Over the past hundred years, countless people have studied the profession of necromancer. After all, the base number is there, and there will eventually be a necromancer every few years.

However, their research ended in failure.

The reason is that the negative energy erosion is too terrifying.

As long as you are still alive, that negative energy will continuously erode your body, making the body of the necromancer more inclined to death and more and more like an undead.

Therefore, over the years, many necromancers have stopped upgrading and have fallen into the arms of capitalists, helping them move bricks, tighten screws, etc.

It also made ordinary bricklayers and factory workers scold them.

"So, my job offer is to join a factory?" Li Mu, the eldest son of the Li family, looked at his job offer and twitched his lips.

Just now, when their necromancer profession came out, the two old men were silent for a long time. After patting his shoulders and briefly comforting him, they went to talk to Li Xunle.

They didn't even look at him, as if he could only go back to being an ordinary young master and spend the rest of his life peacefully in drunkenness and dreams.

Although Li Mu has extremely powerful SSS talent, it still depends on the profession.

If the profession is not good, no matter how talented you are, it will be useless. This has countless precedents in history.

Although it was a pity, there was nothing the two old men could do.

But Li Mu expressed dissatisfaction with this.

Then he also went to the Employment Advice Office to get a proposal and walked on the road with his cousin.

"What is your job advice?" Li Mu asked his cousin beside him with a sigh.

"My suggestion is to go to Doushen Academy to practice." Li Xunle scratched his head and said in a naive voice.

"Principal Gao has mixed up some private goods again. Let's go back to the family first. We can leave it up to the family to arrange the affairs of the college." Li Mu shook his head and walked towards the school gate with his cousin.

At the gate of the school, a top-notch luxury car was parked at the gate of the school. A pale golden badge with a sword and a shield was printed on the front of the car, covering the large front of the car.

This is a symbol unique to the Li family.

Northern Territory, Li family.

Not far from the luxury car, many people stayed there, wanting to see what kind of person the new dragon-blood warrior appeared in the Li family.

Recognize your face as soon as possible. Don't miss her if you meet her outside the city. It will be bad if she offends you.

So, they saw a young man with excellent temperament and a burly man get into the car and drive away.

"Is that the Dragon-Blooded Warrior? He's so handsome!" A woman said infatuatedly. "It's just that the bodyguard next to me is too annoying and affects my eyes."

"That's right, that's right." Someone echoed.

"That one is Li Mu from the Li family, and the one next to him is the Dragon Blood Warrior." An insider explained.

"Ah? Is he that stupid Li Mu?" The woman's eyes lit up, "I didn't expect him to be so handsome."

"I heard that his awakening career is not very good. I want to take advantage of him when he is depressed, and then marry into the Li family." After saying that, she took out a small mirror and started applying makeup beautifully.

Seeing this, everyone around them fell silent.

The insider also stared wide-eyed.

This was the first time he had seen such a confident woman.

However, he still admired the woman's whimsical idea.

At least she dared to think so.

After all, that was the Li family in the Northern Territory.

he sighed.

"Brother Mu, don't be sad." In the luxury car, Li Xunle looked at the absent-minded Li Mu and couldn't help but comfort him. "Don't worry, I will protect you from now on."

The big man patted his chest, making a loud banging sound.

"I'm not sad, I'm just looking at my character panel." Li Mu said with complicated eyes.

[Name: Li Mu]

[Occupation: Necromancer]

[Level: Level 1]

[Health value: 390, magic value: 80.]

[Attributes: Intelligence 8, Strength 43, Constitution 39, Agility 30, Charm: 17]

[Talent skills: Heart of the God of War (SSS talent), Weapon Master, Iron Will. 】

[Professional skill: Summoning the Undead. 】

Looking at the intelligence attribute of that number, Li Mu felt a bit eyesore.

"Lele, what is your intelligence?" he asked.

"Three." Li Xunle said a little embarrassed.

"That's okay." Li Mu nodded, finding comfort.

As far as he understood, apart from intelligence, this attribute of his was an inhuman attribute.

In addition to intelligence, generally only second-level and level 30 professionals have such an attribute panel, but he had it at level one, which means that he is rounded off as a second-level powerhouse.


A level 2 powerhouse is so terrifying.

Li Mu took a breath and turned his attention to the skills.

[Heart of the God of War: Martial arts leads to the gods, and the Taoist heart is pure. 】

[Weapon Master: Can use weapons of any profession. 】

[Iron Will: The will is like iron, indestructible. 】

These are the three skills that come with SSS-level talents. If his profession is a warrior-type melee profession, he feels that he may take off directly.

After reading it, he looked at his professional skills.

[Summoning of the Undead: Randomly summon the undead that the current professional can summon to fight for yourself. (When casting a spell with a corpse, the magic power consumption is halved.)]

But his profession is a necromancer of the magic system and summoning system, so it is difficult to use this talent.

You can't let yourself, as a mage, wield your sword to attack monsters.


Li Mu frowned slightly as he felt the coldness outside his body that was always trying to erode.

These cold feelings do not cause any obvious harm to him now, but with a slight surge of Qi and blood, these negative energies will be evaporated instantly.

But if these cold feelings will increase as the level increases, then something is not good.

Then what should be done?

Until he returned to his manor, he still hadn't thought about it.

"You go see your uncle. I'll go home first and make a phone call." The driver opened the door and the two got out of the car. Li Mu said to his cousin. "After dinner, let's go upgrade together."

"Okay." Li Xunle nodded and walked towards the villa in the distance.

As a hidden professional dragon-blooded warrior, in order to gain high-level combat power from the Li family in the future, he has to wait until the family plans his future.

Li Mu, on the other hand, walked into the master's villa and thought about his future.

After all, the family would not be that concerned about a necromancer.

"Master, you are back." A white-haired old butler walked towards him, with a meticulous back and a butler's uniform that he wore no matter whether it was cold or hot, Li Mu, who had been taken care of by him for decades, couldn't help but praise him in his heart.

Elegant, so elegant.

"Well, I'm back, Uncle Liu." Li Mu nodded, "Father, does he know?"

"Master already knows." Uncle Liu handed Li Mu a phone. Li Mu took it and heard a plain and magnetic voice.

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