Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

380. He who snatches the orphan’s sword in the last days (11)

As soon as Ji Changze came back from outside, he learned that his base had made a fortune.

It's not a small amount. When he passed by, bags of crystal cores were transported into the warehouse. Team Zhou, who was responsible for managing the crystal core warehouse, stood beside him and laughed, almost bursting into laughter. Flowers bloomed on his face. Out.

"Hey, this is really a bumper harvest. With so many crystal nuclei, Wuliu is really rich."

Obviously Captain Zhou and Qin Qinghe had the same idea. They looked at each other, with smiles on their faces that showed that they suddenly got rich.

An Run also felt a sense of unexpected joy. When he saw Ji Changze, he immediately smiled and explained briefly - "Part 2": "The people from Wuliu recognized me as Zhuanjuan Ran and gave me so many crystals when they came up." nuclear."

Ji Changze responded: "They? So stupid."

"Fools? Well, if they weren't so stupid, how could we possibly get rich next time?"

Hu Xiaohu was very happy, not only because of these crystal nuclei, but also because he felt that these crystal nuclei represented that they had broken back the Wuliu matter - Guan.

Although Anrun meant to hold back for the time being and do big things in a low profile, he had not forgotten that Wuliu sent someone to replace Anrun.

If they hadn't discovered something was wrong and rescued Anrun, who knows what would have happened to Anrun in the end.

Ji Changze had no interest in those crystal nuclei. He just watched from the side while they were carrying them. It wasn't until he saw Fang Xing who came to watch the fun that he walked over with his eyes bright.


The boy in black said hello obediently, and waited until Fang Xing smiled and nodded in response before asking, "Have you wiped your sword?"

"Did you change it to a sword rest last night? In fact, a white sword rest is better than a black one."


After receiving a satisfactory answer, Ji Changze settled down with satisfaction.

"Then I'm going to eat."

Standing next to him and watching his boss complete the daily questions, Hu Xiaohu shook his head and went over to ask Fang Xing: "Sister-in-law, don't argue with the boss, he just has that temperament and has no other intentions. "

"I know."

Coincidentally, Fang Xing and Hu Xiaohu had the same idea.

She had always had a filter for Ji Changze. Recently, she found out that this fifteen-year-old child was so busy trying to support the base that she felt a mixture of guilt and guilt in her heart.


Fang Xing didn't just come to watch the fun, she planned to go inside the cell to watch - and then walked around Ran.

Ask carefully to find out what kind of rumors this person made in Anrun's name when she was away or couldn't see her.

Zhuo Zhouran was completely desperate.

Now he no longer wants to rely on his own resourcefulness to get out of trouble, but wants to ask the people at Yinghe Base to quickly detour and call his brother back.

Detour will be a waste point. As his brother, Detour understands this point better than anyone else.

He is - not a little careless, and his whole body will be covered with tell-tale signs. How can he not be worried about this?

When he saw Fang Xing, he quickly begged the other party to call his brother back. Even if he went to jail, he would be imprisoned for the rest of his life. It was better than falling into the hands of Wu Liu and dying without any scum left.

As a result, before he could speak, he was slapped by Fang Xingxing.

He was stunned and opened his mouth to scold. Before scolding, he suddenly remembered, oh yes, he took advantage of Fang Xing's absence to stir up trouble and made the base a mess. It was normal for Fang Xing to hit him.

I didn't dare to question him anymore, I didn't dare to stare anymore, I covered my face and huddled silently in the corner.

He was shackled. This prison was built to contain people with earth powers. The ground was all made of metal, and even the cell rails were made of metal.

Zhou Xuan Ran could not do anything. He looked at Fang Xing coming over and quickly begged for mercy.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I know it's wrong, don't fight."


Especially when she thought that such a good person like An Run was replaced by such an ugly guy, she wanted to wave and slap her again.

"Okay, get up. I won't hit you. Tell me how you arranged Nagasawa with Team Zhou and others."

Zhuanxing Ran observed pitifully with his mung bean eyes - after a moment, he was relieved after confirming that Fang Xing really seemed to be just here to ask something.

"Actually, it's nothing..."

He still wanted to make a big deal out of a trivial matter, but when he did, Mr. Fang Xing looked at him and said, "Think about it. If I ask you, what you said is wrong..."

After walking around, the child will wilt.

Yes, the people he arranged for were all from Yinghe. If Fang Xing asked him directly, if he kept talking nonsense,

Isn't that revealing?

His heart turned, and he didn't dare not tell the truth.

Since you can't make it up, you can only try to round out your own image.

