Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

384. He snatches the orphan’s sword in the last days (End)

Chapter 325

There is nothing left for Ji Changze to do. Someone will naturally clean up the mess in the base. He is still the same as before, going out to do tasks, coming back to have three meals a day, sleeping honestly at night, and getting up early in the morning.

In the first few days, Fang Xing always fell asleep and woke up suddenly, fearing that those memories would be a dream of his. Then when he woke up and saw the various messages left before going to bed, he went back to sleep peacefully.

Ji Wen'an didn't know where he got the news that his father would come back. He was so happy that he ran to Ji Changze several times, happily telling him what he would do when his father came back.

At his age, even if he understands death, he still has only a limited understanding of how difficult it is for a dead person to return again.

Therefore, compared to others in the base, Ji Wen'an was the first to accept his father's return.

Ji Changze also liked talking to Ji Wen'an the most.

Of course it wasn't because in front of Ji Wen'an, his IQ could surpass him by eight blocks in a second.

Ji Changze always liked children.

Just because he "doesn't like to talk", every time a child talks in front of him, while a young man in black holds a sword and listens.

"So when dad comes back, I will ask him to help me make a wooden sword. Isn't Uncle Qin's sword spirit transformed from a wooden sword?"

"When I have a wooden sword, I will keep it with me every day, and then let a sword spirit like Uncle Ze appear in it."

Ji Changze was washing his sword scabbard when he heard this and added: "This is difficult."

"I know it's difficult. There seem to be only two Sword Spirits in the world right now, and they are all in our base, but it doesn't matter, I will try to do it."

Ji Wen'an stood aside and enjoyed the future: "In the future, we will have three sword spirits in Yinghe base. Uncle Ze, you will be the boss and command them. Wow, it feels so majestic just thinking about it."

The young man turned his head and glanced at him.

He didn't mean to hide it, he just said, "I'm leaving."


Ji Wen'an was shocked all of a sudden.

"Uncle Ze, where are you going?"

"Why are you leaving? My dad hasn't woken up yet? You? Don't you want to see him?"

Ji Changze: Is it because Ji Rong is about to wake up? The wind is blowing hard.

It's not that he can't hide it from Ji Rong, it's just that compared to these people in the base, Ji Rong is the one who is least likely to hide it.

Also, all the wishes of the original owner, Ji Changze, came true.

The ending changed, Ji Rong came back, Ji Wen'an won't die in such a mysterious way with his father's protection, and the spy in the base was also caught.

Anrun survived an ending unknown to the original owner.

I've done everything I need to do, but it's really frustrating to stay here and continue to pretend to be taciturn.

Ji Changze found a perfect excuse for his trip: "My eldest brother has become a sword spirit now. He is no longer my master."

"I can walk around."

The child was shocked by the news. He looked at Ji Changze blankly, his eyes wide open, as if he wanted to cry.

"Uncle Ze, please don't leave. Can't we still live together as a family like before?"

Ji Changze touched his head: "You? You can write to me."

"write a letter?"

Ji Wen'an was indeed fooled, and his mother and aunt often wrote to each other.

"Well, if you miss me, just write a letter."

Ji Wen'an: "Then will you reply to my letter?"

Ji Changze thought for a while: "No."

"I only read letters and don't reply."

"All right……"

Ji Wen'an was still a little reluctant, but he also knew that Ji Changze had made a decision and he couldn't stop him.

Children still have their own petty thoughts.

He wanted to go back to his mother and the captain uncles and ask them to stop Uncle Ze.

As a result, Ji Wen'an went back in the evening to move reinforcements. When everyone came to persuade him the next day, Ji Changze had disappeared.

A sword scabbard lay quietly on the table.

Nothing remains but that.

When Quan Youqin came over after hearing the news, looking at the disappointed people, she didn't think it was a big deal; "Sword spirits usually do whatever they want. Look at this one in my house. If I don't give her milk powder, there will be trouble." It makes me shattered."

"If Nagasawa likes to go out alone, ah no, it's a sword, then let him go."

No one else spoke.

There is always a knot in their hearts.

A pimple that makes people feel guilty and regretful.

After Ji Rong died, no one could believe Ji Changze.

