The more you look at the data, the more you can use it.

Under Bai Yi's exploration,

All the values ​​of the two items were displayed in his eyes.

The most important thing.

Not only some basic information, but even the other effects that can be triggered, as well as some advantages and disadvantages, were displayed.

Exploration information:

[Item: Decaying Flowing Bead x2]

[Quality: Gold]

[Durability: 365000\365000*366000\366000]

[Introduction: After throwing it out, it will aim at the nearest moving object and put it into [Imprisonment] state]

[[Imprisonment]: Most actions will be unable to be carried out after imprisonment. The duration of this effect will be determined by the opponent (size, strength). After the effect comes into contact, the strong impact may cause one of the beads to break. The item recovery is more complicated, please use it with caution]

[Level limit: Level 40-and above]


Looking at these data, Bai Yi couldn't help but be amazed. It's not that this item didn't meet his expectations.

But this item, just this long list of introductions gave him a headache.

Like the manuals of some home appliances, it can be clear at first glance, but after careful consideration, it is found that there are still some things that are not introduced in this manual.

In short.

For this item, Bai Yi could not say that he was very satisfied or dissatisfied.

All he could say was that he had not seen its true performance yet, so it was really impossible to judge at present.

Just then.

Qi Yutang sent a message, which seemed a little humble:

[Qi Yutang: Boss, please look at this reward...]

[Qi Yutang: I don't really need it. After all, these materials are rare. Being able to forge these materials into powerful equipment will be of great help to my career growth]

[Qi Yutang: These rewards are difficult to judge even for artificial intelligence systems, so...]

Looking at this abruptly stopped message.

It was not difficult for Bai Yi to figure out what Qi Yutang meant.

It was not difficult to guess.

It was nothing more than wanting a reward, but not daring to say it out loud.

But this was not something Bai Yi could understand. He just wanted the reward. Isn't it reasonable to give a reward when you ask someone to do something?

He is not a vampire or a capitalist, so how could he get it for free?

But Qi Yutang was right in some ways, after all, it is really hard to estimate the value of these props.

Two-thirds of the materials Bai Yi obtained were not recorded by the artificial intelligent system, so it is impossible to judge their proper value.

I can only say.

The system built by human professionals still has some flaws.

When you see materials that have not appeared, you can't judge the value. Isn't this a BUG?


Bai Yi didn't think much about it, and directly transferred all the money in his account in the official exchange of H City.

The last time I came here, I exchanged a lot of materials for money, which saved more than a little.

The remaining amount is also a huge sum of money.

Of course, this is for ordinary professionals.

Bai Yi has a small part of the points he has in the Hanxia Alliance, which is enough to compare with the amount transferred now.

But for Qi Yutang, this money is really a huge sum of money. For ordinary A-level professionals, it is not difficult to earn this money with hard work and overtime to play more dungeons. But Qi Yutang's dream is to eat and wait for death. When he awakened the profession of [Prop Master], his dream became more solid. In addition, now that he has joined the official exchange of Upper H City, he has no desire to play dungeons. Even his job change was completed after he forged an incalculable amount of equipment, and then he naturally changed to the second job. Qi Yutang was stunned when he received this amount. How many more zeros are there? Although he went all out, these equipments directly reached purple quality, and even the Decline Flowing Pearl reached gold. But... it shouldn't be so much money, right? You know, according to the regulations, the forger can only get a small part of the original value of an equipment. Thinking. Qi Yutang immediately sent a message:

[Qi Yutang: Boss…Isn’t this money a bit…]

He didn’t finish his words

First, Qi Yutang was afraid of troubling his boss, and second, he was not sure what the boss on the other side thought. It was still unknown whether he had transferred too much.

But the next second.

Another large amount of money was transferred, which made Qi Yutang's eyes blurry and he almost fainted immediately.


After transferring all the exchange deposits, Bai Yi felt that it might be too little.

Then he used the points from the identity black card to exchange some virtual gold.

And this money.

was directly transferred to Qi Yutang.

The official exchange could not identify the materials, so naturally it would not charge a handling fee, so the backup program was activated, allowing Party A to give money to the blacksmith in the form of a reward.

Just after transferring the money, Bai Yi received another message from the other party:

[Qi Yutang: Too much, boss! Too much! Don't need so much! ]

Seeing this information.

Bai Yi smiled and didn't care too much. After all, this money had basically no meaning to him. It was just some external things.

Thinking about it, Bai Yi sent a message:

[Bai*: I am very satisfied with the finished product this time. The extra money will be considered as a reward. I am leaving]

After sending the message, Qi Yutang initiated another dialogue request. The sound of dinglingling sounded. I think he still wanted to say that the money was too much.

Bai Yi ignored it and closed the virtual screen.


Turned around and went out, and then left the official exchange of H City.

The next moment.

After Bai Yi went out, his figure soared into the air and slowly floated in the air.

It was still the effect of the job transfer skill-[Power of the Ruler].

"Speaking of which, this ability should be more suitable for combat."

Bai Yi thought about it.

This ability has not yet been fully formed, and the effect of the third level has not yet reached a real height, but Bai Yi thinks that even at this level, it should be a great help in combat.

H City airspace.

Bai Yi stretched out his hand and called out the wind wheel aircraft in the storage space.

All the items.

They were in the same state when they were put into the storage space.

When they were put in, the engine was still running and the aircraft was still operating.

When they were taken out.

It was still the same.

Bai Yi entered the wind wheel aircraft in mid-air and then stopped using [Power of the Dominator].

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