«My little sweet Juno! You're here!»

The patriarch rose from his chair and took his little girl in a gentle embrace. A joyful smile and indescribable, sincere happiness lit up his face.

«Hello, grandfather!»

After Bai greeted his granddaughter, he moved away and asked in a concerned and caring voice:

«How are you, darling? Is everything alright?»

If Juno didn't have a concealment bracelet, Bai would be blown away by the speed of Juno's development.

«Everything's fine, grandpa… Same old thing.» - Juno hated to lie to her grandfather. Her life was in chaos, where she was a small boat in the stormy ocean.

«Hmm… No news at all?» - Bai asked suspiciously.

«No…» - Juno looked down. Her grandfather must be a superhuman!

The patriarch sat on a soft sofa and tapped with his hand, inviting his granddaughter to sit next to him.

Nervously stroking a lock of hair, Juno plopped down on the sofa. If she made a mistake or aroused suspicion, her assistant would leave her without cleaning, or even punish her!

«Do not hide obvious things from me, darling.» - Bai said softly, and Juno looked at him in dismay. – «My people told me long ago about the princess's visit to the party.»

Juno could barely hold back a sigh of relief.

«She ruined everything, didn't she?»

«Not really… Kara… She is jealous.»

«I know. No young man dared to approach you in her presence. You didn't find the one for you, did you?

«Аh… No…»

«Then tell me... Who is the boy who had been sitting at your and Xiao Bai's table before the princess arrived?» - There was insight in the patriarch's voice, characteristic of wise people. He could easily feel every emotion of his dear granddaughter.

«Kyon. He is a good friend of mine! I did not expect to see him at the party after all these years.»

«My little girl has made friends! That's wonderful. Tell me all about him. How did you meet?»

«Grandpa… That's a little too personal.» - Juno repeated Kyon's words in her mind.

Bai smiled after an awkward pause. «You grow so fast… Look at you, already having secrets from your grandfather! Ha ha ha! And still, who is Kyon? I heard too much about him... Tell your dear grandpa!»

«Well... Your people have been spying on me… Ask them.»

Bai took Juno's hand in his. «Don't be mad with me, please. I do not want to control every step you take. I have given you full freedom in the mansion. Even the sisters-maids do not stick their noses in your private life. I hired a single young guard to look after you at the party.»

Juno smiled slightly, and Bai's heart lit up with warm rays. She wished her grandfather had watched over her better and more carefully! Perhaps then the damned ex-slave would now be in prison! However, the thoughts of the missed opportunity didn't give any emotions on the Juno's face. Otherwise, he would suspect something.

«I am not mad with you... You love me, protect me, care about me... You also give me as much freedom as can be. I am grateful for everything you do for me. What exactly did the young guard say about Ken?»

«Pure nonsense! All the youngsters are shouting about Kyon's incredible talent. They say Kyon defeated the opponent who struck down the best fighter in our family. And Kyon is 13 stages lower in development! After that, he almost defeated the princess. However, in the end, he had his hands all over her. Never mind. All these blatant lies hurt my ears. I know fathers who punished their brats, gave them a good thrashing, but they continued to stand their ground. The youngsters must have staged a mass conspiracy for some purpose. I can't make heads or tails of it. To the hell with them! I am more concerned about the youth in my family. What was I talking about? The young guard… I threatened him and used a little force. Then the moron came up with all sorts of rubbish! To cut it short, he was incompetent and useless, sick in the head. I fired him at once. After that, I called Dinah, but she avoided the conversation! The investigation is still ongoing. Servants, musicians are being interrogated. I use the carrot and stick approach. Anyway, it was an absurd party! The rumors run throughout the kingdom. They call us arrogant liars! All this misunderstanding i giving me a terrible headache. The investigators are at their wits' end. They are afraid they will lose their mind. It all leads to a certain Kyon. So, my little sweet Juno, I ask you to quench your grandfather's curiosity. Tell me the truth. You're the only one I can trust. Please.» - The patriarch finished his tirade and smiled.

Juno was speechless. The adults in the Stone family didn't believe in Kyon's monstrous talent! Now the whole kingdom considered her family liars! However... The difference in 13 stages did mean a complete defeat with a single blow. No one would ever believe in this nonsense. Now she knew why her grandfather had a terrible headache.

All of a sudden, she received a stream of "fresh" information from Kyon that she had to repeat dutifully:

«Don't believe anything and don't listen to anyone, grandpa. You should see everything for yourself. Come to the test pavilion to watch a qualification in two weeks. And take my mother with you. Then you will understand everything.»

