Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 980 Void Creatures

Tribes that were once distributed on plateaus, grasslands and forests, with the development of climate and environment, have also stepped out of their original comfort zones and developed more small tribes.

"Professor Lu, Professor Zhou, how are the recent developments?"

Lu Jingnan pushed up his glasses and replied in a calm voice: "The overall development is very stable, and primitive tribes have begun to appear. However, I want to ask you a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Mr. Lin, when you absorbed human blood for them, whose bloodline did you absorb?"

Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment: "Is there any problem? Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Lu Jingnan rubbed his brows helplessly and said, "Their bloodline should be very strong, and their physical fitness is also extraordinary. And as the bloodline in the body continues to be stimulated, some individuals with very strong intelligence and strength begin to appear."

"If my guess is correct, Lord, you should have used your own golden blood, right? Otherwise, this shouldn't happen."

Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment, not expecting that his blood would have an effect so quickly.

You know, in the current miniature world, spiritual energy has not yet been invested, and the environment is more similar to that on earth.

But even in this case, there will be existences with strong individual strength, which is obviously the function of one's own blood.

"When you say that an individual is powerful, how strong is it approximately?"

"If compared to the real world, the strongest among them should be able to reach the peak of good level and be able to fight some powerful beasts with bare hands."

Qi Yuan took a breath. Although the good level seemed low, it was actually not the case.

When humans are still at the ordinary level, they need to eat a lot of food to reach the peak of the ordinary level.

That is the physical limit of human beings.

After that, you need to eat food rich in spiritual energy and exercise for a long time before you can barely reach a good level.

Unexpectedly, he could reach the peak of good level without spiritual energy. It is indeed incredible.

If spiritual energy was invested... Qi Yuan could not imagine how high the development potential of this creature would be.

He looked at Professor Lu Jingnan solemnly and asked: "Do you always think that investing spiritual energy now will have an impact on these creatures, or will it be beneficial to their development?"

Regarding this question, Professor Lu gave his own answer after thinking for a long time.

"I don't think you should inject spiritual energy for the time being. The individual strength of this race is already strong. If there is more assistance from spiritual energy, there is probably nothing in this world that can threaten them."

"In this way, they will embark on the path of relying entirely on force, which is very detrimental to the development of their intelligence and may become a barbaric race."

"My suggestion is that when their minds are fully developed and wisdom is formed, gradually inputting spiritual energy should increase their upper limit."

Qi Yuan thought about it carefully and found that what he said did make sense.

However, Professor Zhou Yanxun on the side finally put forward a different idea in a deep voice: "Lord, what Professor Lu said does make sense, but I still think that we should give them some spiritual energy!"


"On the one hand, it's because Reiki will also help them develop their intelligence and assist their growth to a certain extent, which is good for them."

Zhou Yanxun's logic was also very clear, and he explained his point of view: "On the other hand, spiritual energy improves the environment of the entire miniature world, not just the small people, but also plants and animals."

"So, not only will the strength of humans improve, but the strength of beasts will also be greatly improved. And according to my prediction, the strength of beasts will increase even more."

"By comparing the beasts in the mist world, we know that humans only improve their physical fitness, while the beasts will increase in size and have stronger physical fitness than humans."

"So I still think that inputting spiritual energy has all the benefits and no harm."

After hearing this explanation, Qi Yuan scratched his head and found that it seemed to make sense.

After weighing it for a long time, Qi Yuan still felt that it was difficult to predict future development based solely on his own guesses, and the focus was still on practice.

"Try to input some spiritual energy and keep it at the early stage of good level. Let's see the situation first."

Qi Yuan also hopes that the existence of spiritual energy can promote the development of this race and allow them to enter the level of civilized society as soon as possible.

At that time, they can be taught how to practice so that their strength can reach a higher level, even the extraordinary level.

Even with the faster time flow in the micro world, the speed of research technology must be faster, enough to drive the development of human society.

After giving instructions, Qi Yuan handed over various development matters to the two professors and did not pay too much attention to them.

Because it will actually take tens of thousands of years to develop from the current era to a civilized society.

Calculated, it will probably take several years before we can truly have a dialogue with this civilization.

Therefore, during this period, Qi Yuan could just be busy with other things.

During this period, after gaining a lot of power, Qi Yuan was also exploring something.

That is the void!

He originally thought that outside the misty world, there was actually a vast void.

But now it seems that these are two completely different worlds.

This is a star full of life, with a large number of living things, and a star that emits energy and light.

And in the void, there is endless loneliness and silence, lifeless, only the core of the dead star.

In fact, after some simple detection, he already had a rough guess about the nature of the two.

The universe where the mist world and the earth are located should be an active area full of life, and it is still expanding and growing.

But the void is also an old and dying universe. Time is dying, space is dying, planets are dying, and life is also dying...

The many traces left in the void are enough to prove the glory of the past, but as the years go by, they are no longer what they used to be.

And just recently, the primitive world that has been wandering has finally ushered in the most significant discovery since traveling in the void!

The core of a star that has completely dried up!

But what is even more shocking is that there is a huge void creature lying on this dry perseverance, constantly sucking the energy in it.

Such a discovery is enough to shock and excite everyone.

This is the first time in the history of everyone that a creature has been discovered in the void, and it seems to be quite powerful!

Qi Yuan rushed to the primitive world urgently and witnessed this creature with his own eyes through the detector.

It is very different from the creatures in the mist world. The whole body is covered with wrinkles, layer by layer, like fingers soaked in water for a long time.

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