The more you make the better, the better.


With Qi Yutang's continuous efforts, these materials gradually merged and gradually had their own special effects, gradually becoming the well-known "props\equipment".

Looking at these props, Qi Yutang felt very satisfied.

From the perspective of a professional prop creator, the value of this satisfaction can be imagined.

But for Qi Yutang himself.

His own satisfaction is not that important. If he does this business himself, he will definitely put customers first.


The boss's satisfaction is the most important.

Adhering to this iron rule, Qi Yutang carefully handed over the finished product of this work.


These transmission channels, as usual, transmitted these props to Bai Yi's room.

There is no need to worry about security issues, after all, the possibility of errors is extremely small, and the guarantee rate of the official exchange is still guaranteed.


On the other side.

Bai Yi was almost waiting until he fell asleep, and these equipment were finally forged.

Coming into view.

A large storage area was expanded on the wall to display these props in front of Bai Yi.

Bai Yi glanced over and saw these uniquely shaped equipment.

"Oh? Not bad, not bad."

Bai Yi went from simple to luxurious, first picking up a prop made by the jackal mutant organization.

From the moment he picked it up.

You can feel the roughness similar to touching the skin, but it is different if you touch it carefully.

This is a gun with a unique appearance. The appearance seems to be made of bright red flesh and blood. If you feel it carefully, you can even feel that it is breathing slowly.

Holding this slightly weird equipment, Bai Yi had no worries.

It is true that a man does not talk about strange things:

——I never talk about my strange power, which can disturb ghosts and gods.

In other words, as long as your strength is enough, you can be immune to any strange things.

Bai Yi picked up the flesh machine gun, looked left and right, and after feeling the feel, he started to explore.

[Equipment: Jackal Mutation Machine Gun]

[Quality: Purple-]

[Durability: 780\780]

[Comprehensive Attack Power: 4400-6199]

[Effect: Pull the corresponding trigger, the weapon will consume durability, thereby shooting out sharp keratinized end epidermis (durability will slowly recover over time, or burying meat at the muzzle can speed up durability recovery)]

[Level limit: Level 15- and above]

Although the attack power of this [Jackal Mutation Machine Gun] is not high, it also greatly makes up for the shortcomings of long-range.

There are two such weapons in total.

After all, the Jackal leader directly exploded two hearts, so naturally he could forge two [Jackal Mutation Machine Guns].

With a casual move.

These two machine guns with strange styles were put into the storage backpack.

Next one!

It is a special item made of all the materials in the [Tidal Disaster] dungeon.

It has no special function, only the function of holding water. If it is placed in someone else's hands, it is simply a chicken rib among chicken ribs, and it can be called a whole large kettle.

But for Bai Yi, it is a key item that is just needed.

Picking up this palm-sized item, Bai Yi flipped it around and looked at it thoroughly.

This is something similar to a funnel.

However, under the translucent appearance, its interior is like a weird two-dimensional strange picture. If it is placed in reality, there is absolutely no logic.

It is like a chain of beginning and end.

Or, in this two-dimensional figure inside, there is no beginning and end at all.

"What is the capacity?"

Bai Yi released the probe, wondering if this capacity can satisfy him.

[Item: Water Cube]

[Quality: Purple+]

[Durability: ∞\∞]

[Capacity: 0 tons\9450 tons]

[Introduction: A container that can hold a lot of water, that's all. I really don't know what kind of person would use it (due to the special nature of the material, even only professionals above level 40 can use it)]

[Level limit: Level 40 and above]

Bai Yi glanced at the capacity.

Wow, 9450 tons.

Although it may not sound like a big deal, just think of a normal heavy drinking water bucket, which is about 30 kilograms.

If you use that kind of bucket as a unit.


Actually, it is not much:

A mere 560,000 barrels are enough.

If you are a big water user, you will basically use it up in 25 years.


Although these data sound scary, Bai Yi was not too surprised, because the above list is only based on life.

If it is based on the battle in the usual dungeon.

This nearly 10,000 tons of water is actually just enough for Bai Yi's Shadow Water to create three normal-sized water clones.

At best, there can be some reserve as a loss of water column.

After all.

To put it in a larger scale, a range of 50 meters long, 21 meters wide and 2 meters deep is enough to consume 2,100 tons of water.

"I just don't know how fast it absorbs and releases water."

Bai Yi raised his eyebrows and was quite satisfied with this prop called [Water Cube]. After all, it can basically meet the combat conditions of Shadow Water.

If the mind is more open, maybe there will be some fancy operations.

This [Water Cube] prop is quite special. It consumed such a huge amount of materials, but only produced such a palm-sized prop.

And finally.

Bai Yi's eyes were on the two strings of ferocious flowing beads.

As soon as he saw it, Bai Yi's eyes twitched.

Can this be called the integration of Taoist concepts? It's just weird, right?

Those miniature decay cores wrapped with special patterns are like eyeballs, which are simply unbearable to look at.

Putting aside the appearance, this decay flowing bead is still okay.

There are two strings of its flowing bead bracelet as a whole.

One string is made up of 365 changed decay cores, and the other string is basically the same, except that there is an extra core of the Lord of Extreme Decline that is two circles larger.

Bai Yi doesn't care how those fist-sized and basket-sized decay cores are reduced to the size of beads.

Bai Yi is still concerned about the most critical main function.

The next moment.

The investigation was carried out decisively, and a series of data was displayed.

And this hint was like a short instruction manual, which made Bai Yi frown.

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