Kyon rented a top floor room in one of Boston's most prestigious hotels. He opened the door with a keycard and saw an exquisitely appointed room: a crystal chandelier, furniture made of lacquered patterned wood, shining marble floors, a comfortable king-size bed, a glossy white bathroom with a shower. Anyone would stand frozen to the spot, absorbed in this luxurious interior design. Only rich people could afford to spend a day in this place.

«It sucks.» – Triana muttered with disdain, emerging from invisibility.

Kyon smiled. The difference in cultural values ​​was striking. What was delightful for one seemed gross for others, but her opinion didn't mean a thing to him: «You'll get used to it, baby tiger. We are going to live here for a month, maybe two.» – He had been meaning to rent the entire hotel, but it might have drawn unnecessary attention.

Lovr noticed Triana casting a brief glance at the corner of the room and warned her at once: «Hey, I forbid you to mark the territory! The bathroom is over there…»

«I wasn't going to! I told you that only children and stupid males do this... I am too mature and reasonable.» – She claimed, waving her tail.

«By the way, I order you to take the complete human form as we agreed in the forest. And get rid of your growling accent.»

«Alright…» – The tigress reluctantly obeyed. Her pointed ears, tail, fangs, spiky papillae on the tongue, and purring disappeared without a trace. She completely resembled a human, or rather, a stunningly beautiful girl with platinum hair. She twisted her face in a grimace of disgust as if she were smeared with sticky honey. – «Since I don't have a tail anymore, can you give me panties without a slit?» – She asked, straightening her underwear in the crotch area.

Kyon took some out of the ring and threw them on the bed: «Choose any.»

Triana looked thoughtfully at the panties of different colors and styles and grunted: «But they are all slitted! They look so weird... You must be kidding me! They are made so because you like looking at my pussy…»

«I will often order you to return the tail and the rest, so consider it investing in the future.» – Kyon retorted impassively and threw a school uniform to her. – «It's your clothing. You'd better get used to it soon.»

She put on human things with the expression what-are-they-even-for. The uniform consisted of a short white skirt, a blouse, and long stockings with shoes. The white color perfectly matched her hair and ivory skin. All in all, her dazzling appearance could leave breathless a good share of the men on this planet.

Kyon hugged the tigress from behind and buried his nose in her hair, inhaling her scent. She was really good!

«What are you doing?» – Triana was taken aback. She couldn't understand why he was being like this. He was gentle and caring but why? – «Stop licking me... I'm ticklish! And my claws itch. If I don't sharpen them, my unique body won't evolve! When can I start working out? You promised in the forest!»

«Follow me.» – Lovr came to his senses.

They left the hotel and went to the next building - the training center. They went to the underground floor, passed a long corridor and entered the very last door.

The room with thick metal walls contained a dozen slabs glittering scarlet red.

«Where are we?» – The tigress asked, looking around.

«This is your training room with thirty tons of ultra-strong scarlet lebirrium in the center. It must withstand your claws for at least a few weeks.»

«I highly doubt it.» – Triana retorted skeptically.

«I paid for them about a million spheres. You're high maintenance, you know. Well, at least I didn't have to buy a litter box. Aren't you going to thank me?»

«No, I am not. You have forbidden me to practice in the forest.»

«I see…» – Kyon nodded. – «I will be in the next room trying to break through into the superior phase. You will stay here and protect me. I don't think anyone might appear, but everything is possible.»

«Huh…» – Trina tilted her head, puzzled. – «Are you completely insane? Who in their right mind would break through into the next phase, being only in the ninth stage? Do you understand that the probability of failure is about one hundred percent? And if you fail, you will hardly reach the superior phase ever again! Ah, I get it. You must be joking…»

«I am not. And I am sure I will succeed.» – Kyon said confidently. The sensations in his soul couldn't lie. His nucleus was whispering that he could pull it off. He wasn't going to wait for about a month until he reached the peak of the advanced phase.

«You're a reckless fool! The way you behaved at the award-giving ceremony! You were lucky to get the main prize only thanks to the king and your indescribable impudence, but now no one will help you! Heed to Princess Tirindun's advice and don't do the stupid thing that you will regret for the rest of your life.» – She said coldly.

«I hear you. Now make sure that no one enters my room.»

Triana sighed sadly: «As you say, master.» – Suddenly, she remembered something. – «By the way! Will I get a massage for my service?»


«Great! Also, could you make me that mysterious viscous drink? Only add some honey, please.» – Triana begged him, her hands put together, her eyes glowing.

Kyon coughed into his fist in embarrassment: «Of course, darling.»

«Thank you!» – She cried out with joy.

He walked into the empty room that resembled the previous one and took a lotus position on a soft pillow. First, he had to think of an action plan for the next month or two. Soon after Franz's wedding, he would go to Athens for a few days and then to Dantes.

But above all, he had to finish upgrading his head. The body of the void had four conditions to complete the current stage: harvesting two types of emotions, as well as souls and elements, preferably from quality medicine. Last time, the last condition almost killed him, but it also granted him an unimaginably upgraded head, both in terms of strength and other features. However, his unique body kept whispering to him that only half of the work had been done. He could continue at any time. Judging by the sensations in his soul, it was an ongoing and time-consuming process that could make him defenseless for a while, but it was certainly worth it.

