Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 420 The Trapped Beast Still Fights

Other forces also sent probably one or two rare-level combat forces.

But the total number, compared with the wild beasts outside, still seems stretched.

The number is about 20:30, and there are ten rare beasts missing. The overall combat power is very different.

Among the official power groups in various regions, some people kept roaring.

"Don't hide it, everyone, use it immediately if you have any trump cards!"

"It's only ten heads away. How can we fight?"

There was no time to talk too much, and rare beasts from all directions were already approaching step by step with unrivaled momentum.

When the two sides approached, the first pair of rare-level combat forces collided and let out a roar that resounded throughout the world!


The powerful power was released unscrupulously, and the rare spiritual energy rushed towards the face, making people feel breathless.

When the survivors hiding at home saw this scene, they couldn't help but shiver down their spines: How should they deal with such a powerful rare beast with the strength of the survivors?

At present, the main combat effectiveness of all parties is to tame various wild beasts.

And human beings alone cannot fight against these ferocious beasts!

Even if there is only one more head, it is very difficult to solve, let alone ten more heads?

In front of the seventh area, three rare and powerful beasts appeared.

The giant centipede and the guardian thorns stood at the forefront of the battlefield, calmly watching the enemies ahead.

Two against three, although it can barely withstand it, is definitely not a long-term solution. Just maintaining a state of being unbreakable cannot truly solve this disaster.

Fine beads of sweat appeared on Qin Zhenjun's forehead.

He took it out. "Mist Survival Manual", started asking among the five people.

"@杨正河, Lao Yang, have you solved it? The gathering place can't hold it anymore."

"@青元, what are you doing? Come out and show your face quickly, otherwise you will be in trouble this time."

"@钟马AYun, please contact Qi Yuan quickly. Why can't you contact him?"


The situation in District 7 is generally relatively good.

There are at least two rare beasts that can barely hold on.

However, in some large areas, because they are jointly controlled by multiple small forces, their individual strength is not strong and they cannot produce rare-level combat power at all.

Outside District 4.

The leaders of dozens of small forces stood in the wind and snow with fear.

Looking at the two rare-level beasts approaching, and then looking at the slightly smaller excellent-level combat power in front of him, they looked at each other, and they seemed to have made a choice.

"Made, how can you stop this? Just these dozen excellent beasts?!"

"Don't think about it. We definitely won't be able to handle it. The top combat power is a full ten teams short. Let alone our fourth region, other major regions can't handle it either."

"You can't stay here, otherwise your fate will be decided here today!"

"What should we do? Escape? Once we escape today, we will never be able to return to the super gathering place!"

"Come back? Do you think there will be a super gathering place after today?"

The atmosphere is getting duller and duller, and the momentum is getting lower and lower.

Seeing the rare beast approaching, they finally made up their mind.

"Let's go, labor and management don't want to die here!"

"Yes, I will beat you!"

While talking, several people quickly turned around and fled into the gathering place.

This scene was quickly recorded and spread on the forum.

Today's battle situation is almost equal to real-time live broadcast, and the battle situation in each region will be immediately spread to the forum.

The fourth region became the first force to flee without a fight.

Tim's face was gloomy: "Everyone think of a way to plug this hole. @Bar·奇, can you support me?"

At this time, this sentence in the forum attracted everyone's attention.

Although their power is slim, they give people hope.

"Yes, we can't lose it!"

Bal Qi's face was ferocious: "Don't fucking look for me. Your area only needs to deal with two or three rare beasts, and four of them have appeared here?!!!"

This sentence shocked everyone.

"Made, those voracious eaters usually suck blood, but at the critical moment their farts are useless."

"Run? Where else can we run? We don't even have shelter anymore, so we can only die in the gathering place! The gathering place is our last shelter!"

In other regions, the major forces that were trying their best to resist began to curse when they saw this scene.

Daniel yelled: "If you think about it again, my big bear will fight three times, and if no one supports me, I may have to die here today."

"Where's Daniel?"

The group fell into calm again.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I would be forced to die!"

"Made, if you die, you can die, but you can't wait to die!"

"Let's go, regardless of whether it's a good-level beast or an excellent-level beast, this hole must be filled!"

"Made, why are we still here? Let's run together!"

"The gathering place must not be lost, otherwise, we will have no room to survive at all..."

"Have you seen that the situation in other regions is also very difficult, one versus three, one versus two, two versus three. Situations abound. We can't just give up."

They could only watch helplessly as the most powerful forces in the region chose to escape at the most critical moment!

However, they still stood in the biting cold wind, even though they were shivering, they still did not retreat.

"This is troublesome. There are loopholes in the defense. Once it is defeated one by one, this base will really be undefendable..."

Now, most of the people in the gathering place have lost their shelter. They have nowhere to escape and nowhere to hide.

"What to do? What to do? These beasts actually ran away."

"What a bunch of fucking trash. It's so crazy to dare to run away at this time."

"It's over, the rare beast is approaching the border..."

And two powerful rare beasts were approaching without any hindrance.

Even if the gathering place is breached, the only path left for them is to coexist and die with the gathering place!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that our fourth area would be the first defensive hole!"

Perhaps, most people are helpless!

They have no way out, no direction to retreat, they can only stick to this only shelter! I just chose to pick up the knife in my hand at the last moment of despair and fight hard!

"This... then you hold on!"

Compared with the rare beasts in the distance, they are now extremely small, and they even feel like they can be crushed under one foot.

"Compatriots! More than 99% of human survivors have gathered in the two major gathering places. Once this place is breached, the number of people who can survive will not exceed 100,000!"

At the same time, the first to fall into despair are the survivors living in the fourth area.

Under everyone's gaze, a group of good-level and excellent-level combat forces gathered at the border of District 4.

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