Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

386. Scammers who only know how to draw big pie (2)

Chapter 327


The students in the room who were busy reading, washing and packing were all stunned, and then they looked at Ji Changze as if they were looking at a fool.

Especially Cui Jiu, who rolled his eyes so hard that he almost went to heaven.

"If you want to find an excuse to occupy this table, just make it up. If your international friends hear this, I'll see what you do."

Ji Changze didn't feel angry and asked quite calmly: "You think he is not a liar. What basis do you have?"

"What basis do I have? Do I need any basis? The mayor has to treat us to dinner. Didn't the principal tell us? These international friends specifically want to choose a city in China. Those who invest, they open chain shopping malls abroad, and the jo you are wearing is from their shopping malls. "

Ji Changze nodded and led him to continue: "This will prove that they are not liars. What about the rest?"

Cui Jiu: "Do you need me to tell you the rest? It's not like you haven't heard about it."

"These are the mayors of our mountain city who agreed to come back to Shan City to discuss investment after a trip to the capital after a lot of effort. The car they drive costs hundreds of thousands, and the whole team alone has more than a dozen ?Individuals, what? Lawyers, secretaries, life assistants, bodyguards, such a big battle, you call them liars? "

Not to mention, the more Ji Changze listened, the more he felt that this was a liar.

This routine, this model, is the same as the original owner.

But the original owner is much better than them. At least he knows that details determine success or failure, and he will never save money on such trivial matters.

Cui Jiu continues:

"I live in a presidential suite. Do you know what a presidential suite is?! It costs more than a thousand a night. This is the most expensive room in China, and..."


The sound of a book hitting the table was heard. Cui Jiu, who felt more and more reasonable the more he spoke, was startled and looked at Ji Changze who had his hand on the table.

Seeing the young man opposite taking a few steps towards him, even if he didn't want to be scared in his heart, he couldn't help showing a hint of fear on his face and shrinking his neck.

"You, just talk, what are you talking about? The table."

Seeing him like this, Ji Changze returned to the table and sat down, tapping with his fingers on the book: "International friends, with properties all over foreign countries, more than a dozen people who take personal care of him, and the president lives in the most luxurious building. suite."

He showed a half-hearted smile and looked at Cui Jiu: "Then give him eight

Translator and tour guide, booked a standard room. "

Ji Changze spoke slowly and slowly, not in a hurry. But the more he spoke like this, the more pressure the other students felt inexplicably.

The room was silent for a second before Cui Jiu spoke up: "Well, we just came here to see the world. It was the principal who put a lot of effort into getting us in. We were originally accepted reluctantly and were willing to help. It’s good if we book a room.”

"Let me tell you, whether we were begged by them or stuffed in, the identity they gave us is that of tour guides and translators. This is what we do. Even if it is for their own face and reputation, they will definitely do it. Set us up properly.”

"Come on, think about it. If you were someone else, why would you arrange your own tour guide and translator like this?"

As soon as Ji Changze spoke, even though his tone was very calm and it didn't sound like he was angry, the listeners still felt nervous, thinking that the other party really deserved to be a member of a gang outside, and he looked really fierce. of.

Cui Jiu was inexplicably afraid of Ji Changze like this and didn't dare to choke.

Ruan Heng, who had always been the peacemaker, looked around and saw that no one was talking, so he could only speak to himself: "Forget it... Mr. Smith is a busy man. He answers a lot of calls every day. I heard a few ? Sentence, all we’re talking about is big business worth tens of millions.”

Ji Changze: "Even if Mr. Smith has forgotten, his secretary, life assistant, legal team, bodyguards, these people have also forgotten? They are all working for a living? Don't they mean that they earn a very high salary every month? ?”

"Is Mr. Smith a fool who was fooled by his subordinates, or are foreigners accustomed to crowding together in a room?"

Obviously, the students who have followed Mr. Smith in the past few days and listened to a lot about his glorious life abroad will not think so.

Ruan Heng thought again: "Maybe it's not necessary? It's a waste of money. We are not their own people, and this standard room is quite expensive."

Ji Changze laughed.

He directly picked up the phone on the table, and without waiting for others to stop him, dialed the number in the lobby.

"Hello, I am a guest of 2316. I would like to ask how much a standard room in your hotel costs per night, oh...one hundred and two, right? Okay, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, he looked up at the students who were staring blankly at him.

This group of young people were all frightened by Ji Changze's sudden call.

"Nagaze, why did you fight me? Didn't Mr. William say, let me

Are you okay? Don't call downstairs? "

"Yes, will this cause trouble? What if? Because we make Mr. Smith unhappy? If we don't want to invest in Shanshi, how should we explain it to the principal?"