After all, what Ji Changze did was indeed wrong. Although he had deliberately sowed discord before, it was only a slight exaggeration, and his speculation was a little too much - a little.

It's not just a random fabrication. After all, he still wants to fuck Anrun's character, so he can't just keep doing it? That's nonsense.

Thinking like this, Ran Xiaoxing carefully looked at Fang Xing, then opened his mouth and told all the things he had done.

After finishing speaking, looking at Fang Xing's increasingly ugly face, he began to speak for himself: "Actually, I'm not just doing it for Wu Liu. After all, I like to fight against injustice."

"Just after Brother Rong left, Ji Changze took the position of the boss of the base. You? Look at this, eh!"

As Fang Xing listened, his original anger gradually faded away, and he sighed: "Hey."

Hey! There is a door!

She was actually convinced, and seemed to approve of it.

From the bottom of his heart, Zhou Xuanran became happy instantly, as if he saw the dawn of his innocence.

He hurriedly pursued Chen Sheng: "Sister-in-law, no, sister, look, you also think this is true. Really, you can't do such a shameful thing."


Fang Xing agreed.

Before Zhuan Xingran could be happy, he heard her? Then he said: "How could I be so sorry for Nagasawa?"

Detour Ran: "???"

He was stunned for a moment: "Yes, who is sorry to whom??"

Fang Xing: "I'm sorry for Nagasawa."

Detour Ran; "???"

"No, no, wait, wait, did you not sleep well yesterday? Or do you have a fever today? How about I help you recall - next? It was Ji Changze who took the position of boss after Ji Rong left. "



Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

If you look at these words separately, he knows each of them. How can you put them together so that he doesn't understand what they mean?

What does it mean to [not] become the boss? ?

That's the boss Yinghe.

The base boss in the apocalypse is equivalent to the earth emperor.

How could it be, how could it [not be].

He has to think too hard

I was wondering if I had been hallucinating for too long, and then I heard another sentence.

"I failed to take good care of Nagasawa."

Fang Xing meant what he said.

She is definitely not a loser. Although her power is a non-attack healing type, her position in the pre-apocalyptic world is not low. Not only can she help with some things in the base, but she can at least help. To share the burden - some.

As the only elder in the family, she should have stood up and taken care of the overall situation immediately after the accident.

But she fell into fantasy, and may even have suffered from mental illness, which made the entire base weigh on Ji Changze.

If she hadn't been able to stand up at that time and only hugged Wen An and cried, would Nagasawa have been forced to become the boss of the base?

He likes fighting so much, and doesn't like management at all. His favorite thing every day is to go to the martial arts field, or to the training camp. Others may like the position of base boss, but Nagasawa has absolutely no interest in it.

"It's me, it's all me..."

Fang Xing murmured to himself.

Hear her? He murmured to himself: "..."

"No, sister, eldest sister, this doesn't seem to be the case. It's not because you didn't go that Ji Changze went, but Ji Changze went up directly."

He worked particularly hard there to analyze carefully, trying to get Fang Xing to step back from the brink:

"You didn't understand this relationship clearly. It doesn't matter. I can give you an analysis. It's like this. It was Ji Changze who took away the position of the boss of the base, not you. He didn't care about the base, and Wen An didn't care about the base either. He was forced to do nothing. Mr. Nai, you have to make a clear distinction between priorities."

"No, we don't care about the base, Nagasawa is the one in charge."

Fang Xing was just feeling guilty, but when Ran Ran said this, he remembered: "You reminded me, when Ji Rong just died, I fainted from crying, and Wen An only knew how to cry. When the family was gone, the family was in chaos, Wen An didn't know anything, and I couldn't make the final decision in the chaos.

The base was in such chaos that Nagasawa had no choice but to get into position. "

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

As a co-author, he also provided Fang Xing with memory materials, right?

"I didn't expect that much at the time. I just felt that my mind was full of Ji Rong. You took advantage of it at that time and defined Nagasawa's helpful behavior as a white-eyed wolf."

Detour Ran: "???"

"No, why is this coming to my head while talking? I just

?That’s the truth, I didn’t do anything else. "

"Moreover, you have to pay attention to the evidence, right? You also have to find out who Ji Changze is. How dare I set him up? If he finds out, won't he burn me to death?"

As the person who had been beaten the most by Ji Changze in the base, Zhuan Zhouran was very aware of how scary this young man who looked cold and emotionless was.

He kills people at every turn, and even more terrifying, he actually whips people with a whip.

I have never seen anyone use superpowers to turn into a whip.

That was the flame of an eighth-level superpower. As long as Ji Changze thought about it, he could be wiped out in ashes at any time. God knows how scared Zhou Ran was at that time.

