Kyon stared at the deathly pale face of the unconscious woman and marveled at her incredible beauty. She had slightly curly fair hair, delicate facial features, not a single wrinkle on her smooth glowing skin. Her lips were like cherry blossoms carved by a skilled craftsman. The shape of her eyebrows and eyelashes was amazing, despite her eyes being closed. She looked like a creature from another world, beautiful, sweet and innocent as if she were a goddess of fairies. Gods had granted her the key to conquer any man's heart. So this is what moon creatures looked like!

Lovr almost unconsciously touched the tender cheek of the dying woman and infused it with Synergy. To his surprise, her overcultivated soul hardly resisted the intrusion. She must have been exhausted. Kyon scanned her body and found many internal injuries, from broken bones to severe concussion. Suddenly he gasped in surprise: the woman was 322 years old! She smelled like death from old age! This beauty would have died of natural causes in a few years even if she didn't die of wounds.

Kyon knew that overlord phasers (9) had such a strong connection with their soul that they could control many of the body processes, including staying young by increasing metabolism. However, it came with a price - an increase in life expectancy. And yet, this woman had always maintained her youth by sacrificing at least a hundred years of her life.

{Wait, what?} – Lovr noticed her hymen with Synergy. What a confusing contradiction. It's one thing to maintain beauty for her husband, but she wanted to stay young and beautiful just like that! Well, can any man truly understand a woman?

Kyon felt this vice-like grip squeezing his heart. Was this valuable biological resource going to disappear from this world without reaching its potential, that is, without leaving any progeny? It would be a disgusting blasphemy from Kyon's point of view who always overestimated the value of beauty. It was like walking into a beautiful wild forest that had miraculously grown on a desert planet and burning it down.

{What if I save her?} – It sounded challenging. The woman would surely be grateful for this. However, the potential gain from this would be less than from the contents of the ring on her finger. Besides, it wouldn't be so easy because of the severe brain damage. He wouldn't have time to finish the treatment, anyway. As soon as her soul regained enough strength, it would deny his Synergy access to her body.

Kyon tried to apply a subjugating formation, but to no avail. The soul resistance was now at the noble phase level, and Kyon could apply a formation only on those who were a couple of stages stronger than him.

Next, Lovr infused her brain with Synergy to give up this idea altogether when, to his surprise, he found out that only one area was damaged, the one responsible for memories. What an unlikely but fortunate coincidence!

{Total amnesia!} – Kyon's eyes lit up. It meant that he could cure the woman, rob her, and even use her power! Why the hell not? He could always disappear if her memory came back to her. He urgently needed a bodyguard! Besides, this woman had saved him from the demons, albeit unintentionally! Kyon made up his mind, but he had to think it over. Only, he had no second to spare.

Lovr took the ring off her hand and infused it with Synergy, not to heal her but to keep her alive so that she would not die on the way. He took her in his arms and rushed to the second woman. It took him less than half an hour to overcome a dozen of kilometers. Kyon found her alive but in a deep state of unconsciousness. He had no doubt that she would die in 10-15 minutes.

{Also alive? This one is tougher…}

Kyon was dumbfounded once again when he pulled the woman out of the ground. She had dark brown curly hair and skin silky and soft. Her face looked haughty and arrogant but inexplicably captivating. A line of pearls ran through her parted lips. Her eyelashes like sharp arrows and arched eyebrows seemed to belong to a pixie, a mischievous but very attractive pixie.

{Are you kidding me…}

Kyon poured Synergy into the woman's body and gasped. She was an exact copy of the first woman in all respects, starting with age and virginity to brain damage. Moreover, they were paternal sisters, even if they looked like polar opposites.

Lovr concluded that it was the rainbow sun effect, otherwise, the odds of getting the total amnesia for both women was about one in a trillion. But how to explain the fact that the sisters were fighting to the death? How could they have the same father, being from different moons? Where were they so different in appearance? Only their lips, nose and ears looked the same. Well, the size of their tits and butts was also pretty similar.

Kyon cast aside all unnecessary thoughts and emotions and poured Synergy into this woman's body just enough to keep her breathing. Then he took a back road to the nearest city with both of them in his arms. If someone had told him two hours ago that he would soon acquire two beautiful monsters with amnesia, he wouldn't have believed it even if his life depended on it.

In the evening, Lovr arrived in the nearest city that was badly damaged by the blast wave. The residents' behavior could be described in one word - panic. Someone fled, shouting about the end of the world, others locked themselves in their houses, and the most daring watched the rainbow sun that was gradually fading in the stratosphere.

Kyon rented a room in one of the most inconspicuous hotels. A couple of thousand spheres helped the owner to forget about two bodies wrapped in cloth that the "unremarkable traveler" brought in. There was no one else in the hotel for obvious reasons.

Kyon created a kind of a wide bath with the earth element, took off the remnants of the women's torn clothes (he tried to tear them off, but the cloth was too strong) and thoroughly washed their bodies of blood and dirt with the water element. Both women, even being terribly wounded, looked indescribably enchanting, attractive and seductive. Every curve of their bodies was an exquisite piece of art.

Kyon got overexcited mostly due to their enchanting, out-of-this-world scent. How could some pheromones have such a strong effect on his mind? The analysis of the structure of their aromatic molecules left Kyon completely confused. There was some unexplained anomaly. Was it some enchantment energy? Or a soul imprint? How else to explain this unhealthy magnetism… it remained even without smell. One glance was enough.

