Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

383. He who snatches the orphan’s sword in the last days (14)

The fighting at the scene came to a halt because of this unexpected incident.

Especially Fang Xing, she was the one who saw the scene of the horse explosion most directly.

Ji Changze was standing in front of her, and she could clearly see the shape of the blood drops on the back of his neck.

Nagasawa... is the sword spirit? ?

what happened?

How can this be?

Team Zhou was dumbfounded, Hu Rong was dumbfounded, Qin Qinghe, Anrun, and Hu Xiaohu were all dumbfounded.

Even the people from the three major bases were stunned on the spot.

The reason why they came to attack the Yinghe base was that Ji Changze forcibly snatched the ninth-level sword. They couldn't stand it anymore, so they acted for heaven.

As a result, Ji Changze himself has now become a level nine sword.

That's a slap in the face.

Are they going to use "Ji Changze robbed him" as an excuse?

Not to mention hiding this from people in other bases, I even thought it was nonsense.

Everyone looked at each other. It was obviously a bloody battlefield of life and death, but they all fell silent in embarrassment.

You look at me, I look at you.

Want to get some tips from your boss? As a result, your boss is also confused.

For a moment, everyone stopped in place in embarrassment.

At first, everyone was still looking at Ji Changze. After a long time without speaking, his eyes couldn't help but drift left and right.

After a while, no one moved, even if they didn't know why, no one dared to move rashly.

I could only keep a stiff posture and ask my boss: "Captain, do you still want to fight?"

Captain: "You ask me, I ask who to go to..."


Fang Xing was so shocked that he couldn't speak. However, Anrun, among the several captains, managed to maintain his rationality. He stood there and slowly turned around, as if he was wondering why everyone stopped beating. young man.

"Are you also a sword spirit?"

The word "also?" is very spiritual.

Ji Changze still had no expression on his face, and his eyes glanced at Anrun indifferently: "Yeah."

Anrun: "..."

other people;"……"

No, is your reaction just like this? Ordinary?

"You are a sword spirit, why didn't you tell me?"

The boy gave his soul answer: "No one asked."

Everyone again: "..."

No one asked, isn’t that normal?

Who would ask a living person "Hello? How are you? Are you a sword spirit?"

If this is true, even if the end of the world comes, I am afraid that I will inevitably be sent to the spirit world.

The consequences of psychiatric treatment.

Team Zhou looked in a daze: "Are you a sword spirit???"

The boy nodded.

Team Zhou: “…???”

"Then you are a sword spirit. You can draw the sword directly. Why don't you just draw the sword out by yourself??? What are you doing? You have to go through so much trouble??"

Facing his questioning with a face that was shattered, the person in front of him still looked calm and calm.

"What's the fuss about??"

Team Zhou: “???”

He stayed for a second and then asked: "You can just take the boss position..."

Ji Changze: "Eldest brother said that Wen An can be the boss only when he is eighteen years old."

Team Zhou; "..."

other people;"……"

An Run asked: "So you want to be the boss until Wen An is eighteen, and then let him be the boss?"

The young man seemed to think seriously for two or three seconds, and finally nodded with full confirmation: "Yes, that's what the boss said."

Everyone: "..."

Team Zhou continued to ask in disbelief: "Then you move into the villa??"

Ji Changze looked at him with a faint look of confusion, "Haven't I asked this question before? Why am I still asking you now?"

"Big brother said that when you become the boss, you will live there."

This time, maybe it was because Team Zhou’s expression was so wrong, he added: “I originally lived in a villa.”

Captain Zhou subconsciously replied: "What are you doing? You live in a villa..."

As he spoke, he suddenly paused.

It is true that Ji Changze has not always lived in the villa.

But the ninth-level sword was always following Ji Rong in the villa.

"No, I don't understand..." Hu Xiaohu, as a young man who still likes to collect novels after the apocalypse, said cautiously: "Boss, if you are a sword spirit, can't ordinary sword spirits be able to enter the sword?"

"You just said that you have been living in the villa. That is to say, before Brother Rong passed away, you slept in the sword, so you have been sleeping in the villa. Then why do you want to move in by yourself? Why don't you directly Enter the sword yourself?"

Yes, that's a good question.

