Following Kyon's order, Juno left the chestnut-maned steed in the menagerie and took a gray, nondescript mount. She ordered the guards to stay at a distance. Juno hid her beautiful face behind a white veil of the finest silk. It was hard to recognize the patriarch's granddaughter, who most of the Stones know too well.

Juno safely reached the entrance to the territory of the Stones. The young guard was speechless when he checked her wrist. He got down on one knee to greet the patriarch's granddaughter, but she closed his mouth just in time.

«If someone finds out about my arrival, in particular, my grandfather, you will work in a pigsty as a manure cleaner. Got it?» - Juno threatened him with a devilish twinkle in her eyes. Her assistant had told her what to say in advance. Who knows what's on his mind.

«Yes, my lady! Your word is the law!» - The young guard mumbled.

Kyon rented two decent rooms in a hotel for a hundred of spheres and settled in one of them. The second room was for Juno. If someone recognized her, Bai would know in a couple of minutes where his granddaughter was. The meeting of the grandfather with his granddaughter was inevitable. Kyon was completely unprepared for this important event. First, he had to hear the patriarch. Second, he had to communicate with him through the girl to set the rhythm of their conversation and find out the answers to all of his questions. And third, he had to be sure that Juno wouldn't say anything that might harm him or arouse suspicion. Even if she had basic restrictions, he wanted to hear and control everything.

Kyon saw two ways out a sound transmitter or a sound-transmitting formation. Unfortunately, the device had a fixed size according to the strange laws of this world. Otherwise, the sound signal wouldn't be transmitted. Therefore, he couldn't make a small inconspicuous earphone... He still had the second option, the formation.

Kyon could not create a wiretapping formation before the party. He was still at the 7th stage, his development wasn't enough. The quality of energy depends on the level of development. He needs better energy to create a more powerful slot that could contain a bigger formation.

Kyon had a considerable advantage, his perfectly pure key of energy. The quality of his slots was higher than anyone else's. Besides, his skill in creating slots made his energy invisible to others!

Kyon decided to put a wiretap formation in the empty slot, and it worked!

{Doh!} – Kyon hit himself on the forehead. He was planning to reach the missing stage in the next two weeks and unlock the ability to create wiretap formations. But his 8th stage was enough! The quality of his energy exceeded all his expectations. Now he can create "ears" and scatter them around wherever his hand reaches.

Inside the formation, there was a spatial attribute that transmitted the sound signals directly into the ear in the form of electrical impulses that the brain perceived as a sound. To find out the exact transmission distance, Kyon did several experiments and found out that it covered the whole city of Boston. Communication worked without interference or delays. He could hear a mosquito flying five meters away from his "bug."

But how could Juno hear his voice? Wiretapping is one thing, and an earbud is another! It would take too much energy to receive a signal and create sound vibrations. His 8th stage of the 1st phase wouldn't be enough for this.

Kyon relaxed when he remembered that he had captured Juno's soul. Her body wouldn't resist his interference in any way. He would put the bug on himself, and the signal would go directly to her brain in the form of an electrical impulse, without unnecessary conversions.

Kyon went to Juno's room, did some silent tricks over the girl's soft hair and walked off.

{Uhm… What is that supposed to mean?} – She wondered.

Suddenly, his voice pierced her ear:

«The mermaid did the splits and died.»

Juno jumped in surprise. Then she realized what was going on and shouted:

«Did you put a sound transmitter in my head?!»

After a brief conversation, Juno found out Kyon's intentions.

She fiddled with the nephrite-bug, hurting deep inside.

«Are you going to control my communication with my family?»

«Not for the first time.»

«Why intervene in my personal life? I'm doing everything for you on my own... I'm not scheming anymore! I hate you.» - Juno whispered in a trembling voice and turned away. She should remind herself more often that she was a slave! It was difficult to accept this depressing fact.

«Don't be upset, my little Juno.» - Kyon started gently. – «If I were bad, I would have long ago organized an orgy for slaves with you taking part in it.»

Juno shuddered and turned pale.

«You see, I am good. You will obediently play along with my words in your head, fake your emotions, intonation, and in return, I will clear your key a little bit.» - Kyon said, mentally rubbing his hands. Her power would sooner or later pass to him. Nothing was forgotten, nobody was forgiven.

