«I remember you telling me that I am locked with you in the cage? You claimed that I was bound to lose? So?..» – Dinah asked in a mocking voice, playing with a dagger. She could feel that his elemental energy had become unstable, which meant another one or two blows, and he would be defenseless.

{Body of the void, my faithful friend, you have saved me from Valeera and Triana, so help me again! I call upon your help!} – Kyon prayed in despair. There was nothing left but to expect a miracle. He wasn't counting on it, anyway. Kyon had appealed to his body of the void a thousand times, but it was as silent as the grave.

«Well, cat got your tongue? Your words mean nothing, and your love confession is an empty sound? I knew it... What a shame... What a disappointment. Anyway, I will be only happy to interrupt your wretched life.» – Dinah said with icy disdain.

«Ha-ha… Ha-ha-ha… Ha-ha-ha-ha!» – Lovr laughed suddenly. All his anxiety and worry had inexplicably disappeared.

«What's so funny? Have you gone insane?» – Dinah frowned.

Kyon smiled confidently and turned to the goddess's student: «I've already won, dearie!»

He was beaming with confidence and determination, which gave Dinah a bad feeling: did she miss something important? She couldn't ignore Kyon's unexpected bravado because he was capable of anything! She shouldn't underestimate him again...

«What the hell are you talking about? Are you completely deranged with fear of inevitable death? How can I possibly lose to you?» – Dinah exclaimed emotionally, squeezing the dagger and taking a protecting position.

«Because the sovereign has said so!» – Kyon let out a heart-wrenching roar, activating the Eyes of the Truth at 10000%.

It seemed to Dinah that she was looking in the eye of the Lord of All, whose word was the law. Kyon's stare had become so tyrannous and frightening that no ordinary girl could resist such an impressive will. Dinah's body went numb, her heart froze still, her soul trembled in horror. The hated boy seemed to her the most terrible and invincible creature in the whole universe.

The second Kyon had gained, he used to jump high in the air and activate the Falling Scourge. Ten tons started their deadly fall straight on Dinah's head... There was no doubt she wouldn't survive it. At the very last moment, Kyon shifted the sword to the side.


The ground shuddered beneath their feet as there was a local earthquake. Huge cracks spread from the epicenter of the blow on the fortified floor that covered the whole arena. A thick pillar of dust rose into the air filling all the space above the arena.

The shock wave sent Dinah flying a couple of meters away. As she got up, she retreated even further, her legs shaking from fear.

Kyon said impassively: «You've lost.»

Dinah shuddered. The recent events had shocked her to the core. She wanted to see Kyon tremble in fear, begging her for forgiveness to finish him off with a peaceful mind. Dinah had never suspected that this scumbag could be so despotic and willful? She must have been wrong about him.

Finally, she pulled herself together, grabbed the dagger and pointed it at her sworn enemy: «I… I haven't lost! I can fight while you can barely stand on your feet! I am determined to end your life!»

«There seems to be a leak in your determination.» – Kyon grinned.

Dinah looked at her wet leg and burned with shame. She felt so embarrassed that I wanted to sink through the floor. The goddess's student had wet herself in front of the thousand spectators! Everyone could see what was happening here! She would accept it with understanding if her master killed her after all.

Dinah was about to immediately rush at the bastard and cut him into pieces for humiliating her when she suddenly stopped: {What am I doing?} - She understood that it would be a despicable thing to do. If Kyon wanted, he would have killed her with that powerful attack. If she didn't accept her defeat, it would mean that she didn't have any honor or dignity left. Her Great Master would give up the pathetic student whose life had been spared by the winner. Dinah wondered why he had done it. Was it because he was afraid of her master or because he really loved her?

Meanwhile, Lovr could barely stand on his feet. He was running out of power, energy, and Synergy. He had won only because the body of the void had hinted that he could use the full version of the eye technique. All he had to do was to use more Synergy to make the Eyes of Truth so concentrated that they acquired a new feature of extremely effective intimidation. From now on, he would call this technique the Sovereign's Eyes.

The completed head upgrade granted the owner a spiritual attack that every practitioner dreamed of. They were extremely rare and dangerous because they instantly attacked the soul at any distance as long as there was eye contact. Kara used a spiritual attack at the Stones' party, but it was of a different type. Kyon would soon find out that the power of the Sovereign's Eyes depended on three factors: the soul cultivation, the degree of Synergy, the victim's emotional background and their cultivation.

