«Kyon! Why the hell didn't you warn me?» – Franz asked furiously, banging his hand on the table. It was their first face-to-face meeting in several months, and it started like this.

«It was a surprise. How did it go? Too bad?»

«No… Not at all… It was amazing! The princess almost ate me alive! But if I had known, I would have been prepared, and everything would have been even better!»

«The effect would be different. Haya might have suspected something was wrong.»

Franz ran his fingers through his hair and wearily rubbed his eyes: «Okay, never mind. You're the boss, but you could at least tell me about your plans concerning me! I make more freedom of choice when I buy tobacco than when I decide what to do with my life!»

«I will.» – Kyon nodded, understanding his resentment. Now it was time to harvest bright emotions. His nucleus was almost full. Kyon had received the first 5% from Juno for cleaning her keys, she also gave him 10% before they parted. XiaoBai gave him 30% for winning the tournament. Flitz added 10% for returning him his youth. Vladimir granted him 5% for getting rid of the demons. Wolf provided Kyon with 10% for setting him free, and Marina gave him 10 % literally five minutes ago. He still needed to get 20%.

Over the next few minutes, Kyon prepared his interlocutor for a heart-to-heart conversation and finally asked the crucial question: «What do you think about the prospect of becoming the crown prince? How are things going for you right now? How's your love life with Marina?»

Franz lit his pipe and let out a puff of white smoke, looking at his master with a tender smile: «I used to go with the flow, living carelessly with no ambitions. I took pleasure in street fights, booze, and hookers. Even my career path as a formacist was determined by my father's belt and a sudden talent. Everything changed after I met Bai, Diana, and later Marina, who looked just like Bai's daughter. The girl became my only joy in life. She gave me a chance to have children with her. So, I had to nut it up and began to work hard for the Stones and save money for sunflower Ra that could heal my seed.» – He puffed on his pipe grimly, leaning back in his chair. – «As it often happens, everything went south. Marina disappeared, my health deteriorated, I had a falling out with Bai. My bones told me I was at death's door. I still wanted to make my dream come true, but I would never leave my dear girl with a baby in this cruel world. Some hundred thousand spheres and Juno's patronage were supposed to provide Marina with a good life, but then fate kicked me in the gut when your wife bought sunflower Ra! My plans went down the drain... And when I plunged into the abyss of despair, the wizard named Kyon appeared.» – A grateful smile played on his lips. – «You saved my life and gave me a new one. You granted me tremendous talent and revived my dream! However, training in Cernos almost broke me, showed me how weak and decrepit I was. Marina was almost disappointed in me, but you did not give up on me! You helped me get back on my feet and get my revenge. You provided me with a beautiful girlfriend and a patron rolled in one! Thanks to your instructions, Marina has fallen in love with me! You are the reason for my happiness!» – Tears of gratitude flowed from his eyes. – «And now I am going to be the prince of Athens and the future king! With their resources, I will be able to unleash my potential and become stronger to take responsibility for my women! I will be able to protect them! I don't know if one life is enough to thank you, Kyon…» – Franz shook Dick's fat hand. – «You are a miracle given to me by heaven. Thank you.»

Lovr felt as if a whole lake of bright emotions poured down on him. He got the missing 20% ​​almost instantly! The number of bright emotions emanating from Franz exceeded everything that he had ever received so far! If the theory was right, the surplus would go to the next stage of the body of the void, and it was at least 30%!

However, it wasn't pure luck. Kyon had planned everything. Even demons would envy his cold-hearted, ruthless calculation. It's generally known that the higher they rise, the harder they fall. This rule works in the opposite direction: the deeper into the ass, the cleaner the air outside. Keeping it in mind, Kyon had two goals. The first step was to destroy Franz's dignity.

Since the very first days of his stay in Cernos, Franz had been facing "setbacks" and pressure from all sides. Birds constantly shat on his head. Bribed waiters added laxative into his tea or spilled the contents of the cup on his pants. The teachers gave him low marks and humiliated him, and the students waited until he was alone to give him a good thrashing while Kyon didn't give him a single bodyguard. When Franz was near Marina, his disasters accumulated even faster. In fact, Kara's help wasn't something unexpected. The demoness adored Juno, and Marina was almost Diana's copy. Small wonder that she got interested in the beautiful blond girl. All this drove Franz crazy, he lost the will to live, and the relationship with his dear Marina was getting worse and worse. He thought that the whole universe was against him.

Actually, Kyon had designed the most powerful blow even before Franz entered Cernos. He knew about Nulan's orientation. That's why he had chosen Smirnof as a family name for Franz. According to the documents, the principal's cousin came from that family. As expected, Nulan Grand found out that the handsome student had no one to back him up and invited Franz to his office, unafraid of consequences.

Meanwhile, Lovr was playing a role of an outside observer who had nothing to do with all that. He forbade Franz to accept Nulan's invitation, but it was a no brainer that he was desperate to find a patron and stay with Marina.

