Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 360 Transferring Elites

The concentration of spiritual energy here has indeed reached the perfect level.

However, it was different from what Qi Yuan expected!

He originally expected that the rare-level spiritual energy would be a very dense mist, almost turning into a liquid. That perfect concentration of spiritual energy must be more concentrated spiritual energy vapor, or even condense directly into a liquid!

But the scene before him broke his inherent understanding.

The perfect spiritual energy in this space is actually just a faint mist, and it is no different from the state of good spiritual energy.

It's just that the concentration of every ray of spiritual energy is terrifyingly high, almost to the point of bursting if you take a few more breaths.

After coming in, Qi Yuan had to hold his breath for a while every few breaths to prevent inhaling too much.

Regarding this situation, Qi Yuan couldn't help but feel helpless: It seems that the concentration of spiritual energy is too strong, which may not be a good thing! Survivors with poor strength are not qualified to come in at all, and their lives may be in danger!

In addition to the concentration of spiritual energy, what Qi Yuan also cares about is the size of this area.

The queen bee of the spirit tree turned into wings and carried him flying in this space, and he had a panoramic view of the peace inside.

The size of this space is similar to the area of ​​the shelter, with a radius of 5 kilometers, which is a circular area with a radius of 5 kilometers.

As he continued to fly and got closer to the edge area, Qi Yuan discovered that the concentration of spiritual energy had changed.

80% of the area here is filled with perfect spiritual energy.

But when approaching the edge, the concentration of spiritual energy dropped sharply, from perfect level to rare level, then to excellent level, and then to good level!

By the time we got to the edge of the area, there was almost no aura at all.

"Phew! Fortunately, what a blessing among misfortunes!" Qi Yuan was not only not disappointed, but also very happy.

If the entire space was filled with a high concentration of perfect spiritual energy, almost no one would be able to enter it.

And if there are good-level, excellent-level, and rare-level areas, other subordinates can be arranged to enter here.

Qi Yuan ordered the Queen Bee of the Spirit Tree to slowly stop flapping her wings and land on the edge of the good-grade spiritual energy.

Here is the boundary of the entire space tree world.

It was different from Qi Yuan's imagination. This was not a transparent wall or a chaotic and void place, but a circle of ordinary stone mountains.

There were no plants, just exposed rocks.

Moreover, after careful inspection, I found that the stone did not have any spiritual energy, nor was it a resource, it was just an ordinary stone.

And outside the Stone Mountain, there is a dark area, like an abyss, and nothing can be seen.

After just a few glances, Qi Yuan felt as if he was being stared at by a demon. Fear arose in his heart and he couldn't help but take a few steps back, not daring to get any closer.

He probably guessed that the outside world should be a chaotic void.

Qi Yuan didn't have any thoughts of seeking death. He just wanted to get away from here as soon as possible.

After a brief observation, Qi Yuan also had a general understanding of this tree world space: it was indeed an incredible place.

Perfect spiritual energy concentration, enough concealment and safety, and a large enough living area... It is simply a perfect shelter!

The sixth team was organized by the outstanding combat power Zhang Zhaohai, and the seventh and eighth teams were formed by Thunder Bear and Ham respectively.

Moreover, his appearance is just that of a small tree, which can be easily hidden and does not attract too much attention.

However, in Qi Yuan's consideration, there is another group of people who are also on the transfer list, but they are not born yet.

After this incident, Qi Yuan has made a plan: to completely seal off the northern part of the shelter and make it an isolated place that will not let anyone get close!

These six ghost-backed dragon apes, two at the excellent level and four at the peak of the good level, are not only very powerful, but also have very high potential, and deserve to be focused on training.

That's right! It's a newborn baby.

Tree bee colonies migrated en masse to forest and mine shelters.

So far, the only people Qi Yuan plans to transfer into the space tree world are these 88 people, plus 6 ghost-backed dragon apes.

At the same time, move the entire planting area completely southward, including the small-leaf cattail planting area, away from the north.

However, these actions were all handled by Qi Yuan, and only a few people such as Chu Wenxi and Zhou Yue knew the general situation.

After all the workers returned to their peaceful working lives, some people in the shelter mysteriously disappeared.

In addition, Qi Yuan found Wang Yihui and Chu Yang and asked them to select a group of talents with high enough talent in the "prop manufacturing area" of each shelter.

In the future, if you want to move people in again, you need to think carefully.

Along the entire northern island coastline, the small semicircle where the space tree boundary is located is completely enclosed, so tight that not even a fly can fly in.

From now on, the sanctuary island faces the outside and the space tree realm faces the inside, creating a perfect sanctuary!

When Qi Yuan left the space tree world and returned to the shelter island, he immediately started taking action.

In addition to these eight teams, Qi Yuan also sent six ghost-backed dragon apes in together.

This pitifully small number of people made Qi Yuan realize that talented scientific research talents like this were even scarcer than combat talents.

The same goes for the hornets, all of which migrate to forest and mine shelters!

It means the most elite force under Qi Yuan.

A total of eight teams, with a total of 80 people, all entered the space tree world.

The first was the mysterious earthquake, and the second was the upgrade of the shelter. They knew nothing about the other circumstances.

In everyone's eyes, only two things happened.

Including Han Dong, Zhang Yuan, Xu Congnan, Fu Tong, and the four teams they led.

Secondly, people who are talented in carving spiritual patterns are also included.

Moving into the space tree world with them, there are also "exercise rooms", "creature caves", and various exercise equipment for daily exercise.

The most basic requirement is to be able to easily learn how to make scrolls and props, and even conduct exploration and research and development to a certain extent based on existing technology.

He even went to the spiritual land and found the giant guardian tree that was absorbing plant energy, and urgently catalyzed the creation of ten excellent guardian thorns and tens of thousands of good guardian thorns.

In the end, after two days of selection, only eight people were selected.

These eight people also include Wang Yihui, Chu Yang, and Zhou Ming.

Moreover, these 80 people all use control scrolls. They are the core and strongest survivors under Qi Yuan, and they are also the focus of training.

These are all Qi Yuan's fighting talents. Except for the nigger who is still outside, the rest have all moved in.

At the same time, the development and use of the spatial tree world is also proceeding simultaneously.

Zhou Yang, the captain of the fourth team who recovered from his injury, and the fourth team he re-established.

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