Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 842 Discovery Of New Special Land Title

After a brief period of sadness, Kong Jin also fell into thinking.

After these days of research, he has a deeper understanding of special land deeds, and he probably knows what the purpose of this item that everyone is fighting for is.

"I think it has something to do with the quality of energy."

Finally, Kong Jin uttered something ambiguous and somewhat puzzling.

"Let's talk about it in detail when the time comes."

Kong Jin looked calmly and said: "As I said before, the dark golden blood in my body is of terrifyingly high quality!"

"I have also seen the blood of extraordinary creatures recently. I have observed in the past that the energy in it is not as good as the dark golden blood, let alone the golden blood in your body."

"The quality of this energy has almost touched the source and reached the untouchable forbidden area."

"And the spiritual energy of ordinary people like us is simply unable to withstand this kind of power."

Only the special land deed, the power existing inside, the quality is equally high and terrifying, probably on the same level as the Golden Academy, so it can barely survive. "

Qi Yuan nodded. He still strongly agreed with Kong Jin's inference.

Only two items of the same level can check and balance each other.

Still not getting the desired result, Qi Yuan felt a little disappointed. He had been lying down for more than half a year, which really made him a little exhausted mentally and physically.

That is to say, he can chat with Zhang Wei, Aileen, and An Changlin from time to time. Otherwise, he will really have a mental breakdown.

He even contacted Campos when he had nothing to do.

However, the two of them remained silent for a few minutes. After a few minutes of silence, Campos cursed and hung up the communication.

Needless to say, Campos must be holding on to the special land title every day, unable to go anywhere all day long, and his situation is even worse than Qi Yuan.

At this time, Chu Yang suddenly walked away from a distance.

Seeing Qi Yuan in the coffin, he took the initiative and said, "Brother, you know your situation best. Have you thought of any solutions?"

Qi Yuan pondered for a moment, his face became serious, and finally he said: "I still use the method of channeling and utilizing. I can't exclude it, I can only integrate it into my body as much as possible."

"Is there a way?"

"There are some ideas, but it's difficult to complete."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

I didn’t expect that so many of them, after so much time of research, couldn’t come up with a suitable method.

As a result, their boss himself actually had some ideas.

"Brother Qi, as long as you have an idea, no matter how complicated the process is, we can overcome it."

Qi Yuan glanced at Chu Yang and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Have I already assigned the task to you? But half a year has passed and you haven't given me a result yet."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yang's face turned green, he scratched his head in embarrassment, spread his hands and said, "Brother, you can't force me! It's really difficult for me to create rare-level spiritual patterns!"

"If it wasn't difficult, I wouldn't lie here every day..." Qi Yuan looked at the ceiling and felt that there was little hope.

However, he soon thought of something again. Naduo looked at Chu Yang and said, "So, make a decision."

Chu Yang was stunned: "What decision?"

"I think you are unreliable, so I plan to find a way myself."

Chu Yang's face turned the color of pig liver. He was looked down upon by his boss, and even looked down upon!

"...I think...Boss, please give me another three years...ah no, five years! I might be able to create a rare spiritual pattern!"


Qi Yuan had already given up his expectations for Chu Yang. With his speed, he might not be able to see hope even if he died.

"Then you work hard slowly! By the way, I asked you to analyze my blood and observe it with an ultra-high-power microscope. Do you have any results?"


Chu Yang took out a few pieces of paper, with very delicate and mysterious patterns on them, like the arrangement of stars in the sky.

These pictures are the microstructure of golden blood. It took Chu Yang two months to barely observe them.

"Brother Qi, why do you want so many pictures from different angles? Have you discovered something?"

Qi Yuan shook his head and said softly: "We still have to study it. You stick the drawings on the coffin lid and I will study it carefully."

After Chu Yang complied, Qi Yuan didn't want to stay any longer and planned to go back and study it carefully.

But at this moment, the communication spirit pattern on the side suddenly remembered.

Qi Yuan took a look and found that it was a message from Huo Tui.

Controlling the branches, Qi Yuan skillfully connected.

"Hey, Huo Tui, what's going on?"

Huo Tui came out quickly and said with a slightly excited voice: "Boss, the fourth team and the fifth team, after a year and a half of long journey, successfully found a special land deed!"


Qi Yuan almost jumped out of the coffin in shock. It took him a long time to regain his composure: "Are you sure? Which one is it? From space?"

The first thing Qi Yuan thought of was the special land deed with spatial attributes. He saw it briefly in the sea and never saw it again.

However, Qi Yuan always monitored the location of the special land deed and never gave up the idea of ​​capturing it.

Especially after the war and after obtaining the Forbidden Sky Stone from Kong Jin, this idea became stronger and stronger.

However, there has never been a chance.

"It's not the space attribute, it's the one in the unknown area to the east!"

Huo Tui immediately explained.

Qi Yuan was thoughtful and murmured to himself: "The unknown area to the east... discovered by the fourth team and the fifth team... turns out to be like this."

Currently, Qi Yuan is tracking a total of four special land deeds.

Three of them were the earliest targets set. They were located on the east, west, north and west sides of the unknown area, and two exploration teams were sent out to track each of them.

It has been a year and a half, and the distance has reached 50,000 kilometers.

The fourth one was the special title deed with space attributes. He sent a fleet to follow it.

But no matter which one, the effect has never been very good.

Unexpectedly, today would give him an unexpected surprise. The fourth team and the fifth team actually successfully tracked one.

"Who is leading the current fourth and fifth teams?"

Since Qi Yuan stayed in the coffin every day, he was still a little unfamiliar with the situation inside the shelter.

Huo Tui said: "The rear of these two teams is still managed by Zhou Yang and Fu Tong. However, the captains leading the tracking team are two young members with great potential."

Qi Yuan nodded.

Today's Secret War Team 12 is probably in the same situation, mainly divided into two situations.

One type is those whose captains are strong enough, such as Huo Tui and Zhang Wei.

Because the captain was too strong, no one among the team members could take over, so the original captain took charge.

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