Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 813 Beheading

Wei Xi was extremely calm and rode the domineering soul dragon straight towards the giant.

"What is he going to do? Directly use his body to resist the existence of the peak perfection level?"

Many people expressed doubts about Wei Xi's behavior and did not understand how he wanted to fight.

The five people in the giant's body also sneered at him and slapped him with their huge palms, trying to kill him directly.

In their eyes, such a perfect human being, coupled with a rare beast, is no different from a larger ant. They are all just a slap to death.

Then, when their huge palms were about to approach Wei Xi, a colorless wave spread from him.

It was invisible to the naked eye, but the spirit could keenly detect that a terrifying power had erupted.

Powerful spiritual fluctuations, through the protection of all materials, use the most mysterious and unpredictable way to launch a tactical operation at the soul level.

When everyone looked confused, only the woman with spiritual attributes in the giant's body suddenly changed her face.

"How is it possible? How could there be such a powerful mental fluctuation?!!"

Without any hesitation, she withdrew all her mental energy almost immediately and surrounded herself to resist.

Because she knew very well that the other party's target was herself, and this was a mental battle specifically aimed at herself.

The next moment, everyone saw it.

The giant stopped what he was doing, his eyes lost their luster, and he stayed in place quietly.

Wei Xi was also flying in the air, standing there with narrowed eyes, everything seemed to have stopped.

Qin Yan looked behind him, but I didn't ask: "Xin Zhe, what is going on?"

Another man with a spiritual attribute looked at the scene in front of him with a look of horror on his face, and said with some disbelief: "Spiritual aliens, whether it is energy intensity or skills, are all terrifyingly strong!"

But before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly searched and he continued: "That's not right! Not only that, he... felt the aura of witchcraft on his body!"

Hearing this, Qin Yan was shocked, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough, it turns out that not only the sacred objects, but also the witchcraft inheritance of our ancestors were taken away by them!"

The people of other tribes also had serious eyes. When they looked at the battle on the field, their eyes were inexplicably filled with hatred!

Witchcraft is their means of survival, and it is also the glory passed down from their ancestors. It has extraordinary significance to them.

Similarly, it is also the basis for them to stand on this land again and develop and grow again.

Now in their eyes, this is no longer an ordinary battle, but a war concerning the survival of the race and the glory of their ancestors!

"Hmph, they are really a bunch of dirty robbers who plunder our sacred objects and learn the knowledge of our ancestors!"

"Then let's see how much power they can use the techniques they learned secretly through dirty tricks."

"Haha, just based on these few things? Is it possible that the spiritual energy of the three-legged cat still compares to that of Sister Xinzhi?"

"Hey, just watch these trashes get crushed one by one!"

Listening to the conversation of this group of people, the eyes of Campos and Acleutis also changed again and again, a little uncertain.

However, they didn't say much, they just quietly moved away from the tribal giant, and then turned their attention back to the battlefield.

A silent war is going on.

Just when everyone in the tribe was saying arrogant words and teasing in a contemptuous tone, Xin Zhe suddenly shouted loudly: "No!! Xin Zhi, get out of here!"

However, it was already too late.

Wei Xi's spiritual energy, without using the essence, has greatly exceeded 100%, even close to 200%.

Even the people in the tribe are completely unable to reach this level. Just the use of spiritual energy and techniques are almost completely crushing.

As Wei Xi mobilized the ghost ginseng in his body, the power of the black ghost shadow merged into his spirit, instantly bursting out with crushing power.

In just a moment, Xin Zhi didn't even utter a scream, her calm eyes quickly dimmed, and then she fell straight down.

The other four people in the different space were so frightened that they took three steps back and looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Also feeling all this, there was Xin Zhe on the floating island behind him. His eyes quickly became bloodshot and he almost rushed off the field: "Xin Zhi! Xin Zhi!"

Calling after call, his spiritual energy could no longer touch his sister, leaving only an empty shell without a soul.

When ordinary people die, their souls and consciousness still remain.

But the war on the spiritual level was more thrilling than imagined. The moment he failed, all his spirit and soul were shaken away, and then swallowed up by Wei Xi's energy.

At this moment, he could no longer feel any trace of his sister's existence.

Kneeling on the ground, Xin Zhe's eyes were slightly dull: "Didn't I agree that I just came out for a walk..."

"I told you to be careful, I told you to be careful, but you just didn't listen. How can the outside world be so beautiful!"

After muttering for a long time, when Xin Zhe raised his head again, his eyes were filled with hatred and resentment.

"You bastards! You must pay the price today, I want you to die!!"

"Fuck them all!!"

Xin Zhe was about to rush into the battlefield, but was stopped by Qin Yan behind him: "Calm down, this is war!"

The faces of the others were equally ugly. Even if there were conflicts between them, after all, they had lived together for decades. When they saw their familiar old friends in battle, they would inevitably feel sad.

Although I cannot fully empathize with Xin Zhe's grief, I understand it equally.

Xin Zhe's eyes turned red and he said: "Let me pass. After Xin Zhi's death, the Puppet of Nature has lost its core. I must fill this gap!"

Although his mind was filled with anger, Xin Zhe still had some rationality and knew what he wanted to do.

However, Qin Yan's deep voice sounded: "It's too late!"

At the moment when the beheading operation was completed, the Hurricane puppet did not hesitate at all. Under the control of Yang Zhenghe, it brought Hurricane into the scene.

Under the blade, a knife pierced the giant's body, and hundreds of knives were swung out in one second, chopping at every weak joint. Using extremely sophisticated means, he instantly dissected the unconscious giant into pieces. Component.

A giant without control is just a lump of wood, completely losing its ability to resist.

Inside the giant, the remaining four people also had gloomy expressions, and loud shouts from the lower floors sounded: "Nothing can be done, retreat!"

The space energy fluctuated again, and he moved quickly with four people and one corpse, trying to escape back to the floating island behind him.

It's not that they don't want to fight, but that they have consumed too much and no longer have the ability to stay on the battlefield.

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