The last week was a real nightmare for Franz: girls kept molesting him, boys kept bullying him, and the last straw was when the princess told him to stay clear of her new dear friend. Now he couldn't even talk to Marina. She was busy all the time either with her lessons or the damned princess. More than anything, Franz was afraid to break loose, turn into the dragon and kill all the fucking foes.

The God of Dragons unique dragon that Kyon had given him was terrifying. It opened up only a fraction of a percent but was capable of incredible things. As a price for its tremendous power, his mind was consumed with an urge to kill all living beings, but it wouldn't be easy to return to human form. It would take sacrifice, something that Franz couldn't afford, not in Cernos, the most famous place in the whole kingdom.

But all this worried Franz less than his relationship with Marina. He noticed that she started to treat him coldly. She didn't smile at his stories, ask questions, pick up the conversation. She just nodded absent-mindedly. And small wonder. What girl would like to be with a guy who couldn't stand up for himself?

His helplessness was killing him. He thought he was too weak and unworthy of Marina. By the end of the week, it got so bad that he stopped asking her out...

Franz knew he had to get the situation under control before things got hairy. He went to the principal to get himself a protector. Theoretically, he could turn to one of his fans who had influential parents, but she might order him to forget about Marina, and he would never do that. It was pointless to ask Kyon for help. How would his "master" help him? Give him one of his guards? It was ridiculous.

The main school building was usually empty at the weekend. Franz didn't meet anyone on the way to the fifth floor. As he walked along the corridor to the principal's office, he couldn't help wondering why Nulan had invited him? How should he ask the principal for protection? What was the best way to apologize for being a week late?

At that moment, Julia, the red-haired, freckled beauty, the fourth strongest and the second most popular Cernos student, came out of the principal's office. She had lots of admirers as well as haters. Julia was the target of envy for her outstanding accomplishments. She was smart, charismatic, had a great sense of humor. Her gorgeous body with sensual curves and smooth skin could drive anyone crazy. She always seemed confident, gracious and poised. Now Julia looked somewhat annoyed. Apparently, the conversation with her father (the principal) didn't go well.

She suspiciously raised her eyebrow at the blonde guy and put out her hand: «Where are you going, handsome?»

Immersed in his thoughts, Franz didn't notice Julia's hand until he bumped into her. He looked up, thought that he was dealing with another annoying fan and exclaimed painfully, not particularly choosing his words: «How do you always find me, fucking sluts?»

«How are you talking to me, brat?» �� Julia hissed coldly, pushing the rude guy away from her.

«Huh… Aren't you one of those?» – Franz asked, staring at the insulted girl. He had no idea who Julia was. School celebrities didn't interest him in the least.

«One of those? You think you can talk to me like this if the principal fancies you?» – Julia narrowed her eyes.

«What do you mean fancies me?» – Franz waved her off, unwilling to waste his time on idle chatter: «Listen, little one. I have enough problems in this fucking school without you. Leave me alone for god's sake. Let me pass.»

Nobody had ever been so rude to Julia. Her father's and grandfather's prestige made everyone in school, including the teachers, dance to her tune, and this pretty wuss dared to call her a little one. He had no respect for her! Julia opened her mouth in anger: «You cheeky bastard! Did you call me a little one?»

«Huh?» – Before Franz knew it, the furious freckled beauty gave him a hard slap in the face. By some miracle, he managed to turn his head away at the last moment, but her long nails left three deep grooves on his cheek. Blood trickled down Franz's face.

«Are you fucking crazy, little wretch?» – Franz cursed, clutching at his cheek.

His insult sent Julia into a frenzy. She would teach the arrogant fool some humility: «You had it coming, little punk! Being a senior and responsible student, I will teach you some good manners!» – She growled, slowly approaching him.

Being about 19 years old, Julia thought that Franz was much younger than her.

When the principal felt the elemental vibrations behind the door, he came out to find out their source. As his daughter was going to attack the student he knew so well, he rushed forward and grabbed her hand: «Julia! Go to your room, now!» – The tone of his voice brooked no argument.

«But father! This idiot has insulted me! I must punish him!» – Julia complained, giving him her most charming smile. If she were talking about one of her fans, he wouldn��t believe his luck or would die of happiness.

«I'll take care of it. Go to your room.» – Nulan repeated.

Julia was deeply disappointed at the turn of events but didn't dare to say anything. Her strict grandfather, a famous general, had taught her to respect her elders.

She glared daggers at Franz as if saying, "We're not done yet!" and left the school building with a striding gait.

Franz only now realized who he was dealing with. He already regretted his attitude because now he could forget about her father's help.

«You're Franz, aren't you?» – Nulan smiled at him. He was a man with long, soft hair, a delicate face with feminine features and expressive eyes.

«Principal Nulan, you know my name? It's an honor…»

«Don't. Come on in. We need to talk.» – The principal interrupted him, inviting him to enter his office.

About five minutes later, Franz darted out. His face was deathly pale, drenched in cold sweat, his eyes widened in horror: {Shit, shit, shit. FUCKING SHIT! Where am I? Aaaah!}

«Think carefully about my offer! We don't have to do it the hard way!» – Principal Nulan shouted behind the door. His smug, predatory grin turned into melodious laughter.

Franz quickly left the school building and ran into the nearest secluded place, a men's restroom in the shopping area. He was gasping for breath like a scared rabbit who had barely escaped the wolf's clutches. His hands trembled with intense emotions.