Even Fang Xing never supported the other party.

Ji Changze is a sword spirit.

He may not understand human emotions, and he may not understand that he has been insulted and ostracized by others.

But those who had done those things came to him and solemnly apologized after knowing the truth.

But what was done was done, and even though Ji Changze expressed his acceptance of his apology, he still felt an indescribable feeling of guilt in his heart.

"But did he leave alone?

? He can't cook, can he? "

Quan Youqin was still holding the baby Sword Spirit in her arms, and while nudging her to sleep, she said: "Sword Spirits are all ancestors, ancestors. It is absolutely impossible to expect them to take care of themselves."

"Yes, the boss can't cook."

"Then what should I do? Nagasawa even washes his hair with help from others."

Fang Xing clapped his hands and remembered: "Does he know how to bring clothes when he goes out? He doesn't know how to wash clothes or even hang them."

She used to do all this, but later Hu Xiaohu came over to help from time to time.

Ji Changze doesn't know anything.

If you go out alone without anyone to take care of you, you still don't become a savage.

Everyone looked around in the messy room and found out that he had brought clothes. They were relieved. Knowing that he had brought clothes, at least the temperature would cool down at night and he would not get cold.

But expecting Ji Changze to take care of himself would definitely not work.

When he was worried, Hu Xiaohu inquired.

"The cell said that the boss took away Zhuo Rouran and Zhuo Xuhui and wanted them to serve their sentences."

Serving sentence...

What can I take...

I guess he was taken around to take care of Ji Changze.

Everyone was relieved when they heard that he also knew how to bring two people to take care of him.

In the eyes of the people at the Yinghe base, the two of them, Zhuangxu Ran and Zhuangxu Hui, are not good people, but their crimes are not fatal. But if they are taken out to do hard labor, Zhuangxu Hui will be fine. Zhuangxu Ran is an earth element and has been released from the cell. Who knows what he can do.

In addition, the detour meeting had indeed fulfilled its promise, so these two people could not be killed and could only be locked up for the time being.

It's okay if Ji Changze is with him. Both Zhuanxinghui and Zhuanxuran combined can't beat Ji Changze alone.

"If I had known that Nagasawa wanted these two people to take care of him, I would have asked these two people to learn more about taking care of others."

Team Zhou felt deeply that he had not thought carefully.

Ji Changze had mentioned before that although Zhuo Xingran was ugly, he cooked well.

After all, his previous mission was to impersonate Anrun. In order to look like him, he was definitely proficient in taking care of people.

But at that time, Captain Zhou just thought he was just talking casually, but he didn't expect that this was what the young man had in mind.

Everyone at the Yinghe base was very disappointed for a while and asked Ji Wen'an if he knew where Ji Changze would go.

Ji Wen'an thought for a while and replied: "Uncle Ze said that he wants to travel all over China."

After the end of the world, the landscape of many places has changed, and many magical things have appeared. It would be fine if Ji Changze has seen them, but for

He didn't mind exploring and studying things that he had never seen before.

"The whole country of China..."

Hu Xiaohu said: "Then he will definitely pass by other bases, and it is impossible for him to live in the wild forever."

He didn't know why the boss wanted to leave.

I don’t know why the boss didn’t take him with him, the most loyal and close person.

But at this time, an idea came to him.

He wants to make the Yinghe base stronger and stronger, so strong that there are people from the Yinghe base in all the bases in China. When the boss wants to take a rest, he can choose any base and get the treatment of his family.

Looking out at the already high sun, he sat down and sighed.

"I wonder what the boss is doing. Have you eaten? Do you have hot food? It must be a lot of inconvenience to go out. Hey, it must not be as comfortable as in the base."

On the grassland far away from the base.

Ji Changze was sitting on a pony eating roast leg of lamb.

Although he didn't look fat, he ate a lot. He finished the huge leg of lamb in a few strokes. After eating, he stretched his hand to the side, walked around and carefully handed over a water bottle.

"It's been heated, and it's all lukewarm. It's just right, neither cold nor hot."

Next to it, the detour committee was moving his fat figure to arrange the tent.

Although he is recognized as a waste snack, it does not mean that he really can't even set up a tent. He set up two tents by himself, and worked hard to make Ji Changze's tent more comfortable.