Ji Changze looked at the really anxious faces in front of him, but he didn't find it funny.

There is no way, China has not yet developed, and ordinary students will not stay in hotels at all. Their parents may live in hotels that cost 10,000 to 20,000 yuan on business trips, but they will not stay in hotels that are too expensive. At most, they will stay in small hotels.

It is normal to feel timid when faced with something you have never seen or felt before, and if someone scares you.

"The phone is placed here just for our convenience. If we have any questions, we can contact the lobby at any time. Otherwise, why would they put a phone here?"

Seeing that his classmates were still looking at him blankly like stupid spores, Ji Changze taught them science as he did to children:

"The hotel's main focus is service. Otherwise, why do you think such a room with two beds charges 121 nights?"

"But Mr. William said..."

The classmate who hadn't finished speaking was talking. After catching Ji Changze's gaze, his voice gradually faded away: "One? One hundred and twenty-one? It's so expensive at night, so it's normal for people to be reluctant to part with it."

"Use your brains. Don't say that you are my classmate Ji Changze when you go out. I'm afraid of embarrassment. One hundred and two is definitely expensive for us, but for someone who just talks about a business, several thousand will be exchanged. Rich people worth ten thousand, do you think one hundred and two is a lot?”

"It's like you hold a thousand yuan in your hands, and how many people you don't know well are helping you run errands. Would you give them a total of one penny because you are reluctant to give up eight cents?"

The students looked at each other and stopped talking.

Ruan Heng whispered: "But these are what the principal told us personally. The principal will never lie."

"The principal will not lie to others unless he is also lied to."

Seeing that these students were shocked, Ji Changze crossed his arms and raised his chin: "Do you want to test it?"


The students were a little confused: "What? What do you mean?"

"Anyway, you just have to listen to me. I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, we won't do anything else. It's very simple. As long as this..."

At 7:30 in the morning, eight students from Shandong University opened the door and walked out on time.

The first and second floors are restaurants. They were originally public restaurants, but because Mr. Smith didn't like it,

I ate with too many people, so I spent all my money on the entire first floor.

He doesn't like to talk, and the team around him also behaves like "We are professionals, so we will never reveal Mr. Smith's details to outsiders."

There are only eight young students who look like young students. In the past few days, they have been questioned by people in the hotel and some bosses who come to the hotel to eat.

Most of them asked who this was and why there was such a big battle.

When going downstairs, Cui Jiuyi said as he walked: "You always didn't know where you ran before. Didn't you meet these? Every time we come down, there are a lot of people asking us, but it's so beautiful. "

The original owner just stepped in when he found an opportunity. It seemed that he had never encountered such a scene.

If it hadn't been for him running around without doing business several times, Cui Jiu wouldn't be so resentful.

Ji Changze asked Cui Jiu: "So, when others ask, how do you answer?"

"Of course I told the truth. I said that Mr. Smith was an international friend who came to China to invest. He also said that we were students from Shandong University and were selected as translators and tour guides to accompany Mr. Smith around the capital."

"Did you mention the mayor and principal?"

"Of course they mentioned it. They asked who asked us to accompany Mr. Smith. Of course we had to tell the truth."


Ji Changze curled his lips: "It's the same old routine."

Cui Jiu was a little confused: "O-Old what? What?"

"I said, it's the same old routine. First, you create an appearance of being awesome, then find a few outsiders who believe in it, and then go to a conspicuous place to show how awesome you are, attracting people. After others decide, those fools and outsiders are the biggest trustworthy people.”

Ji Changze glanced at Cui Jiuyi: "Because you yourself believe in his identity and you didn't lie, others will believe you."

At this time, China was still too simple.

Businessmen know the truth of fighting in the business field, but for a moment it is really hard to think that someone would pretend to be a rich person to defraud.

Even those who are truly wealthy and knowledgeable will only mutter in their hearts when they see such a scene, "You're a nouveau riche, how can a family with a profound background and a wealthy family have such a grand display?"

In China, businessmen still have to keep a low profile as much as possible.

And for a businessman who can expand his business, even if he is a foreigner, he will not be surrounded by a bunch of people, but no one will check the national conditions of China in advance.

"I've been watching the economy these days.

The above book is just to be able to face them smoothly. Remember for a moment and do as I just said. Otherwise, if this is really a liar, not only will our efforts be in vain, but the principal and mayor will be embarrassed. "

The students who were looked at by Ji Changze one by one involuntarily straightened their chests. When he went out first, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did he just train us as if he were his little brothers outside?"

A student came back to his senses and touched the back of his head: "I can't blame so many people for being willing to recognize him as their big brother. I don't see anything about him usually. I'm scared when he gets serious."

