As she finished mouth-watering meat, Triana turned to her master: «Why were you so vile and obscene with that weak female while you're pretty decent with me? Is it because I'm prettier than her?»

Kyon took a bite from his meat and thoroughly chewed it. Then he replied: «Like I told you before, there are three personalities inside me. One of them differs significantly from the other two. There are many reasons for this, and I am not going to explain them now.»

Triana snorted with contempt: «Wretched personality… Wretched character… Wretched human… I will never understand you, thank goddess Ceres for that.»

«Speaking of humans. Do all white tigers have white hair?»

Triana claimed with pride in her voice: «Not at all. On the contrary, white hair is a rarity. It happens once in a million. Only manticores' hair retains its color after transformation because their soul is tightly linked to crimson blood.»

Depending on the bloodline, as well as the innate and nurtured unique bodies, hair could take on a variety of colors, including rainbow. For example, Kara had burgundy hair, and Lanatelle, the bloody empress, had platinum blond hair. However, white tigers had no emotional attachment to hair color and changed its color after transformation.

{Great. I won't have to make her dye it!} – Kyon was pleased with her reply. He liked her snow-white hair.

«Can you take a complete human form?» – Lovr asked.

«Noble supreme beasts always leave key elements of our original form. It's not for the sake of convenience but to distinguish ourselves from disgusting humans.»

Kyon nodded: «I see. The tournament will end soon. Be ready to follow my order to take on a complete human form and get rid of your tail, furry ears, fangs, rough tongue, and purring. Also, stop rolling your "R"s. It is essential that no one would recognize you when you're among humans.»

The tigress wagged her tail angrily and bared her teeth: «Do you want me to look like wretched humans? Can't you think of something else? I could use the concealment technique, I could hide! Please, Kyon!» – It must mean a lot to her. And small wonder. It was humiliating for the supreme beast to have anything in common with humans.

«You're weird. After the transformation, your appearance looks nine-tenths human, and yet you cling to the remaining part as if your precious honor depends on it.»

«Can't you understand? How can you say such stupid irrational things?» – Triana growled with sincere bewilderment.

«Alright, stop complaining. You've deserved a treat for your efforts.»

«You promised to give me a massage! I even had to strain my back!» – Triana pouted.

«I am shocked about that. But I didn't promise you anything. I said I would think about it. Alright, tail up. You'll get your massage after the treat.» – Kyon grinned slyly.

Triana was happy like a little girl: «You can be so good!»

«Yeah… Sure…» – Kyon mumbled, scratching his head. He took out a bottle filled with a substance that looked like yogurt heated the contents with the heat element.

«Is it sweet?» – Triana wondered. – «I am going to like whatever you've made for me! Purr… You are the best cook I know.»

«Thanks. It's crème fraiche. Put this blindfold over your eyes for a better effect.»

«Uhm… Okay.» – The unsuspecting tigress obediently put on the blindfold.

«Don't even dare to bite it, I don't have another bottle.»

Triana nodded. Then something warm, slimy, and obviously tasty pressed against her lips.

«Open your mouth.» – Kyon said in a strangled voice.

The tigress obeyed with a thoughtful frown. She was troubled and full of doubt about the master's plans. Why did he give her the blindfold? What crème fraiche was he talking about? Before she knew it, hot viscous liquid filled her mouth in moderate portions. Triana tasted it, then swallowed, licked her lips and took off the blindfold.

«So, how was it?» – Kyon asked her. He was sitting on the ground, short of breath.

«It has a… particular taste.» – She said absent-mindedly, smacking her lips. – «I've never tasted anything like this. It's neither fish, nor meat. It isn't salty, nor sweet... But it's quite filling. I like it! Can I get some more?»

«You can, but you will have to earn it with your good behavior.» – Lovr mumbled, leaning back blissfully on the moss. His mind was floating on a sea of pure bliss, he could hardly keep his eyes open.

«Alright. I will be on my purrfect behavior.» – Triana purred and stretched like a cat. She went into the tent and made herself comfortable on the leopard skin, waiting for the master to join her. She was going to purr for him and lick her face as usual. He was quite tasty after all.

Tonight Triana was going to sleep with one eye open, that is, expecting the tournament participants to show up at any time. She couldn't miss any of them. She had to rob and undress everyone. The owner said so.

{I am being too gentle with her… What for?} – Kyon couldn't understand why he cared so much for his trophy. The tigress who would have killed him on the spot if she had been free even for a minute. He had saved her from a terrible fate the hunters had in store for her. Indeed, she was lucky to have an owner like him, but he was not her benefactor! He didn't risk his life for her happiness. He did it only out of his selfish reasons. He should have been tougher with her and made her give him a blowjob. Instead, he decided to take things slow. There was something exciting, thrilling, electrifying about it.

Lovr had read several books about the supreme beasts' passion for food. They were quite gourmets, ordering reproductive organs, brains, tongues, or seed served in a glass. Some preferred it sweet, others consumed sour creamy liquid. Some appreciated it mature, others liked it young. To keep it short, tastes differed. In their empire, there were even milking parlors for these purposes. They considered every detail in the production that dated hundreds of years back: from the formation that automatically collected the "product" to the diets that help to produce the seed faster and gave it a certain flavor, shade, and consistency. Lovr thought of the dairy farms that were so wide-spread on Earth. There was nothing indecent about the milking process in the supreme beasts' empire... with rare exceptions. With all this in mind, Kyon decided to make Triana a gourmet of his own "milk."