Even if he was wearing Anrun's appearance, he would try his best to hide away when he saw Ji Changze. If he dared to actually arrange anything, wouldn't it be life-threatening?

"Sister, think about it clearly. Look at Ji Changze's appearance before you say that..."

Fang Xing nodded again.

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, when Fang Xing opened his mouth, it was Wang Fang who said: "Yes, it is normal for a simple, naive and easy-to-deceive child like Nagasawa to be deceived by you."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

Simple, naive, easy to deceive...Ji Changze? ? ?

At this moment, he really felt: "Sister, are you suffering from a fever? How about I help you call someone and let them carry you away."

Just as he was talking, the rightful owner arrived.

Ji Changze finished his meal in the cafeteria. When he heard that Fang Xing was coming, he simply strolled over.

He didn't even look at Zhuan Ran - he just told Fang Xing: "His life is still useful, don't kill him first."

After a pause, he added another sentence: "As long as he can't be beaten to death."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

I came here just to remind Fang Xing. Can Xing beat me to death? ?

When he thought about it more carefully, it seemed that every time he was beaten, Ji Changze would add insult to injury. No one else wanted to hit him at first, but this guy just said a few words indifferently, and he became cold.

Good guy, as expected, Ji Changze is the most sinister and vicious person in this base.

Fang Xing, however, had completely opposite views than Zhuo Zhouran. She stood up immediately and asked with concern: "Why are you here? It's so unhygienic here."

The young man in black honestly told the reason why he came here: "Afraid of you? Beat him to death."

"He is still useful, now? He can't die

?. "



Ji Changze asked again: "What's the matter?"

Fang Xing hesitated - click.

She thought about it and decided that it was better not to tell the boy the truth.

Originally, Ji Changze was not gregarious and liked to be a solitary person. Some people in the base used to call him a white-eyed wolf. It looked like he didn't know anything about it.

Since he doesn't know, it's better not to know forever and save him from feeling uncomfortable when he finds out.

Thinking like this, she smiled reassuringly and said, "I just want to ask him why he chose Anrun, that's all."

"If you're fine, you can go out first. It's too cold and damp here. It's not easy for children to come here."

After receiving this answer, the young man believed it without any doubt, and nodded: "Then I'll leave first."

After taking two steps, he turned around and said something uneasy: "Don't beat him to death."

"I know, I know, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Seeing that the boy believed him so much and left immediately, she sighed, "Hey, he's still so easy to coax."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He looked at the other person as if he were looking at a fool.

"No, sister, do you really think that Ji Changze doesn't know anything? I told you that he is evil. He knows everything in his heart. In fact, I was deceived by him before, but now, if I think about it carefully, he is Really - he has a bad temper, he looks cold and indifferent and doesn't do anything, but in fact he has a hand in everything. "

Zhuanxu Ran finally concluded: "Speak less but be ruthless!"

--Snapped! !

Fang Xing - slapped him on the head.

"Who are you talking about?! You dare to say that to me, Nagasawa? I'm telling you, don't think I don't know about you. Little Jiujiu, are you planning to clear your name?" , if you want to clear your name, Nagasawa is in charge, because he doesn’t like to talk to others, so he just makes up things, right?”

Zhuo Zhouran was about to be stunned.

"Don't fight, don't fight, eh!! Who discredited him!! He is always black."

"You? Fart!! You still want to smear me?! Do you really want to be beaten to death by me??!!"

"I admit that I am an undercover agent and a spy, sister? It is normal for you not to trust me, but really,

I really didn’t lie about this aspect of Yu Ji Changze, really! ! "


Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

"Okay, I'm exaggerating this, but it's true. Although he didn't hire anyone to go to your house, I saw him come out of your house with my own eyes, or did he come out, you said that? , There is no one at home, why is he so sneaky?"

Speaking of this, Ran's waist plate is particularly hard.

"He just went in to steal the ninth-level sword, but he couldn't find where you put them! Otherwise, he would have taken them away directly!"

What he said was resounding, but Fang Xing didn't believe it at all.

"Come on, Nagasawa can't do such a thing. He's so good. Even if he wants a ninth-level sword, he just follows me and keeps asking about the current situation of the sword."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He finally found someone even more stupid than his brother.

"I've made it so clear and understandable, how come you-? You don't even understand it at all."

Fang Xing's attitude was very firm: "Because you made it up."

"I said, you are good enough to Wu Liu, but now that you are in this situation, you still want to sow discord."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

"I didn't!!! I really didn't!! I swear what I told is the truth!! Otherwise I swear on my life!!"

