Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

379. He who snatches the orphan’s sword in the last days (10)

Chapter 319

Anrun was too weak, so he forced himself to beat him up and beat him. His face turned pale.

He was good-looking, but now he looked sick and looked even more frail. When he opened the cell door and went out, he nodded to the guard standing next to him and said thank you for your hard work.

Because of his high popularity in the base, most of the guards have a good impression of Anrun. After all, the vegetable patch in their base that is enough to supply all the members was originally created by Anrun.

When he opened the door and found the detour inside, Ran looked miserable, as if he was going to be beaten to death, and snorted coldly:

"What are you pretending to be? Team An hasn't taken good care of his body, and he's so gentle. He can hit? How hard? Who can show this pitiful look to him?"

"If you want to deceive sympathy, just dream!"

Really? Being beaten? Being unable to move? Detouring? Ran: "..."

He held his broken arm and started to cry.

Why did you choose Anrun?

So many people? Why did he choose Anrun in the first place?

This is simply SSS level difficulty.

Ji Changze also learned the news that Anrun had almost recovered.

Compared with other colleagues who would visit Anrun from time to time, he seemed much colder. He never visited Anrun once after he was hospitalized.

At first, Team Zhou was afraid that Anrun would think too much, but Anrun shook his head and laughed: "Nagasawa's temperament has always been like that. He will do the important things without anyone mentioning him. Other things, he can't think of at all."

"Still a child."

He had been locked in a tree before, so he could unconsciously sense what was happening outside. After he woke up and asked about it carefully, he had a rough idea in his mind.

"Detour Ran uses my identity to sow discord. Maybe others say you don't believe these words, but when he uses my identity to say it, you will still believe it."

"Fortunately, it didn't cause a big disaster. He is from Wuliu Base. He went to such great lengths to infiltrate our base. He must not just be gossiping. If Nagasawa really fell out with you, we should go to the river." Internal strife, Wu Liu is the one who picked up the leak? "

Team Zhou also thought about this after learning about the identity of Zhuanwen Ran. After hearing this, he lowered his head in shame: "I didn't identify him and let him use your identity to stir up trouble in the base. Stirring up the rain.”

An Run shook his head: "I don't blame you, who would have thought that there are people who can completely replace others from their faces to their superpowers?"

able. "

This kind of superpower is really terrifying.

People are not always the same. They will undergo various changes over time. How can others see it at a glance?

Even if I have doubts in my heart, I don’t know that there is such a power, and I won’t think too deeply about it.

Anrun simply couldn't imagine how he would live in this world if other people started fighting among themselves because they trusted him, eventually leading to Yinghe's destruction.

"Before Brother Rong passed away, he always kept Nagasawa with him. He was young and cold-tempered. You have never gotten along with him, so it is normal to not know him well. But I have a good relationship with my sister-in-law. We often go to Brother Rong's house. I It can be seen that Nagasawa just doesn’t understand a lot of things.”

"I've also heard about his obsession with level nine swords. There may be other reasons, but it's definitely not what you inferred before."

Captain Zhou nodded: "Yes, I understand. I have also seen it these days. He is still a child. I misunderstood him."

Looking at Team Zhou who bowed his head in self-blame, Anrun sighed in his heart.

If he had not been replaced but had been awake all the time, he would have definitely figured it out as soon as the disagreement arose and made peace between the two sides.

With him around, everyone's relationship won't be much worse.

The result was a detour? Ran.

Make a mess.

Now I can only be thankful that everyone in the base is fine and there is still a chance to get along well.

Captain Zhou said a few words to Zhuanxuan Ran again before pushing the door open and going out. When he arrived at the door, he saw Ji Changze standing quietly waiting.

He was startled: "Boss? When did you come? Why are you standing here and not going in?"

Ji Changze's refusal to go in was naturally to facilitate Anrun's small classroom to continue the class.

There was no expression on his face: "Have you finished speaking?"

Team Zhou was confused: "It's over."


The young man responded briefly, nodded, and concluded: "Then it's my turn."

With that said, he opened the door and walked in.

Team Zhou was left standing blankly for a second before he realized what he meant.

Is he funny? He rubbed the back of his head.

This? This is to visit a doctor, not to buy something. Why are you waiting in line to come one by one?

What a kid.

