Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 979 The Layout Is Completed

The remaining forces of Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, and Zhang Zhongyue were all replaced by their highest status and most powerful beings as leaders again, leaving this shabby soil littered with corpses.

The six forces had a surprisingly tacit understanding, and they all chose to recuperate and find new places to live.

The central continent is very large, spread out in six directions, with the spirit stone vein as the center and scattered in six corners.

But this does not mean that everything is over. A longer war has just begun.

Among the six forces, everyone is worried about the previous war.

There seems to be a fish bone stuck in everyone's heart. Whenever you think of that memory, it will hurt.

Betrayal, massacre, deception... this is a bit of blood stain in the long history, which can never be erased.

But they know that the strength of all parties is now greatly reduced. The most important thing is not to fight to the death, but to stabilize the foundation, leave the fire of inheritance, and prevent it from being completely exterminated.

Only with strong strength can you survive in this land and completely eliminate your former enemies.

Thus, in the following months, the long cold war and confrontation officially began.

The strength of the six forces may be strong or weak. The island in the middle of the lake is still the strongest in terms of overall strength and has the largest number of people, but it cannot crush them.

Moreover, the other forces are allied with each other and watch each other, so it is impossible for this kind of thing to destroy the situation to happen.

The situation is developing according to Qi Yuan's expectation.

With the tense relationship, as well as the confrontation and competition between each other, the remaining forces in their respective sanctuaries have all become tense, and their development speed has increased rapidly.

Moreover, when other industries entered the Great Depression, the training and combat system received the greatest attention, becoming a compulsory subject for everyone, and almost everyone became a soldier.

Moreover, various props used in war are also appearing one after another.

According to Qi Yuan's expectation, this confrontation will last for a long time.

Because among the remaining humans, the strongest ones are only rare ones, and the number of perfect ones is very small, which is not enough to destroy anyone.

Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, Zhang Zhongyue, and Zhao Cheng, the four remaining forces, each have a perfect totem, which is already their respective patron saint.

The remaining forces of Qi Yuan and Zhong Maiyun have a total of two perfect totems.

Although the strength is not as good as that of the opponent, fortunately, the opponent is not monolithic and does not work together to destroy them.

And at the most dangerous moment, Han Dong was filled with grief and anger, broke through before the battle, and successfully reached the perfect level.

In this way, the status of the island in the middle of the lake will be stabilized again, and the enemy will not dare to start a war easily.

But there are advantages and disadvantages, and it also makes the opponent's alliance, which was not strong enough, become more stable.

Over the next few years, things became relatively stable.

There are no major conflicts between the six parties, but small conflicts continue. Each of the six parties focuses on stable development and has entered a state of recuperation.

But the overall development speed has indeed been greatly improved.

As for the forces such as New City, United College, Seven Tribes, Beidou Sea Territory, Krampus, and Acleutis, they are also developing steadily.

Even vaguely, the loss of Qi Yuan, the behemoth who towered over everyone, also provided everyone with living space and brought about a wave of faster development momentum.

When the world reached the situation that Qi Yuan wanted, he also took back all his hands and allowed all parties to develop independently.

And the hidden senior leaders of various forces also began their sprint to a higher level in a completely new place.

Why move to Super Wonder? Why bring the most talented and powerful group of people here?

There is only one goal.

That is an extraordinary breakthrough!

Everyone is working hard to explore new and dangerous areas, using the resources in super wonders to continuously bring progress and improvement.

Qi Yuan, on the other hand, returned to the [Origin of All Realms] with peace of mind and began to worry about future development.

Nowadays, he does not need to manage most things. The existence of the Research Institute, Secret War Bureau, and Ghost Department can help him solve most of the problems.

Therefore, he will devote more time to some special plans.

For example, the development of the miniature world; the cultivation of babies; the integration of cutting-edge technology, etc...

The most important one is the development of the micro world.

Because this is the plan with the fastest results and the most obvious development speed.

For more than half a year, the Micro World has been managed by two professors and three researchers, and more than 25,000 years have passed.

Even for a world, this is a long time, enough for immature races to adapt to this world and form their own unique civilization.

In order to facilitate research, Qi Yuan re-created a space in the [Source of All Realms] specifically to place the experimental field.

The 100-acre miniature world has also been moved to this space, making it easier for Qi Yuan to study and observe every day.

Over the past 25,000 years, this ancient race has finally changed.

The guidance of Lin Jie and others still has influence tens of thousands of years later.

First of all, the use of flames allowed them to get rid of diseases as much as possible and increase their life span to a certain extent, making it easier to develop civilization.

Teaching them to walk upright and use tools also brought about huge changes in their bodies.

His hands became stronger and stronger, and his fingers, which were originally difficult to move, became more flexible.

The originally extremely curved backs gradually became straightened due to long periods of walking upright and standing at high speeds to observe distant places, and they now have the basic appearance of normal humans.

The use of animal skins allowed them to gradually lose their hair and begin to reveal large areas of flesh-colored skin.

The process of independent language learning and communication has transformed their faces, becoming gentler, and they are gradually able to pronounce clearer syllables.

However, language and writing are still relatively difficult for them.

But even so, some simple culture finally spread within their group.

The most obvious one is the sacrifice!

Whenever lightning thunders in the sky, they will offer sacrifices and pray for the protection of "Thunder", the son of the god. This is a ritual passed down from ancient times.

According to the inheritance of ancient murals, there was once a child of a god, the god who controlled thunder and lightning. He once came with hope and light, protected their ancestors from danger, and became the overlord of this land.

Teach them how to make fire, hunt, build, and make tools...and give them peace and strong bodies.

Therefore, even after endless years, this race has not become extinct, but has become more prosperous.

When Qi Yuan came again, more than 800,000 little people had appeared in the entire 100-acre experimental field, covering every corner.

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