{What are you talking about, idiot?! Why call mom and grandpa to watch your disgrace? Are you crazy!}

«But Juno... The qualification is only in three months.»

«Just trust me.»

The patriarch looked thoughtfully into Juno's eyes, then nodded.

«Alright. I will do as you say. It will be a surprise for my old age.»

Bai took a pipe out of his pocket.

«By the way, where is the servant who saved you from the swans?»

«Umh… I let him go! He asked me for freedom, and I could not refuse.»

«Really? Hmm… I see…» - Bai nodded to his own thoughts. He had the information that made the servant's decision reasonable.

Juno's lips were dry with senseless and merciless lies. Why was she saying this? Couldn't Bai find out the truth? Why was it necessary to divide Kyon and the servant into two different people?

She heard Kyon's voice again and said:

«Grandpa, tell me about the latest news in the family. What's the situation.»

Bai was delighted with her question. His little girl was interested in the family! Nothing could make him happier! He began the story with the latest news: Bilya's death, the most important Elder Boe's daughter. Boe promised to find the murderer who took the life of his beloved daughter. His dear Bilya devoted her whole life to the sacred work of helping sick people.

Then he told Juno about the day of the dark sky when the whole planet was covered with impenetrable clouds. After that huge bolts of lightning lit up the sky, and then everything returned to normal. He added that judging by the old records, it was a sign from the goddess. Most likely, she had sent a treasure to the world, or blessed someone, or had another reason, incomprehensible to mortal people.

Juno listened about the lightning with mouth open. She calculated the time and realized that it happened at the moment when she was in the tomb. Hmm... Was the day of the dark sky connected with her assistant? What if the goddess had blessed him for good luck?!

«Grandfather, what do you think about the future of the family?»

Bai was touched even more. He was so happy to see his granddaughter interested in family affairs.

«My young queen, I will tell you everything with great pleasure! Be prepared to hear some unpleasant information. I am not going to lie, but the bitter truth is not to everyone's liking. Are you ready?»


«It all goes back to the time when your father was a patriarch. He served for thirteen years and gained unprecedented authority and respect among the others. He had become the pillar of our family, raised it to the level of the Grands. But as soon as Yurich disappeared three years ago, everything collapsed. I took his post because there were no other candidates. XiaoBai is too young, and his personal qualities are not suitable for this important position. Elsa didn't care about taking the reins. She has a paternal complex. So... I am old, but I can handle it anyway. There were no signs of trouble when my old friend, the king, suddenly ended all contact with me, and he has never ever given his audience to anyone. Then out of the blue, he sent me a letter without a single kind word. All he wrote about was raising the tax on mining to 90%, which was a huge loss for the family. He did not comment on this disgrace. It cut to the heart. I realized that he was friends with me only because of Yurich... When he disappeared, our friendship sank into oblivion. We've become strangers.» - The patriarch lit his pipe. – «The increased tax made us cut back on the resources for our young people. They all are off their crust, though. Fame must have gone to their heads. And they lack the talent, too! As a result, they are significantly inferior in development to other top families. The chances of our youth in the next tournament are non-existent. The elders and I make every effort to motivate and train them... To no avail. Even Yegorka is not good enough, moreover, he is too young. Against these sad prospects, the other families have dramatically changed their attitude towards us. They see the next leaders of the kingdom, the Browns, who have been intensively boosting the strength of their youth in recent years. The ungrateful devils drag the Stones through the dirt! I am sick and tired of them giving us the stink eyes, insulting us behind our back! All the families humiliate and persecute our kids every day. The Stones have always been conscientious, fair and responsive. We have never given a reason to humiliate our honor, dignity and image! The insolent dogs do not even want to buy our medicine at the old rates, and we have to reduce the price. They dance after the Browns' pipe and wait for our collapse.» - Bai took a long puff and blew out the smoke. – «Damn it! The

ungrateful bastards are already dividing the Stone's property in their contracts, like vultures. The defeat in the tournament will affect our ranking. We'll get the lowest place. The price of our mines, plantations, and other assets will plummet. They will immediately take what is ours. They will buy everything with Tokens. The Browns have been saving up this damned currency for years, and now they are going to bite off a huge piece of our property on legal grounds. The Romanovs (3) are not far behind. Everything is against us, even the king! This attitude is like a knife in the back. No family approved of our absurd "victory" at the recent party that everyone is talking about, including the youth. Quite the opposite, the other families believe that we spread false information about our incredible victory to return our former greatness. As a result, they despise us even more, disgusted with this dirty trick. It hurts me to tell you all this, Juno, but the next tournament will be the last page in the great story of the Stones. I hope, darling, you will not remain in this decaying family but enter the Order like your silly sister Elsa. You could reach your full potential there. And if only damned Timothy Brown dares to make an offer to buy your hand and heart with Tokens!..» - Bai's face turned red with rage. The most valuable currency in the empire, Tokens, can buy anything, even a wife in a lower-ranking family. – «The wimp is not worthy of you. You will find someone you love. I hope you will give this honor to a nice fellow from one of the twelve great families in Dantes (0) and give birth to his beautiful and talented children.»