Inside, Ji Changze went in and sat directly on the chair next to the bed.

He looked at Anrun.

Anrun looked at him.

He blinked slightly.

An Run blinked slightly.

A minute later, Anrun was defeated first and said with a helpless smile: "I lost, I can't compete with you in terms of endurance."

Ji Changze pointed out: "You have never won once."

"Why did you call me here? What's the matter?"

When he came to the hospital bed, he didn't even ask the patient if he was feeling well. Anrun didn't care. He took the notebook on the table and handed it to the young man in front of him:

"I asked Team Zhou to adjust the account books of Detour Ran when he was managing the granary. There were some problems in the comparison. There were also material management issues. Two boxes of cans were missing. He must have smuggled them to Wuliu."

"Detour? Ran, I've seen him before. He can stretch and retract, but his foundation is unstable. It would be a pity to kill him. You can use him to deal with the Wuliu boss."

Ji Changze's face didn't show his opinion on this proposal.

The boy in black just said calmly: "I can deal with Wu Liu without him."

An Run looked at his cold expression and rubbed his eyebrows.

"Nagaze, you can't always be in front alone."

"I heard from Team Zhou that you wanted to go to Hecheng and Wuliu Base alone before, and you were also alone when you came back to capture those mutated animals. In the past, it was okay for you to like someone when you went on missions, but what I just said , that is a base-wide matter.

You are very capable, but you are only fifteen. If you can carry it alone, what will we, the captains, do? "

But the young man still insisted on his own idea: "I am the boss, and this is what I have to do."

"Yes, you are the boss, but you are not made of iron? You can't hold on."

Ji Changze looked up at him with firm eyes: "I'm made of iron?"

An Run burst into laughter for a moment.

"Relax, Ying He is not that weak. He doesn't need you to sacrifice yourself to protect him. You have been leading the team for several months, right? You have a holiday tomorrow. If you haven't had a day off for several months, you will be considered ironclad. ?You can’t hold it back, Brother Rong will definitely scold you if he knows.”

Ji Changze: "I am the boss. The boss said that the boss is responsible for the entire base. He will not scold me if he knows."

An Run paused, lowered his head and rubbed his eyes, hiding the sour tears that suddenly appeared.

He waved and motioned for the young man to come forward.

Ji Changze didn't hesitate at all. He stood up and walked over, and was hugged by An Run.

Anrun is a completely different person from Zhuan Ran. This can be distinguished from the same face, Zhuan Ran just looks gentle, but Anrun exudes warmth in his bones.

"Nagaze, you have shouldered too many things that are not your age. Please don't work so hard, okay?"

The young man moved slightly, thinking

Earn it.

Anrun hugged him tighter: "Your eldest brother told me that you need someone to watch you all the time. Fortunately, you are not much different in age and he can always take care of you. He must have never thought that you still need someone to look after you." Can take care of myself.”

"But you are only fifteen years old. This kind of high-pressure work every day, leaving early and coming back late is not suitable for you. Some things that are not too important, or too dangerous, let us share some, okay?"

The boy came out of his arms.

"I don't feel tired."

Seeing that he was retorting, An Run shook his head: "How can you not be tired? There are so many things every day? You have to do things."

Ji Changze: "I am made of iron?"

An Run was a little surprised. He looked at the person in front of him, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "We haven't seen each other for a few months, and you can still joke?"

Seeing his expression of relief that "my son has just grown up," the young man pursed his lips, as if he didn't quite understand why he looked like this.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I have a plan, how about you come and take a look."

Anrun took down another notebook.

"I asked around. When the eggs are not ripened, Boss Wuliu can feel the state of the eggs, but if they are ripened, he can't feel it even if they are spit out. , so Wu Liu should not know the situation on our side yet.

Wuliu Yinghe is coveted. On the other hand, if Wuliu is also included in Yinghe River, it will be a good choice for us. However, if we attack directly, damage may occur. I have an inspiration..."

Ji Changze finished flipping through this notebook.

An Run's handwriting is very good. When he first went around, Ran vomited blood and stayed up late to practice for a long time before he could write some similar words in daily life.

He laid out all the prepared plans clearly and clearly.

If I want to give a brief explanation, since most of the strong men in Wuliu have replaced other people's identities and abilities, they might as well send an undercover agent here.

