Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

385. Scammers who only know how to draw big pie (1)

Chapter 326

When Ji Changze opened his eyes again, the air was filled with moisture, a gust of wind blew, the curtains floated on his face, and some rain fell on his face.

After waking up in an instant, he wiped his face. Before he could check his memory, a confused voice came from behind him: "Nagaze, please close the window."


Ji Changze responded, stood up and closed the window.

When I turned around, I saw young people sleeping in various positions on the bed.

They were all men, most of them wearing glasses, some holding books in their hands, and one with an open book covering his face.

He looked like he had finished studying all night long.

He lowered his head and looked at the clothes on his body, and roughly guessed the background of this time. Sure enough, after checking his memory, he found that this time was also a small world that he had never been to.

One is developing vigorously. Young people are motivated, especially college students, who can study spontaneously without being urged by their parents.

The original owner is a college student. This is a standard room with two beds pushed together to sleep eight people in total.

In the eyes of later generations of students, eight people in two beds may be too crowded, but for today's hard-working people, it is nothing.

The reason why they are in this place that is obviously a hotel instead of a student dormitory is because all eight of them have good English scores. There is a foreign visiting group who wants to come to their city to visit and invest, and the principal doesn't know. How did it work, and eight students with excellent grades, including the original owner, were successfully inserted.

The reason why the students got it is that the government also wanted to show that students in China have a very good knowledge reserve. They were told by the school before departure that they must not be embarrassed by stage fright, so when they arrived outside, they all looked like human models. Like a human being, I went back to my residence and made up classes crazily.

Ji Changze was still checking his memory. A relatively thin student yawned and got up. He looked at the sky outside and shouted to his classmates who were still sleeping on the bed: "Wake up, it's dawn." I’m going to visit the Forbidden City today, so get up and wash your face quickly so that your international friends don’t laugh at you.”

"Nagaze, can you go to the toilet? If you don't want to go to the toilet, go to me."

Ji Changze shook his head: "I won't go, you go."

"Then I'll go. I remember you were still awake when I went to bed at three o'clock, and you didn't seem to be there either? Looking at the English information, there's no point in staying up late, I think.

Read extracurricular books and read them again after you return to school. Don't waste time at this time. "

After the thin student got up, another student also yawned and sat up. Hearing this, he added disapprovingly: "Isn't he always like that? Don't worry about him, either. Do you know how he came in and left? If you don’t use the toilet, I will use it.”

"No, no, no, I'm suffocated, let me go first, let me go first."

"Then hurry up and hurry up."

The student who got up first hurriedly rushed into the toilet. Then he thought of something and ran out again. He picked up a notebook by the bed and ran back.

Soon, the sound of him reading English could be faintly heard from the toilet. If he read it fluently once, he would be able to pass it. If he read it stumblingly, he would repeat it until it became fluent.

The other students on the bed also got up one after another. The first thing they did when they got up was not to get dressed, but to find a place to put their books so that they could get dressed and tidy up while talking.

They showed different personalities, but none of them showed much interest in Ji Changze. Most of them glanced at him or simply ignored him, and one of them just rolled his eyes at him.

All told, there were seven people in the morning, and only the thin young man who got up first gave Ji Changze a good look.

However, Ji Changze, who has read the memories, can understand them very well.

At this moment in China, both the young, middle-aged and old are full of energy. Everyone fully embodies the spirit of not being afraid of hardship or tiredness, as long as you can make a contribution and learn knowledge, everything is worth it.

College students are the most enthusiastic and the least afraid of hard work.

At a young age, I always seem to have endless energy to do something. I study hard every day in school, and I am keen to participate in various university activities outside.

In such a learning atmosphere, the original owner felt a little out of place.

The original owner was born in a family with good conditions, a serious father, a gentle mother, and a rebellious sister.

His father is a government worker and his mother is a nurse.

No matter which era they were placed in, their jobs looked pretty good, and their monthly wages were also very good compared to others.

