Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 986 Special Body Structure

The thunder and lightning in witchcraft are indeed natural thunder and lightning, but it is more of a learning and manipulation process, and it cannot directly induce thunder and lightning.

After all, this ability has exceeded human limits and there is no logic at all.

No one can trigger thunder and lightning with one finger in the sky in broad daylight.

"Are you sure they can directly trigger lightning instead of being accidentally struck by lightning?"

Professor Lu showed a helpless expression: "Lord, I have lived for most of my life, and I can still see such small things clearly."

"Causing thunder and lightning for no reason?"

"Yes, it's not a thunderstorm or any special weather. It's just that some strange phenomena occurred during the sacrifice process."

After saying this, Qi Yuan completely took it seriously.

Any special situation cannot be ignored. It is very likely that very important information is hidden. There is a profound logic behind some appearances.

In order to explore the reasons behind it, Qi Yuan planned to take a look.

My right hand reached into the miniature world, and a subtle, invisible energy began to slowly float out from the center of my palm.

Although it is very weak, Qi Yuan is at the extraordinary level, and he has a single-attribute "spirit" affinity, so his control over spiritual energy is naturally extraordinary.

Without being noticed by any living being, Qi Yuan's aura has covered the entire world, traveling through every corner of the miniature world.

He decided to conduct a comprehensive test of the world.

The first and most important thing is the main detection target this time - the priest!

It doesn't matter if you don't test it. This test will immediately detect some important problems.

Qi Yuan's originally calm expression gradually became serious, and then a look of shock appeared.

When looking at the body structures of these sacrifices, he was surprised to find that these creatures, which looked very similar to humans, had completely different internal structures.

The structure and number of bones, the structure of the heart system, the characteristics of organs, especially the arrangement of meridians, are all very different from humans.

Their bones are fewer in number, and while they lack variability, their structure is extremely stable. They can also do all the actions that humans can do.

Moreover, the special bone structure allows them to better avoid dislocations, fractures, etc., and can exert stronger strength in battle.

Among their body organs, the heart is larger than that of humans, and its blood supply capacity is extremely powerful. The blood vessels throughout the body are also thicker, and the blood volume accounts for a larger proportion of the body.

And their stomachs seem to have the function of storing spiritual energy. They don't just rely on gastric acid to absorb and digest food. A special kind of spiritual energy will participate in the absorption in the stomach.

This is because they have stronger digestion capabilities and a higher absorption rate of spiritual energy.

However, except for the heart and stomach, their other organs do not seem to be very developed.

For example, organs such as the lungs, liver, and pancreas do not play an obvious role in the body.

They don't even have kidneys or intestines that are several meters long.

All in all, their body structure is different from humans.

But the organs are not the focus. The focus is on the arrangement of their blood vessels and the locations of meridians and acupuncture points throughout the body.

Perhaps from another perspective, the meridians are the channels through which spiritual energy moves rapidly in the body, and the acupuncture points are important nodes in the body, like small stations.

When on earth, the understanding of meridians and acupuncture points was only recorded in ancient traditions and was not recognized by science.

But in the age of spiritual energy, meridians and acupuncture points are far more important than ordinary blood vessels and organs, and can be said to be the foundation for improving strength.

However, after Qi Yuan's investigation, it was discovered that humans in the miniature world seemed to have a completely new system of meridians and acupuncture points.

The arrangement is more sophisticated and mysterious than that of humans, and it has a stronger ability to circulate and store spiritual energy.

And the more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed to Qi Yuan.

I always feel that this strange arrangement seems to have been seen somewhere before, and there is a feeling of déjà vu, but I can't remember it for a while.

Looking at the veins and acupuncture points in this body, Qi Yuan stared blankly for a long time.

But at a sudden moment, the body in his eyes suddenly became like a spiritual pattern.

He suddenly woke up!

"How come this...the distribution of meridians and acupuncture points is so similar to the spiritual pattern?! And...it's not an ordinary spiritual pattern!"

He woke up with a start, feeling his heart beating rapidly, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

He immediately retracted his gaze and turned to look at the two spiritual patterns in his body - the golden spiritual pattern and the spiritual pattern of life and death.

If we want to say which two are the most special among all the inscriptions, they must be these two.

They do not come from the systematic "Spirit Pattern Engraving Classics", nor are they just man-made creations.

It is derived from the microstructure of golden blood, but not entirely.

Although this was imitated based on the microstructure, when he broke through the extraordinary, he was guided by special energy, which led to a comprehensive improvement of the spiritual pattern.

Qi Yuan himself didn't know where and where this power to transform souls came from.

All in all, this improvement was very comprehensive and profound. He had never seen the pattern direction in many details, and could not even imagine its special existence.

Its complexity is many times higher than that of the perfect level, and it is even countless times more complicated than the microstructure of the golden blood itself.

Therefore, the appearance of golden spirit patterns is as mysterious as golden blood, which Qi Yuan still cannot truly understand even if he reaches the extraordinary level.

Afterwards, the same situation applies to the spiritual patterns of life and death.

However, one thing is certain: the power to improve the spiritual patterns of life and death comes directly from the golden spiritual patterns.

But the same thing is that after the two have been improved, they have completely transcended the spirit pattern itself, becoming extremely magical and having a very special structure.

Just like...a complicated life!

But at this time, he saw the distribution of meridians and acupuncture points in the bodies of these creatures in the miniature world that were very similar to the structure of spiritual patterns.

Their complex bodies are like an extremely precise yet completely natural spiritual pattern, which is truly astonishing.

"Is this... the hidden effect of golden blood? It's incredible."

Qi Yuan knew that he might have really created an amazing race! One from one’s own race!

His eyes were fixed on this body, looking at such a detail, as if he wanted to analyze all the strangeness and mystery in it.

"Hey, these blood vessels and meridians... why do they store more spiritual energy than other places? And they seem to be thicker."

Qi Yuan suddenly discovered that there were a few meridians and acupuncture points in the technician's body that were far more powerful than other meridians and acupoints.

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