Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 419 Rare Level Of Oppression

Inside these good-level beasts are specially cultivated potent toxins, and their quality has all reached the excellent level.

Moreover, there are many types, extremely destructive power, and the contagiousness cannot be underestimated.

So before he fought, Tim had notified the second and fourth districts next door in advance, asking them to isolate the battlefield and try to stay away from the third district.

Because once the virus is infected, it will not only harm the excellent beasts, but may also spread to the entire gathering place.

If the battle hadn't been too tense, he would never have used this method to fight the enemy!

But the effect is obviously strong.

In a short period of time, except for the beasts with strong poison resistance, the skin of the other beasts quickly rotted and even invaded the internal organs. Within a few minutes, they fell to the ground and were unable to move.

Such a powerful effect shocked other forces.

In addition, other regions also have their own methods.

In the first district, its own official power is not strong, it can even be said to be very weak.

But behind him, stood the extremely powerful "San Rinio" and Campos Scrivens.

Like District 7, although Krampus does not have the means to deal with excellent beasts on a large scale, he has strong enough rare-level combat power.

A strange-looking beast appeared on the battlefield in the first area. It had the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a python. It was covered with hard scales and looked fierce.

This kind of creature is not something humans know, but a creature unique to the misty world.

Like the rare guardian thorns, it withstood the attacks of the excellent beasts with its absolute strength.

It's not that they're all wiped out, but just standing there prevents excellent beasts from getting close.

On the battlefields in various regions, people used the "Mist Survival Manual" to record the results.

All battle information will be quickly spread to the forum within a short period of time.

All the survivors are either in the gathering place or hiding in their own shelters...

But at this moment, everyone is paying attention to the situation in various regions.

I originally thought that under such a powerful offensive, it would be difficult for the super gathering place to resist, and many people were already ready to flee.

However, the strength shown by all parties exceeded everyone's imagination.

The rare beasts in the first and seventh areas, and the poisons in the third area are exciting for everyone.

One wave comes after another.

In the second area, Daniel also quickly counterattacked after a brief silence.

A rare-level frost giant took the lead and broke out of the gathering place. Behind him, he led thousands of his own kind, letting out a thundering roar and standing in front of nearly a hundred excellent-level beasts.

Among the giant frost bears, in addition to the most powerful rare-level leader, there are also dozens of tribesmen who have reached excellent-level quality.

Therefore, the two sides faced each other without losing the slightest advantage.

The battlefield of District 5.

When the excellent beasts rushed madly, only a few hundred meters away from the gathering place, something unexpected happened!

Bang! ! !


A huge hole suddenly opened in the ground, forming a huge pit, and most of the beasts fell into it.

At this moment, thousands of giant worms emerged from the surrounding land in an instant, and the earth and rocks burst apart in an instant, like a giant mouth of an abyss, swallowing up these outstanding beasts.

This large area, which is mainly populated by black people, is also composed of multiple forces, but the strongest is Barr Qi's "Insect Valley".

At this moment, he shows his great strength.

In addition to these powerful regions, the relatively weak fourth and ninth regions were unable to withstand it alone. They could only seek help from other regions to barely survive.


"Even if you empty out your family's wealth, how many rare-level combat powers can you still come up with?!"

But this is not the end, it is only the beginning.

Outside the second area, only the rare frost giant bears remained outside, and the rest of the weaker ones all returned to the gathering place!

"Give it a try. If the super gathering place is lost, all of us will be sinners."

Outside the first area, in addition to the original lion-headed giant beast, two strange-looking rare-level giant beasts emerged again.

Even now, he can't reveal any more cards!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the rear of the group of excellent beasts.

Qin Zhenjun stared at the battlefield and said in a low voice: "The next attack will be led by the rare beasts and the remaining excellent beasts!"

Every figure is huge beyond imagination.

Thin, devil-like triangular cheeks, reddish-brown horns with spiral patterns, piercing the sky at a ferocious angle.

But it seems stretched.

Facing this offensive, he only sent out 6 excellent beasts.

This is an extremely thin and tall goat-like ferocious beast with an extremely terrifying face that makes people feel fearful when they look at it.

But depending on the situation, these six beasts should also be pregnant with poison, and their destructive power should be far beyond imagination.

An Changlin stood on the city wall, his expression did not relax, but his brows furrowed: "Trouble, not all of these excellent beasts have been wiped out. It's just that they don't dare to move forward due to pressure."

If he also possesses rare-level combat power and a perfect-level poison-type potion, it might have miraculous effects.

Leaders in other regions also found things difficult.

Everyone is urgently mobilizing combat power!

Clusters of scarlet eyes were wandering in the wind and snow, but one could clearly feel that they were coming from a distance, approaching the gathering place step by step!

Because of the heavy snow, it was even more difficult to see the calm ahead.

In line with its tall body, you can only see his extremely cold pupils when you raise your head, like will-o'-the-wisps in the holes of the eye sockets, staring coldly at the creatures under your feet!

"Old guys, stop hiding it. If you don't show some real strength, you have to answer this time!"

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the heavy snow shows no sign of stopping. Instead, in the biting cold wind, it is blown down like an ice knife, and it hits people's faces extremely fiercely!

The skin with strange patterns is like a devil's cloak, wrapping its lean and tall body.

However, the rare-level combat power on the opposite side is definitely much greater than that in the gathering place!

There were countless scarlet eyes there, staring greedily at the crumbling city through the vague chaotic aura, with an aura of bloodthirsty and violence.

Then, vaguely, a huge figure appeared to the east of the gathering place.

The atmosphere in the air gradually became tense!

"Stop talking nonsense, has the shelter been solved? Hurry up and bring in rare-level combat forces!"

To be able to withstand this wave of offensive, many forces rely on level suppression - relying on the power of rare-level combat power to forcibly contain the offensive.


Outside the third area, Tim suffered heavy losses in the last battle for the spiritual land, so his strength dropped significantly.

A rare beast... appears!

They don't move very fast, but they carry an unstoppable momentum. Every step they take steps on the heart of the survivor, making them breathless.

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