Kyon walked out from behind the tree, smiling amiably.

«It's you! The ugly freak who tied the knot with the demoness!» – The first princess of Athens (1) exclaimed in surprise. This unbelievably ugly guy who dishonored the human race by his very existence was hard to forget.

«Hello, pretty. Wanna see a magic trick?» – Dick Baker took out his staff with a habitual movement.

Haya's eyebrows furrowed: «Wait, were you watching me?»

«Uhm, no. Of course, I wasn't? I didn't get a chance…» – Kyon replied with regret.

«Yeah, like I'm supposed to believe that!» – The princess pouted.

«Why did you ask then? Anyway, you've come here and made yourself my guest, and now you blame me for everything!»

«Shut your fucking mouth and don't speak! You're disgusting. Our meeting must be as short as possible for everyone's good. But first, get on your knees, apologize for your existence, and beg my forgiveness for watching me.» – She pointed her finger at the ground as if he were a dog. Her tone suggested that his life depended on her whim. The princess understood by the delicious smell that she was an unwelcome guest, but she was not going to let the freak off the hook too easily. He wouldn't get away with this and his connection with the despicable demon as well.

Kyon made a tsking sound: «Seriously? You showed up to ruin my dinner, and now you're going to humiliate me! Maybe it's you who needs to apologize? Or you have no manners?»

Princess Haya was taken aback by his words and reaction. She was used to total respect and reverence of everyone around her, but this weakling treated her with familiarity. His way of addressing her was impolite and insulting, though he should tremble with awe before her.

«Do you understand who you are talking to?» – She said pompously.

«With an arrogant pisser.» – Kyon replied nonchalantly.

«Do you have a death wish, asshole?! I am Haya Feruz, the first princess of Athens!» – She hissed, releasing the powerful pressure of the lord phase. Any member of Kara's fan club would have turned pale already, any of the young Stones would have fallen to their knees, but Kyon did not even move.

The princess added: «You'd better do as I say if your life is dear to you! Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness! But first, give me everything from your rings. My punishment for showing disrespect to my highness depends on the valuables in them.»

Kyon sighed heavily. Was he doomed to face this attitude all his life? Well, it wasn't surprising since he was significantly weaker than his opponents and enemies...

He threw up his hands: «Sorry, I am as empty as your bladder.»

«That's it! You crossed the line!» – The enraged princess launched into a furious attack. Sharp silver daggers flashed in her eyes at lightning speed, but a second later, she stood frozen in place under pressure of the royal phase that fell upon her like a mountain. Her body was numb with fear. She had a feeling that a mighty bloodthirsty monster had chosen her as his prey. The difference in the whole phase was an insurmountable obstacle.

It was Triana, of course, who had created the pressure at the quiet order of a parrot sitting nearby.

Kyon said coldly with an expression of absolute superiority on his face: «Have you ever wondered why I have the first rank in Cernos? How could I survive in the thicket of the forest and why do I sneeze at your pathetic pressure?»

Haya froze, stunned. She could not make a sound even if she wanted to. The princess was paralyzed with fear. Her face turned pale, her heart thumping in her chest. She would never have believed that this ugly Cernos was on par with the best practitioners from the capital of the empire.

«I am not who you think I am. I'm a genius among geniuses! And you are nothing but trash under my feet!» – Dick Baker let out an evil and creepy laugh. – «So, let's get back to the pressing issues. Tell me which one of us sets the rules here?» … «Well, you can at least nod at him!»

Soon, the first princess regained her composure, swallowed and squeaked in a trembling voice: «If you do anything to me, the judges will disqualify you and all Cernos to boot, and my father will tear you apart, no matter who you are!»

Kyon snorted in disdain: «I don't give a shit. My credo is seize the moment, live for today! Now you're completely in my power. I can **** you right now, and no one will prove anything, and if they do, your life and honor will be ruined anyway!» – He threatened her casually.

Haya's knees trembled, panic was written across her face. She had never been so scared before. The princess wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy. A mere thought of how this monster would dishonor her drove her insane.

«Are you just going to stand there like a lost lemon? Don't you think that sex with me will be the highest reward for you? Take it easy, I'm not a monster. I know that a princess's virginity is worth a lot. I hope you didn't wet yourself. Ah... I forgot, you're empty. Anyway, you should be punished, for trying to rob and humiliate me, but I'm a good man. I'll give you a chance. You need to do only two things. First, you give me all your rings. Every last one. Well? What are you waiting for?»

Her perky breasts heaved up and down. She took off three rings with precious stones and threw them at the fat freak.

Kyon picked up the first princess's treasure and scanned the contents. It was impressive! She had acquired more keys than the three hefty princes together. Unlike them, Haya kept herself busy. She didn't chase fat ass to find nothing but problems.

«What… What is the second thing?» – Princess Haya said anxiously.

Dick flashed an evil grin: «Second, I need leverage against you.» – He took out the recording nephrite. – «Strip to your underwear for me.»

Haya's big eyes got even wider: «Are you crazy? Perverted psychopath! My father will kill you if you don't let me go!» – She screamed hysterically.

«Now you will think twice before getting in my way. Well, any option will do. Either you get undressed and keep your virginity. Or... In case you don't want to keep it, strip naked.» – Dick said impassively, stroking his chin in a business-like manner.

The princess gritted her teeth: «Our paths will never cross anyway! You have my rings, jerk! Let's part peacefully and forget about this meeting once and for all!»

«No, it won't do. Make your choice quickly. You have a minute.»

«You're sick in the head, you know that? I swear on my life I will never seek revenge! Just let me go! Do you hear me?» – Haya screamed.

