Underground city, thirty floors.

"What is this?" The students, who were fighting monsters and upgrading in the dungeon, and buying equipment and props, had just finished listening to the prayers when they saw a skinless, bloody figure emerge, frightening them to the point of going crazy.

At the same time, there was a strong pressure that made them breathless.

"This is the incarnation of a god!" A top student who had studied well stood up and shouted, "This is the incarnation of an alien evil god!"

"Quick! Don't give him a chance to use his magic!"

All Spark Academy courses are useful and can be used in any situation.

Now, that's when knowledge comes into play.

But it may be of no use.

In an instant, the students who reacted quickly took action.

A series of long-range attacks such as spells, props, bows and arrows were instantly launched at the bloody figure, but the figure refused to dodge and even opened its arms with a smile on its lips, which was extremely terrifying.

Bang bang bang!

A burst of smoke filled the air, and the unharmed appearance of the bloody figure reminded the students of the introduction to the incarnation of gods in the textbook.

[Immune to low-level spells]

[Reduce physical damage by 50%]

"No, our attack is useless!"

"That's it. I'm just a second-level mage. Where can I find high-level spells?"

"My arrows can't even break through the defense."

The students were panicking as they thought about the information.

The incarnation of a god is so terrifying!

"No! Run!" Seeing that he couldn't be beaten, the top student shouted and ran out first.

"Look at me freezing the ground!" Several people cast spells to block the figure.

"Concrete Technique!"

"Fossils are mud."

After everyone cast spells to stop the bloody figure, they hurriedly started to escape.

However, the bloody figure seemed to be on the ground, running towards the students without being blocked.

It raised its hand, a throwing gun appeared, and suddenly shot a student.

When the student saw this, a barrier unfolded, but he was still pierced through the barrier, and his body turned into light and disappeared in place.

The bloody figure didn't stop, he ran over, picked up the gun and continued the action.

This is a bloodless hunt. Although it is not terrifying, it is...

Still going on.


"Fortunately, the protection card triggering in the dungeon is the highest priority. Otherwise, just by that moment, the divine power brought by the Fear Priesthood to the God of Hunting would have increased a lot."

Ye Lianshan sighed.

"Huh? Aren't you in a hurry? Princess Shuangyan is still inside, why don't you pretend to be an uncle?" Yue Shan, who had a giant tiger with three eyes on his forehead lying next to him, looked at Ye Lianshan. He asked with a frown.

"Is it useful for me to be anxious?" Ye Lianshan touched the gemstone dragon species next to him, and the green emerald dragon asked, "If it is useful, I will definitely be anxious like an ant on a hot pot."

"But look, doesn't the old dean have nothing to do?"

"The God-killing Sword that I finally took out was in vain."

Ye Lianshan raised his chin and asked Yue Shan to look at where the old dean was.

Yue Shan glanced along.

I saw an old man with a gray beard slashing at the red light shield with a simple long sword, but the light shield did not move at all.

But the dean still kept slashing with the sword in both hands, and the bulging muscles in his arms under his sleeves were extremely strong.

"The only thing that even the God-killing Sword can't cut through is that divine weapon." Yue Shan frowned.

Artifact, [Shield].

It was originally a weapon in the hands of human gods. One day a hundred years ago, it was held by an incarnation of a god to resist aliens. Unfortunately, it was stolen by the alien god "The God of Stealing".

Although the 'God of Thieves' was later cut off by the 'God of Order' and his god level dropped to a lower level god, the [Shield] was not taken back.

Fortunately, humans still had the [Spear] artifact, which prevented the alien race from taking advantage of the [Shield], so they won in the end and captured several of the alien race's artifacts.

But the loss of [Shield] is still a regret for mankind to this day.

But today, I saw that the rumored artifact was used for the future of mankind. This made Yue Shan angry but also felt powerless.

He didn't expect that an extremely precious artifact would be used against a group of students.

"Yes, so it is useless for us to worry." Ye Lianshan nodded, "Unless He is willing to send over the artifact, it will be difficult to remove it."

But the [Spear] is still being held by a saint in the abyss to defeat the big devil, and it is impossible to send it over now.

"Then there's nothing we can do." Yue Shan sighed, looking at the hunting of the bloody figures in the sky with worried eyes, preparing for the worst.


Under the sky, humans looked at the students who were unable to fight back in front of the monster, and they were all terrified.

"It's over, it's over! Our future strong men!"

"Didn't he teleport out? He must not have died."


Some people have hope.

And some people know it in their hearts but don’t say it out loud.

That's a god...

Can the students of Spark really win?

They watched in silence.


Underground city, fifth floor.

"Your Highness, can we act together?" Zhao Xingyu looked at the fifth princess who appeared on the fifth floor with his team, and raised the corner of his mouth.

Smart people all think the same thing. Five levels is the most suitable level for upgrading before level 20.

As early as when Ye Lianshan said that the next time he went to class was to go to the dungeon to upgrade, he had already gone to the commercial street and bought the teleportation order for the fifth floor of the dungeon.

He didn't expect the princess to be like this, which made him feel happy, and he felt that he had already caught the princess's line.

"No, just work as a team, we don't have to fight for monsters from each other." Looking at the huge dungeon, Ye Shuangyan, who was riding the Earth Fire Dragon, said calmly.

Since the last battle between the three rankings came to an end, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

She lamented that Li Mu's strength was worthy of being attacked by several academies in mainland China, but he was still able to take the top spot on the winning streak list and the standings, pushing her down, leaving her with only one top spot.

This gave her eldest brother another source of conversation, which made her very worried.

But there is nothing we can do.

"Your Highness, I have the location information of the fifth-floor BOSS here. Our two teams can definitely win it if we work together." Zhao Xingyu, who had been prepared for a long time, ignored the strange eyes of his teammates and invited him again.

If you enter the princess's sight based on your strength, then you may have a chance to gain the princess's approval, be recruited, and then perform meritorious services and gain the opportunity to soar into the sky.

"BOSS?" The princess heard this and glanced at Zhao Xingyu and his team.

A good team with hidden professions.

She collected a lot of information about outstanding students when she first entered school and wanted to recruit them, so she memorized many of their names.

Among them, Zhao Xingyu's name is also included.

But Zhao Xingyu started causing trouble everywhere when he first entered school.

Provoking nobles, flirting with women, showing off, etc., made Ye Shuangyan subconsciously exclude him.

But now he had the intention of taking refuge, which made Ye Shuangyan think for a while and then nodded.

You can recruit, but you still need to check your character.

After all, the Magic Swordsman profession is also very strong when it grows up.

Moreover, his team is full of good talents. If he can recruit these people, he should not be bad.

"Then let's go together." After thinking about it, she said calmly.

"Thank you, Your Highness, Princess." Zhao Xingyu's lips curled up again.

It’s done.

As long as you catch up with Her Highness the Princess, you don't have to worry about Li Mu's power.

When he thought of Li Mu, he felt angry again.

‘Just wait for me! ’ He thought with a calm expression.

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