When people of the same age may not be able to eat meat for a week, there is already meat on the dining table of the original owner's house. When the classmates are still eagerly watching some movies on the neighbor's TV, The walls of the original main room were already covered with posters of those movie stars.


ball, poster, game console, mp3.

All the things that a child of this age desires to have, the original owner's parents did not hesitate to give him, and did their best to cultivate him.

It's a pity that the original owner's long hair turned crooked.

It stands to reason that he has been lacking in everything since he was a child, and he should have a good personality. This is indeed the case on the outside, but as the original owner grows up, everything becomes different.

He began to have dreams of being young and Dangerous, and started to rebel.

The original owner's brain was quite smart, otherwise he would not have been admitted to a good university, but such a smart brain was not used by him on the right path. After being admitted to university, he became addicted to various extracurricular readings.

Originally, extracurricular readings were nothing, but now university teachers also encourage reading some domestic and foreign classics to increase your knowledge and broaden your ideas.

But the original owner is different.

When people watch it, they just want to see something new.

When he sees it, he will feel ready to move in his heart.

Especially after watching a Young and Dangerous movie, other students would just watch and discuss how handsome the protagonist is. At most, some junior middle school kids would imitate it.

But the original owner is very smart, and he just wants to learn from others, and it feels good to fool himself.

The original master learned from the truth.

He really thinks that being the boss is a great way to make money.

He made strict plans, recruited people, and expanded his gang. He was a smart man himself. If he really wanted to fool a few people and become his subordinates, it would be very simple for him to just paint a big pie and recruit people in various ways.

Moreover, the original owner spontaneously understood the development offline without any teacher.

For example, if his subordinates invite people to join the gang, then the subordinates will be able to move up a level, and the subordinates will respectfully call him Brother X.

People are easy to deceive at this time, and some young people are racking their brains and doing whatever they can to develop new downlines just for the majestic "Hello, big brother".

In this way, the original owner's "gang" grew bigger and bigger.

He also found that he didn’t need to study because he had so many younger brothers to pay him filial piety. Each of them paid 5 yuan, which was a “huge sum” of money.

The original owner's grades just dropped.

The school didn't know that he was making such a big fuss outside, and it still nurtured him as before, but the original owner's heart could no longer be with the school.

He began to despise his classmates, his teachers, and everyone else.

Maybe it was just a little fuss at first, but what was wrong? He was too smart, "Help"

The "sect" is developing more and more powerfully, and it is obvious that the original owner is not the kind of person who refuses to accept the huge benefits in front of him.

At first, it was just a gang to prove our loyalty. Later, it developed into collecting protection fees. It happened that business was popular at the time, so it turned into raising funds to start a company.

The original owner did not expect to receive so much money.

Although the leader of the "gang" is just a college student, he develops down the line step by step. In order to become a higher-level person, these people can boast about anything, and finally the "little brother" who is recruited in "Many of them are real gangsters.

To say that the original owner is really capable, those adults who are older than him, can fight better than him, and are richer than him are coaxed by him to be obedient and obedient. It's almost enough to say that they are loyal.

And so many people were attracted by the big pie drawn by the original owner. In order to open a company, they spent all their available money, and after paying it over layer by layer, it turned into a huge sum of money.

This money may not be much in future generations, but in this era when money is still valuable, it is a lot of money.

How much does it cost for a college student to graduate a month now, and he still has to work diligently.

Faced with such a huge temptation, the original owner failed to control it and took advantage of an opportunity to go to the capital to donate money and run away.

He ran away, but he didn't expect what his family would face.

How can a person who has been defrauded of money be willing to come to ask for money? If he can't get it, he will give up. The original owner's family was originally in trouble because he got involved with those people who were not doing their jobs and wanted to start a company together. I have headaches every day, and suddenly I encounter this problem. After I find out that it is indeed my son’s fault, what can I do? I’ll pay for it.