Fang Xing sneered and said, "First redeem your life from our Yinghe River."

"It's true that a dog can't change its habit of eating shit. It's already reached this point, and it's still struggling like this."

Because the other party refused to change his character and slandered Nagasawa in all kinds of ways, Fang Xing also lost interest in talking to him and got up directly.

He turned around and left without even looking at Ran.

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He swore that he had never suffered such a great injustice since he was a child.

Seeing Fang? !”

"You? Believe me!! Ji Changze is really—? He has a bad stomach, really!!"

Unfortunately, no matter how loud he shouted, Fang Xing still didn't look back.

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

It seems that people at the Yinghe base not only have mental problems, but also vision problems.

Over there, Fang? Star comes out

After going there, I saw Ji Changze sitting on a tree touching leaves.

The young man raised his head and looked at the setting sun on the horizon, his face still as calm as before.

But looking at it this way, it gives people a kind of beautiful feeling of tranquility over time.

Fang Xing looked at it and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

What a wonderful scene.

Nagasawa has come out, and it’s time for her to come out too.

Ji Rong is gone, and she still has Wen An to take care of. She can't always dwell on the past and cause mental problems. In that case, Wen An may not only lose his father, but also his mother.

Just as he was thinking about it, Hu Xiaohu came running, and from a distance he could hear his voice shouting with all his strength: "Boss, Boss!!!"

When he came over and saw Fang Xing, he quickly said hello: "Sister-in-law is here too."

"What's wrong? You're running in such a hurry."

Ji Changze also jumped down from the tree. Although he did not speak, he also expressed questions silently.

"That so-and-so, that Quanyouqin, I found it."

Hu Xiaohu breathed heavily and recovered a little - after a while he stood up and said: "Sure enough, he came to our base. He probably came in thinking that Yinghe's strong pursuers did not dare to come in. It was time to go through the formalities, but the pursuer failed to go through the formalities and was stopped outside. "

He was quite proud as he spoke: "Aren't we going to use him as an excuse? So I asked the guard at the door to deliberately make the process very cumbersome. Those pursuers couldn't get in, and the sword flew in, and I - ?When I saw Quan Youqin getting the sword, I came over quickly to tell you."

This is an important tool they use to deal with Wu Liu, so of course they must keep a close eye on him.

"Okay, that's great!"

Fang Xing also knew what they were planning, and a happy look appeared on his face: "Let's go, where are they staying? Take us to see them."

"It's arranged in the meeting hall. No, it will be arranged immediately. I will come to see you immediately."

It was rare for Ji Changze to have some expectations.

He really wanted to know what the sword spirit's form looked like.

What kind of body can a newly born sword spirit be able to curse God with?

He took the lead and walked in front of me. He walked very fast with his long legs. Square Star also had long legs, so he could keep up. Only Hu Xiaohu had slightly shorter legs. He was a little bit shorter. At first, I was still following him, but when I realized I couldn’t keep up, I gritted my teeth and ran after him.

"Boss, you? Don't be anxious.

, people can't run away, so don't worry, I've arranged for several superpowers to keep an eye on him, so he can't fly without wings. "

Ji Changze corrected him: "We are good people."

Why do you make it sound like they imprisoned someone?

"Oh, oh, yes, yes."

Hu Xiaohu quickly changed his words: "I guarantee that he will feel as if he has returned to the harbor at home. It will be extremely safe. The pursuers outside will never be able to get inside."

Even though there is a piano inside, I can't get out.

When we arrived at the meeting hall, there was indeed a person sitting there.

He has good facial features and a righteous face, and looks like a good man.

But Ji Changze didn't pay much attention to the other party. What did he look like? His attention was completely attracted by the baby in Quan Youqin's arms.

The baby opened his grape-like eyes and looked around curiously. When he saw Ji Changze, he seemed to sense similar information from the two of them. He clapped his hands happily and babbled a few words.

Ji Changze nodded politely to her.

Well, he can completely understand each other now.

The thinking and IQ of the newborn sword spirit are completely based on its own body. For example, if it is a teenager, it will have an IQ of a teenager.

Fifty years old means fifty years old.

This sword spirit is born as a baby, and her IQ drops directly to a negative number, and the baby's body will affect her memory. She may be fine at first, but as time goes by, she may even forget that she is a sword spirit.

I can't even blame God.

If it were him, he would also scold me.

The author has something to say: six thousand, nine o'clock for the next chapter, Jinjiang has been a bit crazy lately, and I can't get out the nine o'clock brush. Please brush it several times. Lily is free and the fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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