When the arrangement is complete, come back and add firewood to the burning fire.

"Boss, the tent is ready. You can go in soon and catch up on your sleep."


Ji Changze yawned and praised: "Well done."


Detour will be flattered: "Boss, do you have anything else to say? Do you want the inside of the tent to be softer? My elder brother can make the soil as comfortable as a bed. Putting a sheet on it is almost like a five-star hotel."

As for what a five-star hotel looks like, he actually doesn't know.

He just believed it after hearing what Zhuanxu Ran said.


Ji Changze raised his eyes and glanced at Zhuo Zhouran who was earnestly grilling meat.

Zhuanxuan Ran received his gaze and stood up immediately: "Okay boss, no problem boss, just wait for me to make the decoration over there soft and comfortable!!"

He also lost his shit.

While running, he said: "Boss, I washed the clothes you changed last night, and you still have them today?"

If you want to change clothes, just give it to me. I've already prepared a shower head. You can just use the shower head when taking a shower from now on. "

Ji Changze took another sip of water. The man next to him seemed a little hot, so he quickly freed up a hand to fan him with a flattering smile.

"Boss, do you still want to eat? Do you want this?"

"Eat another bunch."

"Hey! Okay!!"

Ji Changze's life outside was much more depraved than inside the base.

The main thing is that everyone in the base knows what kind of behavior he has, but it will be different for Zhuanxian and Ranzhou. These two people are just weak-hearted losers.

No need for Ji Changze to say anything, they themselves would do their best to please Ji Changze and take care of him like a little prince.

After all, Zhuangxu Ran was also at level eight, and he had taken the Anrun course intensively, plus he had his younger brother Zhuangxuhui to assist him.

Ji Changze lived a very happy life.

Zhuangxuan Ran and Zhuangxuanhui didn't dare to expect anything to save their lives. The only thing they didn't understand was why Ji Changze had to take risks when he could live peacefully in the base.

They experienced bugs bigger than a building.

Then I saw a swarm of bees surrounding the queen bee, each bee was at least as big as a palm.

There are also mutant animals that use zombies as nests and training objects, dragging them into their own caves to train the cubs underneath.

And he couldn't move, so he thought of a way to root his body on the zombies, and the zombies carried them around to hunt mutant plants.

Detour Ran really didn't expect it.

Ji Changze looks calm and indifferent on the outside, not interested in anything.

But actually.

This guy has such a wild style! !

He would go wherever there was danger.

He would go wherever no one could come out alive.

At the beginning, every time I walked around, I would follow it with trepidation.

Later, I just gritted my teeth and stamped my feet together with my brother, you pulling me in and I pulling you in?

Eventually it became numb.

Are all sword spirits like this?

Do you all like to enjoy the joy of being chased by countless mutated animals, running wildly in front of them, and being chased by a bunch of howling zombies behind them?

But unfortunately, they did not dare to resist Ji Changze.

This was a master who dared to kill him before his identity was exposed.

At that time, he was using the identity of Anrun.

If Ji Changze were a human being, perhaps Zhuangxuan Ran and Zhuangshanghui would have other ideas.

But the problem is, they know clearly that Ji Chang

Ze is the sword spirit.

He is not human!

Not an adjective, but really not a person! !

Did you offend him? They don't care whether you beg for mercy or not, apologize or not. A sword spirit who doesn't even understand human emotions has made such a big mistake. Does he still care whether he kills people or not?

Detour Ran and Detour Club can only join the group to keep warm.

Recalling the past, the dream of the two of them in the early days of the apocalypse was just to survive together.

And now, although they have fallen into the hands of the Great Demon King Nagasawa and have to be tortured by him like 24-hour servants every day, at least they have survived and the brothers are still together every day.

That's good.

It's just that there are things Ran doesn't understand when he's walking around.

There are so many people in Yinghe base, so many people admire Ji Changze and are willing to follow him.

Why did he choose the two of them?

Zhuan Xuanran had been holding back this question for a long time, but he never dared to ask it.

He thought that when one day he was sure that he had some status in Ji Changze's mind, he would definitely ask.

And in Yinghe base.