Thus, Kyon had diverted all possible suspicions from himself. He made poor Franz believe that he was his benefactor who only wanted the best for his servant and, at the same time, made him feel guilty about everything. After all, if Franz had obeyed his master, he wouldn't have gotten into trouble.

After their fatal meeting in the office, Nulan began to blackmail Franz, and in the end, raped him. Lovr could hear everything through the bugs at his wedding night with Kara, and he could have sent the bodyguards to stop the principal at any moment, but he didn't. He had sold Franz's ass for his own good!

In fact, it was also a kind of revenge. The former formacist once gave him away to the mercy of Juno the sadist. Now they were even, with potential for the win-win cooperation.

The second step was to revive discouraged Franz and even raise him to a new level of being.

Kyon would have never succeeded in pulling him out of the depths of despair if it hadn't been for Marina. She had motivated Franz to accept Kyon's help, just as planned.

First, Lovr created the fight club and, with the help of Stephanie, promoted the former formacist to the leaders. Being at the top of the hierarchical ladder, which also included Marina, Franz's self-respect rose from the ashes and sky-rocketed in a matter of days. He made a good leader, and Marina started to take a keen interest in him.

Kyon did not stop there. He gave him Julia as a slave, which allowed Franz to get his revenge and a patron in Cernos. It also took his authority at school to a new level, after which Marina realized that he was a desirable man. It boosted his self-esteem yet again. To achieve the maximum result, Kyon only needed to instruct him on how to treat the woman of his heart.

Both steps together gave an explosive effect of fall and rise that transformed into gratitude, bright emotions. If Kyon's nucleus had no restrictions, it would be filled with light at least by 300%.

Kyon took a deep breath, feeling peace in his soul and body. Synergy managed to stabilize his excessively good state of mind due to the balance of the dark and light emotions in his nucleus.

«Franz, I guess you do understand that I didn't give you to Haya for nothing.»

Franz wiped a tear that was rolling down his cheek: «Of course, I am not so naive as to believe in altruism. Tell me how exactly you are planning to take advantage of my position?»

Kyon clenched his hands together: «A week or two after you become the prince, I will come and clean out the Feruzovs' treasury. I will need you to give me the password for the family legacy and show the formation to the guard at the entrance.»

Franz smiled sourly: «So I'll have to run away? I'd hate to hurt Haya. She's nice... But I don't seem to have any choice. The most important for me is to keep Marina and Julia safe. If you gave me some time to escape…»

Kyon patted his shoulder encouragingly: «I have everything covered and got you an ironclad alibi. You won't have to run anywhere. Just deny any connection with the thief. Sooner or later, they will leave you be.»

Franz breathed a sigh of relief at first, then frowned with concern: «What about my pill? It's been about three months since I took one… I don't want to become old all of a sudden.»

«Sure…» – Kyon took out a fake pill and gave it to Franz. – «Here. If I am not around next time, you will get it by bird mail.»

«Thank you… Thanks a lot!» – Franz shook his hand tight.

They talked about life and discussed their plans and then they said goodbye.

Franz, Julia, and Marina left the school building and headed to the point of departure near Boston, where a large lizard-like flying beast was waiting for them.

Haya was sitting on the saddle, swinging her legs in the air. She narrowed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief, seeing two dazzlingly beautiful girls next to her future husband. Then she scoffed and shrugged indifferently.

{Where did he find them?} – The beauty of her husband's concubines surprised the first princess. She was even more amazed by the red-haired girl, whose cultivation was an entire phase higher than his. Poor girl must have fallen for his good looks...

Soon they took off.

Marina and Julia leaned their heads on Franz's shoulders, while Haya was sitting alone on the opposite side of the saddle with her arms crossed. She was pretending to be asleep, but her angrily twitching eyebrows betrayed her. At some point, Franz tried to hug her and got a black eye, which calmed him down until the end of the trip.

Julia could hardly hold back an evil grin. She was on the same side with the first princess of Athens and would gladly beat Franz herself.

Over the past two months, her life had completely changed. The free bird was locked in a steel cage with a thick padlock. Nobody could save her, nobody could help. Neither grandfather, nor Nulan, nor mother were aware of the subjugating formation on her forehead. It was all because of Franz. She hated him to the core, but recently something had changed.

Her terrible life as a slave had long turned into a routine. Julia got used to her master, his depraved nature, and insatiable desires. She noticed that he had changed his attitude towards her after she decided to take the initiative sometimes. Julia quickly realized that she could raise to his maid or even his girlfriend with due diligence, and she loved the prospect of a promotion! She even started to envy Marina! Julia was torn between hatred and a desire to change Franz's attitude towards herself. It was rather weird.

Meanwhile, Kyon sent Julia's grandfather, the military officer, a visual formation of Franz's intercourse with his granddaughter, as well as a copy of the agreement to give Julia to slavery signed by Nulan and his wife.

It was his revenge on principal Nulan. Would he live after this? Fate does as it pleases.

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