Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 1004 Nine Controllers Of Authority

On this planet, somewhere in a hidden place.

A wide round table with nine chairs around it.

Nine powerful men with different appearances were all sitting in their positions, looking at the old man in the seat.

Although I look old, my whole body is full of momentum, full of calm and heavy strength, which makes people feel like being crushed.

"Everyone, what do you think of this incident?"

My voice was gentle, but it was like the sound of a bell, shocking people's hearts.

The other eight beings all had calm eyes and sat calmly in their positions, seeming to be thinking seriously.

Among them were Long He and the earth-attributed authority controller.

Compared to others, they are very young and can be regarded as the strongest members of the younger generation.

After Gu Ling finished asking, everyone's eyes turned to Long He.

An old man said: "Long He, tell me about the situation."

Long He hesitated for a moment and had no choice but to speak first. After all, he was the protagonist of this matter and had the most comprehensive understanding of the situation.

"Seniors, I only understand a small part of the situation. Just when I wanted to ascend to the interior of the planet, I was directly stopped by a mysterious force..."

"Oh, mysterious power?"

"Yes, it's a bit similar to space, but it feels a little different. In short, it's very weird. This energy protects the entire planet and makes it difficult for people to spy on it."

Long He explained the situation in detail, with a hint of doubt in his expression, as if he couldn't figure out what it was that was protecting the entire planet.

Because for them, outside their planet, there is only the atmosphere.

Strictly speaking, it is similar to other planets in the universe.

Gu Ling lowered his eyes and said calmly: "The other party should have space authority, an extremely powerful force that blocks the space around the planet."

"The power of space law? That is indeed very troublesome."

Another tall old man narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of caution in his tone.

The nine of them are all controllers and bearers of authority, and their strength has almost all reached the late and peak levels of Extraordinary Level.

Therefore, they have a deeper understanding of authority and understand the power of this power.

Especially after completely carrying a certain authority, the power that explodes is far beyond imagination, making him a true strategic powerhouse.

Long He thought for a while, but still said hesitantly: "Seniors, I have also used the space teleportation array and have a certain understanding of space energy, but I have a vague feeling that their space protective layer seems to be a little different."

"It's different? What exactly is different?"

"I can't tell clearly. Anyway, there seems to be some other energy mixed in."

Everyone frowned at what Long He said, as if they didn't know how to explain it.

"Is it possible that the space ability brought by space authority is different from the ordinary space teleportation array?" an old man speculated.

"I don't know. After all, I have never seen this kind of authority."

"Maybe it's a naturally occurring miracle? Maybe the miracle caused by their space authority is this protective layer?"

"It does seem possible..."

Just when everyone was talking about it, Gu Ling, who was sitting at the head of the table, knocked on the table, and the clear sound sounded, immediately quieting everyone down.

"No need to make wild guesses, just treat it as a special space protection layer. Long He, have you discovered anything else?"

The old man asked calmly, as if his words were enough to calm everyone's worries.

When Long He saw the old man's inquiry, he answered more respectfully: "As for other discoveries, they are the only ones with the strength of those three people. The leader is very strong."

"Very strong? How strong?"

"I feel like... I can be slapped to death!"

Everyone couldn't help but frown, and an old man said seriously: "Xiaohe, there is no need to deliberately use this term to set off the other party's strength, right?"

"Indeed, our strength has reached extraordinary and peak levels, and we shouldn't be able to kill you with just one palm."

"Slap a late-stage Transcendent level expert to death with one palm. Is it possible that this kind of person has surpassed the Transcendent level and reached a higher level?"


Just when everyone was doubting, Gu Ling interrupted everyone and took the initiative to say: "Long He is right. If the other party really wants to kill him, he can't withstand that palm."


Everyone gasped and couldn't believe their ears.

If Long He's lack of experience leads to wrong judgment, everyone can barely understand it.

But if it was Gu Ling who said this, there is absolutely no way it could be wrong.

But even so, on the right side of Gu Ling, an old man who had never spoken asked in a low voice: "Is it really so powerful? Old Gu, how did you tell?"

Gu Ling didn't say much, took out a bottle and placed it on the table.

"Hey, this breath... such pure power of death."

"It's another kind of power that I've never seen before, and it's close to the law. Could it be that this is also authority?"

"They still have the power of death? I've never seen this thing before."


Gu Ling shook his head: "It shouldn't be authority. It is different from the authority we have seen."

"Did you cultivate it yourself?"

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, Gu Ling nodded slightly, with a hint of shock in his eyes: "Most likely, yes, just by practicing on your own, you are already close to the power of authority. It is really terrifying."

Everyone was silent.

Even these ancient beings heard the word "terrible" from Gu Ling's mouth for the first time.

This is enough to prove that the opponent's strength is absolutely terrifying, even surpassing all of them.

"How is this possible? A world that has just appeared has such terrifying power."

"Is this cultivation speed a bit too fast? Is it possible that he already has extraordinary strength before he breaks through the eighth-level shelter?"

Gu Ling frowned slightly, tapped the table with his fingers, and said in a low voice: "It is very likely that if he can obtain a special space title, his strength will definitely far exceed our imagination."

"And once this happens, with his extraordinary strength, he will definitely be able to plunder a large number of special land deeds. The amount of authority in the world now formed will definitely be beyond imagination."

As he spoke, Gu Ling turned his attention to Long He and asked: "The other two, have you clearly seen their strength?"

Furukawa thought for a while and replied: "It should be the extraordinary level. It feels very strange to me. It doesn't seem like a normal person."

"Not quite like a normal person? Is it similar to Lao Jian?"

"It feels a bit similar to Uncle Jian, but a little different."

Gu Ling took the initiative and asked: "What's the difference?"

This situation made him have to pay attention, because the Uncle Jian they called was the top powerhouse in the entire civilization.

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