The undercover agent forced the bird eggs out of the stomachs of those "strong men" at one time. According to the information obtained from the detour, the boss of Wuliu could only lay four bird eggs, two cuckoo eggs, and two sparrow eggs a year.

In the early stage, he wasted a few in order to figure out this ability.

After ten years, except for the ones used in previous experiments, they are almost used.

When he has the eggs, he will kindly invite some well-known superpowers to visit the base, quietly take blood, trick them into eating the eggs, and then ripen them.

Therefore, these "strong men" who were invited were naturally

Decided to join the base after playing around in Wuliu Base?

The boss of Wuliu is also afraid of being exposed, so most of the strong men he looks for are those without families. Even if some of them have families, in order to avoid being exposed, the actors will be asked to find another partner and act out a change of heart.

Their families could only leave sadly.

This kind of power has never been heard of outsiders. Even people close to him think that strong people change too much, but people's hearts are fickle. There are so many people who change their hearts after the end of the world, but it doesn't arouse any suspicion.

This also creates the impression that from the outside world, Wuliu Base is strong and powerful, but in fact it is just an embroidered pillow. The stolen strength is not as good as the one cultivated by oneself.

An Run said: "Although they will definitely not be able to exert their special abilities, there are too many ants to bite the elephant to death. We'd better not make any more unnecessary sacrifices, and just attack them internally and let them return to their original shape. , I don’t believe that their boss can lay more than twenty eggs at once.”

When Ji Changze heard his way of expressing it, he felt as if the Wuliu boss was an old rooster who could only lay eggs.

There was no expression on his face, he just nodded silently in agreement.

"Zhuawen Ran is a bastard, and his brother is no less. But these two people have an advantage, that is, they both care about each other. If they hold Zhuan Zhou for a while, they can hold Zhuan Zhou Ran. , in the same way, if you hold the circumference, you will also hold the circumference. "

"Let the bypass committee handle this matter. The base originally agreed to the Wuliu Coal Mine in exchange for the bypass committee. The reason for his return is legitimate. As long as you tell him, he will be spared if the matter is done." Will he take care of his life?"

After understanding what An Run meant, the young man frowned slightly.

He hesitated slightly and raised his eyes: "That trash?"

"Just because he is a waste, no one will be wary of him."

Anrun is very confident in this plan.

The main thing is that even if the bypass meeting fails, they will not lose. Anyway, if they fight with real swords and guns, Wuliu can't defeat Yinghe.

Since there is such a way to capture another base without killing anyone, of course you have to try it, and you won't lose a piece of meat if you try it.

This can also be regarded as the inspiration given to Anrun by Detour.

Even in the last days, few people would doubt their own people.

Especially for people like this who have unripened eggs in their stomachs.

The ability of Boss Wuliu can be considered to have advantages and disadvantages.

Li can naturally "cultivate" everything.

The "strong man" is firmly held in the palm of your hand, but the disadvantages also arise from this.

It is precisely because he is so confident that he can destroy everything for his subordinates by just raising his hand, so he becomes even more unguarded towards his subordinates.

After all, I can turn those "strong men" back into useless people just by thinking about them. It's strange to be wary of them.

Ji Changze thought about it and felt that Anrun's method was indeed good.

Of course it would be best if no one was injured.

He nodded in agreement: "Okay."

An Run also guessed that he would agree.

He just mentioned: "It's a pity that Detour will be a waste. Detour Ran has been away from Wuliu for too long. We don't know the current situation of Wuliu. If we know, we should be more confident."

Ji Changze felt the same.

Another point is that if they attack Wuliu, other bases will be a little bit disappointed.

After all, Ying He was already strong. Although everyone was afraid of him before, Ying He always stayed at his base and had no intention of going out to expand.

If the five willows were suddenly swallowed, they would inevitably be a little scared, worried that it would be their turn next.

But it would be different if Ying He grabbed Wu Liu's handle.

Find an excuse and have more reasons to leave.

It stands to reason that the reason that Bypass Ran is an undercover agent can be used, but if the boss of Wuliu directly blames Bypass Ran, he would simply apologize and admit his mistake and send him away.

If we fight again in Yinghe, it will not be good.

What do others think? It’s not important. What’s important? What is important is that after watching it, they will wonder in their hearts whether they will join forces to boycott Ying He.

