"Old Gao, you see that good pharmacist's talent is about to be taken away, aren't you anxious?" Not far from the awakening ceremony, two old men were sitting under a shed drinking tea and watching the awakening ceremony leisurely.

"It doesn't matter, I believe them." The old man who was called Lao Gao chuckled, "As long as they are not stupid, they will not just follow those people who come after smelling the smell."

"So confident? Well, wait..." The other old man put down his tea cup and looked at a tall man walking towards the magic circle. His expression changed, "Is that a student of your school too?"

"Is your development so good at the age of sixteen?"

He couldn't believe it.

"I just like how you look like you've never seen the world." Lao Gao's lips curled up, "That's a boy from the Li family, you know."

"Their family is more competitive than the children of your Chu family."

He joked with his best friend.

"It turns out they are from the Li family, no wonder." Old Man Chu nodded, "Yes, my descendants are indeed a little disappointed."

"However, my granddaughter's talents and professions that she awakened last year are very strong."

"I'm sure she will be able to break through Rank 5 in the future."

He showed off.

Professionals have five turns in total.

The first is level ten, the second is level thirty, the third is level fifty, the fourth is level seventy, and the fifth is level ninety.

Each transfer must complete the job transfer tasks to successfully change jobs.

However, job transfer tasks are all tasks that are far beyond one's own level. They are extremely difficult. Many professionals who cannot complete them will stay at the current level throughout their lives and cannot be upgraded.

"Romance five." Lao Gao nodded, "I hope so."

He has also heard about Chu Yunyue, and it is indeed a very strong talent and profession.

But who can tell what will happen in the future?

As he thought, he heard the result of Li Xunle's awakening.

"Li Xunle, S-level talent, dragon blood."

Hearing this, the two old men turned their heads and looked at the tall figure.

This is the first S-level talent this year, and it is a very powerful dragon blood talent. They are looking forward to it very much.

Dragon blood is one of the powerful talents coveted by melee professions.

As long as Li Xunle is not a mage or a living professional, his future will be extraordinary.

"Profession is a hidden profession!"

"Dragon Blood Warrior!"

Everyone who heard this was stunned, and the scene suddenly became quiet and then suddenly became lively.


"Jealousy distorts my face!"

"Ahh! Why am I just a chef!"

The scene exploded instantly.

Dragon blood and dragon blood warriors, even a fool knows that they are a perfect match.

And the hidden professions, both in terms of skills and growth limit, are much better than ordinary professions.

"Hiss—" The two old men also took a breath of cold air and rushed towards Li Xunle.

"Young man from the Li family, join the God of War Academy and I will train you well." Old Chu's face was twisted.

Why is it that someone with such a talented profession is not from his Chu family!

"Get out of here! I'm talking about having fun. I'm Principal Gao. Have you forgotten that you didn't bring any paper in the bathroom last time? I lent it to you?" Old Man Gao whispered softly, using a gentle tone. Policy, "As for borrowing and returning, I don't want the paper. You can just report to Doushen Academy for me."

Although the two are good friends, friendship is friendship and people still have to fight for it.

"I, I need to go to the toilet." Li Xunle blushed and tried to free his hands from his shoulders.

But his hands were like iron pliers, preventing Li Xunle from moving, and they had no intention of letting go.

"How can you train him?" Old Man Chu frowned and looked at Lao Gao, "Don't let your disciples fall by the wayside."

"Haha, although Doushen Academy has not been established as long as you, our training ability is definitely not bad, so you can rest assured." Principal Gao said cheerfully.

"Two elders, I want to go to the toilet." Li Xunle's blood surged and he struggled with a red face.

"The God of War Academy is a hundred times better than you, so you should give up."

"Your God of War Academy is still immersed in the glory of the past and can't distinguish reality."

The two old men who ignored him began to fight each other tit for tat, neither of them willing to let go, as if they would lose the right to compete if they let go.

Just when the two were deadlocked, Li Mu sighed and moved.

He clapped his hands on the two old hands, and cleverly slapped their hands away with force, releasing Li Xunle.

In the shocked expressions of the two old men, Li Mu said to his cousin: "Go quickly."

"Yeah." Li Xunle nodded aggrievedly, took long steps, and quickly headed to the toilet.

"How did you do it?" Principal Gao looked at his hands and then at Li Mu, extremely confused.

You know, he is a Level 3 expert with a level as high as 69, but his hand was slapped off by a student who has not yet awakened, which makes him very confused.

"It's just a little bit of cleverness." Li Mu smiled and waved his hand. "Principal Gao, Lele is a member of our Li family. Our family will naturally seriously consider which college he will enter."

"You don't have to interfere."

he laughed.

Hearing this, Principal Gao glanced at Li Mu with twinkling eyes, but then put on a smile again.