He wanted to spend this time in Cernos to give Triana a taste of human society and harvest some darkness from the students at the same time. However, the Cernos students' asses had hardened, and Dick's tricks might be ineffective against them. Besides, he would hate to meet the Hunters or the sect envoys. Of course, Triana would protect him, but it wasn't worth the risk.

Anyway, he had to get Triana a family formation. She needed a kind of cover story, so Dick took out his sound transmitter and called the Bakers to send him a skilled formacist for a tidy sum.

Kyon breathed a sigh of relief, took the Rising Hawk pill that he had stolen from Juno at the Stones party and swallowed it.

With this high-quality medicine, the probability of a breakthrough was about 100%, but Kyon was only at the 9th stage, not the peaking one, which reduced the chance a hundred times. Only a few would dare to take the risk, but he was confident of success. His high-ranking body wouldn't lie.

The pill dissolved in his stomach, and its energy rushed to the keys and into the soul. Soon, he heard the muffled scream of a thousand hawks. With every minute, the sound grew louder and louder, gradually becoming unbearable. It was inevitable, although the intensity of the noise differed depending on the quality of the medicine. It was as if gods tested the practitioner's willpower and spirit. If they were not strong enough, they would fail, blocking the transition to the next phase forever. To ease mental stress, practitioners entered a coma-like meditative state, during which they were defenseless.

Kyon flashed a scornful smile. Synergy shut down all the irritants emanating from his soul like a magic pill for all trouble. He felt completely at peace with himself. His mind was crystal clear. Nothing could prevent him from concentrating on transformation.

As a rule, breaking through into the superior phase didn't take more than two days, which couldn't be said about higher phases. It could take several days, or even weeks. Apparently, a day would be enough for Lovr.

As expected, twenty hours later, he opened his eyes wide with satisfaction.


Triana rushed in, nearly breaking down the thick metal door, shock written all over her pretty face: «You really did it! You broke through! But how?!»

«Like this.» – Lovr snapped his fingers loudly.

«You mean you have overcome the most difficult stage just like that? Come on! I am not buying it! What's your secret? Spit it out!» – The tigress roared in a commanding tone, grabbing the master by the jacket and shaking him from side to side. She had no doubt that even a highly gifted practitioner would have failed. Was her owner a real genius among geniuses? Or did he use another trick? She had to find it out!

Kyon gave her a forehead flick and then suddenly kissed her right on the lips.

«Huh?!» – Triana was taken aback, twitching in a funny way.

Reluctantly, Kyon pulled away: «Don't forget the order not harm me in any way…» – And pounced on her again, this time using his tongue. She was so delicious! Kyon missed her warm, dangerous mouth. He could eat her up.

Triana's embarrassment quickly gave way to excitement. She sucked on the juicy piece of meat in her mouth, savoring its taste and aroma. She wished she could take a tiny bite! Her master must be insane if he put it in the mouth of a predator... Anyway, she didn't mind a little bit.

A few mind-blowing minutes later, Kyon said: «Wait for me in your training room and don't even peek in here. I am going to prepare a treat for you. See you soon.»

«Alright!» – Triana licked her lips and went to practice, playfully wagging her ass. She could get used to this. Games with the "mouse," an everyday treat, and a massage on the way! Being harnessed by a despicable human, she couldn't ask for more! Even if the owner acted weird at times, he was never beyond the pale.

When Kyon was left alone, he analyzed the changes after the breakthrough and immediately noticed that Synergy had leaped from the intermediate level of the student's degree (2) to the peak level! As expected, the essence of the universe grew stronger with each new phase. Then he checked the quality of the elements, but there was nothing unusual about them besides the standard enhancement.

Kyon's servant entered the room and handed him a couple of several rings.

{Finally!} – Kyon rejoiced, clutching the long-awaited delivery from Dantes.

It took more than two months! Collecting debts required a lot of time. Numerous families that had made a deal against the Stones' victory in the tournament went bankrupt and refused to give their money away. Even the Golden Pig guild took their time to deliver a big order that included lots of various medicine and two precious artifacts. Finally, it took a great effort to discreetly deliver the package from the capital to Boston so that no one could track down where the goddess's messenger lived.

The money Kyon had received from the phoenix, Valeera, and blackmail had multiplied many times thanks to the numerous families in the Iron Throne. Adding to this the ten million spheres Kyon shook out of Bai, minus XiaoBai's commission, he had made a whopping 121 million spheres!

Kyon had spent 1 million on heavy-duty metal for the tigress's claws. He had given 4 million on bribing the teachers and on all kinds of expenses. About $ 10 million had gone to the Bakers, including the recent order to send a formacist for Triana. Also, the guild had received 96 million spheres. At the moment, Kyon had only 10 million spheres left.

Lovr had to complete the last condition of the body of the void: to fill the core with elements, and today he would definitely do it! It was time he got stronger…

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