Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 841 Kong Jin And Zhou Ji

At the beginning, some research was conducted using their bodies, but nothing was gained.

Later, the two were directly converted into totems.

After all, they are two strong men at the peak of perfection, and they can also provide a lot of value to the shelter.

Moreover, maybe after being transformed into a totem, it will be easier to analyze the existence of golden blood.

However, after being transformed into totems, they were both surprised and disappointed.

The disappointment is that they have not returned to their original appearance and still exist as old mummies.

Moreover, they actually lost their original attributes and could no longer use the energy of space and plants. This was really unacceptable to Qi Yuan.

This damn thing has indeed been transformed into a totem, but how did you lose your ability?

Isn't this the same as cutting off both arms?

But regarding this situation, Zhou Ji and Kong Jin were also helpless: Who do you think can be blamed for this? Do we have ourselves to blame? !

The energy in their own bodies has been completely swallowed up by the golden blood.

Golden blood is like an invader, breaking into other people's territory unscrupulously, and then snatching away other people's things and turning them into their own.

However, although they lost their respective abilities, they also surprised Qi Yuan in other ways.

First of all, their strength is still at the peak of perfection, and they are still very powerful beings.

Secondly, although they lost their own abilities, the golden blood in their bodies was actually transferred into the totem under the influence of the totem pillar.

Therefore, they did not completely lose their abilities, but their original abilities were replaced by golden blood!

Moreover, after they died, the golden blood also underwent some strange changes.

The originally bright golden blood gradually became stained with a trace of black energy, and turned into an ink-gold color.

After a series of detection and research, the institute was also surprised to find that this was a very rich and extremely pure death energy.

In other words, the two people's original attributes have been transformed into death attributes.

This made Kong Jin and Zhou Ji look helpless. After using space energy and plant energy for a lifetime, they actually started a new life after their death.

So what should we do? Naturally, learn from scratch!

They have a good foundation, extremely rich experience, and their understanding of witchcraft far exceeds that of others.

So even if you start over, the speed is very fast.

Moreover, they have a very big advantage, that is, dark golden blood!

If we talk about the process of learning witchcraft during their lifetime, they were learning knowledge while accumulating corresponding energy, and the two complemented each other.

The current situation is that it already has extremely large, very pure energy, and even the quality is far beyond the perfect level.

What they have to do is very simple, which is to learn to control the energy of death through the dark golden blood in their bodies.

They have been doing this for half a year and have made some progress.

Of course, although they have lost their wood attributes and spatial abilities, it does not mean that the knowledge they have learned is useless.

Their understanding of wood attributes and space attributes is still at the peak of the perfection level, which is a very important resource.

Moreover, witchcraft has a very important characteristic, which is inheritance.

They can record the knowledge they know through books and pass it on to future generations for learning.

You can also teach alone and lead others to learn the knowledge of witchcraft. With their help, the witchcraft ability of the island in the center of the lake is also improving.

The existence of these two people is also very important for the improvement of Huxin Island.

In addition to these, they will also cooperate with the research institute to gain a deeper understanding of golden blood and dark golden blood.

Qi Yuan also understood very well that the so-called dark golden blood should be a certain state of golden blood, which may have broken through the limit of life energy and entered the realm of death.

After constant research, Kong Jin and Zhou Ji actually have a deep understanding of the energy in their bodies...

"Kong Lao Zhou Lao, after these days of research, have you made any new discoveries?"

Kong Jin's expression remained unchanged, his voice was deep and hoarse, coming from the corner of his old and dry mouth: "I don't know much information. I only know that the quality of this death energy is too high and it is very scary."

"The quality is very high? How high exactly? Beyond perfect?"

"No, you misunderstood." Zhou Ji floated over from the side and explained softly: "It doesn't refer to the intensity and level of energy, but the quality!"

"Strength and level can be obtained through huge quantity accumulation, while quality is an essential improvement."

"Just like the learning of witchcraft, it's not that the more you accumulate, the stronger your strength will be. Instead, you need to learn, understand, control and manipulate to form a qualitative leap."

Qi Yuan seemed to understand.

Kong Jin then gave an example: "If this power of death is just the accumulation of quantity, then no matter how large the quantity is, we can quickly analyze it and manipulate it easily."

"But we found that's not the case!"

"The amount of dark golden blood in our bodies is actually only a small proportion, but even so, we can't see through it at all, let alone use it easily."

"Only when our understanding of it truly reaches a corresponding level will it be possible to control this power."

"And according to my estimation, it needs to be at least extraordinary level!"

Qi Yuan lay in the coffin and raised his eyebrows helplessly. In fact, in the final analysis, there was only one sentence: "They can't understand this thing either!"

Although he was a little disappointed, Qi Yuan could barely accept it. After all, after so many research experiments in the past six months, he had received a lot of blows, no less than this time or twice.

However, he still raised a question of his own: "I would like to ask why you think Campos and Acleutis were able to use special land deeds to save their lives."

Speaking of this issue, Kong Jin and Zhou Ji's eyes showed a hint of helplessness and sadness visible to the naked eye.

Because when they talk about these two people, they can think of their other five old friends.

Although there are some disputes between them, they have known each other for hundreds of years and are true old friends, and their feelings for each other are still very deep.

After hearing the news of their deaths, the two of them felt very uncomfortable. They once wanted Qi Yuan to take them over and transform them into totems together.

However, the Small World Tribe was hit too hard and was very strict about the entrance and exit of the teleportation array, making it impossible for them to break in even if they wanted to.

Moreover, when they saw Qi Yuan, they walked around without giving him a chance.

However, if the corpse has been dead for more than ten hours and the soul consciousness in the body has been lost too much, it cannot be transformed into a totem.

So the matter finally came to nothing.

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