The house was sold, the car was sold, and the debts were not paid off.

The original owner's father and mother had to use their wages every month to repay the money. At the same time, they had to look for the original owner everywhere. They couldn't bear to hate him for doing such a thing, and had to worry about him going out alone. Will you encounter any danger?

The original owner, after running away with the money, thought about contacting his family, but gave up the idea after he learned that the gang of boys were targeting his home.

He knew that they had reported the case, and he was so angry that he didn't even dare to go back. He didn't know what to do with the money in his hand. Well, after thinking about it, he just took the money and put it away. A loan shark.

The original owner was really smart. He didn’t forget to spend money to hire two thugs for himself before leaving. Those two thugs were young, one was only fourteen when they were hired.

One is sixteen years old. It is said that their stepfather treated them badly after their mother passed away and wanted to send them to work in a factory.

A kind-hearted neighbor told them that even if they went to work there, their stepfather had made an agreement with someone, and the money would belong directly to his stepfather. They would not get a penny, so the two brothers simply ran out.

After I came out, I had no education and didn't know where to make a living, so I just moved bricks at the construction site. But I was still too young. Although I had a fierce appearance, I was easily deceived.

After working for a year, the first construction site contractor said he was pitiful and left them to work. However, after the project was completed, he took the money and disappeared.

The second time the contractor was a good person, but unfortunately half the project was unfinished. The contractor took them to the boss's house to ask for money, but the boss's family had already sold the house and disappeared.

During the third time, there was an eldest brother from the same hometown who took good care of them. He said that the two sons in the family were about the same age as them and looked at them as if they were sons. The relationship between the three of them gradually became closer, until one time, the eldest brother I suddenly arrived at their dormitory in the middle of the night, crying and saying that my son was seriously ill and needed to borrow money.

The two borrowed it, and then the eldest brother never came back. Later, they moved to a construction site and met a worker. When they talked about this, they checked his appearance and found out that the eldest brother had no son at all. , He is not from the same hometown as them, he is just a local, moving around to cheat money.

Then, the two met the original owner.

Although they are young, they are tall and intimidating. They are definitely safe and easy-to-control existences for the original owner. The reason why they met was by chance.

The younger of the two brothers suddenly fell ill suddenly in the middle of the night and was in so much pain that he could not speak. The older brother hurriedly carried his younger brother to the hospital, but when he got there, he had no money to pay for the medical expenses.

Their money was borrowed by the elder brother, and the payment for the construction site project was not paid this time. There was no money on hand, and the hospital did not dare to take credit. After all, credit has happened before and the patient left. There is no chance of coming back.

While he was crying, the original owner broke his leg and went to the hospital for treatment, where he bumped into him.

Looking at a tall and scary man, he was crying like a child. The original owner could tell at a glance that he was someone easy to bully.

He walked over to ask about the situation and helped his brother pay for his medical expenses.

Then he said: "You two, follow me from now on. I am also a human being. From now on, you will be my bodyguard. What will I eat? What will you do?"

What to eat? You can treat me as your big brother. "

It stands to reason that after being deceived several times, the two brothers should not trust people as much as before, but the situation is different. In the past, they were defrauded of money, and this time, the original owner gave them a gift. got money.

When their brother's illness was cured and the pain disappeared, the two brothers' gratitude to the original owner reached its peak.

So, they just followed the original owner in a daze, learning to be expressionless, learning not to say a word, pretending to be very dignified, and following the "big brother" in loan sharking.

The original owner also discovered that he had picked up a treasure.

The two brothers are very simple-minded and a little naive, but they are very capable. When they were eighteen years old, a punch could break a sandbag.

They were Zuo Qinglong and Right Baihu of the original owner. They saved the original owner countless times and refused bribes from others many times.