Ji Rong woke up.

He didn't react at first. After all, in his impression, he blew himself up in the end.

Then he learned that he had indeed self-destructed.

But the soul entered the sword and he became the sword spirit.

Ji Rong: "?"

And why was this discovered, and why was it possible to enter? The sword turned into a sword spirit, because Ji Changze was the sword spirit who lived inside before.

Ji Rong: "??"

Ji Changze did not forget to pull Ji Rong into the sword when he was seriously injured. After that, Ji Rong slowly lived in it and replaced Ji Changze as the new sword spirit.

As for Ji Changze, he left this sword to the base. He said that Ji Rong died once and was no longer his master. He was going to wander the world.

Ji Rong: "???"

"Wait, wait, wait."

He summarized it again: "Nagaze is a sword spirit. Nagasawa saved me and I became a sword spirit. Nagasawa is now wandering around the world."

When all the subordinates heard that there was nothing wrong, they all nodded: "Yes!"

"That's right!"

Hu Xiaohu added: "Oh, by the way, Wuliu belongs to our Yinghe River now."

Ji Rong: "..."

Seeing his doubtful look on life, Qin Qinghe quickly stood up and explained:

"The thing is like this, you? Listen to me. Tell me, the boss of Wuliu Base has the ability to lay bird eggs. After eating the bird eggs, he can replace others.

His appearance includes superpowers. Anrun was replaced a few days after the death of the boss, and Zhou Ran pretended to be Anrun to sow discord in the base. "

"The base was divided into two factions. At that time, many people did not believe Nagasawa and felt that he had ulterior motives just for the ninth-level sword. Later, the insider was discovered and Wuliu's conspiracy was exposed. Wuliu became angry and led the other two bases to besiege our Yinghe. As a result, Instead, they were besieged by us, so Wu Liu is now ours."

After he finished explaining, he asked Ji Rong: "Boss, did I say this to you? Did you understand it all at once?"

Ji Rong: "..."

I understand, I understand, but...

He asked; "Am I really only dead for a few months?"

How long has it been? ?

Within a few months, I died once and woke up again, only to find that I was no longer a human being, my younger brother was no longer a human being, Wuliu Boss would lay eggs, and Anrun could be planted in a tree.

There can be a sword spirit inside a sword, and now this stranger named Quan Youqin is holding a crying baby in his arms. He is also a sword spirit.

Ji Rong: "..."

This is too fantasy.

After a long sleep, I felt like everything had changed.

"Why did Nagasawa leave? How can the child do it alone? No, I want to get him back."

Compared with everyone in the base who had more or less complicated hearts, Ji Rong never thought about Ji Changze's fault in his heart.

But he can imagine.

He could imagine how lonely it would be for this child to face the doubts and indifference of others when he died and no one could stand in front of Nagasawa.

"Hey boss, boss, he didn't leave alone, there are two people to take care of him. Don't worry, Nagasawa is very strong now, you may not even be able to beat him."

"How old is he? If we really count it according to the sword spirit's age, he is only eight years old. How can he be outside at such an old age?"

The first thing Ji Rong did when he was resurrected was to go out to find Ji Changze after meeting his relatives and friends.

Of course it was not found.

However, Ji Changze knew that he was looking for him and wrote a letter to be brought to Ji Rong.

Ji Rong opened the letter immediately after getting it.

There was nothing else written on it, except for the recorded attributes of mutant plants, mutant animals, and various zombies that Ji Changze had previously studied.

"This child..."

Ji Rong also saw that Ji Changze didn't want to come back.

This is pretty good, he thought.

Since he picked up Nagasawa, he has always regarded the child as his responsibility, taking him by his side to care for and teach him.

Take him on a mission.

Nagasawa has always been eager to become stronger, and he had vaguely revealed his intention to go out before.

It's just that Ji Rong thinks that he is still young, easy to deceive, and his strength has not improved to the point where he can really be safe, so he has always disagreed.

But now that he thinks about it, he thinks Nagasawa needs protection from adults more than strength, but maybe that's not the case in Nagasawa's own eyes.

Ji Rong stopped looking for Ji Changze.

I just occasionally find some delicious and fun things, or clothes that suit Ji Changze, and they will be randomly placed in other bases.

