, what should I do..."

Ji Changze looked calm: "The bird's egg is in Anrun's body?"

Ran You was confident and nodded: "Yes, it's inside his body. Just give up. It can't be taken out from the outside. Even if you cut off those threads, the bird eggs in his body will continue to absorb him." The power spreads out."

"If I don't tell you how to take out the bird's eggs, even if he doesn't die, he will only be a vegetative person who can't wake up for the rest of his life."

Ji Changze repeated: "It can't be taken out from outside."

Zhuo Xingran looked at him with a little pride.

The young man in black also looked at him quietly.

A few seconds later, Ji Changze lowered his eyes and said calmly: "Notify the hospital and prepare for surgery."

The pride on Zhou Ran's face suddenly turned into confusion.

Ji Changze stopped looking at him and said to Hu Xiaohu: "Bird eggs are eaten, they should be in the stomach."

Thinking that anesthetics are a small amount of supplies in Yinghe and require the approval of the boss before they can be used, he added:

"I approve Anrun's use of anesthesia for surgery to remove the foreign body in the stomach."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

"No, wait, how can you take it out?

? ? You can't do this! ! "

When the young man heard this, he looked at him as if he was puzzled: "You said yourself that it can't be taken out of the body."

The implication is that since it cannot be removed from the outside of the body, it can be removed from the body through surgery.

"No, no, how can you do surgery to take it out? This is wrong."

Ji Changze seemed even more strange.

"Why? Wrong?"

He took out his little notebook, flipped through it, and confirmed: "Surgery can indeed remove foreign bodies from the body."

"That's not a foreign object, it's a bird egg! It's a bird egg created by supernatural powers!! How can it be the same?! How can you treat it the same way you treat ordinary bird eggs!!!"

Ji Changze asked the emotionally devastated Zhuan Ran: "What's the difference?"

The young man's eyes were clear, not like he was being sarcastic, but like he was really wondering what the difference was between a supernatural bird egg and a real bird egg.

But the more this happens, the more it hits people.

Ji Changze in front of him looked like an illiterate who had never attended the nine-year compulsory education.

But this "illiterate" actually figured out how to remove bird eggs from the body.

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

The complex emotions inside are really difficult to describe in words.

He struggled and squirmed on the ground: "How about we discuss it again, if you don't let me go or kill me, lock me up for ten years?"

"As long as you only lock me up for ten years, I will tell you how to take out the eggs."

Ji Changze ignored him and turned around to leave. As he walked, he told Hu Xiaohu: "Go find an anesthetic application form and I'll sign it."

Zhuanxu Ran was still behind and shouted unwillingly:

"Twenty years!!! No more! Isn't it enough that I have been imprisoned for twenty years?!"

Hu Xiaohu was a little moved. Of course he thought it would be best if he didn't have surgery: "Boss?"

Ji Changze kept walking: "Let's go."

"Thirty years, thirty years before I get out of prison and become an old man. Is this punishment cruel enough?"

"Well you win!! Life imprisonment, life imprisonment is enough!!!"

One of the team members whispered to his companions: "I have never seen someone bargaining for a price after being put in jail."

However, even if Zhuo Zhouran wanted to bargain, no one was willing to listen.

He saw that everyone else looked like they were going to take Anrun for surgery, and the only bargaining chip in their hands was gone because of the power of medicine.

He gritted his teeth and made a quick decision.

It was a certainty that the bird's egg in Anrun's stomach would be taken out. Since the bird's egg was no longer a bargaining chip in his hand, it might as well be the main decision.

Throw it out to get a good impression.

"Okay, okay!!! Don't go to the hospital, I'll tell you how to take out the bird eggs!!!"

The young man who had been walking expressionlessly stopped now.

He turned around and glanced coldly at Zhuo Zhouran: "Say."

Do not know why.

The scene is obviously extremely serious, but some people who still have memories of the pre-apocalypse always feel as if they have seen their mother go shopping.

