Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 361 Guardian Puppet And Beast Puppet

Once a newborn is born, he will be immediately collected and transferred collectively to the stewardess tree world for unified professional training.

But currently, it will take about three months for the nearest pregnant woman to give birth.

But Qi Yuan is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time anyway.

After the matter in the space tree world came to an end, Qi Yuan originally planned to go to the rare level spirit land to check the status of the guardian giant tree. If the Baizhang Blood Whisker Willow had absorbed all of it, he would help it upgrade to the perfect level as soon as possible.

But before he could pass, Yang Zhenghe and Qin Zhenjun came to the door.

But it's not a big deal. They plan to purchase a batch of communication spirit patterns, storage spirit patterns, defense spirit patterns, and blood collection spirit patterns from Qi Yuan.

They had been living in the spiritual land while they were building the spiritual veins, and the team they trained also explored and trained in the surroundings.

However, around the rare level spiritual land, there are many surviving beasts, and their strength is also very strong. If they do not rely on the help of excellent level beast puppets and guardian puppets, the casualty rate of the team will be very high.

However, if they are allowed to be protected by elite level combatants, the training effect will be very poor.

Therefore, they set their sights on Qi Yuan.

Upon hearing their request, Qi Yuan readily agreed, because he had been trying to do business with them in the past few days.

Qin Zhenjun and Yang Zhenghe want spiritual patterns.

But Qi Yuan wanted to buy some guardian puppets and beast puppets from them.

The main reason is actually for training.

Whether it is the eight elite teams in the space tree world or others in the "training area", it is impossible to train by yourself forever, and you need to supplement your actual combat experience.

But if you have to enter the chaotic spiritual energy to train every time, it will not only be very inconvenient, but also too dangerous.

Therefore, he planned to purchase a batch of combat power for daily sparring.

Qin Zhenjun and Yang Zhenghe also thought about it after hearing Qi Yuan's thoughts.

Yang Zhenghe was the first to agree: "No problem, I have experimented in the past few days. Using the Jinge crystal mine in the spiritual land can also be used as the core of the puppet. Although it is weaker, it can eventually operate. How much do you need to protect the puppet? ?”

Qi Yuan thought for a while and said: "Twenty excellent ones, 200 good ones, it's best to have one rare one, okay?"

Yang Zhenghe, who was opposite the "Mist Survival Manual", almost sat down on the ground and felt a toothache instantly.

"Qi Yuan, do you have too much of a fucking appetite? I'm just a fucking rare puppet, so I'll leave it all to you!"

"Uh..." Qi Yuan said contemptuously: "Brother Yang, look at your achievements, where is your combat power? When my guardian giant tree breaks through, I will give you 100 rare-level puppet core materials!"

Yang Zhenghe: "..."

It can only be said that cooperation is a win-win situation.

Anyway, among the four kinds of inscriptions, storage and communication are at the rare level, and blood collection and defense are at the excellent level. Among them, the defensive spirit pattern is the easiest to make, so it doesn’t matter if you add a few more.

Qi Yuan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Then let's make a bet. If the guardian giant tree can break through to the perfect level, each of you will give me 10 excellent-level combatants. If not... I will give each of you one. How about rare-level combat power?"

"We haven't completely gotten out of the rare level yet, so you're just thinking about the perfect level? Are you... eh, that's not right, you kid??"

Qi Yuan smacked his lips and said with some regret: "Okay, okay, one of each of the three spiritual patterns counts as a set. One excellent-level guardian puppet will be replaced by one set, and five good-level puppets will be replaced with one set. What? Sample?"

With just one sentence, the two people quickly guessed it, which shocked Qi Yuan.

Yang Zhenghe thought about it and said: "Others are fine, but the defensive spirit patterns are one-time use. One set is too few. At least 3 are needed."

Afterwards, Qi Yuan looked at Qin Zhenjun with satisfaction and said cheerfully: "Where are you, Boss Qin? Boss Yang is too stingy, but he is not as generous as you!"

The doubts in the eyes of Qin Zhenjun and Yang Zhenghe gradually turned into suspicion, and finally became convinced: This kid is full of evil.

For Qin Zhenjun and Yang Zhenghe, using mass-produced combat power to equip their men with props is not a loss.

Qin Zhenjun said in a calm voice: "I should definitely use the Beast Puppet Pool as the core for upgrading in the past few days, but I'm worried... the material for the Beast Puppet Pool water is not easy to find!"

When the two parties were about to leave, Qi Yuan remembered something and suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, two eldest brothers, how is the growth of the psychic heavy wood in the spiritual land?"

Qin Zhenjun looked at Qi Yuan in surprise: "That flower?"

"Qi Yuan, did you take the wrong medicine?"

After finalizing the deal, the two of them did not hesitate. They handed over the money and delivered the goods on the spot, quickly completing the transaction.

"A better growing environment? You upgraded the shelter."

Qin Zhenjun was also speechless, waving his hands and saying: "There is not much liquid in my beast puppet pool, and there are even fewer beast puppets that can be taken out."

"Three excellent level beast puppets and 30 good level beast puppets. The price should be the same as Xiao Yang's."

"I'm riding a horse..." Yang Zhenghe was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but his good cultivation made him hold back, and he only felt that Qi Yuan was a little distracted.

"This..." Qi Yuan said with regret: "Brother Qin, how much do you need?"

"No problem!" Qi Yuan readily agreed and completed the deal.

After all, neither of them were stupid. They quickly noticed the anomaly and made some guesses.

On the other side, Yang Zhenghe was a little confused: "I'm in a bit of trouble. I don't have perfect-level props or perfect-level resources, so I don't know how to upgrade!"

Qi Yuan's eyes wandered: "Uh... flowers? What flowers? Don't change the subject, just talk about gambling or not!"

Qi Yuan thought for a while and agreed directly.

Qi Yuan nodded helplessly: "That's right. What about you, when do you plan to upgrade?"

Qi Yuan got his wish and got 5 excellent-level guardian puppets and 50 good-level guardian puppets.

"It's okay. The concentration of rare-level spiritual energy is better than their original living environment, and Zhong Maiyun also came here to see it."

Qin Zhenjun really couldn't stand Qi Yuan's arrogance, and kindly reminded him: "Qi Yuan, your guardian tree is indeed very strong, but even if it absorbs that rare plant, there is a high probability that it will not be able to break through. You'd better restrain yourself." a little!"

Qi Yuan thought for a while and said, "I have a more suitable growing environment here. You can help me dig up a batch of them and plant them in two places."

In order to prevent being taken advantage of, Yang Zhenghe immediately changed the subject and returned to the original business: "I'm not betting with you, we are here to buy things. I can only take out 5 excellent guardian puppets, 50 good guardian puppets, and then Too much is not enough.”

"Don't worry, the mist world is so big, what kind of materials can't be found? When we become stronger, we will definitely find it."

Qin Zhenjun and Yang Zhenghe looked at each other, thinking that they heard wrongly.

As the two of them talked, they felt something was wrong and couldn't help but frown.

No matter what, those few spiritual patterns, in exchange for excellent combat power, are a sure-fire deal.

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