The original owner knew that they lacked love and what they longed for most was family affection. He did not mind creating a "we are a family" attitude and told them countless times, "I am the eldest brother and I will protect you." "Follow me, eldest brother, and eldest brother will." Take good care of you."

With these two magic weapons, the original owner's life of loan sharking went smoothly.

Until later, the country severely cracked down on loan sharking and loan sharking could no longer be done blatantly. Now that he had a lot of money, he simply returned to his old job.

Wearing gold and silver, followed by two bodyguards, he started to commit fraud.

Of course, it's not a scam like making a phone call. The original owner doesn't look down on such low-end things.

He still remembered that when he was in school, he worked as a translator and tour guide for international friends, so he stayed in the most luxurious hotel, hired a tour guide, and ran around the capital with two bodyguards and a tour guide while heading towards the city. The person you are targeting spreads the news.

For example, he is a big boss.

He is a Chinese overseas. The foreign industry is very big. This time he came back to invest in the domestic industry. He is currently looking for a partner.

Of course, he wanted to travel around before looking for a partner.

And when traveling, the original owner specially picked out expensive things to buy, stayed in the most expensive hotels, ate the most expensive meals, bought the most expensive watches, drove the most expensive cars, and followed him behind him. Those two bodyguards looked very expensive, and the image of a rich man couldn't be more plump.

The next step is to find a trustee and introduce yourself to the nouveau riche who have low vision but a lot of money. After some operations, he makes the nouveau riche believe that he is a real person.

After millions of people don't care about the strict super rich, when it comes to financing, naturally there will be a lot of people rushing to give money.

Who would think that the original owner was greedy for his money?

The cars they drive cost millions.

It is said that the assets abroad are worth more than one billion. If such a person can catch a ride, why not quickly invest all his wealth? He will definitely make a profit without losing anything.

Then the original owner ran away with the money.

The rented car was returned and the things he bought were returned. He used a false identity. After all, he had a criminal record and was a Chinese overseas, so he just needed a fake passport.

The matter quickly became a big deal.

At that time, many people wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and double their income, so they did not hesitate to borrow money to invest. When the original owner ran away, the victims could not pay back the money. There were problems in the capital chain, the business went bankrupt, and they had no choice but to jump off the building.

The police were heavily searching for them, and the two brothers were protecting the original owner who was discovered by one of the victims when he was hiding in Tibet. The victim's family was bankrupt and his mother died of a heart attack. When the family was caring for an elderly person, because they could no longer afford a nanny, the little child ran into the street without anyone to look after him and was hit by a car and died.

There is an old man and a low man, but now they are all gone, okay? I want to see how much the other party hates the original owner.

He came up with a knife and tried his best. The younger brother of the two brothers helped the original owner block the knife and died of excessive blood loss.

The whereabouts of the original owner were exposed. In order to escape successfully, he asked his brother to distract them when the police caught up.

My brother was arrested. Although he was an accessory, the amount was too high and he will probably spend the rest of his life in jail.

The original owner is not done hurting these two people yet.

He continued to run away in a hurry, and this time he met his scumbag first love.

The first love episode with him didn't have much impact on the original owner's memory. It was also because it involved later events that Ji Changze had a rough idea of ​​it.

Chu Lian and the original owner's house are neighbors, door to door. They have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. Chu Lian is good-looking and has a very sweet and innocent temperament. The original owner is precocious and has targeted her early.

After that, it was natural for them to be together, but the original owner did not take a fancy to Chu Lian's family background. Although they were childhood sweethearts, their family's conditions were very good, while Chu Lian's parents only opened a small shop downstairs, and the house at home was also left by Chu Lian's grandfather. down.

Such a family background could not bring him much help, so after they got together, in order to make it easier for him to find a girlfriend at school, the original owner found a "we are still afraid of"

The elders in the family said, "I want my first love to have a secret relationship with myself as an excuse."

At the age of eighteen, he coaxed the other party to taste the forbidden fruit with the power of wine. After telling the other party that he was safe here, the two families could immediately talk about marriage, and it would be completed in one go.