The seller mentioned a price, but my mother thought it was too expensive, so the price negotiation broke down and they walked out. As they walked, the seller lowered the price, and finally everyone had to walk out. The seller gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, saying that he would just go with that number, and then my mother Satisfied and walked back.

Ji Changze wonders what others are thinking in their hearts?

If he knew it, he must... think that the other party is very discerning.

Didn't he do it on purpose?

His observations during this period of time were enough for him to see that, aside from being a bit stupid, slow in reaction, and a bit short-sighted, Zhuan Zhouran actually still had some IQ.

Although only a little bit.

But seeing his trump card taken away, and with no other way out, he had no choice but to self-destruct.

After all, you can still get some impression points if you blow up.

If Ji Changze and the others were really allowed to take Anrun for surgery to take out the eggs, Anrun would suffer a lot. After all, surgery can be very harmful to the body.

But there must be nothing wrong with Ran Ran. He will end well.

Ji Changze walked slowly back to Bao Xuanran, squatted down and said, "Speak."

Zhuo Xuran took a deep breath: "After what I said, you can't kill me. After all, I surrendered. You can't kill the prisoners."

The young man frowned slightly and said calmly: "There's so much nonsense."

Seeing that he was about to get up and leave, Zhou Ran hurriedly said: "Don't go, don't go. Let Anrun drink more water. What are those bird eggs? They are not afraid of it. They are just afraid of water. If you drink enough water, as long as you You can drown in an hour."

"When the bird egg dies, it won't be like before. It can't be digested by the stomach. Anrun, anrun will be fine."

Ji Changze always stared at Zhou Ran's eyes.

After making sure he wasn't lying, he stood up and looked at Hu Xiaohu: "Go get some water."

The water was quickly brought out.

Qin Qinghe sat cross-legged, carefully placing Anrun's head on his lap, putting the water glass to his lips, watching him drink water unconsciously.

Everyone gathered around there:

"Be careful, be careful."

"Lift your head higher to avoid choking."

When Fang Xing rushed over, those green colors on Anrun's body

The silk thread had begun to become dim and transparent, and after a while, the silk thread completely disappeared.

She checked Anrun's body and nodded to everyone: "I'm just a little weak, nothing else."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Anrun's life was saved, and they were able to find time to settle accounts.

Zhuanxu Ran was lying on the ground thinking about how to escape this time. Suddenly he felt a shadow above his head. When he raised his head, he met the unkind eyes of the Yinghe base personnel.

He immediately shrank his neck and crawled back: "You, don't mess around. I was forced to do it. I didn't do it voluntarily. I am a victim."

His pitiful look is really a bit pitiful.

Ji Changze spoke from the side: "Show your own face."

Zhuanxu Ran didn't dare to neglect, and quickly retched a few times, forcing himself to spit out a bird egg.

When he raised his face again, not only his face had changed.

The body shape has changed.

From his original slender figure, he has become slightly chubby, and his handsome and gentle face has also become a porcelain face.

He has small eyes, a short nose, a big mouth and a face full of spots.

His whole body was filled with an aura of obscenity.

Zhuo Zhouran still showed a flattering smile as before.

But this time, the others no longer felt that he was acting pitifully, and even became more and more itchy to beat him.

"Fuck!! What are you laughing at? What? Are you laughing!!! Do you want to be beaten!!!"

"No, this person is too wretched, he looks like a villain, yue!!! You are the only one who has the nerve to pretend to be our security team!!!"

Some people squinted their eyes and recognized who it was.

"Detour Ran, isn't this Detour Ran?"

"Wuliu is the eighth-level earth element and the second-in-command of Wuliu. Isn't he in Crane City?"

In fact, Zhou Ran himself is still very low-key.

After all, the mission he has been performing is to pretend to be other people and sneak attack others.

But he can't stand it because he has a domineering younger brother.

At the Zhuangxing meeting, he wanted to mention eight hundred times a day that his brother was an eighth-level earth element and the second-in-command in Yinghe. It was strange that Zhuanxing was not famous.

When Zhuo Xuran was recognized, the matter went from the original personal grudge to two bases.

The people who met Yinghe became more and more angry as they talked, and Zhuan Ran was thinking crazily in his mind.