«Fifty seconds.» – Dick said calmly.

The princess tried to convince him to change his mind for a whole minute. She threatened him, promised to forget everything, came up with persuasive arguments and different tricks, but the fat freak kept an eye on the countdown. The princess was willing to give up all the tournament just to avoid this freak's sexual assault, but she didn't want him to record her naked either. What if he was planning to jerk off on her? And yet the first fear outweighed the second one many thousands of times.

«Three… Two… One…»

«WAIT! Can you give me a cast-iron guarantee that you won't pounce on me the moment I take off my clothes?»

«The recording won't make any sense if I do! I don't need it as a souvenir. There's no point in raping you, but you can take it as a justified risk. What's your final choice?»

«I'll undress…» – The princess said with tears in her eyes

«Good girl.» – Kyon nodded approvingly, activating the nephrite. – «Come on, get started.»

Haya turned deadly pale. Whimpering and shedding tears, she pulled her tight jacket up... She took off one thing after another, revealing her snow-white skin that seemed to glow in the dark. The princess looked like a fragile and weak but charming fairy. Her long brown hair fell to her breasts hidden behind an exquisite bra, pleasing to the eye and arousing imagination.

The enchanting atmosphere thrilled him to the core, excited his spirit and something below. A weakling disguised as a powerful man could make the first princess strip naked to record some leverage against her. If Kyon didn't have Triana, this luxury would be unavailable for him for a long time to come. He could buy nephrite to create pressure, but it was easy to determine it was fake because of its poor quality. It was like the difference between a human voice and a screeching sound from an old loudspeaker.

Kyon walked around the princess with the nephrite in his hands with an obscene smirk, licking his lips and saying all sorts of nasty things: «Mmm...Delicious! The first princess is a beauty. Lots of guys must jerk off on her at night. Yeah! Show me your panties…»

«Shut up!» – Haya hissed through clenched teeth, finally taking off her skirt.

«Nice! Now take your hands off your delicacies. Show them to me… I mean the visual formation.»

The princess obeyed with a shudder, her lips pressed tightly together. She wanted to kill the fat monster here and now! She wished she could attack him even if she died with dignity in the unequal fight!

«Now take this position.» – Kyon stuck out his ass and folded his knees.

«I didn't agree to this!» – The princess protested.

«This recording will impress all the men in the empire! Of course, in case you provoke me. So take this position! It's too late to take your words back.»

Haya did as he said with a plaintive moan.

«Stuck out your ass! More! Even more! Right! Good girl… Arch your back!» … «You have a talent for this! Now straighten your back, don't slouch! Yeah… great!» … «Stand like this! Mmm, you're so good at it!» … «Now get on your knees and open your mouth as if you're ready for a huge one!»

«Jerk! Asshole! Have some decency!»

«I have none. So? What are you waiting for? Do you want a real one?»

The hapless model took a humiliating pose, breathing convulsively. She felt ashamed and scared, but it paled in comparison with the possible consequences. If the whole kingdom saw the recording, she would lose her honor and dignity that she valued more than life.

Soon Haya covered herself and yelled: «I did everything you asked! Now let me go!»

«You know, you look much better without clothes. I guess I will take them with me.» – He picked up the process's clothes and hid them in the ring.

«Are you totally deranged? Give me my clothes back!» – The princess glared at him with a face like thunder.

«Well, it was nice to meet you.» – The rascal smiled radiantly.

«It's nearly winter, jerk! I need my clothes!» – Haya yelled, gritting her teeth with anger.

«You may stay if you're cold. I will keep you warm.» – Kyon winked at her meaningfully.

The princess turned around and rushed off, muttering curses under her breath. When she was about thirty kilometers away from the wretched scoundrel, she stopped and hugged herself, shivering in the piercing wind. The fragile, half-naked girl was alone in the autumn forest full of bloodthirsty wild animals. Where could she get clothes? The only way was to steal them.

Haya knew that Dick alone could not bring Cernos to first place, which meant that her school could still become the leader and receive the corresponding awards. However, now that she lost everything that she had gained in more than a week, the chance to take first place was minimal! The princes from Liberia will get it all. The fat bastard hadn't only taken her clothing. He had also deprived her of the chance to win the invaluable transformation medicine Scarlet Meteor, which she nearly had in her hands. And at this very moment he must be jerking off at her naked! The princess boiled from all-consuming hatred mixed with a wild desire to get her revenge.

Suddenly a bird flew by and threw down a ring. Haya opened it and found a message:

I forgot to say that every tournament formation has a bug. If the administration listens to the recording, they will find out that you are in a pickle. Isn't it great? Anyway, it will be fun! Yours and only yours, Dick Baker, an admirer of everything beautiful."

Haya's face turned red with rage: {I will kill you! I WILL KILL YOU, NO MATTER WHAT!}

The princess believed the taunting freak's words because they sounded reasonable, but she was going to check the information, just in case. If it was confirmed, Haya would do her best to erase it from the database, with the database itself, if need be. Nothing was impossible with her authority and connections. And nothing was more important for the young princess than her honor!

Meanwhile, Kyon was eating the cooked boar with a wide triumphant smile. Even the dark side of his nucleus was gloating. He had stirred up a hornet's nest and was going to get away with it thanks to the dear Princess Haya.

Blackmail wasn't the only way to use her authority. With her help, Kyon was going to delete the tournament records that included all his routes and sounds. He commented on her little striptease and wrote the taunting message for a reason. It kept him above suspicion and provoked her to act. Lovr was 95% sure that the princess would do all the dirty work for him. She would destroy the tournament database with all the records, thereby depriving the Hunters of irrefutable evidence on Dick Baker.

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