An Run glanced at Hu Xiaohu approvingly, obviously not expecting that his brain with insufficient IQ could actually say such a thing.

Speaking of this, the young man lowered his eyes slightly. There was obviously no expression on his face, but he could tell a trace of depression.

"I was injured while fighting the Zombie King."

"Can't get in."

Injured while fighting the Zombie King?

Qin Qinghe spoke quickly: "It's not just about being affected.

, will it be okay after you take care of it? "

Hu Rong looked at him like a fool: "He is a sword spirit. Have you forgotten that the ninth-level sword was severely damaged and the crystal core was directly broken? It was Brother Rong who took his crystal core..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly remembered that Fang Xing was present and quickly shut up.

It's painful to think about digging out one's own crystal core. They never talk about this kind of thing in front of Ji Rong's family.

"When a person is injured, does he bleed? It is estimated that if the sword spirit is injured, the sword will not be able to return."

After Hu Rong finished his analysis, he went to ask Ji Changze: "How about Changze, am I right? Are you unable to go back because of the injury you suffered last time?"

Ji Changze had no expression on his face and simply stated: "No, I recovered from my injury a month ago."

"I won't go in because it's too crowded."


Hu Rong was a little confused and subconsciously looked at the sword in Ji Changze's hand.

"Is this sword not as spacious as before after it was damaged in the last battle?"

No, it looks quite wide.


Ji Changze lowered his head to look at the sword in his hand, turned around and handed it to Fang Xing obediently.

Fang Xing held the sword in a daze. Compared with other people who were still digesting that Ji Changze was the sword spirit, she thought of a possibility in her heart.

Just thinking about it, even knowing that it was unlikely to be what she thought, was enough to make her mentally shaken.

"Nagaze, you, you said it's crowded inside, is it because..." Fang Xing tried to calm down his emotions and tried his best to speak properly.

"There are other people in there, right?"

No one expected Fang Xing to say such words.

Everyone looked at her in confusion.

Compared with everyone who looked confused, Ji Changze's reaction was the calmest one as always.

He nodded directly: "Yes."

The young man was still a little aggrieved, but there was no resentment in his grievances.

"Brother is too fat."

Who is too fat? ? ?

The two base bosses who came to attack Yinghe stood awkwardly. One of them poked the other's arm and asked in a low voice: "Who is Brother Ji Changze?"

"Who else could be there, other than that one, that Jirong? Besides him, who else would be the big brother at Yinghe Base?"

The base boss who asked the question got the answer and nodded in realization: "Oh...it's him...wait?!!!"

He almost jumped up in surprise: "Jirong is in the sword?? Isn't he dead???"

The pitch is too

Big, suddenly everyone's attention shifted to him again.

The boss of passerby A: "..."

He took a look at Ying He's powerful abilities, all of which were no lower than level six, and there were two eight-level and several seven-level lineups. He wisely shut up silently and pretended that he hadn't said anything just now. .

"Wait, wait, wait."

Team Zhou seems to have been confused from just now until now.

As time went by, not only did he fail to become clearer, but he became even more confused by the waves of stimulation.

"You guys wait a minute and let me know."

He pointed at Ji Changze: "You are the sword spirit."

Pointing to the sword again: "That's your sword."

"You said it's too crowded inside because the eldest brother is too fat. No, let's not mention Brother Rong. Is he strong or not fat? It's too crowded. What does it have to do with Brother Rong? Is it possible that Brother Rong can still be there? Live in your sword?"

He made a lot of noises, and Ji Changze replied with one word: "Yes."

Team Zhou: "..."

other people:"……"

"Wait a moment, let me slow down a bit..."

He covered his head and thought for a few seconds but still couldn't do it. He went to look at Anrun and said, "Anrun, you are the most stable, just tell me."

An Run: "...Me too? I'm a little confused..."

When encountering this kind of thing, no matter how calm you are, you can still calm down.

"No, Nagasawa, my eldest brother blew himself up and died in front of all of us, with no bones left. So many people saw it. Why did he run away from the sword? Is it true or false? Then Why doesn't he come out?"

The young man in black said expressionlessly: "I took it in."

Oh...it turns out he was the one who connected it...

Everyone understood this explanation in an instant... What a ghost!