Anrun was so popular that he made Anrun stay in the tree for several months, and he never stopped sowing discord.

Now everyone has been recognized. The younger brother who was originally going to be sent to Wuliu

, Ying He probably won't give it away. After all, once the identity of Zhuo Zhouran is confirmed, the hostile relationship between Wu Liu and Ying He will be clear at a glance.

So the only way to survive now is...

"Everyone, everyone, I am Zhuan Zhouran, but listen to me, I was forced. I really didn't mean to do anything to you Yinghe. It was our boss who forced me!! !”

He was crying with snot and tears on his big face. He was sobbing and trying hard to blame the boss: "Our boss is a very rare superpower. He can turn into a bird, a cuckoo." Bird, have you heard the story about the dove occupying the magpie's nest?"

"Our boss himself is not very strong, but he can use his powers to condense bird eggs. One kind of bird egg is the cuckoo egg. As long as he likes the powers of a person with powers, he can find a way to get his blood. , then put his blood on another bird egg called a sparrow, and then write his name on it.

If you trick him into eating that kind of bird egg, the bird egg will always be in his body, absorb his superpowers, and pass it on to the person who eats the cuckoo egg through a medium. As long as the two kinds of bird eggs are always in his body, In the body, and the person whose superpower has been absorbed is still alive, the person who eats the cuckoo egg can take his name and completely replace him. "

Everyone at Yinghe Base: "..."

It sounds a bit fantasy.

Isn’t this a doomsday channel? Why does it seem to be transferred to something? What? It's like the magical world.

The thief who was crying around the corner was so miserable that he wished he could say that he was the most wronged person in the world: "You all say that I am the second-in-command of Wuliu, but in fact, I don't want to be the second-in-command of Wuliu at all. There is only one in Wuliu." In the coal mine, there is nothing else, except that the boss has a stable position, and the people below are fighting for it, and they want to fight every day. "

"Obviously I am an eighth-level superpower, and I will be treated politely in any base. However, in Wuliu, no matter what level of superpower you are, you have to kowtow to the boss and please me every day. Otherwise, if you let him If he makes you unhappy, he will put a bird egg in your stomach and you will be completely chilled. "

Although he also had the idea of ​​​​succumbing to misfortune, what he said was indeed the truth.

Wuliu seems to have a profound background, with Hecheng as its back, and there are many strong people.

But in fact, strong people are basically fake strong people.

They deceived the real high-level superpowers into eating bird eggs, and then ate the cuckoo eggs themselves, pretending to be the strong people they were originally from the inside out.

Although they have gained great strength, the mentality of strong people is different from theirs.

Can it be the same?

The superpowers of truly powerful people all increase step by step. The reason why they gain fame is because of actual combat.

The people who replaced them had all kinds of superpowers, but they didn't have the heart to go to the battlefield.

It's fine to let them bully low-level superpowers and show off to them, but really let them fight, they don't have the guts.

Zhuanxu Ran cried: "I'm so miserable. When I was young, the base where I lived encountered a zombie wave. I took my brother with me and didn't know where to go. I heard that there were many strong people in Wuliu Base, so I thought it was a good place. I went there, thinking of finding a place to settle down."

In the end, who knew that the strong men were all fake strong men, and the strong ones were so proud that they were all a group of cowards who crazily flattered the boss of the base.

Detour Ran fell into the hands of the base boss in a daze.

Although those fake strong men are useless, they still have the strength of the real strong men. If a few people fight together, they can still take down Zhou Ran.

Zhou Ran is sometimes stupid, but he is also smart when he should be smart. He realized that if he disobeyed, he would probably become one of the many truly strong people who have been imprisoned and sleeping, so he immediately reacted quickly and showed Worship of the boss of the base.

Relying on his true ability, he quickly became the second in command.

After all, those fake strong men are not as useful as him. If there is any assignment, the boss of Wuliu will most likely go to him.

Bao Xingran had played the role of others several times, so he was considered experienced. Unexpectedly, he had to pick and choose this time, thinking that he could just pretend to be a soft bun when choosing a good-tempered one, so he settled on Anrun.

