Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 1003 A Brand New Civilization

But he doesn't care about these, he has already reached the extraordinary level, and the road ahead is just a matter of time.

Moreover, they have the authority of time and practice in a specially created training world, so their strength will grow absolutely very fast.

Seeing the worry condensed between the two people's brows, Qi Yuan calmly comforted them: "There is no need to worry too much. Although their strength is very strong, it is far from being as strong as imagined."

Zhang Wei looked over strangely: "Just two people who come out have already reached the late stage of extraordinary level. Isn't this considered strong?"

Qi Yuan shook his head: "You only saw their strength, but you didn't see what their strength represents."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Qi Yuan looked indifferent and said in a clear voice: "First of all, they are still in an eighth-level shelter and have not escaped the control of the foggy world. What does this mean?"

"It means...that their authority is not fully carried?"

Zhang Wei asked tentatively. He also had some understanding of the conditions for breaking through to the ninth-level shelter.

"Yes and no." Qi Yuan said calmly: "The fact that they appeared before us means that they were our former civilization, thousands of years earlier than us."

"But after thousands of years, it still has not become a level nine shelter, which shows that their development speed is not necessarily very fast."

"Even compared to us who just broke through, we may not be much stronger, so both sides will coexist peacefully."

"And don't you really think that Long He accidentally invaded the space-time defense because he didn't know about our existence?"

Speaking of this, both Zhang Wei and Aileen's pupils shrank, as if they had figured out something?

"Hmph, if we find that we are weak, it is very likely that Long He alone will be enough to kill the entire planet."

"The other party just saw the three of us and noticed the power of space authority, so it temporarily changed its strategy and lived in peace with us."

After hearing this, Eileen couldn't help feeling frightened, and couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that the other party is not a kind person. Do we still need to communicate with them?"


Qi Yuan answered in the affirmative.

"Cultural and economic exchanges are necessary and can promote our development, so why not?"


"There are no buts. We have gained each other's recognition by relying on our own strength. There is no need to be submissive and afraid of the other party."

Qi Yuan's eyes were downcast, and he already had a plan in mind: "Just contact the other party as usual. As I said just now, their strength is not as strong as imagined."

"It has taken tens of thousands of years, and the controllers of authority are only at the late extraordinary level. Sooner or later we will catch up with them, or even surpass them."

There was unparalleled confidence in his tone, and the worries in Eileen and Zhang Wei's hearts also disappeared a lot for a while.

Qi Yuan patted their shoulders and said seriously: "Go back to your respective super wonders to practice, so that you can truly carry the power of authority in as short a time as possible."



After returning to the shelter, Qi Yuan lost his composure on the surface and his expression became solemn.

It's impossible not to feel nervous when you discover a new civilization that's stronger than your own.

However, they didn't want Zhang Wei and Aileen to worry too much, so they showed a calm look.

However, such a civilization that is only 36,000km apart must be a thorn in his heart.

And according to the other party, there is a civilization with a longer inheritance and a more mysterious history hidden elsewhere, which is also a threat that cannot be ignored.

It wouldn't matter if both sides could always live in peace.

But how can a civilization, with completely different ideas and cultures, never have a war?

Even within a civilization, wars often occur, let alone between civilizations?

This experience completely sounded the alarm, forcing Qi Yuan to speed up his pace.

There is no need to delay the improvement of strength.

Although during this period, try to improve your strength in all aspects as much as possible.

Not only are they trying their best to increase their top combat power, but they are also constantly using various means to stimulate the overall development of internal forces.

But even so, it still can't compare to the other party's thousands of years of accumulation!

After some deliberation and consideration, Qi Yuan left the shelter and traveled to various parts of the planet to find ways to improve his strength.

In an area more than 30,000 kilometers away from the parent star, another smaller planet floats here.

Compared with the mother planet, this planet may only be 1/3 the size, and both its aura and vitality are much weaker.

It can be clearly seen that when this planet was formed, the number of special land deeds used was definitely much less than that of Qi Yuan.

If Qi Yuan enters this world, he can easily find that there are only 9 powers here.

According to common sense, this is actually what a normal shelter should look like. After all, few people break through to the extraordinary level when they are in a seventh-level shelter.

It is even more impossible to challenge two ferocious beast gathering places and collect 32 special land deeds.

That is to say, Long He was stopped by the space-time defense. Otherwise, if he saw the size of his home planet, he would be frightened and speechless.

Moreover, one can roughly guess the number of authorities on the home planet based on its size, which is definitely a very disadvantageous thing.

However, although this planet is small, its population is very dense.

After all, after thousands of years of development, it is enough for a fast-reproducing creature like human beings to expand rapidly in a short period of time.

This planet is in a similar situation. The land is almost covered with towns, and the countries and cities are extremely prosperous.

Compared with the scattered forces on the home planet, it is simply a world of difference.

And it can be clearly seen that the civilizations living on this planet also highly value cultivation.

Children start attending school from an early age, and there are similar elementary schools, junior high schools and high schools, and the content taught is also related to cultivation.

But the cultivation method in this world is also very special.

They mainly practice in two aspects. One is physical strength, which means constantly absorbing spiritual energy to improve their own strength.

On the other hand, there are weapons!

The forging industry of this civilization is extremely powerful. It should be a powerful technology similar to spiritual patterns, witchcraft, and potions, and the quality is likely to reach extraordinary levels.

Each of them, when their strength reaches a certain level, will be equipped with a companion weapon that can grow.

They have nurtured this weapon since they were young and have it with them all the time. Therefore, the weapon is completely consistent with themselves, has a strong tacit understanding, and can explode 150% of the power.

And due to their technical abilities, after they reach a certain level, they can also use weapons to unleash some powerful skills.

Unique technology and unique culture construct the unique style of this civilization.

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