Ji Changze was thinking in his heart, but An Run had already spoken first: "It would be great if the Wuliu boss did something bad at this time."

How did you say that?

If you are a bad person, you deserve to be beaten to death.

People will just think that you have a reason and clap your hands to celebrate.

Ji Changze's eyes lit up slightly: "Sword."

An Run was confused: "What? What?"

"He grabbed a level nine sword."


An Run almost jumped out of bed: "He robbed our ninth-level sword? When? How did he rob it? No one was hurt, right? Wen An was scared?"

Ji Changze explained it word for word. After staying in the tree for several months, the gossip was not very well-informed. Only then did An Run know that another ninth-level sword had appeared.

And this sword will also choose its owner.

Even if he was robbed by force, he would not recognize Boss Wu Liu as his master.

Come to think of it, it's actually quite logical.

Smooth, forget about other weapons, swords, knives and the like must be fought head-on? Although Boss Wuliu has a group of "strong men" under his command, he himself is a scumbag and can only lay eggs.

Moreover, he is still cowardly and will only hide behind and let others protect him. If the sword is really spiritual, it is normal for him not to follow such a cowardly owner.

"It's getting more and more fantasy. I've only been in a coma for a few months, and I can actually choose the owner of the weapons."

An Run was quite emotional: "The world is really wonderful."

Ji Changze glanced at Anrun and thought, there are more wonderful things to come.

If you had known that you had been in a coma for several months and the person sitting in front of you had turned into a sword, you wouldn't have been shocked to death.

"That sword? Who is the owner? Is he still alive?"

Ji Changze shook his head: "I don't know."

"Where is he now?"

"have no idea."

An Run paused: "Men and women should know, right?"

Ji Changze: "I don't know."

Anrun: "..."

He was silent for five seconds before asking: "Then what do you know? What?"

The young man raised his eyes and said calmly: "I know Hu Xiaohu knows."

Half an hour later, Hu Xiaohu ran in sweating and panting.

As soon as he came in, he sat on the hospital bed and drank from the hot water cup next to him: "Brother, boss, are you looking for me? Wait for me to get off. I'll drink some water first. I'm so thirsty."

Anrun saw him gulping and drinking water and wanting to pour it all down his throat in one breath, so he picked up a handkerchief to wipe his sweat:

"Slow down, what are you doing? You're covered in stinky sweat. You have to take a shower and change clothes before going to bed tonight, otherwise you'll be rotten tomorrow."

"Didn't the boss capture a bunch of mutated animals before? Didn't you eat them last time? It was so good. The group of people below were clamoring for more food, so I simply took them to catch them. Good guys, I can't compete with them. Are you tired of fighting zombies and running away one by one? The thieves are fast and strong, and they can also besiege them.

It took a lot of effort to catch it, but it took a lot of effort to bring it back. I just caught a wild boar. It took more than two dozen of us to carry it back for more than two hours. It was so heavy that I just sat down and didn’t wait for a rest. Yes, you just heard the news? You said you were looking for me, and you hurried over. "

Hu Xiaohu drank the water completely, took the handkerchief and wiped it himself. While wiping it, he asked: "What? What's the matter? Is it important?"

Anrun saw him like this, with a smile in his eyes, and scolded him: "How old are you, and you are still so impatient? It's not like I asked you to come over right away."

Come here now, why are you rushing like this? "

Hu Xiaohu chuckled: "Aren't I afraid of delaying you two when I tell you about my errands?"

Hearing that he wanted to inquire about the owner of Wuliu's ninth-level sword, he immediately became energetic.

"That sword was made by a person named Quan Youqin. Quan Youqin is twenty-five years old. He joined Wuliu Base three years ago. He has thunder power and is at level six."

"It is said that he was originally in Mian City. Wasn't Mian City later attacked by zombies? He fled all the way to Yinghe and settled down in Yinghe."

"This one has a piano. Before the end of the world, the family made the piano. It was the kind of piano that was played. It can be regarded as being passed down from generation to generation. It is said that it has always been a time-honored brand. His craftsmanship is very good. It has been since the end of the world. I'm learning, that sword isn't made, it's a wooden sword."

Ji Changze repeated: "Wooden sword?"