Who knew what Anrun was capable of.

He was in a hurry and made several mistakes.

Of course, Zhou Ran didn't talk about this. He only said that it was beneficial to him: "I don't dare to resist. My brother has bird eggs in his stomach. If I disobey, he can be replaced immediately. Yes , I am not a human being, but I was forced to do so. The culprit is our boss, and the main responsibility lies with him!"

He was sold miserably, but the people present looked at his big face that became even uglier when he cried, and there was no emotion in their hearts.

To say that there is, it is also because of the surprise that there is such a terrible power and the anger towards the Wuliu boss.

Ji Changze listened thoughtfully.

He said that Wuliu was a base that looked quite powerful on the outside. How come the original owner was able to trample all the high-level experts in Wuliu under his feet when he broke in alone.

Although the original owner became the strongest person, many ants killed the elephant. He

No matter how strong you are, you are still a human being, and you will not really kill gods when you meet them, or kill Buddhas when you meet Buddhas.

Emotions are all fake.

Without the actual combat experience of a true master, and without the mentality of a high-level superpower, so what if they possess all the abilities of an eighth-level superpower, they still can't defeat a truly strong person?

Ji Changze asked Zhuo Xuanran directly: "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am serious. I rose to level eight by myself step by step."

Ran cried and shouted: "Boss, please let me go. I am also forced to have no choice. I have no relatives. My brother is a fool again. He is even more stupid than you. He has already fallen into the wolf's den." "If I don't turn into a wolf, I will definitely be replaced."

Ji Changze looked at him expressionlessly.

He is remembering.

Find out from the original owner's memories whether Zhuo Xuanran is the person who killed Ji Wen'an.

No, not him.

In the memory of the original owner, "Anrun" has been fighting at the front.

It's true that Wu Liu's betrayer was Zhuan Ran, and the original owner also killed Zhuan Ran to vent his anger, but it was not Zhuan Ran who introduced the zombies into the base.

Moreover, Zhou Ran obviously does not have that IQ.

The original owner felt emotions for the first time at that time. Even if he didn't feel it himself, his mind was already so confused that he didn't notice anything was wrong at all.

Ji Changze stepped on the back of Zhuanxuan Ran: "Is there anyone else in the base? Is there any internal response?"

"No, no, it's just me."

Zhou Xuanran was kicked so hard that he couldn't breathe. He turned around and begged for mercy: "Boss, please be gentle. What do you want to ask? Ask directly. Don't step on me. I will tell you if you don't step on me."

Ji Changze moved his feet.

This has turned into a suspense drama.

As it happens, suspense is what he is best at solving.

Even Bao Xingran didn't know about the internal agent. It seemed that Wu Liu didn't trust him that much. The other party should be here to monitor him.

Since it is surveillance, the closer the better.

Ji Changze cleared the circle and said to Hu Xiaohu: "Go and bring his girlfriend."

That girlfriend, who had almost no sense of existence and was treated as a tool to divert people's attention, was quickly brought along.

My girlfriend has a thin waist and long legs, and is very beautiful. When she came over and saw this formation, she was so frightened that her face turned pale. She looked at Ji Changze timidly: "Boss, what's wrong?"

Ji Changze didn't waste any time and stepped forward directly. Under the opponent's deer-like gaze, he quickly slapped her on the back.

The girlfriend was caught off guard and was slapped hard, bending over and spitting out a bird egg.

Only one vomited

When he was a bird's egg, he was still a little deer when he bent down, but when he raised his eyes, he had become a strong man with a full beard.

"Jia Bi???!!!"

Zhuanxu Ran's eyes widened and he almost jumped up from the ground.

He was stunned for a second, and then reacted: "You, you are pretending to be Jiaojiao, so these days, it is Jiaojiao that I hug and hug these days???"

The strong man's face was covered with scars and he had big yellow teeth. He panicked when his deeds were revealed. He turned around and wanted to run away, but was slapped on the ground by Ji Changze.

