Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 987 The Existence Of Special Spiritual Patterns

What's so special about it?

It seems to be more energetic, used more often, and constantly nourished by spiritual energy.

It does not even need to be actively operating, but will always be active without consciousness.

It was as if other tendons and acupuncture points were in a dead state, but only this part was activated due to long-term use.

This is equivalent to opening a path in the body, which looks particularly conspicuous.

Qi Yuan tried to use his spiritual energy to cover these active veins and acupuncture points, artificially activating them, trying to see its specific effects.

However, just as an entire meridian and acupuncture point was activated, a large amount of weak lightning suddenly appeared around the person, his body could not help but tremble, and a powerful aura overflowed.

At this time, an old man from a powerful tribe, wearing a crown of animal bones and holding a huge skeletal staff, was sitting in a wooden house. He looked at the lightning floating all over his body, with shock and surprise on his face.

"It's God! It's God who's coming! God who created the world, you finally saw the child's appearance and got to know us again! God of lightning, God of the Son of Wind, God of the forest, forgive the child for all his disobedience, I beg you Another miracle..."

This devout old man knelt on the ground and prayed constantly toward the vast sky.

However, Qi Yuan's attention was not on the old man as a sacrifice, but on the meridians and acupuncture points in his body.

Although it has been fully activated, the strength shown is not as strong as Qi Yuan imagined.

It seems...there's something missing?

"Hey, what's going on? Is it possible that I can only control some static electricity? Isn't this too useless?"

Qi Yuan was thinking, checking the condition of the old man's body, his brows furrowed tightly, and he was lost in thought.

"If the entire body is a complete spiritual pattern, then the part that is lit should be part of the spiritual pattern."

"Why didn't the power fully explode... It must be that the arrangement of the spiritual patterns was not accurate enough?!"

Qi Yuan was thoughtful.

Then, a majestic voice came into the mind of the old priest.

"Child, get up from the ground and lie down on the bed."

"Your sincerity touches me, and I will give you strength."

The old priest could hardly believe his ears and froze in place for more than ten seconds, his whole body unable to help but tremble.

It wasn't until Qi Yuan repeated the words again that the old man got up tremblingly and climbed onto the bed with horrified eyes.

Qi Yuan had no choice but to do this. The old man kept kowtowing and folded up the soul structure in his body, making it impossible for him to study it properly.

So I had no choice but to show up and give him orders as a god.

When the body is completely spread out, the structures within the body become more obvious and can be seen more clearly.

Looking at the illuminated parts, Qi Yuan tried to connect them to make the structure of the spiritual pattern more accurate.

However, the combination of spiritual patterns is not that easy.

Some places need to be connected, some places need to be disconnected; some places need strong spiritual energy, and some places only need a little bit of spiritual energy.

This is not a children's connecting game, but a very complex and esoteric technology filled with many details.

After thousands of attempts, Qi Yuan continued to piece together different spiritual patterns based on his knowledge of spiritual patterns.

Finally, a vague outline emerged.

Qi Yuan stared at it for a long time and murmured with some uncertainty: "Is this a thunder and lightning spirit pattern? But it doesn't look like it."

In the spirit pattern engraving classics, there are actually many spirit patterns with thunder and lightning attributes, so Qi Yuan probably understands the structure.

From an overall comparison, it is very similar to the meridians and acupuncture points that were lit up by the elderly priest, but there are also many details that are different.

And it seems... there's still a part missing.

"So that's it..."

"This position seems to be wrong. It should be at this point..."

"There is also a head and a tail, and there seems to be a small tail that is not lit..."

"And here, it obviously only needs a slight connection, but why is there so much spiritual energy gathered..."

When the idea is correct, everything becomes simple.

According to the structure of thunder and lightning spiritual patterns, Qi Yuan kept trying and changing it in the body of the sacrifice.

Gradually, the appearance of the spirit pattern became clearer and clearer!

It is another brand new creation, different from the spirit patterns in any books, but it looks more profound and unique.

Moreover, Qi Yuan could not tell the grade of this spiritual pattern.

Or, this special spiritual pattern formed by meridians and acupuncture points in the human body has separated from the spiritual pattern itself and has become a very unique existence.

After tens of thousands of changes and attempts, this spiritual pattern was finally perfected and became seamless.

It was at this moment that a powerful lightning energy suddenly appeared on the body of the old priest.



The lightning tore the animal skins on the bed, and the surrounding wooden houses were scorched with black sparks, and the uncontrolled lightning energy spread wantonly.

However, the old priest in the center was not injured in any way, and just looked at the thunder and lightning in his hand in shock.

It wasn't until he discovered that the house was on fire that he hurriedly picked up the animal skin and began to fight frantically to put out the fire.

It took a while to stop the disaster.

The first thing the panting old man did after he stopped was to kneel down on the ground again, worshiping and thanking the sky crazily.

But due to excitement, the thunder and lightning in the body was uncontrollable again, and the room was set on fire again with a "pop".

Qi Yuan looked at this scene and shook his head helplessly.

But for this priest, what he just experienced was nothing short of a miracle!

"This is a special race. It uses the body as a carrier and the meridians and acupuncture points as strokes to create many of its own spiritual patterns, thereby controlling a certain kind of power."

Qi Yuan personally arranged this kind of spiritual pattern, so he knew deeply that this method of carving spiritual patterns was more advanced than the seal carving of spiritual patterns in the body.

This is simply opening up a new path again.

Moreover, the power mastered in this way seems to be more natural and the control is stronger.

Moreover, the quality of this spiritual pattern is not fixed, and it seems that it can reach a more powerful level through later practice.

This characteristic is simply incredible and extremely powerful.

This old priest who had just mastered thunder and lightning originally only had a good level of strength, but after mastering the power of thunder and lightning, he directly had a rare level of strength.

All of a sudden, he became one of the most powerful beings in this miniature world.

On the side, Professor Lu and others also watched this scene with their own eyes, and they were all shocked and speechless.

After a long time, he swallowed his saliva and asked: "Lord, what is the situation?"

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