"Yes, boss, you are also surprised, right? A wooden sword can actually be made into a level nine sword. It is said that Quan Youqin has a very good piece of wood in his hand. I don't know what he thought, but he made a wooden sword." The sword was made and burned together with the crystal core. Logically speaking, wooden objects are not fireproof, but his sword is fine. "

Ji Changze was thoughtful.

Wooden swords are very common in the hands of cultivators. Quan Youqin must have had some enlightenment and made such a wooden sword.

"Anyway, it is said that it has been burned for a long time. It has not been burned out for seventy-seven or eighty-nine days. Instead, it is getting darker and darker as it burns. Black? It doesn't reflect light."

An Run coughed dryly: "Seven, seven, forty-nine."

"Oh, oh, yes, I remembered it wrong, it was ninety-nine and eighty-nine days."

An Run: "...nine-nine-eighty-one."

"Anyway, it burned for many days. It is said that the sword is particularly spiritual. When it was first released, it was born with a strange phenomenon. Many people saw it, so it spread very far."

"A natural phenomenon?"

Hu Xiaohu had a serious face: "I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you. When that sword came out of the furnace, it flew up on its own and flew outside the house, and then..."

Anrun: "Then?"

"Then, all of a sudden, a thunder struck down, and it hit the sword exactly. As you know, it is said that the sword is used to overcome the thunder tribulation."

Ji Changze: "..."

Divine weapons cannot survive thunder tribulations when they are born, but some weapon spirits can, but it is not because they are too strong, but because they are too weak.

Not only is he weak, he is also good at beeping.

For example, he had seen a weapon spirit before and discovered that he was just born

He was a man, and he was angry that he wanted to be a woman. So he went out and cursed God.

This kind of weapon spirit is the most vulnerable to being hacked.

The weapon spirit that was hacked lost half of its spiritual power, and in the end it could no longer even maintain a human body, and could only become a dog.

Not even a man can do it.

He's quite curious?

I don’t know what this sword spirit born in the apocalypse said. Why was he struck by lightning as soon as he was born? Could it be that he was not satisfied with his own image?

He asked: "What happened next?"

Seeing that Ji Changze, who had always disliked listening to gossip, was asking questions, Hu Xiaohu suddenly became excited: "It didn't happen after that. Even after being struck by lightning, the original one was built with Qin Qiaomi. Mi? It caused trouble in the whole base. Got it all."

"When I found out that it was a level nine sword, I was targeted by the Wuliu boss. Quan Youqin didn't want to give it to me, so I snatched it away. After I grabbed it, the sword suddenly dimmed, just like an ordinary wooden sword. Same, let alone fighting zombies, you can’t even chop vegetables?”

"At first, I thought it was a sword. But when I found Quan Youqin, the sword was in his hand. Good guy, it was shining. Boss, have you ever seen a colorful one? Black? It's like that."

Ji Changze nodded.

It is normal for the sword spirit to recognize the person who created him.

Although Sword Spirit doesn’t have any fledgling plot, maybe this apocalyptic Sword Spirit does.

What Hu Xiaohu said was so exciting, as if someone else was at the scene: "Boss Wuliu lost face in front of so many people, and his face suddenly didn't look good. He just gave it to Quan Youqin." He was charged with cheating with a fake sword and was thrown into prison as a death row inmate. Death row inmates in their prison would be locked up and bled to attract zombies to use as bait. As a result, Quan Youqin ran away when he was taken out to be used as bait. "

"What's more amazing is here! All Qin ran away yesterday? The sword was placed in the warehouse by Boss Wuliu, but it actually flew out last night."

An Run nodded frequently as he listened: "This? It's a good sword."

Apart from TV dramas, he had never seen a sword that flew out to find its owner.

"What's the point? That sword is too tricky. Just let it fly if you say it wants to. Flying? It's very slow. Flying? It's high and slow. Those people can't catch it, so they can only follow it. Then one night, He caught up with Quan Youqin three times, and Quan Youqin was strong enough. He was discovered three times and got rid of those people three times. "

"But no matter how he can run, the sword is flying. It's just like a coordinate. If you chase the sword, you can find him. You call it a trap.

Not a trap. "

Anrun: "..."

Ji Changze: "..."

That seems quite a trap?

If Ji Changze hadn't known that the new sword spirit didn't have that brain, he would have thought it had a grudge against Quan Youqin.