Lovr had always suspected that something was wrong with this world. A ten-point scale for assessing female beauty didn't work here. Even Juno defied any calculations, which didn't make any sense, no matter what insane aesthete appreciated her. Anyway, if Kyon was playing by someone else's rules, nothing prevented him from using Synergy to keep sain.

As if by magic, Kyon suppressed the lion's share of inappropriate feelings and desires, put the women in bed, flushed the water down the drain, and turned the stone bath into dust. He needed to sit down and think about a plan of action.

Kyon didn't hesitate for a second: he was going to deceive the monsters to have total control over them. Well, it was nothing new. The women wouldn't hold it against him, anyway. He had saved their lives after all! It didn't matter, though. He would be far away from them by that time, just to be on the safe side.

Task number one: how to delay, if not prevent, the moment of getting their memory back?

Kyon came up with two effective methods. He could rejuvenate them to about the age Juno was when they first met, and they would hardly recognize themselves and each other, or he could slow down or stop their recovery with Synergy. They regenerated many times faster than ordinary people. However, how could he do this if the healed soul wouldn't let Synergy enter the body? Lovr had a solution.

He applied a formation that transmitted Synergy directly to the area that was responsible for memories so that he could easily get access there. He also started the rejuvenation process, intending to turn the women into young girls. Their bodies would do everything on their own, i.e., his Synergy was no longer required.

Rejuvenating bodies was a thousand times easier than making them old. The organism perceived the first process as a treatment, but it tried to fight the second process as a disease. However, it was impossible to turn the opponent (who didn't resist Synergy) into a baby. There was a minimum age that could be trespassed due to physical and biological limitations. It was rather difficult to revert the reproductive system, the brain, the immunity and so on... The body resisted obvious degradation, as well as a deadly disease, as well as aging.

Task number two: how to manage the young girls as effectively as possible?

On his way to the city, Lovr came up with the perfect legend for his new personality: the girls' father, a middle-aged man. It would be the best solution to manipulate them as a "dear daddy." He would be a reliable, serious man, not in the least like Lovr, Kyon, or Dick. His name would be Zosimos.

This personality could have another purpose. If he added a couple of basic features from Valeera's father, who he saw in the illusory world, then it would be much easier to infiltrate her organization as he would inspire trust on an instinctive level.

Some minutes had passed. Dick's fat body gradually transformed. He grew taller. His hair started receding, his facial features changed. Soon the young man turned into a tall man in his fifties with expressive pale blue eyes, stern bushy eyebrows, a large nose, masculine features, albeit a little chubby cheeks, dark hair with a receding hairline, and a large beer belly. Zosimos gave the first impression of a mature, experienced man who had seen a lot in his life. When he took a lotus position, he resembled a highly skilled government official or an important baron.

Kyon looked in the mirror, pleased with himself. His new identity inspired confidence at first glance.

Lovr had the feeling that something important was missing. The perfect image required more than a new appearance. He racked his brain and thought of such an important factor as smell. How could he forget about it! Lovr would have died as a fool the moment he came to Valeera like this. The solution was simple, he had to upgrade the corresponding glands, which wouldn't take more than two days with his Synergy of the Bachelor degree.

Next, Zosimos applied three formations on each girl: a visual and audio formation to see and hear what was happening with their eyes and ears, just the way he did with Marina in Cernos; a sound transmitting formation to communicate with them without a sound transmitter, the way he did with his subordinates; a tracking formation to determine their exact location to within a meter at a distance of a thousand kilometers away.

The three formations made it easier to control the girls. And yet, his success depended on his acting skills and improvisation. Lovr wished the girls happened to be humble and obedient. However, judging by one of the girls' demonic appearance, there would be nothing meek about that one.

After a moment's hesitation, Lovr cleaned their keys by 99% each. The rest of his Synergy was enough to upgrade their nervous system. Why not make them stronger and more talented if they were meant to be on his side? Anyway, he would disappear as soon as he noticed their memory was returning to them. There was nothing to be afraid of? Even if he was unlucky (as usual), they wouldn't kill him out of gratitude.

Kyon nodded to his plans and thoughts, took the girl's rings encrusted with gems and tried to look inside, but he could not. He was lost for words. Was it possible to create a spatial formation with a password in this world? Kyon thought of doing it once, but he gave up this idea. The ring would spew its contents out if damaged, breaking and destroying things inside. He saw it happen in the tomb, where he found hundreds of damaged nephrites and made Juno collect them (he was still to acquire the knowledge from the only surviving one). If he had set a password on the ring that Valeera stole from him in the library, things might have turned out differently. However, a password on the ring was in general quite useless.

Soon, Lovr realized that it wasn't so easy to crack the rings. It would take a couple of centuries as the speed at which the channels released energy was slow, unlike a computer that could go through a billion passwords in a second. Lovr wasn't going to destroy the ring even if he could do it with Synergy (he figured out how to do it, creating inverted pockets). Anyway, he was in no rush to find out what was inside, and he might bitterly regret destroying the rings and their contents when the women regained their memory.

{Never mind.} – Kyon hid the rings and proceeded to heal the girls. He was playing with fire, but he enjoyed taking the risk if the game was worth the candle.

The marriage formation was the only thing that worried him. In a month or two after the first demon squad failed the task, they would send another one. However, it wasn't that bad. It would be a great opportunity to fill the core with souls...

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