The sword spirit can go in. Let's not talk about it. Anyway, everyone saw Ji Changze draw the sword from the back of his neck. Since he can draw the sword, it seems normal to live in it.

Sword spirits don't live in swords.

But Ji Rong is a human being.

Compared to Ji Changze, he is definitely a living person.

He had parents, a wife, children, relatives and friends, and he died in front of everyone's eyes.

This doesn't make sense.

But let Ji Changze describe it to them. Obviously, this sword spirit who doesn't talk much and has a lot of personality can't say anything.

So Team Zhou came up with a very good idea.

"Otherwise, how about you take me in and I can go in and take a look?"

Ji Changze talks less, but that doesn't mean he won't speak out.

He said directly: "Okay, you die first."

Team Zhou: “???What should I do first??”

The young man said, "It doesn't matter. I'm very considerate. You didn't hear clearly what I told you." "Die first."

Afraid that he wouldn't know how to do it, Ji Changze opened his palm, and a ball of flame emerged from his palm, which was enough to turn a person into ashes.

Very kind advice: “I can help you.”

Seeing that he really looked like he was going to throw the flames at him, Captain Zhou jumped back in fright and quickly avoided: "Goodbye, goodbye, I don't want to die yet."

When the young man in black heard this, he tilted his head in confusion: "You can't get in until you die."

Team Zhou: "..."

It's a waste of time to die.

He looked at the gazes of the people around him, coughed dryly, and tried to change the subject: "You mean, before Brother Rong blew himself up, you pulled his soul into the sword and let him live there?"


Ji Changze shamelessly approved this version.

To say that he saved Ji Rong is not wrong.

With Ji Rong's level of weakness, if he hadn't found an opportunity for the opponent to absorb the spiritual energy emitted by the new sword spirit, he would definitely not have been able to sustain it.

Not to mention sober, thank God if it doesn't dissipate.

Team Zhou looked stunned: "How come it's like filming a fairy tale drama? Aren't we trying to survive in the apocalypse??"

"How come there is still a soul and it can still live in the sword???"

Hu Xiaohu was used to confronting him. Now when he heard that he did not agree with what his boss said, he immediately stood up to defend Ji Changze:

"The baby that Quan Youqin is holding is the Sword Spirit, and you didn't say anything."

"Later I found out that the boss is a sword spirit, didn't you? Don't you think there's something wrong with that?"

"Now it's just Brother Rong's soul that has entered the sword. Aren't they all similar in nature? What are they all? Feudal superstition, supernatural fantasy, why are you questioning my boss!!"

Team Zhou: "...Do you think this...is the same??"

Hu Xiaohu: "..."

He glanced at Ji Changze a little guiltily, and his defense of the other party made him suddenly withdraw his guilt, and he puffed up his chest and spoke righteously: "Of course it's the same!!"

"Boss, are you saying the same thing is different?!"

Ji Changze glanced at him. Ever since he came to this world, he had never had a chance to make a difference. Now Hu Xiaohu's stage is at his feet. It would be a pity not to sing a few lines.


The boy in black was obviously very sure of what his younger brother said.


He rarely said a few more words and said to Team Zhou: "I think you are shocked."

Team Zhou: "...No, it's not like that. I'm shocked right now."

Ji Changze asked him: "Are you shocked that I am a sword spirit?"

Team Zhou nodded.

Ji Changze asked him again: "Are you shocked that your eldest brother lives in the sword?"

Team Zhou nodded.

When the young man got the answer, he nodded and turned his head to look at Hu Xiaohu: "Look, the reactions are all shocked. They are the same."

Hu Xiaohu immediately clapped his hands, looking like he suddenly realized something.

"Yes, boss! Why didn't I think of this just now!! It's the same!!!"

"As expected of the boss!! He is so smart!!!"

Judging from his excited look, I guess he would have wanted to give Ji Changze a "As expected of you" emoticon on the spot if conditions had not allowed for it.

Team Zhou: "..."

other people:"……"

Was the logic between these two taught by the physical education teacher?

But think about it, one is a sword spirit, and the other is a mentally retarded young man who has not paid much attention to school since the end of the world and focused on training his powers to fight zombies. In an instant, it feels understandable.

"Are you obsessed with this? Why."

