The two sides of the battle are in a state of chaos, and the two sides are in a state of chaos.

232 The two poles are reversed! The prey becomes the hunter

Just at this moment.


Bai Yi inexplicably felt three breaths, and outsiders entered this copy!


Bai Yi also wore two props:

——Thousand Faces and Thousand Words.

——No Face and No Face.

Bai Yi's own breath has been completely restrained, even if he stands in front of the other party, the other party may not be able to find it.

He can sense the other party.

But the other party.

But can't sense him.

It's simply that the enemy is in the light and we are in the dark, which is a 100% advantage!


Bai Yi is a little curious about these three visitors.

You know.

The dungeon that Bai Yi is in right now, the [Island of Misery] in the Iberian Strait, is in the Iberian Strait.

This is a place where even birds rarely poop.

Except for Bai Yi himself.

I guess few people would come here, right?

The monster level here is not suitable for leveling up, not to mention that it is full of dangers.

In other dungeons, monsters come one by one.

But in this [Island of Misery] in the Iberian Strait, monsters come in bunches!

For most professionals, the meaning of the dungeon is just one:

- Leveling up.

Without the speed and advantage of leveling up and experience, who would come to this shitty place from afar?


It's really strange.

If there is nothing wrong with this, Bai Yi would never believe it.

Those three people.

They definitely have some special purpose. I think... they are similar to me, looking for the trace of the second key?

"Go meet them."

Bai Yi made a move and gave an order to his natal shadow.

The natal shadow immediately recruited two hundred shadows.

Baigui Zhengyi used his ability to add a temporary flying ability to the natal shadow.

A set of wings born from the shadow appeared on the back of the natal shadow.

It looked like it appeared naturally, just like it was made in heaven.


According to Bai Yi's order, the natal shadow flew directly into the air and headed northwest of the [Island of Hardship] in the Iberian Strait.

That direction.

It was the initial location where the three people appeared after entering the dungeon.


According to Bai Yi's order, the natal shadow arrived at that location and immediately discovered the three people.


The natal shadow did not take the initiative, but observed carefully.

As the saying goes, know yourself and know the enemy, the natal shadow is also observing the threat level of the opponent.

Know the opponent's intention.

It is also easy to take action.

At this moment.

Because he shared the perspective of his own shadow, Bai Yi could also feel the vision of his own shadow.

It was also because of this.

The detection ability of the professional system was ready to be used.


Bai Yi used it, wanting to see all the information of the three people directly:

Among the three people.

The leader was a blond man, wearing a high-tech tights.

Although he had a good momentum.

But he seemed to be driven away by the two people behind him.

Bai Yi did not hesitate at all, and used the vision of his own shadow to directly use the detection:

Information appeared.

[Player: Ryan Remizzi]

[Rank: SS+]

[Profession: Gunsmith]

[Level: Level 82]

[HP: 118w9320\120w8120]

[Basic attack power: 21000+]

[Equipment: Beast God S-level Deformed Symbiotic Mecha, Y38-type Extermination Rifle, Q-43 Tiger King Tank, Future Destroyer]

[Skills: SS-level [Established Weapons], S-level [Exoskeleton Space], S-level [Mechanical Transformation], B-level [Physical Enhancement], B-level [Energy Shield]...]

After seeing this information.

Bai Yi in the distance was stunned. This name...

Bai Yi was stunned for a moment.

Something is wrong.

There is something wrong. Even nine out of ten is wrong.

This name...why is it so familiar?


Too strange.

Suddenly, this made Bai Yi suddenly remember something.

That's right! He has seen these three guys!

Aren't these the three envoys who visited China at the Hanxia banquet?

Sister Liu introduced them casually at that time.

Although Bai Yi didn't take it too seriously, he was shocked when he saw them again.

After seeing the second side, I couldn't help but think of it.


After this investigation, Bai Yi also understood the strangeness of the three people.

Why did they suddenly come here when they were not in Hanxia to accept the banquet?

At the same time.

The shadow of the natal star listened to the conversation of several people, and the words also entered Bai Yi's ears.

"Damn it! Don't make the wrong choice this time!"


"If you still can't find that kid this time, I swear! Ryan Remiz! I will chop you up and feed you to the fish!"

"I won't stop you."


Ryan Remiz sighed.

He could beat these two guys, but because he really didn't do a good job, he felt a little guilty.

If these two people simply cursed a few words.

Let them curse.

What can they do if they curse?

Ordinary people will get angry because of other people's insults, but Ryan Remiz will not.

He thinks.

Other people's insults are their opinions, and opinions will not become facts.

In this case, what does it matter if others insult him?

It's not like words can be followed by law.

Not only can it not hurt Ryan Remiz himself, it can't even affect his emotions at all!

But if.

These two guys really fight, then Ryan Remiz will not passively take the beating.

It's okay for a small fight before.

He didn't get hurt.

If the other party really wants to chop him up and feed him to the fish as he said, then Ryan Remiz will really get serious.

After all.

Above level 80, even SS+ level professional grade.


But not inferior to these two guys at all!

At this time.

Seeing the other party's actions and hearing the words of others, the natal shadow also successfully transmitted the senses to Bai Yi.

After Bai Yi heard.

He also nodded secretly. After knowing all this, he was a little bit unsure of where to start.

These three guys...

Are they here to find him?

I think.

They should also be here to find the second key, but since they have no target or clue.

They can only follow him first.

Their purpose and actions.

It's basically like in some movies and TV shows, where they have a little bit of brains and find that some people with destiny are extremely lucky.

Then they follow the target and make a profit from it.


Bai Yi discovered these three people and directly reversed the two poles.


The hunter became the prey, and the prey became the hunter.

These three guys are undoubtedly enemies.


Bai Yi did not let his natal shadow take the initiative, and he was not in a hurry to take action.

After all.

He has not yet figured out the details of the other party.

It's not too late to take action when he knows everything!

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