"Okay, I believe in your vision."

He can force an ordinary student, but he cannot force a member of the Li family.

"Are you Li Mu from the Li family?" Old Chu looked at Li Mu and frowned.

He had heard about Li Mu from the Li family, because he was very famous for what he did, so he had heard about it.

Under the scorching sun, I poured ice water from the extremely cold ice on my head and almost froze to death.

He fought the kobold with his bare hands and was almost killed.

After looking at the psychedelic butterfly, he hallucinated and chased his father, which was also said to be the butt of a joke.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait for some things, when others heard it, they were all saying that Li Mu of the Li family was probably not seriously ill.

In fact, he didn't understand it, but when he saw it today, the self-abuse method seemed to be of some use.

He touched his hand that was slapped away, his thoughts changing rapidly.

"It's me, Grandpa Chu. Long time no see." Li Mu gave a junior salute.

Seeing the handsome young man in front of him with excellent demeanor, Old Man Chu couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

With this style, it would be great if this son were from my Chu family.

"Yes, what did you use just now..." After thinking about it, he asked.

"Okay, go ahead." Principal Gao happily interrupted Old Chu, "Go and awaken quickly, let me see what your talent is."

Old Chu was interrupted and looked at Principal Gao dissatisfied.

But he also knew that he had overstepped his bounds, so he said no more.

Because things that enable unawakened people to have a certain level of combat power are very valuable no matter where they are placed.

"Yes, principal." Li Mu nodded, walked into the magic circle, sat down cross-legged, and waited quietly.

The person in charge looked up and started the test.

Although the two old men wasted a little time, he did not dare to be dissatisfied.

He recognized them all and couldn't afford to offend them.

Thinking about it, he raised his hand and the crystal ball lit up at an extremely fast speed, which reminded him of the process of testing countless talents.

Such a bright light,

Could it be?

He looked solemn and took a deep breath after looking at the awakening results in the crystal ball.

"Li Mu, SSS-level talent, heart of the God of War." As soon as he spoke, the two old men on the side suddenly took a breath.

It’s an SSS-level talent!

Talents are divided into nine levels: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS.

Among them, the talents from F to S level only have obvious talents and skills.

For example, healing is usually an active skill, healing.

Vigor is just a passive skill, Vigor.

However, SS level and SSS level are different.

They are super talents with two skills and three skills respectively, and they grow much more powerful than other talents.

Although the two old men had never heard of the talent Heart of the God of War, it was SSS-level after all, and it was first heard that it was born for the fighting profession.

God of War, God of War!

It sounds like, as long as he is not a mage, has a life occupation or a auxiliary occupation, Li Mu's future will be extremely brilliant.

Inexplicably, the two old men started to sweat for Li Mu.

If Li Mu were a melee profession, even the most ordinary warriors and knights would add another high-end combat power to mankind.

After all, that is the SSS talent!

The two old men clenched their fists, while the students and teachers at the back subconsciously held their breath when they heard the SSS-level talent.

They also know what SSS-level talent represents.

For a moment, the whole place was silent, and the air seemed to freeze.

"The occupation is, hidden occupation..." The person in charge's voice paused, and his expression became strange, causing the two old men to subconsciously breathe quickly.

It’s actually a hidden profession!

What hidden professions will be paired with SSS-level talents?

Everyone in the audience became anxious. Some people felt as if they were witnessing the rise of a new star, while others cursed the person in charge in their hearts.

So damn slow!

Can't you finish it in one breath? What an appetite!

They all glared at the person in charge, making him smile bitterly.

He was stunned when he saw the hidden profession in the crystal ball, and he didn't really want to show off.

"The profession is, Necromancer."

He sighed.


Everyone was stunned when they heard the words from the person in charge.

Necromancer is known as the hidden profession with the lowest upper limit and the fastest death.

Because once this profession awakens, it will always be attacked by negative energy.

And the undead they summon are also very weak in the early stage.

Hundreds of years ago, the empire also tried to cultivate necromancers in order to fight against the alien army.

However, as the level of the necromancer becomes higher and higher, the erosion of negative energy becomes more and more serious, and the physical attributes are also declining rapidly.

It was not until after the third rank that the necromancer, who was as thin as a skeleton, was frail and sick, and in a very poor mental state, and could not summon even a third rank undead, so the empire gave up on this profession.

The necromancers who awakened later did not dare to upgrade too many levels, for fear that the faster they upgraded, the faster they would die.

And on the advice of the empire, they went to work in construction sites, electronics factories and other places that required a large amount of labor.

Because the undead they summon can do some simple tasks and are tireless.

After seeing this, some capitalists expressed their praise for the undead. At the same time, they also called on the workers to learn from the undead and be able to work continuously 24 hours a day, so that everyone can move towards a better future together.

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