Nervously biting her lip, Kara arrived at the top floor of the palace. She had been restless ever since the queen had summoned her for an important conversation. Was Vlada going to punish her again? What for this time?

«Greetings, darling. How was your trip? How's school?» – Vlada gave her daughter a warm-hearted welcome in the main hall.

«I'm fine, mom.» – Kara's voice sounded a bit too tense.

«Pleased to hear that.» – The gorgeous queen smiled. – «Take a seat.»

Kara sat down in the wingback chair under her mother's close stare. Vlada looked at her as if expecting a full confession in all her crimes. Kara's heart was pounding. She lowered her eyes, pretending to look guilty. It was incredibly annoying!

«Why did you call me?» – Kara asked with a note of familiar anger in her voice.

«I should have been honest with you, daughter. The day the goddess's son fled, he left me a letter. Here, read it.» – Vlada took out Kyon's letter.

«A letter? How come I'm just now learning about it?» – Kara grabbed the piece of paper and read it carefully. Since that ill-fated day when she experienced the unplanned frolics under the bed, the princess was concerned about everything that had to do with the goddess's son. She longed to find Kyon even more than to see Elsa once again! It was an incredible, unimaginable honor for a male human being!

As she finished reading the letter, Kara said impassively: «Mother, don't tell me that you have already decided for me.» – Her composed attitude was like the calm before the storm.

«Darling, I didn't know what to do. Your father and I had a talk yesterday, and we made the final decision.» – Vlada noticed resentment in her daughter's eyes and tried to justify herself: «You have to understand. The boy gave us an ultimatum. It was either ignoring Kyon's offer or taking it. In the first case, he would come back for you sooner or later. His limitless potential and obsession with you raise serious concerns. In the second case, we will get the goddess's heritage and a mighty combat unit under our control. With chaos and bloodshed approaching, our empire needs more power. It's a chance not to be missed!»

Earlier, Vlada had been talking with her husband on a special ultra-protected sound transmitter.

«I do not care! Why didn't you talk to me first? You could at least pretend that your child's opinion is worth something! How can you be so callously wicked? I do not understand!» – The princess was hysterical.

«Don't you dare to shout at me, Kara Tristan! Your parents hold responsibility for the entire empire! In such matters, there is no place for the opinion of an unreasonable girl!»

«An unreasonable girl?» – Kara echoed, clenching her fists.

«Exactly. You have bought a fake demon arcanum and a phoenix figurine created by the earth element. You have wasted your money on alchemists, on the Sunflower of Ra and the Northern Lotus. And to crown it all, you have nearly revealed our secret to the imperial envoy, defying my order! And you promised me to obey if I showed you where Elsa was! You are too impulsive, dependent and inexperienced, so your father and I can't let you get involved in issues of an imperial scale! So don't you dare to hold it against me! Show that you're independent and reasonable or become the demon emperor's wife, then I will treat you like an adult.» – The queen's imperious voice would bring anyone to their knees.

Kara was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Was it her fault that she was crazy about Juno and Elsa? Was it her fault that she liked the phoenix figurine, the symbol of her soul? Was it her fault that she cared about the empire so much that she bought a demon arcanum, albeit a fake one? Even if all of this was her fault, they had no right to decide on her precious innocence without asking her first! What if she hated this Kyon and was eager to kill him? It was unfair!

At this moment, another thought seemed to flash through her mind: «Wait... Did you say the emperor's wife? But how can I be the demon emperor's wife if Kyon takes my innocence? Or... Do you mean that a human will become a demon emperor?»

Vlada raised her eyebrows and smiled knowingly: «Silly girl! We aren't going to give your virginity to anyone. You shouldn't have been worried about this. You will drug Kyon after the wedding, and he will have sex with some maid of honor, thinking he slept with his wife. When the marriage is consummated, you will demand the goddess's heritage as his legal wife. That's it.»

This news calmed Kara down. She was beaming now. The princess had already cursed her parents, but they weren't so bad after all! She shouldn't have worried, they weren't going to give her away to a weak (for the time being) human, whose balls she would gladly tear off for that situation under the bed.

Things worked out pretty well! She was going to meet Kyon and crush Dick with her news of marrying someone else. Kara felt absolutely delighted!

However, something else was bothering her. She had to ask her mother: «Weren't you going to make Kyon your sex-slave?»

«What nonsense are you talking?» – Vlada frowned.

«Well…» – The princess tensed up. – «Kyon let it slip that he… With you…»

«I just messed around with him. The matter is closed.» – The queen answered sternly and left. What was going through Kara's head? The devil only knows.

Kara couldn't understand why she was happy. Kyon didn't belong to her mother and was completely at her disposal! She could decide for herself what to do with him and how to use him! The mind-blowing experience under the bed suggested some ideas...

Franz was pulling on his hair: {Are you fucking kidding me?}

Coming to his senses, he decided to call his master: «Kyon, we need to talk.»