Cui Jiu, who has the deepest resentment against Ji Changze and has observed him for the longest time, has a say: "He is just like that, he is very good at changing his face. He has one face towards the teacher, another face towards us, and when he goes out, he faces his little brother." Another face."

Otherwise, he wouldn't reject Ji Changze so much.

When everyone is honest, someone who is more pretentious than a vixen appears. How can Cui Jiu not be alerted?

He carefully looked at Ji Changze who had already walked away, and then whispered to Ruan Heng: "I still feel that Ji Changze is very different from us. He looks very smart. He is not from the same group as us. Every time I Seeing him smile makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up."

"Don't be like this. We are all classmates. We are in the same dormitory. Let's unite together."

Ruan Heng pulled Cui Jiu and ran over to Ji Changze: "Changze, please slow down, wait? Wait? for us."

Ji Changze glanced at them and muttered something.

"what are you doing?"

"Brush up on economics."

Seeing Ji Changze like this, and thinking of what he just said in the room, Cui Jiu was a little worried: "Is that okay? We are an international company, and you have only been working for a few days, and your grades have dropped drastically... …”

Ji Changze finished his last recitation: "Do you want me to come?"

Cui Jiu: "...it's up to you...but just as we just agreed in the room, don't say anything else, otherwise we will be criticized to death if we engage in pornography."

"I know, let's wait and see." Ji Changze glanced at the restaurant above and asked, "What is breakfast today? Did you hear what they said?"

Although Cui Jiu was still unsure, he answered quickly: "It's said to be eating Western food. It seems to be the most expensive steak in the restaurant. It is said that when the cow was alive, he wanted it? He listens to music and massages every day. Do you think cows understand it?" ?”

"Western food..."

Ji Changze touched his chin and pulled him up: "Let's go to the restaurant on the second floor to study temporarily."

Sure enough, there were people on the second floor eating Western food.

Several students are also afraid that it will be their first time to eat Western food. There are no rules and they will not be embarrassed, so they should seize the opportunity to steal their lessons.

Compared with the classmates who were studying secretly, Ji Changze, who looked particularly fair, looked thoughtful.

Ruan Heng looked at him curiously: "Don't you want to learn? Didn't you say that you can use it?"

"too easy."

Ji Changze looked at a couple eating Western food from a distance: "Forget it, I can do it myself."

Ruan Heng: "Ah? What? Anything is fine?"

"You'll know after a while."

The students returned to the restaurant on the first floor again.

Mr. Smith, who was blond and had a standard foreign appearance, was already sitting in his seat. The long dining table was filled with tableware. Seeing them, Smith showed a reserved smile:

"Good morning, friends."

"Good morning Mr. Smith."

The students all greeted politely, but did not sit down first. Instead, they waited for Ji Changze to sit down before sitting around him.

Smith looked at this unusual young face and wondered why these Chinese students had such respect for the youngest classmate.

But anyway, he had no interest in these Chinese students. He only thought about it for a moment and then didn't continue.

"Today we are eating steak. This is the best steak that I had flown overnight from my hometown. These cows have been eating the best feed since the calf was born, roaming freely on the vastest farm, and every night, There will be masseurs to help them massage, and in the end, it will become a steak in front of us that tastes great. "

Smith smiled and said: "For each cow, the farmer will only select the best piece of beef and send it to us, so the piece of meat in front of us represents one cow."

As expected, the young students' faces showed surprise after hearing this, and they were a little hesitant to touch the steak on the table.

Before Smith could feel proud, he saw the fair-skinned young man sitting quietly among the students without much expression on his face. Instead, he thanked him lightly and said in English: "Thank you for your generosity, then we will not be polite to you."

its not right.

Children of this age should feel flattered when hearing this? Yes, why are you so calm?

Before Mr. Smith could react, Ji Changze reached out his hand and picked up the tableware on the table one by one.

She gave him a slight smile:

"This meal is yours. Just follow the dining etiquette of your hometown. I have to say that the popular dining etiquette in your hometown of Chelton is really elegant. My father's favorite is the Chelton dining etiquette. "

After saying that, he thoughtfully added: "My classmates have never been abroad and don't know much about table manners. Please be considerate and I will teach them."

Smith was stunned for two seconds: "Ah...Okay, don't worry."

"Thank you for your consideration. You are such a tolerant gentleman."

Ji Changze nodded to the other party, turned to the classmate next to him and said warmly:

"Chellton is cold all year round, so people like to drink soup before eating, with the soup bowl on the right hand side. There is no record in history, but there was a May 3rd Battle in Chelton, which led to the Eighty percent of the men were taken to the battlefield.

