Kyon had blocked Dinah's keys with four accurate blows, temporarily depriving her of access to the elements.

Her face distorted with pain and hatred: «You will bitterly regret it!»

«You have thrust me with your dagger twice, so fuck off, skank!» – He took out five sleeping pills and tried to shove them in her mouth, but they disappeared into thin air.

{The goddess won't let me sedate her student! Well, to hell with her…} – Lovr twisted Dinah and tied her arms and legs, wrapping them in adamantium like in cuffs. Just in case, he stomped his foot, creating a two-meter deep pit and threw Dinah down there like a potato bag. She let out a shriek as she reached the bottom.

Having done everything to protect himself from his dear girl, Kyon threw a teleportal mold to the floor, filled it with nephrite powder, keys and spheres, stood in the middle and activated it. There appeared a barrier above his head; the keys turned into green energy that flowed through his body. The teleportation had begun, which put Kyon's mind at rest.

As a matter of fact, some barriers didn't allow teleportation within their area of action. Many families protected their treasuries in this way. However, the goddess's barrier left him a chance to escape! It was as clear as day that she wanted her student, not the tigress, to finish him off. Besides, the goddess was likely to have arranged all this for Kyon.

Lovr's heart was beating fast. Preparation for teleportation would take about a minute and a half, which meant that he still had time. Finally, he would break free from Triana's sharp claws! He yearned for nothing but to breathe the air of freedom once again!

Triana looked at Lovr with eyes wide open, pounding at the barrier with her fists: «No! Don't you dare to run away! Don't make me angry, monkey. I don't let you leave!»

~tick~ ~tock~

Sixty seconds…

Kyon waved to the tigress with a naughty smile: {I understand your desire to kill me, but my life is worth infinite times more than your hatred. However, I won't hold a grudge against you because you are my woman. I said so. I won't lift your punishment, but you will like it. Wait for me in a couple of years, tiger cub.}

Suddenly, Kyon heard a suspicious rustling sound from behind his back. He turned around and saw the fog rising above the pit and materializing into Dinah with her hands and feet free.

Chill ran down Kyon's spine. The shadow style didn't require elemental energy, it was a unique body's feature! That is why Dinah could use it with blocked keys, which meant that he wouldn't have avoided consequences even if he had known about it.

«What's with the face, dearie? Didn't expect to see me?» – Dinah smiled gloomily, rubbing her wrists. She knew that the fat freak was about to escape with the teleportation trigram and understood perfectly well that she was holding all the cards.

Forty-five seconds…

«Dinah, if you want revenge, take it into your own hands!» – Kyon cried out anxiously.

Dinah giggled: «Of course, I want to kill you myself, but even more than that, I want to destroy your plans! You have nearly raped me in front of everyone! How can I give up this chance to take my revenge at once?»

«Silly girl! I was just messing with you! You would have seen it yourself if the goddess hadn't intervened!»

«Liar!» – Dinah snapped. – «You spanked me in front of everyone! You've been molesting me! Pawing me!»

«I did it out of love for you! What do you care for some school kids? The goddess's student will never mind what some insects think! They don't know who you are, anyway!»

«You humiliated me before my master and myself. That's what really matters.»

Kyon said through his clenched teeth: «Imagine how happy you will be when you kill me with your own hands!»

«That's what I will do as soon as interrupt your teleportation, silly boy.» – She said almost kindly, tossing her long black hair behind her shoulder and taking out the dagger.

Thirty seconds…

Lovr shook with anger and despair. He had no time nor resources for another teleportation that was so easy to interrupt: «Your master suppressed the purity of your keys to make your hard victory only sweeter, and now you want to go against the goddess's will?»

Dinah shook her head: «You're my enemy… It's my revenge… I know better how to take it and find peace of mind.» – She stood next to Kyon, with her arms behind her back, puffing out her chest proudly. – «I can give her a chance. I might let you teleport if you drop to your knees, begging me for mercy.»

{I… want to… strangle her…} – Kyon thought, gritting his teeth with annoyance. There was so much superiority in her eyes as if the bitch was deciding the fate of a tiny ant who had dared to bite her. It was quite obvious that she would humiliate him even more the moment he dropped to his knees. Anyway, he would never do it of his own free will.

Ten seconds… Five… One…

As soon as Dinah swung the shadow dagger over the barrier created by the teleport trigram, Kyon used summoned the rest of Synergy (about 10%) to activate the Sovereign's Eyes, but she instantly turned her gaze away as soon as she noticed his eyes start to glow and ruthlessly destroyed the barrier. The green glow around Kyon had disappeared. The teleportation was interrupted.

«I WILL KILL YOU!» – Lovr barked, raising his right arm to hit Dinah on the head.


The fist went through her: the goddess took her student away at the most crucial moment. The protective barrier that was holding back Triana also disappeared. A buzz of voices filled the arena.

«I thought you would run away, monkey!» – The tigress exclaimed happily, pouncing on her precious prey and tumbling him on the ground.