{I should have listened to Kyon! Why didn't I do as he said? Why? What shall I do now?} – Franz wailed, desperately trying to take the heavy-duty metal bracelet off his wrist.

The conversation with Nulan was promising at first: he accepted Franz's apology for coming too late and his rude attitude to his daughter. The principal was friendly and gentle. He even offered some tea and cookies.

Nulan's warm cordial welcome gave Franz a false hope, and he told the principal all about his problems with the Grands in white uniforms and asked him for help, adding that the Smirnovs would make it up to him.

At that moment, the principal's eyes flashed with an evil light. He showed sympathy and compassion when he gently stroked Franz on the shoulder and promised his personal protection and many privileges on one little condition... If Franz agreed to be his sex toy.

Franz felt like his whole body was immersed in a tub of ice. He threw Nulan's hand off his shoulder and tried to leave the office as soon as he could, but the principal stopped him.

Franz screamed, trying to break free. He threatened the principal that his family would never let him get away with this, but Nulan only smiled. He said that his cousin, a pure-blood descendant of the Smirnov family, had revealed that Marina and Franz had bought their family name to apply to Cernos. They didn't have any family privileges. The couple was a fake, probably from a third-rate family or even some rootless mongrels.

Franz was desperate. All he could do was swear up a storm.

Nulan tried to convince him to accept his offer, but Franz categorically refused to take any part in it, so the principal had to go the hard way. He put a tracking bracelet on Franz's wrist that even a lord phaser couldn't take off and gave him a week to think about it. Nulan would take him by force anyway, and if his victim tried to run away from Cernos, then "Smirnov's" life would turn into a nightmare.

Franz leaned over the toilet and emptied the contents of his stomach. He looked like hell. His attempt to get help got him into even more trouble. He wished he had never gone to the principal just like Kyon told him, but he couldn't turn back the time.

{Is there a way to get out of this shit?} – Franz wondered. As a professional formacist, he knew about the objects of the restraining type. They were usually put around the neck, ankle, or wrist. They were extremely difficult to break due to the formation placed in the special durable slot. The most effective way to remove a restraining object was to deactivate the formation. However, only the owner, Nulan in his case, could do it.

In other words, there was no way Franz could escape from Cernos unnoticed. He thought long and hard about it. Finally, he came up with the only decision to turn to the goddess's messenger for help.

As soon as Franz took out the sound transmitter, he heard a crash behind him, and when he turned around, he saw Julia, who had just broken down the toilet door with a kick.

«What the…» – Before Franz realized what was happening, he was pinned by the red-haired beast face to the floor.

The girl grinned unkindly, sitting on his back, with her arms crossed over her chest: «You thought I forgot about you, little boy? If you play with fire, you get burned!»

Franz tried to free himself, but it was useless. She held him tight. He never thought he would stoop so low. A girl was bullying him on the dirty toilet floor. He couldn't imagine a greater humiliation.

He muttered between his clenched teeth: «What do you… want?»

«Your apology for a start!» – Julia demanded and twisted his arms harder.

«Ow… My bad! I am sorry!» – Franz hissed in pain.

«Were you raised by dogs? Apologize properly! Show some respect!» – Julia said in the commanding tone, making herself comfortable on his back.

She had never used such a rough way to teach someone manners, but she was sure that any other "hurt lady" would have broken all his bones for disrespect. He should be grateful that her innate nobility made her control her aggressive impulses.

«Please, forgive me. I thought you were a fan. It was rude and disrespectful of me!»

«Hmpf! A fan?» – Julia snorted dismissively. – «Don't compare me to those ugly cows! You are so full of yourself to imagine I would be interested in you!»

«I am just a pathetic blind dog. Forgive me, please! I didn't know you're the principal's daughter!» – Franz wailed plaintively.

«And you're like putty in my hands! You are all the same…» – Julia grumbled.

«Look, I've already apologized. Can you take your... Could you get up, please? I'm not used to talking when I lie flat on my stomach... I usually do other things in this position.»

Julia got up and took three steps back. She had a feeling that his apology wasn't sincere, but she didn't want to make too much out of it. It was time to get to the point.

Franz stood up with a groan and dusted himself off.

Julia looked at him closely: «Did you agree to be my father's bed-warmer?»

«What? How do you know?»

«I'm asking the questions here!» – She snapped angrily.

«Okay, okay! No, I refused. There's no way I would be someone's bed-warmer! Besides, I am a married man…»

«Great.» – Julia nodded indifferently. – «Listen to me carefully. My father is very persistent, but I won't touch you if you are strong enough to refuse his further requests. I might even reward you later. However, if you surrender and bring him your ass, I will become your school nightmare. I will turn your life into hell! You will meet every school nurse personally! I will not leave you alone until you disappear from school.» – Julia threatened him in a flat, impassive voice, but meant every word she said.

Julia had always wanted to have a brother, but her father refused his husband's duty referring to feeling unwell or too tired. Like hell he was unwell! She had long found out where he spent all his energy. Nulan took a new sex toy every year! This time, she would take radical measures.

Franz found himself at a loss for words.

«You've been warned. Now think for yourself. Chao.» – The red-haired girl was pleased at his reaction. She left the men's restroom with a proudly raised head. However, when she noticed a couple of stunned men and realized that she shouldn't have been there, Julia blushed and quickly ran away.

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