The same goes for Team Zhou.

Gradually, the people at Yinghe base developed a habit.

After discovering a strange base that they have never set foot in before, they will ensure the safety of the base and put a safe at the entrance of the base with some food, drink or clothes in it.

The words "Yinghe Base - Nagasawa" were spray-painted on the outside of the safe.

That kind of old-fashioned safe can only be opened by a person with special abilities, but a person with special abilities doesn't bother to do such a thing that would jeopardize his or her identity, so even in a relatively remote small base, it is very safe.

They had no chance to tell Ji Changze the password, so they simply chose the other party's birthday.

If Zhuangxu Ran and Zhuangxu Hui were still with Ji Changze, even if he didn't know the password himself, the two people would have reminded them.

The development of the Yinghe base is getting wider and wider, and this unique safe is also being distributed further and further.

Twenty years after the end of the world.

Compared with the tenth year, everyone has become accustomed to struggling to survive. In the twentieth year, human beings are no longer satisfied with just barely surviving.

If technology is gone, then create new technology.

The recovery of spiritual energy is very slow, but after ten years, there have been earth-shaking changes. More and more people have discovered the so-called second power, and the existence of weapon spirits is no longer just two or three kittens.

Animals are also gradually becoming more human-like. A certain superhuman raised a dog before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, the dog turned into a mutated animal, but it has always been loyal to its owner, and each person and the dog depended on each other.

After doing this for twenty years, one day, the dog spoke.

The first human words it uttered in its life were "Stop cooking dog food for me. You made it so unpalatable that I might as well eat dirt."

It is said that after saying this, its sensitive and fragile owner was shocked at first, and then went off topic to think that his own cooking was so disliked. He was hurt and felt quietly uncomfortable for a long time.

So from then on, the cook at home

Turned into a dog.

I heard that it is delicious, delicious, and much better than its owner who is terrible at cooking no matter what he cooks.

In the tenth year of the end of the world, some people have changed, and the animals and plants around some people have changed, but everyone avoids talking about it and secretly conceals it.

After all, no one was afraid of being asked to do research. In that environment, no one dared to expose their privacy.

But the situation will be different twenty years after the end of the world.

First, the boss of the largest base, Yinghe, was the Sword Spirit. Yinghe openly announced that he would accept all mutant people, animals and plants.

As long as they have good intentions, even if a dung beetle becomes a spirit, they will accept it.

In the end of the world, fist is the boss.

Some people have objected to this kind of "mutation" before, thinking that it is all heresy.

But everyone in Yinghe said that they think this is a good thing and they agree with it. With your objections, aren't you waiting to become enemies with Yinghe?

Boss Yinghe is not someone to be trifled with. There are three sword spirits in their base.

The first one is said to be wandering outside, but occasionally comes back with messages.

Although the second one is only ten years old this year, the lethality of the Sword Spirit... doesn't matter.

The third one...that's the nightmare of anyone who wants to cause trouble.

Ji Rong was already very cruel when he was a human, and when he had the powerful strength of the sword spirit, it matched his brain.


Anyway, it is definitely an existence that cannot be offended.

Some people have thought about imitating Ji Rong and becoming a sword spirit, but everyone knows that the reason why Ji Rong became a sword spirit is because he had a sword spirit first. When he died, his sword spirit took his soul into the sword and raised it. Looking at him.

After that, his sword spirit gave up the sword and left the sword to Ji Rong. Only then did Ji Rong completely become the sword spirit.

Then the conditions for becoming a sword spirit are very simple and easy to understand.

First, you need to die.

Then, a sword spirit is needed.

In the end, this sword spirit was willing to save his master.

Someone tried it.

After the new sword spirit was born, that person tried his best to buy the sword from its original owner, and then mustered up the courage to commit suicide.

His subordinates waited there for a long time, but could not wait for his resurrection.

In the end, the sword spirit who was finally willing to stretch himself was impatient when asked, and said: "He's dead."

"Really, I'm going to die. Why are people so hard to think about it now? Hey, you? Which one of you is willing to be my new master? How about you? Let's have a fight first? Whoever wins, I will get it. How about it? ? Don’t come here, poor guy, I just want it

The rich man will be my master. "

Subordinates: "..."