The was a silent pause. Juno was gathering her thoughts.

«I will, master.» - His "student" agreed.

He was right! If she had been in the assistant's place, she would not have let him go so easy. Usual beating and moral humiliation would never be enough for her. Apparently, the devil was not so terrible as he was painted. What were his plans for her? Was he going to take revenge in the future? The collection of questions in her silly little head had just refreshed.

«By the way, I have not seen Yegorka's head, yet.» - Kyon reminded her.

Juno did a little trick over the formation on her wrist and frowned.

«It's weird... I can't contact the guard who went after him. Usually, the formation works at a distance of up to five thousand kilometers (about 3000 miles.) Either he went beyond this range, or... died?»

«What are you saying? The elite guardian died at the hands of a stupid Yegorka? Bulshit!» - Kyon exclaimed.

«He couldn't have died… It's out of the question! Maybe, his formation got damaged?»

«Even the life of a drunken useless shitsack has more sense than your guesses.»


Kyon only sighed in response. The disposal of the pathetic dude was delayed. Yegorka could still cause him trouble with his existence.

Kyon didn't want to waste time. He handed Juno some nephrite-bugs, reminded her what she should do, and sent her to the patriarch.

Juno went to the heart of the Stones, accompanied by her guards.

The territory was divided into three parts: external, internal and central. 80% of family members lived in the external part (7-5th ranks.) The 4th-3rd rank, as well as their children, were allowed to live in the internal part. Crème de la crème of the 2nd-1st rank, including the patriarch, lived in the most elite and luxurious central part.

Each part was visibly divided and protected from penetration. The barriers would send a signal informing the center about the trespasser. Anyone would see a drastic change in quality moving from the outside to the inside. Everything changed: the houses, the roads, the light poles, even the trees, and decorations on the streets. It was like taking off dark glasses and seeing the bright world for the first time. The variety of beautiful parks was breathtaking. Spacious playgrounds were everywhere. Stunning architecture and well-mannered, richly dressed people happened on each step. The cleaners swept the roads with the help of wind / water element. Elegant wrought-iron benches were placed everywhere. There it was, the difference between the layers of society.

However, the transition from the border of the interior to the center part was even more impressive. It hurt the eyes to look at all the opulence and shining luxury. All the roads were in an elegant style, magnificent fancy plants bloomed on each side. Benches, statues with fountains were everywhere. There was only high-quality lighting. Neatly mowed lawns pleased the eyes, and bird singing caressed the ear. Everything was top-notch.

The 2nd-1st rank was the top of the elite. They made less than 1% of the total number. Like in any ideal democratic society (and any democratic society is capitalist), they lived in luxury in comparison with the rest of the majority. They occasionally condescend to them to amuse their vanity and prove their dominance.

The descendants of direct blood were universally respected personalities. Everyone adored them for their strength and power that they regularly demonstrated. The world was their oyster. They always had their personal masters and servants. The smart of them realized that valuable resources were the key to their rapid development. The stupid believed in the talent of each descendant of direct blood. The family elite was something to be proud of. Otherwise, the poor fellows would never put up with their position.

Juno reached the central part with a straight face and headed towards the main building of the administration. That's where the negotiations with the patriarch and elders were held, the most important issues of the family were resolved. Patriarch Bai spent almost all of his time there.

The guards at the entrance reverently let Juno inside. A couple of servants followed her to serve the lady.

Juno's eyes lit up with delight. She had long been accustomed to the luxury and courteous attitude. Only her assistant with whose existence she had to put up was a bright foreign spot in the noble lady's life.

The servants opened the large doors to the patriarch's office.

Juno went inside, saw her dear grandfather and felt warmth in her heart.

Bai was a tall impressive man with tough features, characteristic of an experienced general who was accustomed to give orders. He was about 60 years old. His gray hair spoke of a heavy burden he had to carry. His tired blue eyes revealed his excessive zeal at responsible work. He emanated a severe aura that made everyone toe the line.

However, when he saw his beloved granddaughter, Bai instantly lost all coldness and turned into a loving grandfather. A wide, sincere smile lit up his face. He looked at her with great tenderness.

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