Qin Qinghe, who had remained in a fixed state, finally came to his senses, pushed away Team Zhou, and came to Ji Changze. He pursed his lips nervously and asked:

"Nagaze, since you saved Brother Rong back then, when can he come out? Is he still the same person?"

Ji Changze looked at him: "I haven't cultivated myself well yet. It's not even a month yet."

Fang Xing, whose face had always been blank, also reacted.

She lowered her head and looked at the sword in her hand, and tears fell on it: "One month..."

"It turns out that when you said it was too crowded, that's what you meant by a month."

Fang Xing's face gradually gained expression, he was crying and laughing at the same time, it was complicated and hard to express.

When she spoke, her lips were trembling: "Nagaze, thank you. My sister-in-law really wants to thank you. Really, if it weren't for you, your eldest brother would never come back..."

Fang Xing was not a very indecisive person to begin with.

Her uneasiness and emotional breakdown all came from missing Ji Rong and being uncertain about her body.

Instinct made her choose to believe that Ji Rong was by her side.

Reason told her that people are dead when they die.

In this entanglement between the two sides, even if it is not visible on the surface, in fact only Fang Xing himself knows how painful she is in her heart and how strong her spirit is.

What? Afraid of collapse.

She was extremely afraid that she would lose her mind when she woke up one day and become a madman who could not control her own behavior.

But now, Ji Changze told her: You are right, Ji Rong is indeed not dead, he is still there, right by your side.

Fang Xing relaxed as if he was suddenly told by the doctor that he had been diagnosed with a wrong diagnosis when he was suspected of having a terminal illness.

Except for the day Ji Rong died and the funeral, she had always behaved appropriately.

But at this moment, she was holding the ninth-level sword and crying heartbrokenly.

"I knew...I knew you were still alive, you were still alive, you must still be alive. You are Wen An's father, how could you die so easily..."

Everyone stood there in silence, watching the woman cry so hard, as if she wanted to vent all the fear and pain that had been suppressed in the past few months.

Ji Changze stood aside, as if he were eight years ago, or as he stood in those days.

He stood straight, expressionless, folded his arms, and quietly turned his head to look at his sister-in-law, who was squatting on the ground holding a sword and crying.

Captain Zhou asked Qin Qinghe in a low voice: "Do you think he can understand?"

Qin Qinghe really thought about it seriously: "He can't. After all, he is just a sword spirit, not a real person. I mean, no wonder Brother Rong was already a seven-year-old child when he brought Nagaze back. He can't even hold chopsticks, he can't speak well, and he just jumps to the cabinet at every turn.

I heard that I really liked staying on the rooftop before. Brother Rong said that he used to live alone in the zombie city. He probably thought it was safer in high places. Now it seems that Brother Rong used to put his sword high. This is It's a habit developed within the sword. "

Team Zhou was a little confused: "Brother Rong, what? Do you like to put your sword in a high place now?"

"Didn't he make a special wooden shelf to put the sword? You can show the height of the ninth-level sword. No, it's the Nagasawa sword. You can show the height of the Nagasawa sword."

Qin Qinghe stretched out his finger and gestured for the approximate height: "Look, it's almost this high, right? Then the wooden frame has reached Brother Rong's waist, and Brother Rong is tall. That height is only about this?" For a tall sword, is it a high place?"

Team Zhou felt that what he said was a bit right, but also a bit wrong.

He opened his arms and gestured: "Isn't the height of the sword like this? Is it long?"

"That's Chang. Brother Rong always puts his sword horizontally."

"So what do you mean?"

Qin Qinghe vowed: "That's why Nagasawa liked to be in high places before.

He slept because he was used to sleeping at high places when he was inside the sword. "

He also used hindsight: "When Nagasawa was brought back, I felt that something was wrong with this child. How can a child at seven years old still not know how to dress himself or eat? He can't speak. Do you still remember? When he first came here, Brother Tianrong took him to buy clothes.

Halfway through, he saw a motorcycle driving in the base. When he saw the motorcycle, he was so frightened that he ran up a tree and stood there for a long time without getting down. Even if he was only five years old before the apocalypse, a five-year-old would still understand a little bit. ?It’s over, it’s not like even motorcycles don’t know about it. "

"So at that time I concluded that there must be something wrong with him, at least he was definitely not a normal child."

Team Zhou: "..."