This tragedy gave the second master a hint. Before he died, he did not forget to tell the sword spirit to help him.

Then, he died smoothly and completely.

The sword spirit stretched out as soon as he came out and expressed his innocence: "Why should I drag him in? It's too crowded."

The second master's subordinate: "...Then why didn't you tell him..."

"He is my master, so I have to give him some face, but it doesn't matter now. He is dead and I have no master anymore. Which one of you is willing to be my master? I have to be rich and able to fight. Yes, you don’t snore when you sleep, how about you guys fight and I’ll be the referee.”

The third master takes over.

As the saying goes, if you work hard once, you will be exhausted again, and you will be exhausted after three times.

This time the new owner finally gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide and becoming a sword spirit.

Since then, news has spread that the sword spirit is willful and has its own set of logic. Even those who want to imitate Ji Rong do not dare to try it.

After all, not everyone is as lucky as Ji Rong. Not only was he a great hero before his death, but he was still rescued by the hard-to-serve sword spirit after his death.

The character of Ji Changze that is circulated outside is that he is simple, kind, easy to coax, good-tempered, very kind to his family, and loyal to Ji Rong. After his death, he did not hesitate to bear the infamy in order to help him stabilize his base. In the end, even his own The sword can be given to Ji Rong.

Oh my god.

Countless people who were tortured by their own sword spirits and wanted to jump off the building were all excited when they heard this.

What kind of peerless sword spirit is this?

Why can't they meet such a good sword spirit?

If there could be an idol ranking list in Sword and Soul, Ji Changze would definitely top the list.

And as his reputation spreads further and further, he will be far away from the second place.

Of course, this is the ranking in people's minds.

In the minds of you Sword Spirits who are slowly born and have various images, how do other Sword Spirits care about their affairs?

They just need to eat well, live well, and sleep well. They need to order their masters every day and let them act as cattle and horses for them. It is best to put everything they want to eat to their mouths.

As for Ji Changze, the eldest brother of Sword Spirit, he has nothing to do with them.

Will you eat meat if you listen too much?

Yinghe base gradually released something.

For example, a certain mutant plant can replace anesthetics, the fur of a certain animal can be used as cotton, what are the weaknesses of zombies, and what plant smells are the zombies afraid of?

what animal

You can avoid zombies.

These materials, which are enough to benefit all mankind, are also marked as being discovered by Ji Changze.

As a result, Ji Changze suddenly changed from the peerless sword spirit in the minds of all his masters to the invincible sword spirit in the entire country of China.

Oh my god, even if he is no longer Ji Rong's sword spirit, he will still go out and collect this information by himself.

I heard that when I left, I was only eight years old based on my birth age.

He was only eight years old, still so young, and he had to go so far and run around just for Jirong to be able to do so, and he didn't know how much suffering he suffered.

This is true love, true love.

Some people with sword spirits returned home and saw their sword spirits lying on the sofa while reading novels and eating dried sweet potatoes: "I'm back."

"Oh, I'm back. Get me a glass of water quickly. I'm dying of thirst. And come over and give me a pat on my back. I don't feel well if I don't pat my back for a day. By the way, did you sleep last night? Why didn't you tell me how to sleep before going to bed? Previous story, did you know that I was waiting for you? How long have you been waiting for after get off work? You promised to take me out to play, how many days has it been? "

The master looked at his uncle-like Sword Spirit, and then thought about Ji Changze's Sword Spirit, and carefully probed: "Um, Nagaze? You know, he is the first Sword Spirit, and he is also your senior. I have no other choice." What I mean is, since he is a senior, how about you learn from him? "

Sword Spirit, who was lying on the sofa, glanced at him: "Okay, hurry up and pour me some water. After pouring the water, you will commit suicide. I will try to save you, but you can't blame me if you can't." , It seems that no one has succeeded before, and I don’t know if I can do it.”

Master: "...Forget it, I think I'm still alive."

"But Nagasawa Ken is so gentle, kind and considerate, what about you?...You have a lively personality."