After a moment's hesitation, Dinah put the dagger away and claimed pretentiously: «I must admit, I dropped my guard for a second and,as a result, suffered a humiliating defeat. However, if my great master hadn't destroyed my initial cultivated unique body to create a new one, a hundred times better, then I would have become a peaking lord phaser by now, and you would have died like a dirty dog! You have been lucky, boy... But my revenge won't be long in coming.»

Kyon snorted dismissively: «I've kept my word and won. What about you? You promised to prove that I am no rival to you. You told me I would choke on my own words. You threatened to cut off my cock... And so what? You have wet yourself, my little Dinah! You peed in your panties in front of all Cernos students, like a little baby girl! And now you're trying to justify yourself like a fool! If it were up to me, I would spank your little ass to teach you a lesson!»

Dinah's was burning with rage, she was shaking, her breasts heaving as she struggled to control her breathing: «You're asking for trouble! I could kill you for your impudence right now! This time you've gone too far, asshole!» – Kyon got her steaming like a fresh pork bun. She moved forward to attack him…

«That's enough.» – The goddess's ephemeral voice resounded everywhere, penetrating the hearts and the souls, leaving everyone in awe before its owner. Out of nowhere, there appeared huge shining eyes created from energy.

Dinah dropped to her knees in fear and awe and bowed her head.

The deity focused her look at Kyun, expressing her discontent: «You humiliate me, humiliating my student. I should turn you into dust as a punishment, but it's the girl who should kill her sworn enemy.»

«Goddess!» – Kyon exclaimed resolutely. – «If you can't make her keys completely pure, I can do it! I can offer you a deal if you wish to make your student a genius among the geniuses!»

The eyes released an invisible pressure that knocked out the air from the lungs: «The ignorant kid dares to underestimate the highest being... I have limited the purity of her keys during the battle for a reason. Her victory can't be quick or unconditional. Otherwise, she won't get satisfaction from her revenge, which might harm her potential.»

Kyon wanted to say something else when he realized that it was still difficult for him to breathe. He was shaking with rage. As expected, the goddess had arranged everything so that her student could win with great effort. That's what would have happened if Kyon hadn't activated the Sovereign's Eyes, the feature that he had discovered by pure chance and that the heavenly bitch hadn't taken into account.

The bright eyes looked at Dinah, making her tremble with fear:

«Your shameful defeat is humiliating for your master. Your lack of confidence has played a crucial role. I will deny you access to energy for five minutes to discipline you. Accept your deserved punishment.»

Dinah hurried to bow: «Yes, my great master. Your student accepts your punishment with dignity. Thank you for disciplining me.» – She raised her head and looked at the fat freak. Five minutes in his power? It's no punishment, it's torture! But Dinah wouldn't dare to complain. Even to herself.

The vision of the giant eyes dispelled. The translucent protective barrier had lost its greenish color and became completely transparent like it was before the battle. It was still soundproof, but anyone's presence could be felt from inside and outside.

{Five minutes? So, the barrier won't be removed, and can I teleport!} – Kyon wanted to sing with happiness. The goddess didn't want Triana to kill him, after all! She meant it for her student who was for the whole five minutes in his full power! Great.

Lovr glanced at the thousand shocked students and one stunned tigress and turned to defenseless Dinah with a predatory smile on his face.

«What are you up to?» – The pale goddess's student mumbled, quickly retreating until she reached the barrier with her back. She could feel her cultivation plummet to the base phase, which meant she was absolutely defenseless!

In the blink of an eye, Kyon was near his beloved girl, ready to pounce on her. His chronic love had taken over him. He was going to take full advantage of his minutes with her! The chance of the century wasn't to be missed.

Dinah screamed indignantly: «Don't touch me with your dirty paws, monster! Don't you dare!»

She looked even more attractive now in her sweat-soaked thin robe that stuck to her skin, emphasizing every curve of her flexible, slender body. Her long, toned legs were closed tight in the premonition of something terrible. Panic was written all over her face, her eyes filled with fear and despair.

«I've missed your tender, sweet body!» – The fat freak grabbed Dinah by her black hair, pressing her delicate lips to his. Her sweet aroma went to his head, making him feel giddy. His soul was on fire with perverted chronic love, demanding physical intimacy.

«М-m-m-m-m-m!» – His sickening thick lips and disgusting tongue turned Dinah inside out. When his sausage-like fingers crawled under her skirt and into the panties, touching her innermost part, she began to squirm and wriggle furiously. The damned freak was caressing her pussy! She had never been more disgusted in her life. Dinah's eyes welled up with tears. If only she were more confident in herself! If only she hadn't given in to that terrible stare! What a shame…

To Lovr's approximate estimate, it would cost about an infinite amount of money to touch the goddess's student's pussy like this. No living being on the planet would ever have been given this honor, including him. Dick Baker was incredibly lucky. However, who else but her sworn enemy could have punished Dinah for her misdeeds?