He felt that what Qin Qinghe said was a little wrong, but after checking it over, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

"No, Brother Rong said at that time that it was because he had been alone for a long time, and the child had no one to guide him, so he hadn't seen anything. In addition, Nagasawa didn't rush up in fear, he just stayed vigilant. "

"Listen to Brother Rong. Anyway, I saw something was wrong at that time, but because Brother Rong didn't say anything, I didn't mention it to anyone."

The more Qin Qinghe talked about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

He did feel something was wrong at that time.

It's just that who has nothing to do to study how a child is doing, so when he felt something was wrong, he let it go.

Looking back now, he couldn't help but admire himself.

He is so resourceful and has fiery eyes. Even Ji Changze can tell that he is a sword spirit... one in twenty.

"And Nagasawa actually behaves quite obviously. Look at him. He carries a sword scabbard and follows Brother Rong every day. Sword Spirit, of course he has to follow."

Before, they thought Ji Changze was loyal to Ji Rong.

Now it seems that loyalty must be loyalty, but why? Loyalty is another reason?

This sword was made by Ji Rong himself.

Ji Changze is the sword spirit inside the sword.

After all, Ji Rong is his father!

Up and down like this? One correspondence.

All closed.

There is no need for Ji Changze to say anything more. After listening to this, others will naturally take note of all the things that they did not understand or understand before.

You can even substitute.

From Ji Changze's point of view, as a sword spirit, he does not have as complex thoughts as humans. What Ji Rong says, he just does.

After Ji Rong died, he followed Ji Rong's instructions because Ji Rong said he would let Ji Wen'an become the boss of the base when he was eighteen, so he became the boss himself and planned to wait until Ji Wen'an was eighteen before giving him the position. .

If others use this excuse, they might even think, "Damn it, are you mentally retarded? Are you treating us like fools?" "Is that so? You can use stupid excuses, we are not three-year-olds."

But his identity was Ji Changze who was the Sword Spirit.

He is just a sword.

What can a sword spirit that seems to have only been born for eight years be capable of? How can it be evil?

He is just stubborn and doesn't understand human beings. He follows his elder brother's instructions like a machine. Is he wrong?

He is right!

Is there something wrong with him?

That's definitely not the case! !

Captain Zhou counted on his fingers: "One, two, three... Oh my God, that Ji Changze is only eight years old???"

Eight years old...

Everyone looked at Ji Changze.

Ji Changze's expression remained unchanged: "Not eight years old."

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, he added breathlessly: "He is eight and a half years old."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone looked at him with more or less shock.

Passerby Yi was so shocked that he shouted out: "Are you only eight years old? Damn it!!!"

Just now Ji Changze swept through the whole area by himself! !

As a result, this evil god is actually only eight years old? ? ?

"What's wrong with being eight years old?! You're jealous of our boss's young age! Looking at how old you are, you still have the nerve to talk about our boss here!!"

As a protector of the river, Hu Xiaohu immediately came online. He might just be happy with Team Zhou, but facing the boss of passerby B, who was the real enemy, even if the opponent just said a word to Ji Changze, he would Also? I wish I could hold a machine gun and shoot the opponent on the spot.

Passerby Yi didn't want to have a conflict with him.

Just a baby sword spirit can kill Wuliu Base on its own, and now there is an adult version.

What else do they dare to think about attacking? Yinghe base.

What the hell, all the excuses I made have turned into the excuses themselves, and they even beat me up.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just meant that he is only eight years old and looks like this..."

"So? Why!! I'm telling you, don't be so arrogant. What's wrong with being eight years old? Who stipulates that eight-year-olds cannot be tall, 189cm long, and two meters long. Eighty-year-old handsome is more handsome than a male star in the sky!!"

After Hu Xiaohu finished speaking, he continued: "And don't just do it day by day.

He just wanted to throw dirty water on our boss and spread rumors that he was stealing a level 9 sword. He himself is a level 9 sword! ! "

Ji Changze, who had always shown no interest in these things, gave him a slap: "Changze sword."

"Yes!! Nagasawa sword!! You just randomly named our boss, ah! Who doesn't know what you are thinking? Ah, are you just thinking of finding an excuse to join forces to take down Yinghe, and then become popular yourself? Do you want something spicy?