An Run realized something was wrong: "Why do you know about the person you were chasing last night now? Didn't the news spread too fast?"

"Hey, brother, you don't know, the people in Wuliu are really too arrogant. In one night, they crossed three bases and overturned eight stalls. Don't I have many brothers who are good at playing? There was a Heyang man this morning. He came over to exchange supplies, so he told me by the way."

"He also told us to be careful. If Quan Youqin comes to our base, we must not let him run to our marketing department. The people in Wuliu have no scruples in doing anything, and they overturn the stall when they are in front of it. This? Where is it? People with superpowers are simply bulldozers.”

Ji Changze lowered his eyes, thinking something strange in his heart.

This is a real sword spirit, not an old man who pretends to be like him. There should be an accompanying spiritual energy on his body.

He was worried before that he didn't know how to raise Jirong.

I originally planned to feed it with crystal cores, but the strength of the sword spirit fed out in this way is still not good. Ji Rong was at level eight when he blew himself up. If he came back from the dead, he would become a powerless mascot. , even the most stable people may feel disappointed.

Although the newborn sword spirits don't seem to have a very good temper, after all, there are still a few people who curse God as soon as they are born, but the relationship between the sword spirits also depends on compatibility.

Coincidentally, Ji Changze felt that he was in tune with everything in the world.

If only I could borrow some accompanying spiritual power from the other party...

Anrun called him: "Nagaze."

The young man raised his eyes, his eyes were clear again, and he looked innocent: "What?"


An Run could tell at a glance that he was distracted just now, and sighed.

This kid is so careless after all.

Letting him control the base is a good thing for the base, but for such an honest child, the pressure is really too much.

"It's okay, I just want to ask you what you think of Quan Youqin. Didn't you want a ninth-level sword before? Why don't we save Quan Youqin, discuss with him, and buy his? How about a ninth-level sword?"

With the new ninth-level sword, Nagasawa should no longer be obsessed with the one in Wen An's hand, right?

This is indeed a good proposal.

Ji Changze shook his head.

"Need not."

"Only save people, not swords."

Anrun was a little surprised:

"Don't you want that sword?"

The young man continued to shake his head and said seriously: "The swords all have harps, I don't want them."

Anrun's expression became complicated.

How could such a kind-hearted child be so misunderstood during the three months he was in a coma?

The other party stared at him with clear eyes and asked, "Is there anything else?"

An Run said: "No, since you have decided to save my cousin, let's save him."

When Hu Xiaohu heard the word "brother", his ears suddenly stood up: "Cousin?? What? Cousin? Besides me, do you have other brothers??"

Anrun replied: "My cousin is Quan Youqin."

Hu Xiaohu was stunned.

"How come Quan Youqin became your cousin? Isn't your brother me??"

An Run said slowly and patiently: "Quan Youqin is my cousin. I saw my cousin being chased by Wu Liu after he failed to snatch his weapon, so I saved my cousin in anger. I wanted to attack Wu Liu for my cousin. do you understand?"

Hu Xiaohu's eyes were a little straightened when he heard this.

"D-I guess I understand."

Seeing that he understood, Anrun breathed a sigh of relief.

Facts have proved that he relaxed too early.

Hu Xiaohu: "Then you never told me before that you had this cousin. How could you not tell me? Is he a relative from my aunt's side? Why didn't I know?"

Anrun: "..."

The young man rubbed his brows helplessly: "He is not my cousin, but if I give him the identity of cousin, we will have an excuse to attack Wuliu. Do you understand this time?"

"Oh I got it"

When Hu Xiaohu finished, Ji Changze imitated him and nodded expressionlessly: "I see."

Anrun: "..."

He felt as if he was teaching kindergarten children.

How on earth did these two idiots resist Team Zhou when he was in coma for several months?

"Anyway, the plan is to start with this. Find out where Quan Youqin is and find the right time to rescue him. I will go to the cell again to make arrangements for the detour and let him go tonight. "

Detour? There won’t be much of a problem there.

At first he was arrogant, sure that his brother would come to save him, but then he became afraid, and then he became cowardly. When he found out that "An Run" was his brother that day, and now his brother is in the next cell? The big fat man was completely stunned.

Anrun didn't need to threaten him at all, so he agreed to go around and promised to complete the undercover mission like a chicken pecking at rice.