It’s not that my first love is too silly. In fact, we grew up together, and the relationship between our parents is so good. They are childhood sweethearts. When we were young, we were often told that we would have a baby date. The original owner pretended to be a human being, so who could? I thought he would be a liar.

After the original owner collected the money and ran away, Chu Lian still believed that the truth of the matter was not like that. It was not wrong to think so, after all, the original owner had always behaved very steadily and reliably in front of her.

The original owner has been here for several years, and her first love has gradually grown up. She is good-looking, and she also liked acting since she was a child. She was admitted to an acting school and entered the entertainment industry after graduation.

Because of his good looks and pure temperament, he gained a lot of popularity after the two TV series he participated in were broadcast. It was when his career was booming that he met the original owner again.

The original owner made up a story about how he was framed in a miserable way. He pretended to be miserable and said that he had missed the other person very much over the years, and coaxed his first love into letting him into the house.

In the first few days, the original owner just planned to find a place to rest temporarily. As for his first love, he had already forgotten all about it.

After I found out that my first love was doing well, I started to think about ways to send my first love to go abroad.

Chu Lian doesn't think that going abroad is a good idea. She thinks that since she was framed, she should go to the police and tell the truth. After the investigation comes to light, won't the original owner be restored to innocence?

How dare the original owner go to the police.

He was not framed at all.

Neither of them could convince the other. The original owner hated the other in his heart for refusing to help, and seeing his wanted photos all over the streets, he gritted his teeth and got some medicine, took some photos, and threatened the other to send him abroad. Otherwise, once the photos are gone and he dies, it will not be easy for her.

Okay? Just imagine how powerful first love can be.

She also understood that what the original owner said before was all lies. How could a person who could do something to her like this really be innocent?

I believed that my first boyfriend who I had been with for so long was so obviously a scumbag. It was strange that his mentality was not broken. The two of them were arguing and arguing. The original owner missed and strangled each other to death.

He fled in a hurry again, but an accident happened.

The place where the money was hidden was captured on surveillance footage. Based on the surveillance, the police found the money and distributed it to the victims.

The Lord suddenly lost everything.

When he was penniless, newspapers began to report the news that Xinjin Xiaohua was killed in his home.

Although Chu Lian only appeared in two TV series, both of them were well-known, and the roles she played also attracted fans. Her sudden death in the prime of life attracted a lot of attention.

For a time, entertainment news and newspapers were full of news of her death.

The original owner did something that made Ji Changze extremely disgusting.

He took out the photos in his hand and sold them for money.

A dead actress suddenly had her nude photos exposed, and the photos were still on such a large scale. This incident became more and more sensational.

Other colors were added to her murder. Some people said that the photo did not look like she was forced. She was just a slut. She might have been murdered because of an affair.

Some said it was a good death, and some said it was a pity to die. Otherwise, I would also like to give it a try.

On the Internet, people wear vests, and ghosts, ghosts, and snakes can appear.

The parents of their first love lost their daughter in middle age. Before they could recover, they were faced with the humiliation of their daughter's death. The two of them seemed to have aged ten years overnight.

At the same time, the original owner finally paid off the debt. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the true identity of the original owner was also found out, so a new victim came to the door again.

The police noticed the connection between the two cases and found out that the original owner was the murderer.

The original owner had no money and no identity this time, and the photo was posted everywhere. After all, he was arrested a month later and confessed to the crime of killing his first love.

It's just that even if the police try to clarify at this time that the other party was stunned and took the photos unconsciously, those photos that have been circulated cannot be deleted.

Many people are not so moral and would not give up those obscene thoughts because they feel that the other person's death was pitiful and innocent. No matter how the parents of the first love begged or posted, I hope everyone can delete the photos and leave some dignity to the deceased. As requested, the photos should still be circulated.

The original owner was eventually sentenced to death.