Now our boss has saved Brother Rong. If he really has a bad intention, how could he save Brother Rong? You are blind, but you still have to go to someone else's house, mind their own business, and be the boss of the base. I think each one of them looks like a gutter rat. Oh no, why did I say rat? What did the rat do wrong? It has something to do with you! "

Ji Changze: "What? Evil intentions?"

"It's okay, boss. You don't have to worry about these things. Don't listen to such dirty things. Come on, brother, go and cover the boss's ears."

Although An Run felt that Hu Xiaohu was a bit exaggerated, thinking about it, Ji Changze was only eight and a half years old this year...

Forget it, just cover it up.

Children shouldn't listen to these dirty things.

Even if he is a sword spirit, he is still a child.

Although the boy in black sounded a little confused as to why he wanted to cover his ears, he did not move. He stood there and let Anrun gently cover his ears.

Seeing that Ji Changze could no longer hear, Hu Xiaohu became more energetic.

He had been holding back some unpleasant words just now, but now he opened his mouth and cursed for three full minutes without repeating the same thing.

Although Passerby B is only the boss at the end of the nine major bases, he has been "pampered" for so long. How can he compare to Hu Xiaohu, who only chats and brags when he has nothing to do.

His mouth opened and closed, opening and closing, but he couldn't find a chance to interrupt.

His face turned blue and white, and he wanted to fall out, but he clearly understood that not only did he no longer have any reason or excuse to attack Yinghe, but he also couldn't defeat the key point.

There is no other way, just give up.

"I, it was Boss Wuliu who deceived us, and we only believed him, so... isn't the misunderstanding resolved now? It was our fault, we apologize, can we retreat?"


Ji Changze, whose ears were obviously covered, had been silent.

Upon hearing this, he took a step to the side to block the opponent's figure who wanted to leave, and said in a calm tone: "Keep fighting."

Hu Xiaohu: "..."

An Run: "...Maybe the sword spirit doesn't use ears to hear sounds.


Forget it, they just need to stand by Ji Changze's side anyway.

"Yes! You made our base a mess and you think you can leave just by saying retreat?!"

"Come on, aren't we going to attack Yinghe? Come on and fight, the worst we can do is fight to the death."

"Yes, you, you, you, come here and stand here. We were fighting face to face just now. My knife is about to chop off your neck."

Then it was discovered that Ji Changze was the sword spirit, and the sword dropped to the ground in shock.

People from those three bases: "..."

I can't fight again and again, and I can't walk anymore.

There is no legitimate excuse, face is lost, and dignity is lost.

Especially the people at Wuliu Base, who could be said to be strong when they were taken out, have now become nothing more than crooked melons and cracked jujubes.

Isn't this embarrassing? Who dares to fight for fear that his life will be too long?

In the end, several bases still failed to fight.

Normally at times like this, we would send out Team Zhou, who has a negative IQ when facing his own people, but is especially good at talking when outside.

He argued with those three bases for a while, and was very satisfied when he came back.

"nailed it."

"The two bases that were pulled over to help will compensate us for five trucks of weapons, food to fill our warehouse, and three thousand for level five crystal cores, three hundred for level six, and twenty for level seven."

These are all based on his estimation of the strength of the two bases. It has been ten years since the end of the world, so it is not impossible to collect these crystal cores, but after doing so, it is estimated that the family's wealth will be emptied.

"Where is Wuliu Base?"

This question was asked by Ji Changze.

He was also thinking about the coal mine that Ji Rong wanted: "My eldest brother wants Hecheng, so I want Hecheng to come."

"More than Crane City."

Team Zhou chuckled: "I didn't talk to them at all. With their current attitude, there's no need to talk."

What else are you talking about? Ah, the boss of Wuliu is dead, what about these? The younger brothers have all returned to their original form, without any strength at all. If Yinghe wants Wuliu, he can just send people there.

"We really have to send people there, and we have to rescue those people with hidden powers who have been replaced."

Captain Zhou touched his head and sighed:

"I don't know if people in other bases find out whether they will find Boss Wuliu's abilities more shocking, or whether they will find the appearance of the Sword Spirit more magical."

The boy in black was not interested in what he said at all. He couldn't understand the slightly roundabout words at all, and he didn't know what Captain Zhou just said. He didn't understand.

