As far as he knows, the God of Hunting is a god with weak divine power. He mainly has four main priesthoods of 'Hunting', 'Hunting', 'Alien' and 'Fear' and some other minor priesthoods.

Although he has four main priesthoods, he is still a weak god.

Because his four priesthoods do not occupy many parts, and he is not the only one who is the ‘foreigner’ god.

There are many gods among the aliens, and only a small number of them are his followers.

As for the 'Fear' priesthood, there is a Fear Demon God who occupies the majority in the abyss, and he only gets a small part along with many gods.

The 'Hunting' priesthood has a hint of the 'killing' priesthood, but this powerful priesthood is divided up by a large number of gods with combat priesthoods. Without any cards, it is naturally not powerful.

His main priesthood is still the not-so-powerful priesthood of ‘hunting’.

Therefore, for hundreds of years, He was just a weak god from the evil camp.

"How strong will the incarnation of a weak god be?" Li Mu thought in his mind as he looked at the three women who were looking at him.

But no matter how strong you are, you still have to fight.

This is a fight that is either yours or mine, and he must do his best.

After thinking about it, he took out a bottle of potion and drank it.


"Come, God of the Hunt!"

The bloody altars found on several floors of the dungeon are hard to spot in the corners of the huge dungeon, but even if they were discovered, the students would only think it was a scene construction or a treasure trove, and would not take a closer look.

At this time, countless corpses of monsters were placed neatly on several bloody altars. As the people in front of the altars prayed, the altars gradually glowed with blood.

Slowly, the altar swallowed up the flesh and blood, and the smell of blood spread, making the entire dungeon filled with blood and fishy stench.

"Let us return to the embrace of our Lord." The high priest stood on the seventieth floor and said with a face full of enthusiasm, then threw himself into the bloody altar.

At the same time, the same action was repeated on several floors.

After accepting human sacrifices, the altar slowly changed.

Ta-ba, da-ba...

A terrifying tall bloody figure walked out of the altar. It looked like a person whose skin had been peeled off. There was only one mouth on his face, and this mouth slowly revealed a terrifying smile.


In the sky, the disgusting and terrifying scenes make humans feel sick and scared, and make aliens feel extremely excited.

Other races had different attitudes, but the hunt still started.

All intelligent beings are watching the changes on the sky at this moment. They know that they may be witnessing history.

It may be that the witnessing spark was briefly extinguished, allowing a weak god on the alien side to be promoted to a mid-level god.

Or maybe the spark is still burning, never extinguished, never extinguished.

Because no matter what the outcome is, humans and aliens still have a life-or-death relationship.


Underground city, forty-ninth floor.

"Yunyue, can we pass the 50th floor today?" A petite girl next to Chu Yunyue looked at Chu Yunyue and asked her.

"Although I am confident that I can beat the boss on the fiftieth floor, but..." Chu Yunyue's beautiful eyes trembled and she pursed her lips, "But it looks too disgusting, and I don't want to fight it up close."

As a construct knight, she is very strong, and the magic pattern construct armor she wears is also very beautiful.

The light blue pattern looks like the ice flower unique to the Northern Territory, and it is also her favorite flower.

But now, she wants to wear the best equipment to fight a disgusting sludge king.

She has a mysophobia and doesn't want to go.

"It's okay, I'll fight the monsters!" A burly man patted his chest and said with a gentle smile, "Yunyue, you just need to get me a more powerful magic pattern structure."

As an admirer of the goddess (dog licker), of course he stood up immediately.

"Then we are missing a powerful fighter, and I will suffer." A handsome man with glasses in the team looked at the burly man and couldn't help but said.

There was a hint of grievance and dissatisfaction in his voice.

"It's okay, man, since I said it, I'll work hard to complete it." Another man looked at the strong man with a cynical smile and a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "But don't pretend to be so cool when the time comes."

"You!" The burly man's expression changed, "You have the guts to challenge me here..."

"Okay, stop arguing!" the petite woman suddenly shouted loudly, "I am the captain, you listen to me!"

"Yunyue just throw the props aside, and we'll fight the monsters!"


Her small eyes swept across the three men. Although her soft voice sounded like a child talking loudly, it successfully shocked the three men.

After all, she became captain based on her strength.

She looked at the three men who didn't speak any more, then looked at Chu Yunyue, and sighed in her heart.

There are two guys in the team who like Yunyue, and although the other guy doesn't like the two girls in the team,...

She looked at the delicate man and couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the strong man with careful and affectionate eyes.

He fucking likes men!

She felt tired and didn't like the strange relationships in her team.

But for the team I formed, I have to bear it through gritted teeth.

"Yunyue, you can rest aside, the four of us can do it." The petite girl calmed down and said softly.

She looked at Chu Yunyue, her eyes filled with love.

She didn't dare to admit that she also liked Chu Yunyue.

"Yes." Chu Yunyue nodded, "Then I will use props to assist you."

Her voice was cold.

"Okay, give all the props you have to Yunyue." Rourou responded. The petite girl turned her head and spoke to the three men in a cold tone.

"Okay, Yunyue gives it." The strong man gave it first.

"Then, I'll give you mine too." The delicate man glanced at the muscular man, clenched his fists, but still gave it away.

"Here, Yunyue." The disrespectful man also gave it, but his eyes were looking at the petite girl's eyes, with a trace of loss flashing in his eyes.

He liked the captain, but he knew that the captain was Yan, so he had to pretend to pursue Chu Yunyue, but in fact he wanted to attract the captain's attention.

"Thank you everyone." Chu Yunyue, who took in everyone's expressions, nodded calmly, "I will assist you seriously."

Her expression was indifferent, as if she had no idea about the complicated relationships in the team.

Just when a few people walked towards the King of Silt Monsters and planned to take action, a terrifying roar sounded.

"What's the sound?" Chu Yunyue listened to the sound and looked at the place where the sound came from in confusion.

"What kind of monster? I've never heard such a sound before." The petite girl said doubtfully.

But the next moment, a bloody figure with a big knife appeared, which made everyone stunned. But then, a terrifying feeling rushed into their minds, making them feel like they were deep in purgatory.

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