His parents were shameless to face their friends and creditors. After being threatened and stalked by a victim's family for a month, his sister, who had been undergoing treatment for depression, lost control and jumped from a building.

It was already difficult for the original owner's parents to support them. After hearing the news of their daughter's death, they were devastated and decided to commit suicide together. Eventually, they died alone in a shabby rental house at an age when they should have retired and raised grandchildren.

Ji Changze: "..."

He rubbed his brows.

The system is really getting better and better at picking people, so that every time he comes over, the first thing he wants to do is beat himself up.

Forget it.

He took stock of who the original owner had been sorry for, including his parents, sister, first love, two younger brothers, and a bunch of younger brothers and investors who were deceived.

The current timeline is the day before the original owner ran away with the money.

The good news is that he hasn't had time to run yet.

The bad news is that in school, in the eyes of his classmates, he is already a semi-waste.

Outside, he already has a bunch of younger brothers. According to a rough estimate, there are at least one hundred and fifty people. This does not include the students who have no money and are not included in the original owner's calculation.

In the community where he lives, his reputation is almost equal to "the children of xxx's family seem to be black-minded".

At the same time, no one said anything about the original owner taking all the money. According to the original timeline, the boys probably discovered that the money was missing when they planned to put another sum of money in it tomorrow afternoon.

In the original world, the original owner had already moved away at this time.

Ji Changze rubbed his brow again.

It’s not that it’s difficult.

It's just that he really wants to beat this body.

However, thinking that according to the old rules, the soul of the original owner should have been forcibly taken away, Ji Changze felt a little better.

"Ji Changze, if you don't want to read, get out of the way. What are you occupying the table for? You don't read English books or the information about the Forbidden City. You don't study yourself, so don't delay others."

A tall and thin student came over and was buttoning up his shirt with a stinky face. He was obviously unhappy with the way the other student was occupying the space and not reading.

"There is only one desk in a room. If you don't use it yourself, don't hinder others."

"Look, I'm doing something serious, right?"

Ji Changze didn't panic. He didn't move out of the way or move his hands.

The book in his hand was actually an economic book. The original owner had no intention of becoming a translator. He only wanted to take the money and travel far away to make a fortune.

Naturally, he was not satisfied with the money, so he took the time to study.

Then if you learn and learn, you will learn to become a fraudster.

"What's the name of this book you're reading?"

The tall and lanky man was already unhappy. Before Ji Changze got out of the way, he became even more unhappy: "Yesterday

I was the one who came back first in the evening, so I went to the toilet and you took my book away and sat down by yourself. If you were reading an English book, I wouldn’t say anything. What were you reading? ?What? It’s a mess.

Today we are going to the Forbidden City to translate for others. Do you think this can help us learn English vocabulary and information? Is it important to read the information about the Forbidden City? ! "

Ji Changze didn't even raise his head: "Well, it's more important than what you see."

It was okay if he didn't say this, but when he said it, the tall and thin man almost exploded.

"Don't be arrogant. How about meeting people outside? This matter concerns international friends. What's the use of reading this kind of book? They are here for tourism. What? What? Economics? If you want to learn, can you still follow me? I can’t talk about economics?”

He had been holding back his anger last night, and today he saw that everyone was busy doing business, except Ji Changze who was not doing business and still occupied the table, and now he was being bullied like this again. When I come back, I don’t want to endure it anymore.

He slapped Ji Changze's book, blocking him from reading further.

"Brother Ninth, what are you doing? We are all classmates. Nagasawa can use the table if he wants. It's not like we didn't read while standing at school."

The skinny young man who came out of the toilet saw this arrogant look as soon as he came out, and quickly went to break up the fight: "Nagaze, if not, please give up the table to wash up first, you have to wash up anyway, right? "

Ji Changze raised his head and glanced at him: "I don't have time. I have something I can't figure out. I have to read this book carefully."