The answer I wanted was so I asked again: "I want Crane City."

"Hey, my boss."

Captain Zhou patted him on the shoulder, and his words were as warm and gentle as he would treat a seven or eight-year-old child: "Let alone Crane City, the entire Wuliu will be ours from now on."

He also fantasized happily: "When Brother Rong wakes up and sees it, he will definitely be very surprised."

It will indeed be a surprise.

Ji Changze thought, he died and came back to life, and then he learned that his sword had a sword spirit. The sword spirit was the child he thought he had raised as an orphan for so many years.

Even Ji Rong would probably be confused for a long time.

The news that the three major bases were besieging Yinghe had not yet spread, but the news of the failure of the siege had already caught up.

It is estimated that within a few days it will spread to all inhabited bases.

Everyone was cleaning up the mess. Fang Xing held the sword and carefully touched the red line on it over and over again.

Nagasawa said Ji Rong would be out soon.

As long as one month is up, he will come back to them.

Ji Changze was still like that, not helping to clean up the mess, but just standing aside and watching with his arms folded.

At this time, no one thinks it is too cold to not help others without telling them.

He is a sword spirit!

He is still a sword spirit who is only eight and a half years old!

Let an eight-and-a-half-year-old do this?? ? ?


In fact, Hu Xiaohu has never fully digested the news, but it does not affect his continued belief that "the boss must be right. If others say the boss is wrong, then they must be wrong."

I was tidying up with others, and after tidying up, I found a person standing in the distance.

There were messes everywhere on the ground, and the man didn't clean them up. He just stood there, facing the slowly setting sun.

The back looks particularly lonely.

Hu Xiaohu walked over curiously, wanting to see who it was that had caused such a misfortune, but when he got closer, he saw that it was Quan Youqin who was holding the child.

Only then did he remember that Quan Youqin had not spoken out since the news that Ji Changze was the sword spirit was exposed.

In my impression, when everyone decided to clean up together, Quan Youqin seemed to have remained silent.

"What are you doing?"

He asked: "Why do you look so miserable? What? Just allow your own sword to have a sword spirit, but not our boss?"

"No, you don't understand. I'm thinking about something."

Thinking about the problem?

Hu Xiaohu looked up and down suspiciously.

Fang: "What are you thinking about? Problem?"

"It's more complicated."

Quan Youqin stood there holding the baby, looking increasingly miserable from behind.

Fang Xing happened to come over, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "What did I understand about the previous code? It means, it turns out you are the one who knows."

Quan Youqin: "..."

Fang Xing left.

Quan Youqin looked at Hu Xiaohu: "You saw it. Now everyone thinks that I am an insider. They all think that I came here with the sword spirit because I know that Ji Changze is the sword spirit. After all, everyone has seen it before. I go around telling people that it’s too crowded and that’s a code word.”

"Of course, I don't mainly think about this."

Hu Xiaohu was really curious: "Then what are you thinking about?"

Quan Youqin's tone of Buddhism: "I just don't understand, why? Ji Changze is a tall, leggy sword spirit who is 2.8 meters tall and can protect his master."

He looked down at the baby in his arms again: "I will only lead the people who are chasing me all the way. I have to feed her milk powder, change diapers, and put her to sleep every day."

The more I talk about it, the more sad and angry I feel! !

He was being chased all the way, and he finally found a place when the stupid sword flew behind his butt and followed him so slowly that he didn't dare to stop along the way. Quan Youqin was talking. , tears are about to burst out:

"It's the same sword spirit. How come other people's ones are like that? Mine! It's like that!!!"


"I feel wronged!!"

The author has something to say: My mom, I didn’t know what happened when I just copied it. When I finally published it, a prompt popped up saying that I was sending out 34,000 yuan at a time. I was so scared that I quickly copied it again. If I really sent it out, it would be 34,000 yuan. In case I don’t finish the manuscript, the crematorium will vomit blood.

Thank you Ajin. Thank you Ajin for reminding me every time I publish a chapter with more than 10,000 chapters. I almost felt cold.

There will be an additional update tomorrow, you guys... are quite fierce. Today, it is almost 30,000 in one day. I will add an update tomorrow. If it reaches 30,000, I will add another update. Baihe will update the fastest for free. No anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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