The battle was over, but the battle was over.

231 Nothing was gained! Move to another place

I only saw the shadow-confusing sea monster, and it jumped directly into the black pool.


But I didn't hear even a little sound, and the shadow-confusing sea monster disappeared.

At this time.

Bai Yi stared at the black pool carefully, trying to see if there was anything unusual.

But obviously, this matter disappointed Bai Yi.

No change.

There was not even a slight change.

After entering the black pool, it was just like before entering the black pool.

There was not even a slight ripple.

Seeing this.

Bai Yi did not continue to observe these appearances.

He no longer looked at these things that gave them appearances.

What Bai Yi wanted to see was the scene under the black pool.


Bai Yi did not enter the black pool in person, but saw the scene through his unique connection with the shadow subordinates.

You know.

Since Bai Yi's level has been raised and his skill level has been greatly improved.

His connection with these shadow subordinates has become more and more profound.

Among them.

Not only can it connect all the information that the shadow subordinates want to express.


It can also directly share the vision and hearing with the shadow subordinates to a certain extent.

To a large extent.

Now every shadow subordinate is a pair of moving eyes of Bai Yi.

Every shadow subordinate will provide Bai Yi with visual and information locations.


Bai Yi will not open this perception all the time. After all, sharing thousands of visual information will give Bai Yi a headache.

This feeling.

It is not much worse than those who get carsick or 3D sickness, and even worse.

If more than a thousand people share the same vision at the same time.

That would be a big pressure on Bai Yi's spirit. Making him dizzy is a small matter. The more terrifying thing is that Bai Yi does not want to know the price.


Bai Yi connected his vision to the vision of the shadow-confusing sea monster.


In the extremely dark black pool, it was all dark.



It seemed that there was nothing else besides it.

This did not seem to surprise Bai Yi.

Among the multiple results he expected.

This operation that made people's eyes go black was a better result.

At least.

Now it was just that he could not see anything clearly, and there were no other consequences.

If the invisible monster suddenly appeared and came close to him, the pressure on Bai Yi would be obvious.


Bai Yi connected the vision of the Shadow Bewitching Sea Monster, but he didn't see anything too unexpected.

It was still the very dark picture.

It was as if there was no other picture except darkness in this black pool.

In addition to this.

Every moment of staying in this black pool brought considerable damage to the Shadow Bewitching Sea Monster.

After all.

This thing was praised by Bai Yi as the rain of time.

Anything that came into contact with it.

To a certain extent, it would accelerate the passage of its own time.

If the thing that entered it was not the Shadow Hand who had no concept of life span, but some other monster, animal, etc.

I'm afraid it would age in a short time.

It won't be long before only a skeleton is left, and then the bones will be crushed and scattered.

The passage of time.

For any carbon-based life, it is very terrifying.


Fortunately, for the special existence of the Shadow Hand, there is no concept related to life span.

After all, all of the Shadow's men are made of shadows.

I have heard of wood decaying.

I have also heard of flowers withering.

But has anyone heard of a shadow disappearing because its lifespan has come to an end?

The answer is obvious, it must be no.


The Shadow's men also have an endless lifespan. The passage of time will at most cause them to lose a little blood, but it will not endanger too many things.

This group of Shadow's men are not made up of cells.

There are no cells.

Naturally, there is no limit to the number of divisions, and there will be no problem of aging due to soaking in this black pool.


This thing still has some damage to the Shadow's men.

Although there is, but

Not too much.

At least not fatal, it is not difficult to hold on for a long time.

If it was Bai Yi.

If [Shadow Guardian] was suddenly dragged away in the middle of the journey, I am afraid he would be in trouble immediately.


It was never Bai Yi himself who went down, but this Shadow Bewitching Siren.

Because of the unique structure of Shadow's subordinates.

As a result, although it swam in this black pool, it did not suffer much damage.

Of course.

All this only refers to the black pool.

What if you leave this black pool?

That's hard to say.

This black pool, even the ability of Shadow's subordinates will be weakened a little.


Slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Bai Yi opened his eyes.

The feeling just now was wonderful.

But it was also very exciting!

His perspective also returned to this Shadow Bewitching Siren, but it was different from before.

His field of vision expanded three times!

The entire black pool was presented in his eyes!

"It's just as I guessed."

"This black pool is really black..."

With a sigh.

Bai Yi also retracted his gaze.

This shadow confuses the sea monster.

It's really too troublesome.


Now that there is a way.

Bai Yi will naturally not give up.

He wants to see.

What kind of secrets are there in this black pool.


Bai Yi ordered another shadow subordinate to chase in the direction of the shadow confuses the sea monster.

At the same time.

Bai Yi also used skills.


As the skills were used, a line of information did not emerge.

Sure enough.

There should be nothing under this black pool.

I think the invisible monster is probably not here.

But this leads to another question. Since the invisible monster is not here, where should it be?


Thinking about these things is useless.

If Bai Yi could think of it, he would definitely find the invisible monster in the first place.

It would not be like this now.

Not only did he search the entire island, he even used a probe in this black pool, but found nothing.

In short.

Bai Yi is now planning to give up the search for this black pool.

The invisible monster.

I don't think it will be here.

And this black pool is also ordinary, there is nothing special about it.

I think it would be a waste of effort to explore it further, and it would be useless at all.


Bai Yi withdrew his mind.

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