«Huh, a fat freak like me has made you so wet in front of a thousand spectators… You're so depraved, my little Dinah. You must have missed my thick cock! You don't mind doing it right now, do you?» – Kyon decided to intimidate her, pulling his huge Damocles Sword out of his pants.

«NO! DON'T! DON'T YOU DARE, DICKHEAD!» – Dinah screamed desperately, shaking her head and wriggling like a snake, trying to escape. Her tear-streaked face was distorted with horror. Was the loathsome, ugly freak going to **** her in front of a thousand witnesses? It wasn't something the goddess's student was dreaming of doing!

Suddenly, Dinah noticed his previously hard penis go soft.

{What the...?!} – Kyon's jaw dropped to the floor. However, he knew who was behind his failure. He just wanted to tease Dinah, play with her emotions, but the joke turned into an unfortunate truth.

Dinah understood what was going at the instinctive level and was relieved beyond words. Her gratitude to her master had increased by order of magnitude, while her hatred for the fat freak had significantly enhanced. She said, gloating: «What's the matter? The dirty animal has lost his erection? What a shame! You've won in the battle but can't get the prize! Let me go, spineless scumbag, or I will die of laughter!» – Poisonous mockery oozed out of every word she said, generously seasoned with contempt.


Kyon slapped the arrogant bitch across the cheek: «Use your head, stupid fool! Do you think I would fuck you here? I'd rather give you a good over the knee spanking.» – He put her over his knees and started spanking her bare, tight ass really hard with one hand. He ran the other hand under her robe and into her bra, kneading mercilessly her breast. It was no less pleasant to punish her in front of everyone.

~smack~ ~smack~ ~smack~

Dinah clenched her teeth, heroically holding back painful groans, but it did not help. Her ass was on fire, her breast numb after his rough kneading! She was happy that the master had saved her from being raped, but she could use some help now that a thousand overexcited teenagers were watching this obscenity! Dinah's eyes welled up with tears of shame. However... At the same time, her lower abdomen was getting hotter and hotter. Damned body of the partner training! If only the ugly freak was in Kyon's body...

Meanwhile, Triana was watching her former owner spank the goddess's student, which aroused a turmoil of contradictory feelings in her. She started to doubt Lovr's hierarchical status. She must have been awfully wrong about him!

~smack~ ~smack~ ~smack~

Kyon went on: «Stupid piece of shit! Do you think a goddess's student can get feisty with me? Sooner or later, you will be pleasing my penis because you were born for this! I will pull you on cock day after day until you can't live without it!»

Dinah felt her vagina contract after his nasty words. These sudden amazing sensations turned her painful grain into voluptuous moans. She gave the fat freak a scorching stare:

«I don't care for a single word you said… You were born a slave and are of no importance to me…»

Kyon flashed a sly smile, took out a medallion with the image of the sun and showed it to Dinah: «Do you recognize this coat of arms? It belongs to the Torres family, the most authoritative family in Saturn after the Walders. I had it on my neck when I was given away as a baby to my foster parents. What do you think is the value of the Torres' descendant? Any higher than the Stones' superior maid? Exactly! A million times higher! You're worthless garbage against me. But, unlike you, I couldn't care less about it. I have already decided to make you my maid.»

«You're lying!» – Dinah responded emotionally. – «Why should I believe you? You could have created this medallion by yourself!» – She had never liked Kyon. Being a born slave, he had dared to look at her as if he owned her. Had she known he belonged to the Torres family or was qualified for such overbearing behavior, she would have treated him seriously and, possibly, with interest.

«You can ask your master. The negative answer would mean that she is using you for some reason. She might give you away to her real student as soon as you reach your potential. In case of a positive answer, you might stop hating me. Perhaps, you will come every night to me for a portion of hot sex.»

Dinah made a tsking sound: «Fuck you! Even if you are Torres's descendant, it does not justify the terrible things you did to me! Anyway, you were a pathetic slave at that time, and it's the only thing that matters! Enjoy your power over me until it lasts. You will be in that cat's paws in two minutes, and there you will die, dearie.» – She spat with an evil grin on her lips.

Just then, Kyon's internal timer went off: {Two minutes! It's time to hit the road!}

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