In order to express his reward, and also to be able to

So that he could go on the road with more peace of mind, An Run also specially brought people to the door of Zhuan Ran's cell to let the two brothers meet.

Detour? Ran was shocked after hearing his brother talk about the undercover plan.

"What did you say? You went undercover?!!"

Detour will quickly comfort him: "It's okay, brother, I can do it. Have you forgotten that my previous dream was to be an actor? Don't worry, I will go undercover and successfully rescue you."

He was still very confident and said: "And the security team member just told me that if I do well, he will make me a team leader when I come back. Brother, don't be afraid. I will wait for me to become a team leader all the way." Become a team leader, then become a deputy captain, and become one of the five captains of Yinghe, and I will be able to protect you."

Detour? Ran: "..."

"...Wait a minute, tell me to slow down, what do you want to do?"

Detour: "I want to reach the top in Yinghe!"

Detour? Ran: "..."

"Please wake up! They are asking you to risk your life! Leave me alone and run away as soon as you get back to the base. You can't beat Wu Liu and Ying He!"

"How could it be? Brother, Captain An said that I am very talented in interpretation? I must be working as an undercover? A good hand, and you are still here, how can I leave you alone? Don't worry, I can definitely save you. "

Detouring, Ran covered his chest: "What talent do you have? You, you can't even fake crying to deceive me. You listen to me and leave as soon as you get back. Leave right away. The farther you go, the better." "

Detour: "Why should I go? Brother, wait for me. When I succeed in undercover, come back and become the team leader and then be promoted all the way to the captain. Just wait and enjoy the blessings! Let me think about where I want to go from here. It’s faster to start with one step.”

Detour? Ran: "Don't you think you dream faster?"

However, no matter how hard he attacked or detoured, he couldn't listen to the meeting. He left happily. Before leaving, he even shouted: "Brother, just watch, I'm fine." This? If it were before the end of the world, I would He must be the best actor.”

Detour? Ran: "...Open the door, I'm going to go out and wake you up!!!"

The cell door still failed to open, and he could only watch helplessly as his inexplicably confident younger brother left with a face full of "I will definitely succeed."

Anrun saw off the detour and was returning to the base when he was grabbed by a stranger on the way.

"Brother Ran, you came just in time. The boss asked you to find a way to hook up with Yanghu. The crystal cores have been shipped. Try to intercept the supplies sent by Yanghu."

An Run paused for a second and smiled: "Oh? Really? No problem

, where is the crystal nucleus? How many or how many did you send? "

The stranger gestured with a number: "That's so much! The boss is very distressed when he loses the coal mine this time. In order to make up for the loss, we took this batch of supplies. It is said that half of the family's wealth was filled in. We shipped them here." I was always worried about it, and I didn’t dare to hand it over directly to the middleman.”

"The boss has ordered that it must be handed over to you, Brother Ran. He only believes in you."

"Hey, boss is so nice."

Anrun learned to go around and smiled: "It's okay. You bring the crystal core and I'll ask someone to carry it back."

"They won't be suspicious, right?"

"No, don't worry."

An Run smiled and said: "I can definitely paralyze them fully. I can definitely transport these crystal nuclei back openly and without making anyone think there is anything wrong."

The crystal core was quickly obtained.

Anrun directly called his subordinates to carry him.

Bag after bag, they were transported directly to the base. Because there were too many crystal nuclei, it took a long time to transport them. Qin Qinghe, who was eating, came over with a bowl and asked: "What? Is this?"

An Run was still smiling: "Wu Liu sent the crystal core, intending to poach us and think I'm a detour? Ran gave it to me."

"That's so much, tsk tsk tsk, you're so rich, come and let me help you."

When they saw Qin Qinghe coming from a distance, the younger brothers from Wuliu were a little nervous. When they found out that Anrun had said a few words to the other party, the man not only didn't think anything was wrong but even came to help lift him. Everyone couldn't help but admire him.

have a look! Even Yinghe's captain could be fooled.

He is indeed the strongest undercover agent!

It's really strong! ! !

The author has something to say: It’s the end of the month. I’ll update tomorrow. I’ll pay off the two chapters I owe. Starting from the 1st of next month, I’ll need to update the nutrient solution again!

But I really can’t write an update of 10,000. I believe that even if I update it to 15,000, you will still love me, right? ! , Baihe free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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