Kyon caught his breath. He had won the battle but lost the war. His promising plan had gone down the drain. Even if he could turn back the time and be gentle with Dinah during those 5 minutes, nothing would change. Dinah would do anything to ruin his life. Take that lap dance for an example. This turn of events was inevitable. Kyon would give a hundred million spheres just to slap his dear girl across the face, but the goddess had taken away her student ahead of time, destroying his idea that she had been secretly supporting him.

The school idol took the fat freak in her arms and jumped into room number one in front of a thousand of students. Then she drew the curtains behind them.

«It's incredible! Dick had really defeated and humiliated a lord phaser! Eighteen stages between them and he came out the winner! I have never met anyone like him before!» … «Actually, the goddess's messenger pulled off the same feat!» … «It's true, but Kyon kept the opponent away with the help of explosives that are not part of his strength, while Dick Baker bravely hit the lord phaser in the forehead!» … «I think that the goddess's messenger is a hundred times stronger. He must have already reached the noble phase by now. He would beat the shit out of Dick Baker in, like, two seconds!» … «The goddess's messenger is so handsome while Dick Baker is a dirty pervert! Did you see that? He got inside that girl's panties and spanked her! I would burn from shame at once!» … «Does anyone have any idea who she is?» … «She must be from a noble family, judging by her looks. I wouldn't be surprised if the Bakers are behind all this. Who else would have arranged such a spectacular appearance out of thin air?» … «Hmm, it sounds reasonable…»

The students would keep talking for another good hour, however, no one would suspect Dick Baker of being the famous goddess's messenger, and there were four reasons for that: Dick Baker's painstakingly thought-out image was flawless; their fighting styles were too different (no one had seen or felt the annihilation sphere); Kyon as everyone remembered him would never spend the whole year in Cernos boondocks, he was a high flyer. Besides, the fat guy's cultivation was too slow: he was at the 9th stage of the advanced phase at the forest tournament, and now he was only five stages stronger. Far from outstanding. It was officially estimated that the goddess's messenger had evolved from the 7th stage of the base phase to the 7th stage of the advanced phase in just two months. It was really impressive.

Today, the Cernos students learned the most invaluable lesson: your name, looks, and character don't matter. It's the outcome that does. If you succeed, no matter when or how, you should not worry about other people's opinion.

Thanks to Dick Baker alone, the Iron Throne took first place in the tournament. He had screwed three if not four incredibly beautiful girls and delivered the kingdom from the despicable prince, doing all this under the guise of a miserable loser! He had earned everything that he gained during this academic year. They all had been wrong about him.

Looking ahead, the students' parents would come to the same conclusions when they heard the news. Many months ago, they began to complain to principal Nulan about Dick Baker in response to numerous requests of their offsprings, demanding to expel the cheater, but in a week, he became a prince under Queen Vlada's patronage. When Baker lost his title, they began to file complaints again. This time, Dick Baker enlisted the help of Vladimir, the new king, after taking first place in the forest tournament. They couldn't do anything to get rid of the annoying pest, banging their heads against a brick wall. Soon they would realize that the students were misleading them. Their punishment would be severe enough.

«Are you sure that you do not want to take revenge in your own hands?» – The goddess asked.

«My master, you advised me to listen to my heart, and it told me what to do. If Kyon dies at the tiger's paws, I will accept it as if I have taken his life myself. However, he is evil and devious enough to survive... In that case, I will gladly take revenge in my own hands. Some day.»

The goddess dressed in white was meaningfully silent.

Dinah realized that her master could see her through, so she hesitantly added what had been worrying her recently: «My master… Is it true that he is a Torres?»

«It is. He is a pure-blood descendant.»

Dinah gasped in amazement. His worth was significantly higher than hers! Now it was clear why Kyon was so handsome! Anyway, it didn't justify his behavior…

«You don't need to worry about it. He is just your sworn enemy, who wanted to **** you in front of the whole school. Keep a close eye on him.» – With those words, the goddess vanished in haze.

«Yes, master. Thank you.» – Dinah bowed respectfully. She made herself comfortable on the cloud and began to watch what was happening in room number one of the Cernos dormitory. It turned out that Kyon had asked Triana to give him some time to have a rest. He didn't want to die exhausted. The tigress agreed and hugged him from behind as her most precious property.

As nothing interesting was going to happen, Dinah turned away from the screen and put her hand on her forehead. She had a weird feeling. If the master wanted to punish her, why did she do it through Kyon? Why did she mess up with his erection so quickly? She could have waited until the last second so that he couldn't justify himself! The master seemed to be deliberately adding fuel to Dinah's hatred for Kyon...

Kyon's words were haunting her. What if the master was really getting her ready for the real student? It sounded only reasonable, given her unique body of partner training. Sooner or later, she couldn't do without a partner. What a terrible idea. The first poisonous seed of doubt had taken root in Dinah's heart…

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