"Gentle, kind and considerate?" Sword Spirit took a bite of dried sweet potato and said, "Either I'm pretending, or you're just talking nonsense. How can we, Sword Spirits, be gentle, kind and considerate? What do you think we are?"

"Hurry up and cook. If you come back and don't cook, you'll be here nagging. Nagging, if you bother me again, I'll tell you. I won't go out with you at night. You just go there alone with your sword. "


He dared not speak out when he was angry, so he could only complain silently in his heart.

What are you pretending to be? Ji Changze is so good, why do you need to pretend?

If he can't do it himself, he can't do it. Anyway, he's used to it. At worst, he just wants to raise a cat, so there's no need to be so harsh.

Go back

After that, some people with sword spirits communicated with each other.

This one said: "My guy laughed for a long time last night and told me that it was impossible for a sword spirit to do that. He said that Nagasawa Sword must have wanted to go out for fun when he ran out. The information he sent back was just incidental."

The other one also said: "The same goes for the one in my family. He also said that the sword spirit is the least likely to be dedicated to others. Even if he has a good relationship with his master, the way to show his love is to command him. I suspect that he is trying to make me believe that he likes me so that I can I gave him water to wash his feet."

"Then you must fight. Sword Spirits are like children. They get angry when they don't get their way. Didn't that person before still want to use Sword Spirits? What happened? Except for the first time the Sword Spirits showed up, they never showed up again. I ignored him and waited until he died before choosing a new master."

"Hey, I don't expect my family to be like Nagasawa Ken. I just don't have to listen to bedtime stories every day. I was in elementary school before the end of the world, so I don't remember any bedtime stories."

"You? You still want to expect them to be like Nagasawa Sword. I guess it's because Nagasawa Sword is the first sword spirit born, so it should be a little more stable and reliable. The rest of them are all kids."

Everyone talked for a while and couldn't leave even after talking.

Because next door, their sword spirits are still chatting together. If they leave first, their personalities and tempers are very similar to those of children, and they will definitely be unhappy.

I have no choice but to wait for the sword spirit I asked for.

There are many people outside who want to get Sword Spirit, but they are already considered the luckiest.

In the room belonging to the sword spirits, a group of handsome and beautiful sword spirits were lying lazily on the couch, looking like they wanted to sleep until the end of the world.

"Have you heard what your family said about Nagasawa Sword?"

"I heard about it. I knew it was fake as soon as I heard it. How could we sword spirits be so willing to dedicate ourselves? It would be good if we didn't bother humans. I don't know if the brains of humans who believe in these things are full of water."

"The guy from my family also believes it. Believe it or not, I think he is just looking at a fool."

"Yeah, I think so too. After listening to it, I knew it was definitely not what humans said. Why do they believe it one by one? I don't know what they think."

A tall and handsome sword spirit curled his lips: "Humans are all fools, you? It's not the first day you know this. I guess, other humans are similar. Anyway, it must be except for us sword spirits. all believe

Ji Changze is such a sword spirit. "

"No, I think there are still humans who can see the truth. They are not all fools."

The other sword spirits all laughed at him wantonly: "Human beings are all fools, you? Do you know it now?"

Distant desert.

Zhuo Xuran finally learned why Ji Changze chose himself and his younger brother to take care of him.

The young man took a slow sip of the soup and said calmly, "Because you are the best to bully."

Zhuanxu Ran: "..."

He thought about the rumors about Nagasawa Sword who had been to the base.

I looked desperately at my younger brother, who didn't feel anything was wrong at all and was still taking care of him diligently, and shed tears of regret.

Is he the only one in the world who thinks Ji Changze is a bitch? ! !

The author has something to say: Ah Jin just can't stand the praise. When I published it today, it got stuck again. I kept spinning and spinning. It scared me to death. I thought I was going to get stuck.

The world is over.

There are more updates, but I guess it’s very late. I’ve been dealing with things during the day lately, so I can only type at night. I’ll check back tomorrow morning for more updates, okay?

besides! I saw a little angel said today that I have 30,000 saved manuscripts. Don’t spread rumors! I don't! There was just an error in copying, maybe the previous content was copied!

My sugar cat has always been a naked/running contestant. There is no such thing as saving manuscripts. Baihe is free and the fastest update. No anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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