"Look, you've only been here for a few days. Have you forgotten what you came for?"

The tall and lanky man rolled his eyes, not wanting to waste time on the quarrel, so he took his book and walked to the other side and started reading seriously.

Ji Changze ignored him.

It's not that he holds a grudge, but that he really doesn't understand something.

In the memory of the original owner, this memory is not very profound. After all, compared to his life of committing evil and committing suicide and causing destruction, the part about being chosen to be the translator for international friends seems very dull.

Ever since he came to the capital, he had been thinking about finding an opportunity to run away. Of course, he wouldn't run away as soon as he arrived. After all, it was a place he had never been to before.

The students were busy a few days ago. When they were working, they tried their best to translate. When they were not busy, they took the time to learn more to avoid making a fool of themselves.

As for the original owner, he was busy memorizing the route and figuring out the capital.

Where is where? Where can I rent a house directly? Where can I find someone to help me?

When Ji Changze thought of this memory, the first thing that came to Ji Changze's mind were various road maps.

He had to admire the original owner.

If this ability could be put into doing business, the original owner would have made a fortune long ago.

But even if his memory is not blurry, Ji Changze can still clearly feel the sense of violation here.

A group of international friends who want to invest in China can make a university president so happy to send a few students with good grades to serve as translators and guides, and regard this opportunity as an excellent exercise and friendship for them. Someone with good connections and opportunities.

Why? So poor that eight students can live in a single room.

This means that people nowadays are simple and honest, especially although all the students here have good grades, the one with the best family background is the original owner, and the others are either average or poor.

Being able to enter a luxury hotel in the capital already makes them feel timid, let alone finding fault in it.

What's more, they were warned by their teachers before they came.

You must not cause trouble for others. You must respect others. You must take good care of the translators and let them see the style of Chinese students.

In such a situation, which student would dare to make unnecessary demands.

How do they look? This is my first time staying in a hotel. Is it still such a big and luxurious hotel?

As for the original owner who should have discovered something was wrong, on the one hand, he didn't know much about this aspect. On the other hand, he was so content that he wanted to escape, so he couldn't care about this.

But Ji Changze is different.

An international friend who came to China specifically to invest, lived in a luxury hotel, had bodyguards when he came in and out, and was friendly to the president of the university and the mayor of their city.

This status has set a standard for these students who specialize in helping with translation.

Eight people, one standard room.

Isn't that what happened? Let's do it.

It stands to reason that this amount of money should only be considered a small amount of money for this international friend. What's more, business people, no matter what they think in their hearts, most of them do everything on the surface.

How about a businessman who can invest across borders? He may not even be able to take this time into account.

If that were the case, wouldn't he feel embarrassed by doing things like this?

most important

Fortunately, Ji Changze glanced at the room.

There are only two bottles of water in this room.

The hotel provides two bottles for free.

Forget about the room, buying some water for the children who help translate is just a matter of raising a hand, isn't it?

Ji Changze swore that he was a treacherous businessman, but no one with a slightly larger business would do things like this.

Even if you don't have the financial resources, sometimes you still have to pretend to be fat just to save face.

What's more, the price of goods in China is only so low now, and a standard room should be nothing to international friends.

The tall and thin man looked at Ji Changze, who was looking deep in thought and didn't know what he was thinking. His face was full of disdain, and he snorted coldly.

"Pretending to be like that."

Ji Changze suddenly stood up.

He was startled and quickly stepped back cautiously: "Why, you want to hit me? Let me tell you, I'm not afraid!!"

Ji Changze gently closed the book in his hand: "I understand."

The tall and thin man: "???What do you know??"

Ji Changze: "After several days of sleepless reading and studying, I finally found out that this international friend is a liar."

What a coincidence!

That’s not true!

The author has something to say: The next update will be around three in the morning

This chapter is a normal update on the 4th

The next chapter is an update on nutrient solution! , Baihe free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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