Juno's eyes were wet from intense emotions, overwhelming her. She realized only now how deep was the pit into which the family was falling. She felt a heavy burden on her heart with unbearable feelings of hopeless future.

«Grandpa, I did not know! Everything is so bad…» - Her eyes glistened with tears.

The patriarch stroked Juno on the shoulder. «Don't worry, little angel. I will not let a hair fall from your pretty little head. I love you more than life.» - He said and pulled his dear granddaughter closer to himself, enjoying the moment together with the most precious treasure in his life.

«Why doesn't Elsa come and help our family get the first place?!» - Juno exclaimed when she suddenly realized this simple truth.

Bai sighed. «You see, honey... You can go to the youth tournament only once. Your sister took part when she was 12 years old and made the feathers fly. No one knows for sure why she had to do it at so young age, Maybe to prove her point to those families who shove their offsprings in every tournament instead of manifesting strategically their genius, or for the sake of non-existent justice, so that underdeveloped young men at the age of 16 could wait with a true heart till they are 20 and then show their full strength. Perhaps, this is a chance for the rare geniuses in low-ranking families…»

Juno was glumly silent.

The patriarch changed the subject of conversation:

«Would you like to take a walk in the park?»


«Then make yourself comfortable in the second room, smarten yourself up and join me. I will be waiting for you there.»

«Uh-huh.» - Juno nodded and ran to the best, most luxurious room in the elite family house.

As the granddaughter ran away, Bai's kind face disappeared. He became dead serious and pressed his wrist.

Three guards entered his office, the ones who had been following Juno to Boston.

«How did she get here?» - Bai asked in a hoarse voice.

«All is well, sir. No incidents.» - One of the guards reported.

«Are you sure? You didn't meet anyone on the way?» - The patriarch asked suspiciously.

A chill went down the guards' spines. The chief guard got down on one knee. «We just killed a couple of beasts on the way, sir. That's all!»

«Alright. You're free to go.»

The guards left the office, dying from fear. They kept mum about the arrogant servant, embracing Juno during the journey. If they had said a word, Bai's fury would know no bounds. But the true reason for their silence was in Juno's blood-curdling threat. She had promised to destroy their lives and families if they utter a word about Kyon and the mines.

Of course, Juno said what Kyon told her to.

Bai could not calm down. A vague sense of anxiety was in the air. Where did it get from? Was Juno lying or withholding things? She wasn't... Even if she was lying, it was her business. There was no reason for concern. Then where did this bad feeling come from?

The patriarch took the sound transmitter and called Anna.

«Greetings, Anna.»

«How do you do, sir?»

«Tell me, please. Did anything happen during my absence at the mansion? Particularly with Juno. Did she have any mood changes? Did anything happen connected with her?»

«You should speak with Dinah, sir. She had been seeing the lady more often! She must know more than I.» - Anna replied, referring to Juno's recent request. Otherwise, she would have gladly told him all about Kyon, the servant, and much more.

«Alright, thank you.»

Bai called Dinah and asked the same question. She told him a lot, including the freedom Juno had given to her servant, about the day of the dark sky, and Yegorka's visits. She spoke clearly, impassionately, in measured words, that is, as usual. The maid complied with one of the points in Kyon's note that had created for his safety.

Kyon managed to destroy the servant's identity in the eyes of the patriarch. He had threatened the guards, asked Anna to redirect Bai to Dinah. He kept his powder dry. The was the only witness left, Yegorka, who had escaped his death and left to Boston. Kyon had nothing to worry about before the family tournament started. But after that... The Stone treasury or Anna would definitely reveal the hidden truth. He didn't have much time.

The patriarch couldn't get rid of his anxiety, he didn't find any reason for it. So he decided to unwind and take a walk with his dear granddaughter.

They were walking through the evening park, admiring the extraordinary beauty and talking about this and that.

At some point, Juno changed the subject:

«Grandpa, can I ask you for some money?»

«Of course. As much as you need.» - Bai said with no hesitation.

«Great! I need half a million!»

The patriarch almost fainted and clutched at his chest.

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