The tournament was coming to an end.

After meeting Dick Baker, Haya hurried to find the other participants to rob them and get some clothes. She was lucky enough to come across the first victim soon, but the things turned out to be several sizes larger. Anyway, it was better than the stinking wolf pelts she had. The next meeting ruined all her hopes and dreams. She met the ugly freak once more! The damned bastard stripped and robbed her again! Haya was desperate to pounce on him, rip out his eyes and shove them up his fat ass, but fear held her back.

In total, Kyon had met and robbed about 130 participants, including his mates from Cernos. According to his spies, the remaining participants were disqualified for various reasons, which meant that he had robbed everyone at least once. Many of them met him twice, some three times, and the most slow-witted even more times. The second meeting with the cute princess was no worse than the first. Lovr would never forget the shock written across her face when she "voluntarily" undressed once again to the accompaniment of his nasty comments while he was recording the processes. He doubted there would be a third meeting. The princess must have figured out that someone had messed up with the tournament formation.

Kyon had gained over 800,000 keys altogether. It was a colossal amount. No school had ever been even close. His victory was guaranteed.

As for Triana, spending time with a human didn't seem so terrible for her anymore. Nice moments outweighed all the negative ones, among which was his "human nature" in every sense of the term, his constant mockery of the supreme beasts' mentality, as well as his unwillingness to satisfy her curiosity and answer the most interesting questions. Anyway, he had every right to keep his secrets. Wretched mysterious man! Among the good things was delicious food, massage that she had to earn, and, since recently, his caresses before going to bed. She got used to sleeping with the owner. His touches and weird glances at her naked breasts, his nightmarish appearance and obese physique no longer disgusted her, mostly because he never crossed the line.

Every evening, the tigress looked forward to the moment when the owner blindfolded her and treated her to the delicious dessert. Alas, the portions were too small even if he had the whole bottle of it. Damned greedy master! Triana couldn't understand why she had to keep her eyes closed, and the owner didn't explain...

The tigress really liked the treat. It was rich and nourishing with a pleasant aftertaste. She longed for the moment when the hot, creamy liquid streamed down her throat, and then unspeakable lightness lingered in her body for a long time. She wished she knew the secret ingredient of this mysterious dessert. Anyway, her master definitely had a gift for cooking!

Also, Triana became addicted to the owner's heavenly touch. His fingertips seemed to be made of invisible divine feathers. When he scratched behind her ear, Triana lost perception of time and space, purring loudly. He showed her affection, and she experienced something that she had never felt either with Fenrir, or with her father, or with the servants that gave her massage. It was something between tenderness and desire to bury her head in his gentle hands. In general, the tigress could get used to this life.

It was seven o'clock in the morning, five hours before the participants started to arrive (being late was punishable with disqualification), but the stands were already crowded with spectators.

Franz was among them together with two beautiful girls. Marina, the charming blonde, and Julia, the charming red-head, snuggled close to him. Both girls seemed to be head over heels in love with the handsome young man. The three of them attracted hundreds of admiring and envious glances. Numerous male spectators tried to find an excuse for themselves: if Franz weren't so good-looking, the girls would have never even looked at him.

Prince Charles was accompanied by a pretty brunette. The prince didn't seem to be in his best shape. He looked haggard and unhealthy. The last two weeks turned into a nightmare for him. He had lost a stage in cultivation, missed the tournament, lost the crown. His reputation hit rock bottom. An unquenchable fire kept burning in his underpants. Nothing could ease his tortured life, no matter what he did. Finally, Charles acquired a slave girl to blow off some steam. He had chosen a tough one, strong enough to endure his appetite, or he would commit an unspeakable crime again.

Many wondered why the prince did not participate in the tournament and came to the conclusion that he had been training to the bone. Well, they were right in a way.

A little further, the Stones were waiting for the ceremony to start, among them Lee, Stephanie, as well as patriarch Bai and his beloved daughter Diana. They were eager to know what place Cernos would take. After all, the forest tournament was way more prestigious than the family tournament with the royal families taking part in it.

As usual, the citizens of the Iron Throne occupied the lion's share of the seats, but this time, several hundred high-ranking persons from other kingdoms had arrived. They all wanted to see the results and find out what their school had achieved. The spirit of competition was in the air. The guests and parents from Athens (1) and Liberia (2) started the most heated debates.

«I beg to differ! Three brave princes are more effective than a skinny princess! Together they can turn the entire forest upside down! They can get a star from the sky if need be! The boys would do anything to get the main reward!» – A plump lady declared loudly in defense of her position, without ignoring the norms of etiquette.

«You must be joking! Princess Haya is a genius among geniuses. People like her are born in Athens once every hundred years. She is destined to take first place! Our princess must have collected more keys than your three princes combined! Unless they were unlucky enough to meet her and lose the contents of their rings!» – A sturdy man from Athens retorted, disagreeing with his interlocutor.

Disputes like this were heard everywhere. No one discussed other schools, though. It was quite obvious that they would never win. The pressing question was who would take first place, Athens or Liberia? Their victory meant above all the success of the whole kingdom, not only the school's triumph.

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