"Spare your life, forgive me!! I didn't do anything. I was just ordered to supervise him!! I really didn't do anything!!!!"

The strong man was still wearing a girl's floral skirt. The originally slim skirt was stretched open by him. He also had makeup on his face. Coupled with this skirt that was about to burst, everyone else in the Yinghe Base looked at it. To crack.

"This, this, this..."

Even if they knew that the Wuliu boss had the power of a bird, which could lay eggs, and the eggs could also steal other people's names, no strong man wearing heavy makeup and a floral skirt would shock anyone.

Ji Changze fully showed his calmness at this time, and he kicked the person to his knees without any expression before letting go of his hand.

When I went to see Zhuo Xuanran again, Zhuo Xuanran was about to collapse.

"How is it possible! How can it be you?! I, I... ugh!!! I'm going to kill you, kill you!!!"

Seeing that he was about to rush forward with a look of madness and despair, the strong man begged for mercy at Yinghe Base, but he sneered at him: "Why are you so excited? We didn't do anything, we just hugged each other. , I didn’t care about the disgusting words you said to me, such as “Kiss me, baby, I love you”, but you felt aggrieved first. "

"you you you!"

Zhou Ran's whole body is about to burst now.

As soon as he was stimulated, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Seeing him fall, Ji Changze didn't feel any sympathy for him.

He just said calmly: "Lock up these two people."


Everyone present looked dazed, obviously frightened by what had just happened.

This is really going to be a fantasy.

Now it seems that the entire base needs to be investigated. After all, this method that can perfectly replace others is too magical.

A strong man can actually turn into a beautiful woman.

Moreover, even the circumambulator who knew about the bird egg was kept secret.

Everyone in the Yinghe base is busy, everyone is busy

Checking and looking around.

Their greatest advantage should be trusting their companions.

But if the companion is replaced, then this trust is equivalent to a knife.

While the entire base was busy, Anrun slowly woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he was still a little dazed, because even though he was unconscious, he could still vaguely perceive some things.

For example, during his coma, he could often feel that his daughter An Yingying was sad and scared.

Anrun had always vaguely thought that he was dreaming, but after being awakened, he slowly connected the scenes in the dream together.

Yes, that's right, that was not a dream.

That was the reality he felt through his superpower during his coma.

He had felt Hu Xiaohu's anger.

Have you ever felt your daughter’s sadness and fear?

Zhuangxuran learned that Anrun was coming to see him.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to see any of these people in the base, they were all violent maniacs.

But if it is Anrun...

In everyone's impression, Anrun has always been a very gentle person.

Because he has played An Run for several months, he thinks he knows a little about An Run. He is a very good-tempered person.

Then he met Anrun.

Obviously, he didn't consider that Anrun was gentle and not a holy mother.

He is indeed always so good-tempered. When people go too far, he just smiles and doesn't care about them. He will always tolerate everything with the greatest tolerance.

However, no matter how tolerant a person is, he cannot tolerate others taking his place and bullying his relatives.

The one who circumvented Ran still used his face.

The gods were afraid that they could not hold back their anger.

A second before he was smashed to the ground by the young man with red eyes, Ran Du still kept the above thoughts.

"Bullying my brother!"

"Bullying my daughter!!"

"I'll beat you to death!! You beast!!!"

The wound around the wound has not healed yet, so a new wound will be filled.

Faced with Anrun's accusation, he burst into tears and lay on the ground, crying like a 180-pound child.

When he was beaten before, he only felt pain, but when he was beaten this time, he felt really wronged.

"How did I bully them?! I'm so fucking stupid!!!"

He really didn't dare to bully anyone.

During the time when he replaced Anrun, he had to do laundry and cooking, mop the floor and tables, help with homework, refine his cooking skills, and maintain a gentle smile all the time. Is it easy for him? !

This time he was really wronged! ! !

It’s really unfair! ! !

The author has something to say: Ah, I gave up struggling

The schedule is too difficult, and I can’t sleep anyway. I’ll just crawl through the code tonight at a very fast pace. Baihe is free and the fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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