«I told you to call me Lovr, especially on the sound transmitter.»

«Sorry… I am in real big trouble. I need your help. Only you can help me out. Please, listen to me!»

Franz sounded so desperate that Kyon understood something was wrong.

«Tell me.» – Kyon ordered.

Franz told him about the situation with the principal and his daughter, without holding anything back. He made Kyon understand that if nothing changed, he would turn into a dragon and fucking kill them all.

Kyon groaned: «Idiot! I told you…»

«I know! I'm a fool. I'm a stupid idiot! I am sorry for not listening to you! Please help me, or I will turn into a monster, and then we are all in trouble!» – Franz begged. He suddenly felt pity for himself. Being 130 years old, he had to ask for help from a greenhorn... He seemed to have lost all his pride and self-respect.

«I'll help you out, buddy.» – Kyon reassured him. – «I will be granted the title of prince next week. Then you and I will quickly make official friends, and I will solve all your problems with the principal and the Grands. Can you make it a week?»

«Are you serious? You will become a prince and help me?» – Franz looked at him, stunned.

After their conversation, Franz wanted to kiss his "master" on both cheeks for giving him hope. He couldn't wait to walk with Marina again, see her smile and hear her melodious laughter.

Kyon couldn't let Franz turn into a dragon. It would ruin all his plans for the former formacist. Actually, he'd been meaning to help him since the entrance exam. He could have made friends with Franz under the guise of Dick Baker and give him one of his bodyguards, but there were some "buts." First, he couldn't spare a bodyguard in the midst of enemies, including the princess. Second, they would bully Franz even more if he were the hated freak's friend. So, it wasn't an option after all.

Why did Lovr take such a risk? It's simple: he didn't. When he experimented with the Dragon God body, Kyon found out that it was so easy to turn into a dragon. Wishing it to happen or getting angry wasn't enough. It all came down to a burning, sincere desire to protect someone. The dragon was a symbol of chaos. His weak point is the heart. He could transform into the reptile only protecting his dear ones, Marina in this case. Therefore, Kyon had solved this problem when he gave Marina to the princess. Otherwise, Franz would be a "walking bomb."

As for his upcoming wedding, Kyon had been eavesdropping Vlada's conversation with Kara through wiretaps scattered all over the palace. Their naive plan to drug the unfortunate lover sounded funny. He should make the most of it!

Also, listening to Vlada's conversation with her husband, Kyon once again confirmed the idea that Kara and Vlada were very important persons in the demon empire.

Kyon had big plans for the demon family. To complete Vladimir's assignment and receive a letter of recommendation, he only needed proof that they belonged to the insidious race. He didn't have to capture them, which, by the way, would not have happened without victims. Kyon did not want to kill them, not even Kara. It wasn't because he passionately loved the arrogant bitch. She would be the key to his future achievements in the demon empire!


Just recently, one of Kyon's subordinates had found in the Boston Library an extremely mysterious book on the crossing of different species, written on the research of an eccentric scientist.

To sum it up, crossbreeding was universally accepted in this world: a demon could have offspring with a supreme beast, and human women could get pregnant even from a dog. If the difference in the souls wasn't too big, fertilization was possible. It was basically soul crossing, not genes.

However, children inherited the race of only one of the parents. They weren't something in between. In other words, the children of a human and a demon would be either humans or demons, not half-breeds.

Inheriting a particular race depended on many factors. For example, if a child was conceived from a consensual sexual act of parents whose cultivation is more or less equal, the odds would be about 50 to 50. The difference in cultivation would determine the odds. In the case of non-consensual conception, as it often happened among succubi, 9 out of 10 children would inherit the rapist race. Half of the genes would still belong to the raped person, but they would be dormant, which wouldn't prevent their owner from adapting to their environment. Their soul would submit to the dominant half, giving up the right to choose the race, but not other characteristics like facial features, etc. It was determined by the urge to survive through a future generation or natural selection.

Raping (suppressing a will) the individuals of the same race made no sense as there were no dominant genes to repress or manifest to increase biological fitness.

After analyzing the information, Kyon felt a bit disheartened. He couldn't change his current DNA to the original even if his Synergy reached the third degree. Lovr and the Kyon were completely different. They were like aliens to each other! The same picture could be painted with watercolors or with oil paints. If Lovr made Kara a child, the offspring would belong to an unknown beggar named Kyon, who had got under the princess's carriage and should have long ago rotted in the mine. The best females in the world would produce progeny from some insignificant and rootless weakling with incompetent genes.

{Great... Kyon, you owe me big time. Can you hear me, the former owner of my body? Take your love and shove it.} – Lovr thought glumly. But was he really a Lovr? Someone else's body would make children to his future wives, and he would be just a manager with unlimited powers. The once world-famous Synergy owner thought deeply about things that only he could understand…

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