Their wives missed their husbands very much. In order to express their longing for their husbands, they changed to holding the knife in their left hand and the fork in their right hand. They swore that they would change back to their original dining habits only when their husbands came back safely. Gradually, the knife in the left hand and the fork in the right hand became the ones used for cutting. This is the dining etiquette of a senior banquet in London, so the fork is on the right and the knife is on the left.

Place the dipping dish at the front of the plate..."

After Ji Changze spoke in a calm tone, he finally picked up the napkin on the table that should have been placed on his lap, folded it in his hand, folded it into a flower shape, and placed it on the left side of the plate.

"At the Chelton Senior Banquet, everyone would fold their napkins into the shape of their national flower. Of course, with the development of the times, many people no longer care much about these ancient etiquettes and would put them directly on their laps, but Mr. Smith …”

He smiled and looked at Smith: "You mentioned before that it is an inherited family property. The West and the East are actually very similar. The more families inherit the property from generation to generation, the more they will continue the previous etiquette. You are also used to putting napkins on them. It’s the dining etiquette of the national flower, right?”

Smith: "..."

He stared blankly at the placement of the tableware in front of Ji Changze, and with a accustomed look on his face, he swallowed.

Soon, he laughed heartily: "Hahahaha, actually I don't care much about these etiquette, but my father is an old-fashioned man, so he often scolds me for not following etiquette at home."

"I just didn't expect that this classmate, you are obviously Chinese, but you know my hometown very well."

Ji Changze smiled: "I also learned from my father. He often flies around the world.

When I was young, he and my mother were worried about leaving me with a nanny, so they would take me with them, and we learned a lot. "

"Ah...that's it."

Smith pretended to be chatting: "It seems that we have a lot in common. When I was a child, my parents were busy and had no time to take care of me. However, flying is too troublesome for children, so I was raised by the Filipino maid at home. , now that I’m older and looking back, it’s really a bit regretful.”

"Will it be troublesome to fly?"

Smith's mouth froze: "Isn't it troublesome?"

Ji Changze seemed a little strange and looked at Smith: "It's all my own stuff, so there's nothing to worry about, right? My mother is a very childlike person. In order not to make me feel strange, she specially arranged the back of the plane to look like a toy room. "

Smith: "..."

A private jet.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a dry smile: "Yes, my parents have tried their best to make me feel comfortable, but I like running around too much, so even if it's the plane at home, I still don't like it very much. Go up."

Ji Changze immediately showed an understanding look: "I understand. In fact, it is more comfortable to watch movies in the cinema at home. I was too clingy when I was a child and couldn't live without my mother. Otherwise, I might be like you, Mr. Smith." "You can be independent since childhood and have a successful career without the care of your parents when you grow up."

"Haha, haha, it's nothing. My father is also taking care of it."

Smith wiped his sweat again and then asked: "Who is your father? I wonder if I recognize him?"

Ji Changze smiled shyly and kicked Ruan Heng sitting next to him under the table.

"Ah! Nagasawa's father is very powerful. He is quite high on the Forbes list. However, Nagasawa is usually very low-key, and only a few of us who are good at playing know about it."

Smith's eyes suddenly changed: "So that's it, Nagasawa-san is really low-key."

"It's nothing. It's all because of my father's greatness and it has nothing to do with me."

Ji Changze smiled and took a sip of water: "Let's have a meal."

"Ah good."

Smith glanced at the placement of the tableware on Ji Changze's table without leaving any trace, and then began to place the tableware with light and skillful movements.

Finally, he folded a flower out of the napkin and placed it in the upper left corner. He smiled intimately at Ji Changze and said, "I haven't folded it for a long time. Why don't you fold it if it doesn't look good? Laugh at me."

"No way, you folded it perfectly. It looks like you studied it at home."

Ji Changze drank again

He took a sip of saliva and smiled at Smith.

After eating, Smith said he still had official business to deal with and left in a hurry.

Ji Changze sat at the table, wiping the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief and said slowly to the person next to him: "It's confirmed, liar."

Ruan Heng was confused: "Ah? How can you tell?"

"I just tried it out using Chelton dining etiquette."

Cui Jiu: "I think they behave the same as you. It's pretty standard."

He had just been observing the few international friends who were dining.

"Well, it's just the standard? There's something wrong with it."

Ji Changze put down his handkerchief, stretched out and said one sentence:

"What are the messy rules about dining etiquette, placement rules, issues left over from the battle, napkins and the national flower?"

"I made it all up."

The author has something to say: two in one!

The double updates promised during the day yesterday are here~

The nutrient solution is 30,000 yuan. I will add it tomorrow night. Lily will be updated for free and the fastest. No anti-theft, no anti-theft.

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